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Everything posted by CinnamonCW

  1. Vote for Abbie here and keep it up! Poll ends next week so keep the closing day in mind when making an effort - http://thegeekiary.com/poll-fiercest-female-lead/26213
  2. If everyone isn't already following new writer Leigh Dana Jackson on Twitter then I recommend you do. Everything he says makes me confident about Season Three because he's clearly enlightened - https://twitter.com/LDJackson/with_replies
  3. Nominate ‘Sleepy Hollow’ in EW’s TV Season Finale Awards! They extended the eligibility period so ‘Parks and Rec’ could be included, which is understandable, but ‘Sleepy Hollow’ aired Tempus Fugit the 23rd of February (the cut-off was the 24th). People are pointing this out to them on Twitter and just nominating ‘Sleepy Hollow’ anyway. :) Link - http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/18/tv-season-finale-awards-nominate-here?hootPostID=fbe46ceb22c68ec0dbabf30b690aed75 I'm voting for Katrina in Best Death/Exit.
  4. Someone on Twitter created a petition to get the cast on Jimmy Fallon which I think is a good idea. Ignore the fact that Orlando is still included! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/sleepy-cast-on-jimmy-fallon
  5. Blessed Be, an Abbie-centric Twitter campaign! http://sleepyhollowhub.com/post/113865833806/hello-sleepyheads-the-purpose-of-the-event-is-to (Details in the link) Let me know if this should be moved to the Abbie thread.
  6. It started on tumblr and now people are #Misoning (posting selfies with one eye-brow raised [or not quite]) on Twitter - https://twitter.com/hashtag/misoning?f=realtime&src=hash
  7. By the time bad reviews really exploded in the MSM circa November they were filming 2.13-14. Kurtzman/Orci would have had to get in line. FOX was already demanding changes. Adding the Jenny scenes in 'Pittura Infamante,' writing Hawley out at the end of 'Kali Yuga,' and omitting Katrina's original role in 'What Lies Beneath' are some of what likely resulted from meetings with FOX (including one around the time #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter peaked). Kurtzman/Orci had been on other projects and drama of their own since leaving Goffman behind mid/late Season One. It's IMO unlikely they'd abruptly decide to fundamentally change the show upon departing and that Goffman was somehow just left with instructions to carry out this soapish, Katrina-centric agenda. Goffman's influence would widen with K/O's exit, not shrink. Not to say they're blameless! Just IMO at worst they moved on creatively from 'Sleepy Hollow' and just hoped for the best. Of course they would tow whatever the party line was in interviews (what else would they do?), but IMO all evidence and likelihood points to Goffman as the culprit. .
  8. Aaaand Goffman is out! http://tvline.com/2015/03/10/sleepy-hollow-mark-goffman-leaving-showrunner-season-3-renewal/
  9. Looks like another Twitter event has been scheduled - http://sleepyhollowhub.com/post/112881755841/hello-sleepy-hollow-fans-we-will-be-trending-the (More details in the link) Nicole deleted the InstaGram photo; I hope this hasn't gotten her into any kind of trouble. I don't think it would though considering just about every cast member has thrown some sort of shade at this point, LOL.
  10. 10 Reasons You Should Come Back To Sleepy Hollow This is pretty funny! Well said.
  11. Maybe someone else can be of better help (I know little about DVR stuff) but if you're currently living in a giant pile of snow thus remaining home tonight like me then you can still participate without Twitter by watching on Hulu Plus or the FOX website - http://sleepyhollowhub.com/post/111619703486/sleepy-slumber-party-saturday-feb-21 PS - Someone needs to give Aaron Baiers on award. He's doing the work Goffman should be doing.
  12. No they've definitely filmed in New Bern - http://www.newbernsj.com/news/local/sleepy-hollow-provides-economic-boost-to-city-exposure-for-palace-1.432752 It was a big deal there I guess too. Hope to see Grace Dixon or any of Abbie's ancestors in the finale!
  13. Glad someone posted this because there's actually a list of campaign activities posted now. Many are Twitter campaigns, including a trending event this coming Monday. Looks like there's too long a list to actually quote it here though - http://sleepyhollowhub.com/post/111580570131/updated-sleepy-hollow-renewal-campaign-and
  14. Funny you say that because someone just posted this - http://dottierthanthou.tumblr.com/post/111468465831/im-in-new-bern-and-i-saw-the-woman-who-plays Onira Tares portrays Grace Dixon. WRT time-travel paradoxes, I wrote a very nerdy post on tumblr about the different dimensions, how time isn't a line from point A to B even though that's how we perceive it in the third dimension, etc. Long story short, going back and changing certain events doesn't mean setting off a chain reaction. Also remember that Katrina didn't use science. She used magic. IMO this gives the writers a lot of wiggle-room.
  15. Just to clarify, I saw the exchanged referenced above on Twitter. He didn't say they've explored her past "enough." What Baiers said was that although they already focused on revealing some things about her past (such as her mom) they want to find more and that it's a "huge" topic they've discussed going into Season Three. I'm saying this because I actually jumped into the exchange myself. Here's a link - https://twitter.com/abaiers/status/562503421639397376
  16. Oh, hahahaha. Yes, that's also a meltdown of sorts, but from a "fan" named Sandra. She's made many racist comments, including one directly to a black fan on Twitter who wasn't even @-ing her. But any7way, she lost her mind after Katia's poor me Tweet and started going crazy on @Abaiers and referred to us (Abbie fans, basically) as thugs. I think there are some screengrabs on tumblr.
  17. Also, Tom Mison has always been pro-Ichabbie. The only change was relatively recently when he said something about how Ichabod and Abbie would never choose each other. But that came across as having come from above, especially with what they were trying to push for a while. So whereas this isn't necessarily indicative of storylines to come, IMO it's significant that he feels he can just say it.
  18. Exactly. I don't understand why people interpret that as "randy Ichabod" sleeping around. I read it as any other show show where they bring in women to play off the guy just to forward the plot. And yes. The person that posted it really does have a source and whose info has panned out in the past. But it is always emphasized that TPTB may decide to go another way.
  19. Oh that one. I misread the original post; I thought it had said an interview with Kurtzman, not Goffman. Thanks!
  20. I want to see this for myself but can't seem to find it anywhere. Is someone else able to locate this?
  21. From @Abaiers (Aaron Baiers, who is apparently head of Kurtzman/Orci Productions from what another fan told me cause I don't know) on Twitter - To be fair this was the only one that came in to #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter to respond. He interacts with fans sometimes even very angry ones, and always seemed sincerely concerned and sympathetic to us. So, who knows.
  22. - I was far more interested in the gang’s story once they left high school. Not saying the latter seasons were always as well-handled and executed, I just don’t find the problems of middle/upper-middle class white kids in California all that meaningful. - The best thing about ‘The Body’ was SMG’s performance. MT, ASH and AB were very good too. NB and AH were heavy-handed and melodramatic which took me right out of the episode. They should have omitted the stupid shirt fiasco and wall-punching scenes and instead stuck solely with EC/Anya’s reaction. - Spike wasn’t exceptional, nor did he go against canon. Harmony, Holden, Drusilla, even Dalton going back to Season Two had and displayed “humanity.” No, Spike didn’t get a soul due to a change of heart over the whole vampire thing and wanting redemption for the lives he’s taken, but he also didn’t do it just to “get” Buffy back. IMO that is a false dichotomy. He clearly felt bad he hurt Buffy and realized after the bathroom scene that she was right their “relationship” was killing her/ a symptom of her self-destruction (remember also the umpteen, “You don’t have a soul!”) and not some epiphany about belonging in the darkness as he thought. So he regained his soul out of remorse for hurting Buffy (and Buffy alone), remorse he had only because he happened to love her. He had no idea what having a soul would actually end up doing to him. - Not only was Spike interesting in every form but I never understood serious (ie, non Buffy/Angel or Angry Xander Fan motivated) claims he took over the show. In 15 years I haven’t seen one argument for it that stood up to scrutiny. - I do however think they did a poor job of handling Buffy and Willow’s story after they went to a dark place. I think they underestimated the audience's need to see the fallout addressed and their lives rebuilt in a satisfying way. - Angel/Angelus was the exceptional one. Without a soul he retained little to no humanity and was especially cruel and calculated which IMO says a lot about Liam and en-soulled Angel. Not that Angel/Liam was responsible for Angelus’s actions, but who he was shaped Angelus. It bothered me how they treated this in the early seasons in order to keep with the teeny-bopper outlook of the world. - I think Angel was a boring, smarmy control-freak. It didn’t help the way they tried to distract from this by creating a martyr of him at every turn. He became a little better on his own show. - Were it not for the heavy-handedness, the crack/magic storyline and Marti Noxon’s decision to punish fans she disagreed with by including the attempted rape/Lifetime interlude, Season Six would have been a spectacular fucking season. Dare I say my favorite? - I don’t ship Buffy with Angel, Riley, or Spike. - Xander embodied too many of the so-called Nice Guy™ qualities for my liking. Though he was funny in a Chandler-esque way. - I sympathized with both Riley and Buffy at the demise of their relationship. - I have no opinion on the fallout after Buffy skipped town then returned re: ‘Dead Man’s Party.’ They were all just kids thinking they knew things about things and I just don’t care and quickly moved on. - I empathized with Buffy in Seasons Five and Six more than any other season. Really these were the only times she was interesting to me. - I loved Tara!
  23. IIRC there were rumors of a falling out over how 'Scorpion' runs at the same time as 'Sleepy Hollow' which Fox refused to move. But I thought it was only rumors and we don't even know if a falling out even took place. The Orci/Kurtzman twitter account ( @ abaiers) is active in the 'Sleepy Hollow' discussion on Twitter. In fact they've been about the antithesis of how M. Raven Metzner has behaved. Seeing that just makes me hope they swoop in and fix it.
  24. I agree the piece was a bit scatter-shot. It came across to me though that she had a bone to pick while trying to balance the article out by touching on other flaws, only it didn't exactly pan out. IIRC, one of the creators follows her on Twitter. I do think she watches the show but I could be wrong. I think she did a great job of unapologetically calling out the white-washing and Hawley. She also got in some biting digs too: "Does Abbie ever long for the days before dealing with Ichabod's relatives became her top priority?" /"Why Sleepy Hollow decided to prioritize a white women who is constantly one step away from being tied to a railroad track over Abbie, Jenny and Irving, three of the most refreshing and inspiring characters of color — and just characters in general — on TV is honestly a question that likely has no justifiable answer." /"That's why it's been so frustrating to see interesting, complex characters of color be sidelined in favor of giving screen time to what might be the most stale, archetypal White Guy I have ever seen on a non-CBS show." Ouch!
  25. IIRC, Goffman's comments about Abbie in Purgatory were notably derisive to many. Almost like he was getting in undeserved digs at her because Katrina had spent 200 years in there. I think it was one of the things that raised people's eyebrow when it happened but then was forgotten about until the current mess rolled around. I have a tough time believing the original plan for Abbie in Purgatory meant a meaningful arc for her. For one thing, see above: Goffman's attitude and disinterest when it comes to Abbie. She's not even an afterthought, she's a non-thought to him. Much of the time even when asked about Abbie he just can't help himself but talk about Katrina instead. The show itself reflects this too and IMO it's because it's how Goffman feels, not something he was forced into. Thus we would have gotten this whether Abbie was in Purgatory or not. After all, it isn't as if he couldn't possibly translate the hypothetical arc originally set for Abbie in Purgatory to the "real world" somehow. Or at least I find that hard to believe. IMO, this pattern indicates that at the end of the day, we got the story Goffman wanted to tell. I could be wrong; I don't want to think the show-runner sucks. But this is a forest for the trees thing, IMO.
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