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Posts posted by Giuseppe

  1. 7 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Why would Olivia be making deliveries?

    I think you mean Sophia.

    Y'all, I skipped yesterday's episode because I knew it was all BS (which is a great way to describe Body and Soul...thanks @oftentimes), and then today I forgot I had skipped it and wondered why I hadn't watched yesterday, so I started watching it and got 10 minutes in before I remembered, lol. I ended up keeping it on for background noise while I worked, but yes, it really was excruciating. Is the whole soap just supposed to be Hattie, Bonnie, Alex, and Chanel? Where are the other characters/actors?? I guess they're just off-screen and never mentioned, lol. I just can't.

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  2. I never actually watched the TV show, but it must have been running in syndication in the afternoons when I was a kid and whenever I was home from school I would tune into the beginning of each episode solely to watch the opening credits because I loved that theme song SO much. Thanks to the poster who posted the youtube link upthread...hadn't heard that original version in years!

    Anyway, I watched this on a flight last week and thought it was really good. There were a couple times where I was convinced I was watching a dream sequence, but was surprised that, no, it was actually happening...the fight in the club where they got Colt high was one of them. The plot was a little convuluted, but conspiracy plots like this always tend to be that way these days, so I just went with it and enjoyed the ride. I'd watch this again, and I could see it becoming one of those movies I stop to watch whenever I see it on.

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  3. So...who's seen it? I just got back from the theater. Honestly I didn't love it as much as I wanted to, though I did enjoy it quite a lot. All the ingredients were there but for me the execution was a bit off. I know I don't need to spoiler tag anything, but I will anyway since it's still in its first weekend:


    Most of the plot was solid, but there was a lot of extra that felt completely unnecessary. Monica Belluci's character in particular. It felt like the movie kept building up to her finding Beetlejuice and being the one to vanquish him somehow, but once she did find him, it was a lot of nothing and she didn't even do anything to help make BJ go away...instead HE basically got the best of her and it ended up being Astrid who saved the day. So her whole "where's Beetlejuice?!?" plot line lead to nothing and that whole arc felt pointless.

    Also the case with Willem Defoe's ghost cop character. I can buy his character searching down BJ for illegally breaking Lydia into the afterlife, but tying him into the Delores arc made him feel pointless as well.

    The Bobs running around...I wanted to see more freaking out and chaos caused by the escaping into the real world. Fun characters to look at, but again, felt basically useless.

    If they had cut all that out and just had the plot be Lydia getting BJ's help after the dead boy Astrid met tricked her into the afterlife, I think it would've felt a lot tighter.

    I also didn't really dig the animated sequence showing Charles' plane crash, or the 'flashback' to how Delores and Beetlejuice met. Didn't fit with the rest of the movie.

    I'm mixed on Delia. I was somewhat most looking forward to her return as I loved her so much in the first film and I love Catherine O'Hara, but Delia was a lot kookier here than in the original. I don't know if that was a directing choice or if Catherine had a hard time finding Delia again...it's like she tried to inject a little Moira Rose into Delia, and I didn't think it worked. There were a few scenes where I thought "Ah! There's Delia!" But for the most part she seemed a slightly different character. And I didn't think it was necessary for her to die, though it was kinda fun watching Charles' shark bitten body running around the afterlife and Delia eventually finding him. Side note, nice way of getting around Jeffrey Jones' "unavailability" by having the top half of his body completely gone.

    And as for Adam and Barbara...one line from Lydia about them having found a loophole and moving on, but that was it.


    So, all in all, it was fun, and I'll probably watch it again when it's streaming or on TV, but I think I'll stick to the original for regular viewing.

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  4. Here is a look at most of the collectibles that the theaters will be offering. I wish the sandworm bucket had you reaching into its mouth instead of just being the worm wrapped around the bucket, but I still want it, lol. There's also a popcorn bucket shaped like the Handbook for the Recently Deceased.

    Tons of other merchandise being promoted...limited edition Keebler cookies, special edition Fanta soda cans, Funko pops...they're going all out for this one. My wallet already hurts, lol.

  5. That's actually good to know. But I do hope that doesn't mean we've seen all his best bits in the trailers, lol. 

    There are tons of newly released clips and videos from the movie circulating on social media lately, and i'm trying to avoid them because I don't want to feel like i've seen the whole movie before i actually go to see it. And i'm trying to decide if I want to get any of the movie collectible items...the sandworm popcorn bucket is pretty cute but AMC doesn't appear to be offering those, and that's my preferred theater. The shrunken head drink containers are pretty cool, too but I'm seeing all the chains have already sold out of those. I'm sure they'll re-stock before the opening.

  6. 5 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    Serious question:

    Is there any audience for what was presented on today's show?

    1. Slapstick Hattie and Leo. He's not that stupid.

    2. Awful Bonnie, Abe and Johnny Body & Soul crap.  Mortified for the actors.

    3. Connie aiding Gabi reveal a secret that can be obtained by listening to any Stefan and Ava conversation 

    4. Roman mumbling to Kate at the pub.


    I have a very high tolerance for dumb storylines on this show, but the Hattie and Leo highjinks and the Body and Soul auditions today (and that whole storyline in general) was the closest I've ever come to shutting off an episode before the end. Hattie accepts an invitation from a total stranger to come to his hotel and watch a show she's never seen before (IN WHAT WORLD???), and then when he keeps insisting that she's acting/dressing/behaving differently, she never bothers to question why this dude thinks he knows her so well?? Or even ask him what his name is?? It's.just.stupid.

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  7. I saw it Saturday and was a bit underwhelmed. I guess I'm used to M Night's movies having some epic twist, but this was just pretty straightforward. I kept expecting to find out the daughter was somehow the one behind the abductions and her dad was covering for her, lol. Or maybe the twist was just finding out that the wife is the one who set him up in the first place.

    Josh Hartnett's acting choices were really weird and stilted to me. Haley Mills as the lead detective seemed really random and under-utilized. The plot with the mom of the girl who was mean to Cooper's daughter felt out of place....really, what was the point of that?

    BUT, overall, wasn't too bad.

  8. 4 hours ago, boes said:

    It also looks a lot like the police station in Salem, though the Salem police station doesn't have early boarding, at least not yet.

    I know there are much bigger gripes to be had with this show, but one of my biggest irritations is lazy set design. I know it's mostly the budget, but I wish they'd put SOME effort into these things. Airports and police stations look alike. Every 'nice' hotel room looks the Salem Inn. Every janky hotel room is that god-awful wood-paneled set. The Spectator office looks more like someone's bedroom than a professionally run newspaper building.

    I also take issue with these stock image establishing shots they've been using for a while now. Salem has crowded city streets with massive high-rises yet everyone congregates in this homey little town square? The hospital looks like it's out in some suburb and appears 3-4 stories at most but shots out the window show it to be in the smack in the middle of the city from what looks like a high floor? Um, ok. I could go on, but I figure this is more of a 'me' issue, lol. Just bugs me, as someone who designs buildings and spaces for a living, lol.

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  9. Very much enjoyed it. Great film. I kept hearing and reading conflicting reports on whether this was a sequel, a remake, or a standalone film, but definitely feel this was more of a remake than anything else. Lots of fun callbacks to the original.

    I thought Tyler's team came in WAY too hot when they were first introduced, but nice bait and switch with them ending up being the more altruistic group as opposed to Javi's 'in it for the money' team. I'm glad Javi wised up in the end.

    The night tornado at the rodeo was good, but the night twister at the drive-in from the first movie was done better IMO and still gives me chills whenever I watch it.

    2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    Although, dude, you *just* said not to try to hide under the overpass.  So, maybe don't try to hide under the overpass!

    Yeah but what was their other option? Stay in the car and definitely get blown away or at least try for some shelter even if not a great choice? I'd have opted for the overpass, too, lol.  I actually did not know that hiding under an overpass is apparently not a good option for trying to escape a tornado!

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  10. Nobody excited for this? I'm probably going to see it tomorrow. I love the first film...always stop to watch it when I see it on TV. Interested to see how the FX for the tornados has evolved since '96.

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  11. I'm still excited for it, but I think I'm going to be in my head too much about how different Beetlejuice seems to be...I can't put my finger on it, but aside from the voice sounding more gruff (age, I know), it seems like Keaton is playing him, I don't know, doofier or something. Reminds me that we only got like 20 minutes of screentime for Beetlejuice in the first film. Think it's pretty obvious he'll get a lot more this time, haha. And still very noticeable that Delia has had not one bit of dialogue in any of these trailers.

    Still, the story looks pretty good. I really really want to love this!

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  12. Honesty, I think the house looks pretty cool. BUT only if it were some type of future museum or something. I would NOT enjoy living there. All those reflective surfaces and bright lighting...it would make me feel constantly anxious and I would bet it will have the same effect on the houseguests, which obviously can't be good in a house already prone to paranoia. Tile floors in the living room and front bedroom? It is going to be LOUD in that house.

    I do think the kitchen layout is just awkward. They've set the barstools so that anyone sitting at the bar is facing away from the kitchen and can't talk to anyone fixing food. That also renders the bar as kind of useless as a prep area.

    I think the Have Not room would be the place I'd actually feel most at ease. It looks quiet, and at least it's 'dark' in there, lol.

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  13. So I did hear right? Abe and Kate are producing a soap?? I was half-asleep during today's show and I remember them discussing Body and Soul for some reason, but I thought I must have been dream-hearing the convo about making a soap because how would that make any sense, but...that's really happening? Okay then.

    So what exactly was the point of the Paulina radiation round-up if there were not going to be any consequences? Was this just the scab writers wanting to go one way but Ron coming back and nixing it all because Paulina is his pet? The Radioactive Mayor Recall storyline has fizzled, and now she's free and clear of having caused Chanel's miscarriage. I would've enjoyed watching the fall out from radiation exposure causing health problems for Chanel (baby or no baby) and how that affected her relationship with her mom, but everything just seems to have been tied up with a pretty bow. Meh.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

    I have to think that was because she had the MTV cameras with her and it was arranged ahead of time.  You definitely could meet people at the gate prior to 9/11, but I'm fairly certain you would never be able to have gone into the bridge to wait at the plane while it deboards.  I think that was always a secure area, at least as long as I've been alive. 

    I dunno...I have a very specific memory of accompanying my grandmother onto the plane as she was leaving from a visit, and I was terrified because I thought the plane was gonna leave with me still on it and I wanted nothing to do with flying, lol. I must have been 5 or 6 and i'm 46 now. Also, when I did study abroad in 2000, I have a vague recollection of my dad coming onto the plane with me because it was my very first flight, and he'd never been on a plane flying internationally before (we were headed to London) and he wanted to check it out. I could be mis-remembering that one, but I'm super clear on the grandmother one, lol.

    Sad to hear about Sarah. She was probably my least favorite roommate from Miami and I kind of agree with the poster above who mentioned she was kinda rude to her housemates, but I did think she had a good heart and I hate to hear about this happening.

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  15. Man, I could really feel the Disney emanating off Tate on Wednesday's show. I still keep expecting him to suddenly belt out a Broadway tune and am kinda feeling the same way about Aaron. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see them do some kind of choreographed dance number at the prom.

    And I hate to say it, but I too had a very hard time understanding Felicity's dialogue. Turning on the captioning helped. I missed the fact that she's Aaron's sister.

    2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Kudos to Greg for squeezing out a tear.

    Did he though? I was thinking they added a drop of water on his cheek and then directed him to turn around, lol. And while Sloan's delivery of the news may have been underwhelming, I felt Eric's reaction was as well. At least what of it we've seen so far. 

    I wish they had painted the Horton living room walls a new color instead of that ghastly pale green again, but at least they got a new modern couch, haha. That old antique sofa they had before looked so uncomfortable.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    I'd really prefer focusing on the OG crew (or what's left)

    Agreed. I wish Delia had more lines in the trailer instead of just basically seeing her react to stuff. I'm curious how she ends up in the waiting room??

    Am also curious about that dance scene...another "Day-O" type moment?

    I've seen a few people comment that the trailer looks like it incorporates a lot of elements from the cartoon series, which I didn't fully watch. I hope I won't have to in order to enjoy the movie.

    Still very excited for September!

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