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S03.E09: The Stakeout

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The new episode is up and streaming on nick.com!:





I'm...confused, honestly.


From what I got they're a part of the Red Lotus and they broke off from the White Lotus because of a difference in ideals and they're more anarchistic.


It feels like Unalaq's name drop felt out of place like they were trying to get him more involved beyond the generic villain that he still is.


On the on hand, i'm glad the Book is finally progressing with the last few episodes, I just wish it didn't take as long as 8-9 episodes to do that since they only have 13 episodes to work with.

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Felt weird to watch the show 3 hours sooner than I normally do, but it looked good on the screen.  I found it a little weird that it took Zaheer so long to get to what he wanted Korra to do.


- "We wanted to kidnap you to open the portals." "Yeah, did that."

- "Oh, okay.  Well now we want you to overthrow entire governments."  "Yeahhh.  And how am I supposed to do that?"


The episode had more room for funny character moments than I would have expected, like Bolin and Asami playing that game, or Korra apologizing to Naga and getting a tail in her face.

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I'm glad that the story is developing and the Red Lotus is getting more screen time. Like the first poster, however, I am a bit confused. These are some impressions I had:


It feels like Unalaq's name drop felt out of place like they were trying to get him more involved beyond the generic villain that he still is.




- "We wanted to kidnap you to open the portals." "Yeah, did that."
- "Oh, okay.  Well now we want you to overthrow entire governments."  "Yeahhh.  And how am I supposed to do that?"



Completely agree with these two points. For all the suspense surrounding the Red Lotus' goals, wanting a world without governments seems like a naive political ideal to hold. Zaheer's characterisation thus far has been that of an avid reader of Guru Laghima which makes me think that he actually thinks this is a good idea for the world and not that he has underlying ambitions of power. But his argument that 'disorder is order' could just as easily justify Fire Lord Ozai's genocide. Chaos is the natural order only if it happens freely, and in the cases he mentioned: the Earth Queen, the Prime Minister and the Fire Lord, chaos is a pure result of human freedom to form government. Yes sometimes horrible things happen as a result of corrupt government, but ultimately having freedom means also having the freedom to be corrupt. When he quoted "New growth cannot exist without first the destruction of the old", that sounded an awful lot like Ozai's mission to burn the world to the ground and become Phoenix King. I hink Zaheer is not as smart as he thinks he is, which is a shame. 


> It seems that it is confirmed that Lava bending is a part of Earth bending along with Metal and Sand bending because of Bolin's comment "I'm giving him ammo". So it's safe to say that Lava bending is basically changing the temperature and consistency of Earth. Is he first to do it though? Why is no one on the show commenting on how innovative his bending is? On the positive side, this show's animation is at its best at bending fights - and this one was no exception!


> Spirits seem to be very selective as to where they live, don't they? They loved Republic City and this random town we saw in this episode, but none of them were to be seen in Su's city or Ba Sing Se. I just found that odd and jarring. 


Side note: the humour on this show is so hit and miss - but I also loved it when Naga hit Korra and when Bolin was asking Korra to change the rules of the game. Did NOT love the Bolin's backstory humour scene which painfully seemed to last forever.

Edited by lovedwallflower
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> Spirits seem to be very selective as to where they live, don't they? They loved Republic City and this random town we saw in this episode, but none of them were to be seen in Su's city or Ba Sing Se. I just found that odd and jarring.


Same here, I would've thought the Harmonic convergence would have more of an effect than just some vines in RC and some spirits floating around in certain cities.



Side note: the humour on this show is so hit and miss - but I also loved it when Naga hit Korra and when Bolin was asking Korra to change the rules of the game. Did NOT love the Bolin's backstory humour scene which painfully seemed to last forever.


Yeah, it's very erratic, I hated his movie star subplot in the last book when it took too much time.

Edited by FAU
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I'm a bit curious as to why the show is streaming the rest of the season now rather than putting this on TV.


Idk, but mostly it's because of the low ratings which are caused by Nick's incompetence in terms of promotion and scheduling (and even more after major episode leaks), that and it got replaced by more Spongebob repeats.  The move happened more than halfway into the season and was only announced a few days before the last TV episode aired.

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