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Posts posted by Giuseppe

  1. From the article:


    Returning to the show this year: Commercial flights, the first time teams have been back racing through airport terminals since the COVID pandemic forced a switch to charter planes in the middle of Season 33.

    “Right out of the gate, they’re fighting to get on the best flights,” Keoghan said. “That aspect is something that the viewers missed. I’m definitely excited to have that element back, that randomness, the ability to change up the lead. Instead of just guaranteeing them a comfortable seat on charter.”

    YAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!  Cautiously optimistic for the return of an actual race around the world this time.

    I feel like they started doing mostly charter flights even before the pandemic, but I could be wrong. Nevertheless, I hope this brings back some much-needed tension and excitement to the show, for me anyway. I know a lot of people did not miss the airport drama, but I sure did.

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  2. 20 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

    I went ahead and watched Part 2 of the season opener and honestly wish I hadn't.

    To me, that whole episode is worth it just for the 'bird on your head' payoff joke at the end. The way Julia says "giant WHOOPING crane" just kills me.

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  3. I enjoyed the Belle and Chloe scenes today. I always like it when the show remembers long term friendships like that. I can't remember the last time those two had episode-long scenes together with meaningful conversation, and I'm glad it ended with them hugging it out instead of one or the other storming off in a huff with all the hard truths being told.

    And finally the show addresses Victor...but I'm not sure a plane crash is really the best way to handle this. Don't know why they couldn't have just made it a health issue due to old age. With all the talk lately about Victor not getting any younger, that seemed a more realistic approach. His plane going down just feels unnecessary. Regardless, I hope they give John Aniston the respect he deserves here. I'm sure these scenes were tough to film for everyone.

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  4. I recently saw a clip on Instagram of Betty and Bea dancing...looked like it was a clip from some variety show from back in the 60s or 70s (the instagram clip didn't say where it was from...it was more of a meme that was something like 'me and my best friend whenever our song at the club drops' and had 'Gonna Make You Sweat' dubbed over whatever Betty and Bea were originally dancing to. Wish I knew how to link to it cuz it's pretty funny). Anyway, I had always assumed that in the episode where Dorothy hurts her foot tap dancing and Rose and Blanche have to go on without her, they had Dorothy be the one to get hurt because Bea couldn't dance like Betty and Rue. But boy does that clip prove me wrong!!  Bea was really getting after it! Now watching that ep, when Blanche and Rose are rehearsing by themselves but still playing out Dorothy's part, Blanche's remark that she never knew how long Dorothy's solo was makes me see that scene in a whole new light because before I could not see Bea tap dancing her way through a long solo number!

  5. 2 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I like to say "Some white girl" when someone asks who did something

    I DID use this one on my mom some time ago...she didn't like my haircut and asked who did that to me. I told her "I don't know, some white girl". She didn't get it 😄 That remains one of my favorite exchanges of the entire series.

    • LOL 4
  6. 12 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

    "My word, nobody's that ugly!" 

    For years, I have been waiting for an opportunity to present itself where I can use this line. Alas, hasn't happened yet! I almost said it to my sister-in-law once, but she doesn't have much of a sense of humor, so I figured it wasn't a good idea, lol

    • LOL 4
  7. On 7/13/2023 at 11:41 PM, Annber03 said:

    My first exposure to anything Beetlejuice-related was the cartoon series


    On 7/14/2023 at 2:25 AM, Blergh said:

    I know they toned down the title character and made Lydia more cheerful for the cartoon but did the showrunners think that none of the cartoon viewers had seen the movie with the title character having nearly forced the teen Lydia to marry him?! And what kind of parents would think.it' OK for their (now preteen)daughter to have hang out with even the toned-down version?

    I never paid much attention to the cartoon...I remember it coming on in-between other cartoons that I would watch, so I sat through it, but it was usually background noise. I knew it was different plot-wise from the movie with Lydia and Beetlejuice being 'friends', but I always assumed the cartoon was just kind of an alternate version of the movie, not meant to reflect the events of it or be a continuation of it. That said, I hope the sequel is more true to the film and ignores the cartoon.

    Anyway, I did a re-watch of the original the other day. Can't remember the last time I actually watched it. It's probably been over ten years since I watched the whole thing. Still as fun and enjoyable as ever, but I realized that there's lots of missing holes for me that never get explained. For instance, Adam and Barbara drowned, but their appearance in the after-life could be almost as if they died in their sleep. Nearly everyone else they encountered had a rather gruesome appearance, or you could readily see how they kicked the bucket. Like, if they drowned, why weren't their faces blue and bloated? I mean, I know why for movie-plot purposes, but still..

    Also, how did the ghosts in the after-life help center (I don't know what else to call it) get those jobs? How do you become a receptionist or janitor mopping the halls? Why do ghosts need jobs anyway? Lol. Maybe it's some sort of 'punishment' for taking your own life...seemed like a lot of the workers there committed suicide (I hope that doesn't come off as insensitive). The receptionist who'd slit her wrists, the guy floating around from a noose around his neck...maybe the street pizza dude who called Adam and Barbara back jumped in front of a truck on purpose? Plus you had the receptionist say something like "if i knew then what I knew now, I wouldn't have had my little accident" while holding up her slit wrists. Also, at the dinner party, Otho said he'd read that people who commit suicide end up as civil servants in the after-life. I never thought about any of this before, but this time, things like that stood out to me.

    Additionally, I wonder if there were many deleted scenes that would have filled in some gaps. After Beetlejuice turns into the snake and scares everyone, why did Lydia suddenly get so emotional and scream "why are you doing this to me?? Leave me alone, all of you!" It seemed out of place. Adam and Barbara had been so nice to her, so it didn't make any sense for her to feel like they were coming for her. Felt like we missed a scene where she started to question whether or not they were being deceitful or something. And then after Barbara vanishes Beetlejuice away...what happens next? Delia ran into her room, Otho got knocked down the stairs, Charles was dropped off the balcony...but then the next time we see them they're all gathered on the porch preparing for Maxie Dean's visit, a little shaken but still content to stay there. Did they just say, well that was scary! Sure hope nothing else comes alive and tries to eat us! Just seems there were some transition scenes and beats that didn't make the movie.

    Biggest plot hole of all though: WHY didn't Charles just hire a locksmith to unlock the attic?? They apparently lived there for MONTHS and had the whole house renovated, but were perfectly content to not get into the attic until after the dinner party.

    And while I'm on the house renovations (the budding architect in me actually loved what they did to the exterior), I find it hard to believe that Delia would agree to return the house to its original state at the end of the movie. What, did Barbara threaten to haunt them forever unless they un-decorated? Maybe they worked out a compromise.

    Obviously I don't care about any of this, but I'd love to see some behind-the-scenes/extras features of this movie, but to my knowledge, we never got anything like that.

    Speaking of Maxie Dean...as a kid, I always thought that after Beetlejuice strong-manned him and his wife through the ceiling, they just flew out the roof, landed on the ground outside and scrambled to their car and left. It wasn't until a few years later watching with my older brother that he pointed out, yeah no, I'm pretty sure they died. He's probably right, but I still prefer my version, lol.

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  8. I searched and searched and didn't find a topic for Beetlejuice, and then I couldn't believe I'd never searched for it before since it's my all-time favorite movie. I'm beyond excited about Beetlejuice 2 coming out next year, but in the meantime I thought maybe we should have a topic for the OG? I'd start one for Beetlejuice 2, but I'm not sure it's allowed since I don't think it's officially been announced yet even though production has definitely begun. Or maybe we can just discuss both movies here.

    Anyway, I was ten when the movie came out, and much like Adventures in Babysitting the year before, I'm pretty sure my dad immediately regretted taking me to see this not knowing there'd be so much crude humor, haha. I pretended like most of it went over my head, but inside I was rolling laughing. Absolutely love this film. When it started airing on the movie channels, I would watch it every opportunity I could get. When I got it on VHS, I'm pretty sure I watched the "exorcism" at the end on loop for several weekends in a row. I used to be able to recite the entire movie line for line (and probably still could if I tried). I fell in love with Catharine O'Hara because of this movie and still snort laugh at my favorite line "if you don't let me gut out this house and make it my own, I will go INSANE, AND I WILL TAKE YOU WITH ME!!!" Her facial expression and line delivery were just perfect.

    Anyway...love it or hate it, talk about Beetlejuice, Lydia, Delia, Charles, Otho, Adam, and Barbara here!!

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  9. I know I'm thinking too much about it, but now I'm really confused about Body and Soul...the first tapes Whitley showed Abe were obviously supposed to be set in the 80s based on the styling, but if Jerry was in a few episodes "a couple of years ago" according to what Lani said, then the episode Abe was watching today must have been pretty current. I suppose the soap could still be on the air and Whitley and Abe have skipped ahead a bunch of years, but if that's the case, why was the show still in 4:3 format? Who still films in standard def? Everything's been HD for like the past ten years. Yes, it's a soap within a soap and I should just go with it, but these things keep me up at night, haha. 

    I enjoyed Theo meeting Theo. I was wondering if show was gonna do that.

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  10. I can't recall if this has come up in this forum before or has been mentioned in any of the episodes since Drew started, but I recorded what I thought was the new Lifetime documentary about TLC, only to realize I actually recorded the biopic movie about TLC from 2013, with none other that Drew playing T-Boz (Keke Palmer played Chilli, and I can't recall the actress who played Left-Eye). I'm no Drew fan, but color me surprised, I thought she actually did a great job portraying T-Boz. She had the look, mannerisms, and even dance moves down cold. When I realized it wasn't actually the documentary I was watching, I nearly turned it off, but ended up actually enjoying it. The early 90s styling of the movie was on-point and made me super nostalgic, having grown up as a teen in 90s Atlanta where TLC became huge. Anyway, I'd recommend checking it out if you wanna see Drew's acting chops (not gonna win an Oscar or anything, but much better than I was expecting) or if you're a TLC fan.

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  11. Victor's corset combined with the styling made the gown look like something a Viking princess would wear. Maybe if they'd sold that as their client, the judges would've bought it more.

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  12. Aaron really doubled down on the rat-tail this season, huh?

    On a related note, I'm glad Zaraa seemingly finally got rid of that skunk stripe she's been sporting. She looked great this episode.

    Don't really care about Annika and Junior.  Zeke and Lauren(?) Whatever. Are they being written out?

    Festival looked fun, though.

  13. I hope nobody bursts my bubble by tellng me about something horrible or shady she's said or done, because I have always loved Jami Gertz. I don't think I became too aware of her until Twister, but I'm always happy to see her pop up somewhere. She's too cute and I love her voice. I thought her sitcom Still Standing was really funny and underrated. I also recently found out she and her husband own my hometown NBA team the Atlanta Hawks, which makes me happy for some reason.

    And this may be an UO, but I adore Pete Davidson and wish him lots of success. I know he's young and a little immature, but I don't really think he's done or said anything (that I'm aware of) to warrant all the hate he gets, and I feel like a lot of people just dont like him because they think he looks dirty/like a crackhead, etc. and/or dates hot girls. I actually think he's really cute and is a pretty decent and funny actor. I feel for him and his struggles with mental health.

    Though for true heart eyes, it's always been Billy Zane for me. Can't explain why, but I love him.

    Not to mention two of my all time favorites: Steve Martin and Catherine O' Hara.

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  14. 3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Nurse Whitley according to Tuesday's end of the show's cast list is being played by Kim Coles (Living Single, In Living Color).

    Man, I did not recognize Kim Coles at all! I had to go back and watch those scenes again after I read this. Yup, definitely her. Don't think I've actually seen her in much of anything since Living Single ended. Glad she's still keeping busy. Didn't see this Abe-napping coming and I'm also intrigued by where it's going...maybe some Misery-type plot? 

    • Like 5
  15. 3 hours ago, Raja said:

    As Polly got more and more time I wonder if Suzanne Whang improvised her parts as she was like an instant scorer coming off a basketball team's bench.

    Polly was awesome! Suzanne Whang nailed it in every scene she was in. I loved when Danny and Mike got her to play pregnant Delinda when they did their trial run to the hospital.

    I saw the marathon was happening, but I didn't watch it as I was having my own marathon of all the season 5 episodes since I hadn't seen them yet. Piper annoyed the bejeezus out of me at first, but I have to say, she grew on me a little bit at the end, and I actually thought she and Mike were kind of cute together. Found I didn't miss Mary at all, but I never really loved her character to begin with. Also found myself not really missing Ed, as Cooper also grew on me towards the end.

    I had forgotten that y'all said season 5 ended on a major cliffhanger before getting cancelled, so I was left feeling very incomplete after the last episode! But I think I'd have been more annoyed if Cooper hadn't shown up at the end and left us all wondering if were alive or not. Also, Danny and Delinda's baby I'm sure would have been fine...I can imagine all kinds of baby hijinks that could have been planned for season 6...probably even a kidnapping or two knowing this show.

    I'm kind of sad i don't have any more "new" episodes to watch now that I've finished the series, but I'll probably re-watch from the beginning again sometime in the future.

    Incidentally, my first trip to Vegas last month lived up to my expectations. I had a blast and it was great seeing the strip up close and personal and seeing so many references from the show.

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  16. I never come in here, but I had the weirdest DAYS dream last night, and I need to relate it to someone:

    Can't remember how it started, but I was with Lucas and some woman (maybe a DAYS character, maybe someone I know IRL, I can't remember), and we somehow got involved with Austin (Austin Peck version) in a 'race' to find Will. Will wasn't missing...we knew where he was, but whoever got to him first got to get custody of him. Lucas, the woman, and I were on one team, and Austin was racing alone. We didn't know where Austin started, but we knew he was out there coming for us. We were all on foot, trying to get to this main road where we would find a car and be on a straight shot to get Will. At three against one, we knew we could outsmart Austin and get to Will first, but we were having trouble getting out of this one valley/parking lot area that was very confusing, and Austin eventually caught up to us and we had to scramble to hide from him so he couldn't see where we were going and follow us. We all marveled at the fact that Austin must be REALLY dumb, because we wasted a LOT of time trying to get out of that lot and he only just then caught up to us. But this Austin wasn't just the clueless, slightly dim version from the show, he was menacing. Definitely in a villain role here, trying to threaten us at every turn, almost like he was stalking us and trying to kill us. The last thing I remember about the dream is the three of us hiding behind some hills and Austin looming over us trying to find us, holding a crossbow. We weren't scared because we knew he couldn't hurt us.

    I have no idea why I had this dream. Lucas and Austin fighting for Will hasn't been a thing for years, so the storyline wasn't even anywhere near my conscious. But, for some reason, it was FUN. I woke up and found myself wishing I could go back to sleep and pick the dream up again and continue the chase/hunt. I was really enjoying it, lol.

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  17. Yes, frequently. I've watched every damn episode of this show since summer of 1997, yet every now and then someone will reference a story line from that time frame, and I'll be like, wait, that happened? I watched that? They dated? They were in a story together? Etc. 

    LIke now with the new Von Lueschener (however you spell it) dude holding Kate on the boat. I've watched all the Beyond Salem arcs, and remember Billie and her tango dance with somebody, but I'll be damned if I remember that it was with this guy and that he was a big part of the story. And it wasn't even that long ago that it aired!

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  18. Where are y'all getting that Mark was valedictorian? Did I miss it in this ep or another, because I thought he just said he was acting president of the national honor society at the beginning of his speech? Doesn't negate the fact that he could've earned a scholarship probably, but I didn't remember hearing he was first in the class.

  19. I'm about to finally go on my first trip to Vegas and I've been re-watching my DVR recordings of this show to amp myself up. Funny enough, I STILL haven't gotten around to watching all of the last season, though i have them all recorded. I dunno...I see that weird intro of Tom Selleck's character in the first ep of season 5 and just kind of lose all interest. Maybe this go-round I will finally get to them...

    This show is sooo cheesy, but I still love it. 

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