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Posts posted by BooBear

  1. On 2/12/2018 at 3:59 PM, Yokosmom said:

    Saw the movie this weekend and loved it, though it never pointed out that Kerrigan also came from a blue-collar background, though admittedly not an awful one like Tonya.  She (Kerrigan) was still able to play the ice princess when she skated.  All of the interviews with the wildly conflicting statements were great, because that's how it does indeed go in real life.  The Shawn Hartnett (international man of mystery who is still living in his parent's basement) character was eminently delusional.

    I have always had a soft spot for TH because I used to skate and I do know the Judges want to reward their favorites. I also think she is a good skater. It is hard to get power in jumps. The entire sport was and is corrupt.   If Tonya has any lasting impact I hope that is it. 

    I loved the move because it was so well done a lot of the points made were true. Once the event happened it was a media circus and no way they media would let it die.  Two points that bothered me a bit... if Tonya gets to speak to the audience, why can we speak back, and I would say, real life Tonya just will never get it... we know she planned the whole thing so she should just admit it.  The entire movie seems to be building to the idea that it became clear to Tonya that she would have to do something to get around the Judges -- then we are to believe she did nothing? Not buying her "letter" story.  Nancy Kerrigan is falsely considered non white trash but she comes from a tough background too. In addition to her blind mom her bother killed her father - manslaughter (a few years after these events). So clearly there was trouble there too. Personally I feel like Nancy was robbed. The figure skating community knew they couldn't let Nancy win or they would take criticism so they gave it to Oksana Baiul imho undeservingly.  I don't buy into that Nancy vrs Tonya - they were both clearly victims of the media and the figure skating authority. 

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  2. On 5/21/2018 at 7:36 AM, kirinan said:

    While this wasn't my favorite adaptation, I still enjoyed it. The casting was mostly true to what I've pictured for so many years after reading the book countless times. I thought Laurie, John, and Mr. and Mrs. March were the best-cast, but wasn't unhappy with anyone else. And while I knew I'd cry in Beth's final scene, what I didn't expect was that Marmee would be the one to set me off. Emily Watson just ripped my heart out in those scenes. All in all, it was a lovely bit of escapism the last two weekends into a world I've loved for decades.

    I thought it improved on part two. I also though Maya Hawk improved in part two but she still was not worthy of Jo. This will be my definitive Laurie only because I thought the actor had more time to shine. I liked Mrs. March being more of a normal person and not so saintly. Perhaps this is the book but I still have trouble understanding why Jo falls for Professor Bhaer and is left cold by Laurie. I also agree that Laurie is so rebounding with Amy. Even worse I suspect that marrying a sister is a way to stay in Jo's life forever. I have always suspected that both endings probably were forced on Louisa May Alcott by a publisher or something.

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  3. 2 hours ago, vibeology said:

    I'm baffled by the money situation. The show made these people being upside down on the mortgage a key plot point yet they're flush enough to send three kids to a sleepaway camp (with transportation) for what I understood to be the whole summer. That's got to be crazy expensive. Either you're rich enough to afford that or you're too poor to split up but it can't be both.

    I thought that was kind of explained this episode... basically this "reason" is bull. The reality is that both (though they just called out Martin) don't really want to completely separate from each other and are using the "money" thing as an excuse. 

    I really think Lena is being sort of passive aggressive. There is no way in the world she should have bought that Lisa would be ok with her in the house but then she runs around in "that" outfit? Come on Lena.   If I was living in the house with my ex I would be my room for the night with baggy sweats. Not "going to the bathroom" in my sexy pjs. But I would never be in the house with my ex having sex with someone else. Just too weird. 

    That is what bothers me about it... both parties seem to be playing games and messing with other people to play them. 

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  4. On 5/17/2018 at 9:31 PM, vibeology said:

    I don't know if I'm comfortable calling it love seeing as they've barely spent time together but Flynn is absolutely into Lucy. You know how Lucy gets giddy every time they meet a historical figure because she's read about that person her whole life and feels a connection to them? That's how Flynn feels every time he sees Lucy. He's read that journal over and over and he feels that connection to her that she doesn't have the experience to reciprocate. 

    Agreed. I think he truly does feel like he knows her and is close to her but Lucy doesn't feel that way.  It is interesting to speculate though on what the massive changes to the timeline have brought about for Flynn. Not that I am saying Lucy is the wife that got killed but like Wyatt he might choose to move on.  He even mentioned in a season 1 episode that even if he got his wife and child back he would leave them as he knows he has turned into something quite nasty.  Perhaps the only person who could understand his journey would be Lucy.

    I think the show has enough now to pivot away from Rittenhouse and start the time team working on changing all the damage they did to history.  I think that alone could provide enough fodder for season 3.

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  5. 1 hour ago, katmax said:

    That's what I want more than anything. If I spend hours and hours watching a series I want an episode to properly end it. The lack of wrap up episodes is the real crime in modern television and the producers of series rarely get a heads up that they should wrap up a story for viewers.   I much prefer going into an older TV series knowing it will have a proper end. I've  ditched series in the past that I've heard are cancelled on a cliff-hanger as it barely seems worth the effort of watching them just to be frustrated.

    There are so many good shows hanging around Netflix and Hulu that don't have an ending. I can understand because it is hard to get the actors and actresses back together once they have disbanded, but when a network drops a series like Lucifer, that is the time to get in there write an agreement for 8 more episodes to end the series.  Done!

    It seems odd to me that they don't do this.  As for any algorithm saying what shows will bring them subscribers, I find it unimaginable that continuing a popular network show wouldn't bring them significantly more subscribers than some new show. For me it is the other way around. I get Hulu to watch Timeless and I end up watching Runaways because it is there. Not the other way around. 

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  6. 22 hours ago, msrachelj said:

    i am the of the opposite opinion. i think she was terrible. her acting as far as speaking and her mannerisms. very jerky. then again, both of her parents are pretty b list though i'm sure she got the job because of connections. she actually ruined it for me. terrible actor. the other girls must be thinking how they could have done a better job as the lead if only they had powerful parents. 

    She was terrible. I caught the end and thought... I bet that actress is connected and then went back and watched on demand and saw Hawk and I knew it. She also has a nose just like her mom. Worse than the acting is that she is just flat up not attractive. I also find the production choppy and unfocused. It doesn't seem like we are getting or going anywhere, just a bunch of scenes.  

    Speaking of looks you know your old when the actor playing Laurie is a doppelgänger for Byron Thames 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I suppose it looks like Fox is just cleaning house, and wants to give some new pilots a try, and is hoping they do better than the bubble shows they already have/had. And to do that, I guess they have to get rid of some of the old shows. 

    What frustrates me is that there seems to be so much junk on Netflix and Hulu (truly they seem to have green lighted everything pitched) you would think they would pick up every show that a network passed on because it has a built in audience. Even if they had to cut back on the show's budget.  Also I feel like they already have these shows anyway and completing them in a satisfying way makes for a product they can sell for years... rather than a half completed series forever. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

    I have always loved every character he has ever played. Not that they were all likable ones either. He just "becomes" whoever he is tasked to playing in a role. 

    I think he should get an emmy nomination. I remember him -- I think - on St. Elsewhere playing a young baddie doctor. He has come into the role here.  I think possibly he thought that the allegations the doctors were making were not air tight and would have subjected the hospital to a big mess. But if she actually got caught trying to dispose of files.... that would end it... and Lane fell for it. Though I also find it hard to believe she fell for it.  Or that she EVER would have had paper files that she kept on site at her clinic but...

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  9. Thank god the FBI was there ... when I heard Bell tell her to get rid fo evidence I was like, as if the FBI wouldn't secure the scene while waiting for the warrant? If you have probable cause to get a warrant the agents would be out there securing the clinic. 

    I am not even sure I understand what Bell did. It could be used as an argument that he set her up -- he even used the words misconstrued. So she could claim she just panicked but really didn't think she did anything wrong. 

    I still hate Dr. Theo.

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  10. 8 hours ago, Jediknight said:

    Man, Supergirl was a bit of a jerk to Lena in this episode.  They better not be thinking we should have sided with Supergirl during that, because we haven't seen Lena do nothing to deserve that and make us question if she's trustworthy.

    Supergirl also lost her argument badly. Lena was right that there are many things that can kill humans... doesn't mean we all throw a fit if they exist. What about Supergirl herself... she is quite a threat.   I feel like season one Kara wouldn't be this immature. 

    I am so ready for this plot to be over. I am so sick of Reign and Ruby. 

    I don't know what they bothered to bring brainy in for. He and Winn are sort of the same character. But both need to take a back seat to Melissa's boyfriend, Mon-el. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, Harry Potter said:

    The reveal to Chloe was not what I imagined and a tad anticlimactic. I expected something more heroic and exuberant.. 

    Yes. That ending sort of made me feel the show needed to go. Chloe's reaction was just all kinds of wrong.  More like she was reading off cue cards than seeing the face of the devil.  There has always been something about this show afraid to embrace its divine pedigree and I think that is the problem.  If it were to come back I would prefer it be a limited series on a streaming service like netflix where we could largely ditch the procedural aspects and fire 1/2 the supporting cast. 

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  12. Same. Medical Dramas are just too much lately and it is beyond smaltzy to be "we are going to put care first" - life doesn't work that way. Try living in reality and I might be up for it.


    ETA: Annoyed at the title.. don't they know there was a TV show with Jamie Lannister just a few years ago called New Amsterdam?

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  13. It reminds me of Millennium with Cheryl Ladd. Kind of a plot from 4400 but instead of people randomly being taken over the years they are all taken at once and returned at the same time.  I wish it was a limited series.. I am sure there isn't enough material for a full season.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

    So, the whole Nicholas Rittenhouse plot went nowhere.

    I love the way he got killed but I am super confused about what his point was this year. Did the actor just need work? Because he looks nothing like Lucy at all. It was super odd. 

    This was a great finale.  Something is up with Flynn but I get a paternal vibe from him as to Lucy.  He doesn't pull out any of the hallmarks of desire with her. I just believe they don't have in mind a romance between the two just yet. 

    Definitely called that they would be able to figure out how to have someone time travel to where they already were. I am sure that Rufus dying was the spark that made Connor Mason try to figure it out. 

    If NBC cancels this show some other network or streaming service has to pick it up.  

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  15. 14 hours ago, readster said:

    I have to say this is a bit of a shock, but Fox is bringing Last Man Standing back after being gone for a year. So, what do I know. Then again, sounds like with The Middle gone and Modern Family ending next year. They want to give the show a second year since the ratings evened out. 

    I think it is getting a lot of good will from Jenna Fisher but I don't see this one lasting. 

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  16. 8 hours ago, Delphi said:

    I blame welling... because I need someone to blame and i hate his character. 

    I didn't watch because of Welling. I was looking forward to the show getting back to normal next year. I feel like Lucifer railing at Dad in the first season. This was a BIG mistake by Fox. Huge!

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  17. 3 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    An entire episode of people sitting around drinking.

    Yes that was a complete stall by the writers.  Very boring.  I hate to say it but I think this show peaked around episode 4.  Now it just feels like an endless add on. 

  18. 3 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    I also wondered why he got the directing gig after having caused all those problems. A treat in the hope of improvement?

    Knowing nothing about it,  I am not buying this blame Crawford stuff. As far as I know he didn't have any long running issues on Rectify. I have heard issues about Wayans; however,  I suspect someone likely asked for a raise that is the true reason behind the change. I am out. I look forward to Crawford doing a guest spot on Timeless next year. 

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  19. 26 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

    Why does Agent Christopher go home to a nice house and family each night, if the rest of the team is stuck in the bunker?  Her whereabouts would be easily determined, and RH could easily find the bunker from there?

    That seems to be a plot hole.  But perhaps because she does still have to be a department of homeland security agent she has to leave the bunker for other reasons and thus she is the only one who can - even though it is a risk. 

    I thought it was a nice touch for Wyatt to finally save someone and have it be her completely inadvertently.

    I think the thinking was that killing her in the fracas of the Regan shooting would be less noticeable and easier.  No one, within the time line, would ask questions. Perhaps as a child it would have been easier but there could have been anger over a child getting killed. (or even some in Rittenhouse objecting to killing a child). 

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  20. 1 hour ago, possibilities said:

    I love the idea that they are going to be able to go back and forth without regard to birthdate, and also that maybe they will defeat Rittenhouse and in a future season (should we be so lucky) they will not be fighting some conspiracy but will actually be trying to solve more mundane problems, 

    It seems to me they wrote the finale. They have to keep the show around long enough for the technology to be invented, then Lucy sends Flynn on his journey, which leads to the eventual discovery of the technology that allows time travel when you are alive and once that is done... Final scene... Lucy goes back in time to before her sister was taken and blows up the mother ship.. setting the entire series back pre-pilot and our timeline. 

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