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Posts posted by Lantern7

  1. Marginally better episode, though -- duh -- that's not saying much. AI going wild is a time-honored trope, and it was decent to see Siri go into destructive fits at Robert. And we got minimal Ruckus, which was nice after "Freedomland" . . .  though the part where he was describing how sex would work was a little too much to take.


    Next week: Stinkmeaner! Let's see how the new writers fuck that up.

    • Love 1
  2. It's like I said on TWoP, Jimminy . . . Fox News is like a solar eclipse, in the sense that neither one should be seen with the naked eye. That makes The Daily Show (and The Colbert Report) the cardboard box with the hole in it. Oh, and have fun with your autoerotic adventures! Seriously, that was a random Disney crossover, wasn't it?

    • Love 1
  3. Didn't have that long a day at the con. According to the pedometer, I logged 8,403 steps, give or take. The real pain is getting up early tomorrow morning to catch a screening at 9 a.m. The trip takes about 30 minutes, but trying to find parking is a pain in the ass. Oh, and I got sketches here and here.


    ETA: Logged in 11,787 steps today. Wound up getting shut out of a few panels, but I got to a Ninja Warrior panel, and I got two more sketches. I guess I got a full day . . . and I have one more day left.

  4. Is it wrong that I still think about that and laugh? Poor Zim.


    Going off to AnimeNEXT today. It's a three-day local con chock-full of cosplayers and other goodies. Hopefully, I can get some good sketches to show off. And next week is all about Special Edition, which is a comic con at Javits Center.

  5. Another plus for Leroy . . . he kept picking up Cohutta and patting him on the butt after knocking him down. That's a good sportsman . . . as opposed to Johnny flexing his muscles and all but telling Jordan to choke on his member.


    ETA: I think Cara Maria got most of the rooting section because the others see her as the "long-suffering winless wonder" now that Aneesa is gone.

    • Love 2
  6. Laurel isn't a brat. She's a killbot. Or maybe a serial puppy and baby-eater. She's way too cold and competitive, and she needs to be stopped. Watching her cheer Jessica against Cara Maria, I was expecting Laurel to yell, "Sweep the leg, Jessica!" I'm not a fan of Cara Maria, but she deserves better breaks than Eliminations and having Laurel as a "bestie."


    Damn, I hated seeing Cohutta go. He's way too nice and sane for the game, and I'm certain we'll never see him again. Dunno if he has a future with Nany, but it would be fun to see.


    Anybody get flashbacks from the mission? It was the one where Johnny & Tyler barely beat CT & Adam, even though CT was leveling them time and again. Nice that CT didn't have to kill anyone, though having Zach as a partner probably took the edge off. BTW, I still think Zach is a punk. Remember, he was the one who once threatened to "beat the gay" out of Sam, and he berated her along with Frank during Battle Of The Seasons.

  7. This week: a depressed Finn goes on a princess-kissing spree, aided by a would-be queen bee wingman named Breezy. Oh, and correct me if I'm mistaken, but I think Finn's flower arm ejaculated while he thought a mutated Breezy was Princess Bubblegum, resulting in a new flesh-n-blood limb for him. Seriously . . . there was singing, and the image of Peebles, and the arm grew into a giant tree before exploding, and Finn had a new arm covered in slime. What the heck else am I supposed to think?!?


    The episode was pretty good, with Breezy's infatuation towards Finn's flower arm, and Finn trying to pick himself up through lots of kissing. I figure the lowest point was seeing him with Lumpy Space Princess. It's not her shape that's a turn-off, but that she's the type that just doesn't shut the hell up. I wouldn't wanna slump on those lumps, and neither should Finn.

    • Love 1
  8. I know that I'm the one that usually kicks off these threads, but I didn't see the episode "live" because I found American Ninja Warrior more compelling. And I gave up watching last night because I hated the story. I finished it tonight . . . you would think that seeing Huey beat people up would bring a smile to my face. Sadly, it didn't.


    Seriously, whomever thought up the "Freemans as slaves" storyline should be beaten. And "Freedomland" cast them as actual slaves in a 19th Century amusement park set up by Ed Jr., who uses people whose debt he owns as unpaid labor. Seeing kids shoot water cannons at a clown-faced Huey is pretty jarring . . . and it's exceeded in obnoxiousness only by fucking Ruckus, who fucking lives for this shit. Of course, the "slaves" revolt, there's a huge fight scene, and Eddy gets off scot-free, even though he was gonna take one of Huey's feet off. All in all, it's a tone-deaf mess.


    Next Week: Another fucking Robert-based episode. As much as I can like John Witherspoon, enough is enough.


    ETA: Did I mention that Tom volunteered for this gig? And he left the Freemans in the lurch after Sarah "bought his freedom"? Man, the shit you can read into that . . .

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  9. Anybody else thinks Amy looks good when cleaned up? I get how she sees herself as "bottom of the human pyramid," but she can be hot. Bridget Everett, on the other hand, is scary. I guess I have some growing up to do, even though she did motorboat a dude last season. That must've been traumatic.

  10. Thanks to David for setting this up, though I originally pitched the thread with the title, "Toys In The Attic."


    For the most part, the show can be hit-or-miss with me. It took a death in my family to realize that the show gets mired in death a lot, as well as sex. I mean, I'll keep watching, but I tend to expect more from the show.


    Two questions:


    1. This isn't trivia, because I don't know the answer: how many times has the show not gone for a pop culture-referencing episode-ending sketch? From memory, I know about three: the clown car collision, the Montage sketch ("boop-boop!!"), and the Mad Max-style holidays sketch. Can anybody else think of other instances? And the season finale sketches don't count.


    2. What would you consider to be the darkest sketch in the show's history? The Tooth Fairy sketch from S1 set the bar damn high, but then came the Ducktails sketch (finding out about Huey, Dewey and Louie's mom), the one-armed Wampa at the gas station (which wasn't played entirely for laughs), and the last bit with the Bloopers host and his soul-crushing breakdown. Oh, and there was the recent sketch with Cinderella's Fairy Godmother using Satanic shit to get her to the ball.

  11. CCI is no-go for me, mostly because I live 3,000 miles away, and it's tougher to get tickets every year. I've been there three times . . . San Diego is a nice place to visit, but the convention is exhausting. Last time I went was in 2009, and I wrote about it for a magazine's website, which you can read here, here and here. For now, I'll have to "settle" for the New York Comic Con.

  12. I'm not as amped as you, pfk505, but I never thought they were that bad. They are loud, though. Personally, I'm just tickled Racers get to play on Survivor, and I hope they're loud enough to make Probst's ears bleed.

  13. A woman did the Warped Wall! Now we can get on with our lives!!!


    Seriously, though, good on her. And it was a good two hours . . . good enough to make me DVR The Boondocks, though that's mostly because it's a carwreck visible from space at this point.


    Did anybody else laugh at the poor guy who barely completed the Barrel Drop (I can't remember the exact name), only to take the barrel to the head and go into the water? That was funny . . . though you'd think the American producers would try to make obstacles that would be safer. I don't remember too many instances of injury on Sasuke.

  14. Just curious . . . is anybody else going to Special Edition NYC next weekend? It's supposed to be more comics-oriented than NYCC in October, and I'm curious to see how a scaled-down show will work. I'll also be going to AnimeNEXT this weekend in Somerset, NJ.

  15. Here's the latest Grantland "reality fantasy" column. Sadly, David Jacoby subcontracted the Challenge bits out so he could write more about The Bachelorette. That's a shame, really.


    ETA: The Challenge lands on AVClub's Tolerability Index on "Unbearable Side"; labeled "MTV's yearly beating of a dead horse." Even if you're a whole-hearted fan, you cannot argue with that.


    ETA2: Here's the link.

  16. I'm going to the AnimeNEXT show next week, and I'd like to check out new stuff. Here's the schedule . .  . I know at minimum, I'll have to wake up extra early on Saturday to catch One Piece: Strong World, which I heard rocks hard, and who knows when/if Toonami will broadcast it. Any other suggestions on anime or panels would be appreciated.

  17. Yeah, I gotta learn how to ignore TWoP when I type in "content" in my browser.


    I like p.tv, but there are shows that remain uncovered, and I think some would benefit with just a single thread, like in TWoP. Robot Chicken fits that . . . it's eleven minutes long, and the wait time between seasons can be pretty long. There was a good episode tonight . . . a pretty dark sketch with Shrek and the horror of condoms made by Cobra . . . but there isn't a forum devoted to it. Yet. I tried something similar with One Piece last month, but only one other person has visited the forum so far.

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