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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Why would anyone need gay rights? What with your tax payer dollars paying for conversion therapy. Mike Pence is gonna be a freaking train wreck as the most powerful VP in history.
  2. Usually a candidate will wait to make their victory speech until their opponent concedes. In a typical American election once a candidate has accepted that they have no path to victory they will privately call their opponent, and congratulate them on their victory. The victor usually then holds off on making remarks and allows the loser to make a concession speech, then the victor will make a speech. If an opponent refuses to concede and the victor is confident that he has won (usually after several news outlets confirm their projections) then the victor may choose to make a victory speech even though his opponent is still contesting the election. In this case Clinton privately called Trump to concede the race and probably told him she has no plans to make an address tonight and would make a speech tomorrow. It's unreasonable to ask him to hold off that long to address his constituency and he made the speech immediately following the phone call. If Clinton had wished to make a concession speech soon after conceding on election night it's likely the Trump camp would've allowed her that luxury. It doesn't really matter what the media says. A candidate will usually not concede until it is impossible for them to win the race, Clinton's camp made that determination, and she accepted that result. Once she accepts the result it's safe for Trump to declare victory. It should be noted that in no way is a concession legally binding, the vote is counted down to the last ballot regardless of what the candidates say and if Clinton had somehow won against the most optimistic projections of her team, she could and would become President even though she had previously conceded the race, unless Trump challenged the final vote tallies.
  3. Rings are given out by team management, and is under their full discretion. They may give rings out to anyone they deem fit. They could even give one to you for being a great fan! They almost certainly won't. But they could.
  4. That was fun, well fun for everyone except Cleveland fans. Sorry to all of you, I know what it's like to see my team lose, but not what it's like to see them lose in extra innings, in game 7, of a world series where they at one point held a 3-1 series lead. It must be excruciating, and with the way your team played through most of this post season you don't deserve such an ignominious end. Congrats to the Cubs and their fans though, now the owner of baseball's shortest championship drought! For all you other baseball fans I can't wait until Spring when we start the long road back to possible November baseball, the very best kind of baseball!
  5. Never mind. You're paying your own tab Rajai.
  6. So if the Indians somehow walk off here, Rajai Davis is never ever buying another drink ever again. Right Clevelanders?
  7. The gods demand a sacrifice of one for every game.
  8. Ok Joe, I see the wheels turning in there. NO TWO STRIKE BUNTS. And not because I want the Cubs to win, but because it offends me as a baseball fan.
  9. November Game 7 Extra Innings are the best Extra Innings!!!! But... November Game 7 Rain Delay is the WORST Rain Delay.
  10. They're already thinking of next year. If his arm falls off, they don't have to face him when he's a Yankee again.
  11. How do you lose track of a full goddamn count? I think Joe Maddon has had some kind of mental break. That's the only explanation for bunting when literally almost any kind of contact would score the run from 3rd. I'm not even a Cubs fan and I think I need to break into the good scotch after seeing this tire fire called Joe Maddon management.
  12. What the hell are you doing Joe?? Bunting with 2 strikes?? The Cubs have the most ridiculous management ever.
  13. Good feelings are a lie until the score is final.
  14. Yeah, someone's parade is getting rained on after all.
  15. Also for no reason today, Lester was doing fine.
  16. Here we go!!!!! Hold onto your butts everyone, we're in for a hell of a finish!!!
  17. Ross make up homer. Baseball is the freaking best.
  18. Wow. 2 runs on a wild pitch?! You gotta love baseball!
  19. Right? I know the Cubs are winning but the stadium sounds like Wrigley Field. Cleveland's gotta represent.
  20. Cubs are BOLD on the base paths. Proving that you gotta bet big to win.
  21. Cubs got to Kluber. That's job one. See if they can tighten up their defense now. Can't commit any more errors.
  22. Cubs are in trouble. Errors all over the place.
  23. Home run in the first freaking at bat. The only way it could've started worse for Kluber is if it was on pitch 1.
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