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  1. Actually there was a scene they shared in Season 1. Kady meets with he and Marina in a car outside Brakebills to give them something she stole on Marina's orders. Also, Fen and her prophetic dreams... I think the source might be the Fairy Queen. IIRC, didn't she whisper something in Fen's ear right before she went off to her death? I really love this show!
  2. Great episode all around. I cracked the hell up at poor Quentin's bad luck while holding the bear. A freaking boa constrictor coming out of the toilet to strangle him?! Julia's confused questioning over where it came from while trying to save him was fucking amazing. Also, I need more Marina. She's amazing. Hopefully what Kady did doesn't screw her over too much. Marina is goals. Make her part of the main gang, please.
  3. Glad my girls survived! <3
  4. One of Team Texas hurting himself to beat mom and son to the mat had me smirking. I'm a bitch though admittedly. Also Justin is annoying but seeing him continue to steam Team Texas' clams and seemingly not care or be aware of it is going to be hilarious.
  5. I laughed when Sabrina said, "If you don't know who the pope is... READ A BOOK!" She's snarky when she wants to be, and I don't find her that annoying at all.
  6. Shelley and Nici gone = half the entertainment down the drain. I'll keep watching for what will hopefully be an Amy and Maya win. Don't care about anyone else, meeeeeh.
  7. Well I have never seen someone have to eat their words as much as Jim. HAH.
  8. Assuming the sisters only sell houses based on their sex appeal is kind of gross if you ask me. Say what you want about them but don't crap on their success in the business thus far.
  9. I guess I'm a terrible person because I loved the Blondes and am sad to see them go. Snatching that pen out of that guy's hand was a ballsy move. I laughed. And though it didn't work out in the end (and not knowing where the sun rises is super shameful) I don't fault them. The Firefighters are just meh, I found myself wishing for a repeat of what happened the last time three teams quit a task and raced it out. What is with the creepy guys this season? I echo the above sentiments of posters who said he gives off super serial killer vibes. And his entire... everything is just hard to lay eyes upon. And that arrogance is going to get annoying real soon. And Adam gives off weird super Jesus-y vibes that I'm not comfortable with. Maybe I'm an asshole but Bethany could do better. Whitney cracked me up. Standing there being a total asshole to poor Keith who had been digging for so long. Is this going to be her thing? Cause I'm here for it. Next week looks fun -- punting is back! Also, lots of crying.
  10. Well to be fair Cormac pretty much wondered aloud how Sukhi was able to get it. And the Hippie guys shared the same amount of disbelief. One of them even made a face while Sukhi was asking about how to hold the gun. It kinda goes both ways, just saying.
  11. Pretty good leg overall. Sad to see Cormac and Nicole gone. They were great. I loved her energy and tenacity. Definitely an inspiration. Sukhi and Jinder continue to entertain. I love 'em! I don't get the hate? They are pretty inept I agree, though at the same time they aren't nasty to one another (*eyes Rex and Bob* -- they were funny in the beginning with their snark, but now they are just unbearable -- are you Canadians *sure* Rex is one of the best ballet dancers? His attitude is way too defeatist when things don't go their way, meeeh) or those around them. Nor do they think they are better than they truly are (*eyes the Twins* -- I can't wait for them to fuck up and get booted, even if they do have the express pass now). NOR do they give off an overly fake alternative "cool doods" vibe (*eyes the Long Hairs* I truly hate their schtick -- it makes me ill everytime they are on screen). So... yeah. That's my two cents I guess. Go Team Olympics!
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