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Posts posted by halgia

  1. 7 hours ago, egavasc said:

    Hello lover! I'm your queen!

    Indeed, Majesty. I do apologize for skulking about near your chambers last night but can confirm that I am your humble servant and you my Queen(ie). Baaah!

    Between the hat and caprice's popping up right after Drogo said he was suspicious of people who usually talk and don't, I feel comfortable taking a shot today. We can't let another day go by without doing something.

    1 to DL caprice (Dougal), 5 to ask the black sheep for her wool

    • Love 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:
    On 8/21/2016 at 9:57 AM, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

    An imperious looking fellow with an oranate feathered hat announced

    This caught my eye, yes it could be a typo but could also be on purpose; so I've been looking up ORA and ORAN. Nothing to report yet but wanted to put it out there so other eyes can maybe take a look too.

    I liked this as a possibility, so I started looking into it a bit. It doesn't really have anything to do with the typo, but here's an ornate feathered hat. Check out the model name:


    • Love 2
  3. Whoof.


    52 minutes ago, Drogo said:

    Of course it makes me suspicious of @SilverStormm who started the DL, but then I wonder if the intention is to make us suspicious of her so we take out another Hero today?  Or, they knew that we'd assume that SS was framed, and she's actually a Villain (?) which would be kind of brilliant.

    Starting to sound a little Vizzini-esque there....


    @MuuMuuChainsmoker this story should be Day 1, no?


    One thing that jumped out at me:

    On 8/21/2016 at 9:57 AM, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

    he had only 47 pounds and a soggy hanky in his coin purse

    So, 47 jumped out at me because it's a number strongly associated with Pomona College and, through one of the writers who was an alum there, Star Trek. Googling it it doesn't seem to be a direct quote from the show, though maybe someone can tell me otherwise. But I'm not seeing any obvious Pomona or Star Trek connections to any of our names.

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  4. It's a cute clue – not sure what to think about it. Bob is a very common name after all, and I'm generally not a huge fan of D1 DL attempts, but it seems possible?

    (By the way, my new place I just temporarily moved to doesn't have internet yet, three weeks after moving in. Also no hot water or stove [gas coming Tuesday], and we only got power this week...it's the perfect storm of flaky as hell landlord and v. flaky roommate. Not that that means anything in particular, just that I'll often be on mobile for a bit.)

    • Love 1
  5. That said: is it possible that Drogo is a bad guy leading us astray right now? For example, if he and egavasc are both wolves, then they could totally be lying about this all as long as there's no other Troublemaker in the game to call him on it...would be a pretty risky move I guess, since (a) they wouldn't know that the Troublemaker is unpicked and (b) even if it were, the seers might realize that.

    • Love 1
  6. I just watched this, and liked it a lot. And yes, Roper absolutely deserved what he got in the end. But: if we're supposed to be allowing and even celebrating him getting taken away by the "businessmen," then what was the point of everything? They're just going to kill him, maybe torture him first or whatever, and if that's all Burr/Pine/et al. wanted then they could have just killed him back in the staged-kidnapping at the restaurant. Yes, sure, the UK/US aren't so much in the assassination game (and they shouldn't be). But is actively allowing the bad guy to be taken away by presumable-terrorists/bad regime supporters/whatever really any different? They didn't even really uncover the corruption at MI6, not in any way that's going to stick legally at least.

    • Love 2
  7. I don't think we saw Barb from Stranger Things have any of the enthusiasm and earnestness that Squirrel Girl is all about, did we? I agree that she looks right, but according to IMDB she hasn't been in anything else , so....

    (Also, I don't know how that comic would work without constantly bringing in big names and then cutting to them lying beat up, but maybe it would.)

  8. Aaah!

    I was watching on a plane, with the episode ending like two minutes after we landed, but I barely noticed we had landed and everyone was getting off and such. Wow was i not expecting that.

    • Love 4
  9. Laughed a lot at Dan finding the gold: such a good unexpected shift. The furtive looks in the "who cut the cheese" scene, and Hickock saying "quite": also pretty funny.

    Basically the one thing I know about Deadwood is that

    there's some eye-gouging

    , which made me real worried about that one rando who turned on Bill — but don't tell me if that's right or not. :)

    • Love 1
  10. Loved Jane in this one. And Al. And headache-lady's mild "you must be so disappointed" in response to being swindled out of $20,000 (~$400,000 today).

    As a mildly face-blind person I totally did not recognize Nick Offerman, but in retrospect I like that scene so much more now.

    Does Al really only keep a knife locked up in a safe, or was that just a ploy to get what's-his-face to come over to him?

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  11. Just watched. Great setup to the world and everything, but I don't necessarily feel like I really got everything – maybe because it's more just putting the characters in place so far and not necessarily explaining everything yet.

    The guy who faked the Sioux attack – if he was a bandit or whatever, why did he even tell people about it? Why not just come into town and not tell anyone?

    Why did Swearingen want Driscoll killed? And why do it just by having him stabbed in his own hotel, instead of even trying to fake it at all?

    Anyway, I'd watch the second one right now if I could, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow probably.

    • Love 1
  12. Me too, me too! (I haven't watched before, other than the first episode watched at a time when I was absolutely not able to commit to watching a new TV show.)

    I'm okay to start soon, but I guess one question is – do we want to set an approximate pace that we'll try to more or less keep up with, or do we want to just have everyone go at their own pace?

    There are 36 episodes total; I think the outer limits on what's reasonable are one a week (too slow – we wouldn't finish until February!) to one a day (finish ~end of July, but maybe hard to keep up with).

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