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  1. Hate Julia. Take off your shirt, indeed!
  2. I have been kinda sick for two or three weeks. Mostly better now, if you don’t count my mental state! (Watch too much news.) And you?
  3. It’s horribly cold in my apartment andi can’t do anything but huddle under covers! Ah, The Last Dreck. Hi all!
  4. Ugh, I saw these two on Friday. Seeing Sister Wife redux.
  5. Hi everyone!
  6. Oh Lord. I really hate this show. May be grumpy because I’ve been sick all week, failed a hearing test and need osteoporosis meds.
  7. I had escargots for my70th birthday dinner, but unfortunately they were in the shell, and I relied on my friend’s bf to claw them out! but yeah, it’s the sauce!
  8. Wait, what did Rob do? I really haven’t been paying attention to this show. What do these people ever talk about—do they just fight?
  9. Of course, a couple days before the ENTappointment I have waited 5 months for, I got a cough and now the nose is runny. Covid test was negative. I really want this test, my hearing has been terrible lately! Having a ColdEze now …
  10. Is this all games? I hate games!
  11. She got kinda excited at the question and said she liked the cards she drew for me. I included btw that I was retired and had some health problems. Anyway, she said it would be a good thing IF i had people around me. So I guess that means Paris, because I have two longtime French friends there and a couple more acquaintances …. But I haven’t seen them or Paris since late 2019. And Paris is probably too expensive for me! I have pretty much given up on my longtime dream to move there, but this little reading perked me up! (I said next few years, so I have time to think about it, assuming I survive that long!). Check out In the Company of Cards on YouTube. She uses a card system called Lenormand.
  12. Sounda cool! I had a brief free reading live on YouTube with a very intelligent, interesting, Harvard-educated card reader who mostly tries to analyze the political situation. I asked about moving to France!
  13. Another love’s young dream for Brian!
  14. Hi all! I have been bingeing “Younger.” Everyone thinks 40 is so old!
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