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Posts posted by Lantern7

  1. This Week: Blueno "Six Powers" the shit out of Usopp and Sanji, drops some backstory on Robin, and escorts her back to CP9. Yokozuna derails Rocketman, separating the train from the bulk of the Franky Family. After a talk with Kokoro, Yokozuna joins the alliance. Franky tries to cheer up Robin, but to little avail. CP9 lands on Enies Lobby with much fanfare, and Franky has a heart attack noticing the hole in the ocean below where the Naval HQ is located


    Well, that's that for the Water7 arc. Next week, we get new credits and a new venue. From here on in, it's all about Enies Lobby, the hah-hap-happiest place on Earth . . . if you're an a-hole government agent. And thanks to the teaser following the episode, we find out Luffy is one pissed-off pirate, as he seeks to do what the bulk of the main cast hasn't been able to do: save Robin. Also: Sniper King meets the gang officially. Trust me . . . it is golden. And yes, his theme music comes out again.


    I guess I'm excited, even though I've seen the first 12-13 episodes of the ninth season. I figure that things will pick up once the quantity of ass-kicking increases.

  2. I'm the opposite, in the sense that I don't know who I'd want to see again. In fact, I keep meaning to write to CT on my blog about retiring from the show altogether. The only person that comes up for me is Devyn because she gives great interviews, but I'd want her to host, as opposed to almost dying in final missions. And I'd like to see Arielle again, because she looks like she could last for a long while on a Challenge, but I know she's too normal for the show.


    ETA: I think if they go back to "Battle of the Exes," BMP should consider bringing in couples that haven't broken up yet. It would be risky, since we might get Abram back, but I reckon things would get more interesting that way.

  3. 3. Last team-based Challenge.


    2. The one where Brad finally won.


    1. "Bananas Backpack." Enough said.


    I don't know what else this season should be known for. Maybe for Tina's final performance? She got brought in like CT, but she lost both her endgames (I want to say "Gulags") because she is a scrub, now and forever. CT, on the other hand, humiliated Johnny with gusto. It's one of the few things I mention on my blog where I have to include the footage while describing it.

    • Love 1
  4. This week: Kim Kil Whan tries to put the screws to his father through buying out the lease to his house. Unfortunately, his father is Jake. This is supposed to be about what a negligent father Jake is, but I'm not feeling it. After all, his puppies matured way faster than he ever could. How is that Jake's fault?


    To those who are more into the show than me: who's your favorite puppy?



  5. Galileo908 . . . I was thinking more of feature-length sketches, as opposed to stuff that runs ten seconds or less. But damn, I feel bad about not including that one. I think that if one of us fans makes it to a Robot Chicken panel (at CCI or NYCC), that person should ask the panelists what the darkest sketch would be.


    Valerie . . . technically, it was five stages of grief, but it was pretty funny. And the Optimus Prime sketch was funny, though I'd hate to think the show peaked in its first episode. I remember seeing Seth Green on Conan's show on NBC, and they showed "Best One-Sided Fights." I don't remember exactly, but I think that's when I started the RC thread on TWoP.


    ETA: On the flip side, what would you consider to be the most disappointing sketches? On my short list: the recent "Nerd Meets Doctor Who" sketch, which just ragged about how lo-fi the original series was. Also, you can't just smack a Dalek. You just can't.

  6. Heads up: Stephen is slated to announce a new Captain America title on tonight's show. Here's the speculation as to who would fill Steve Rodgers' boots, in case you want to get spoiled.


    ETA: You can never go wrong with bears . . . though it's tough to beat the footage of bears grinding their backs on trees while stripper music plays. That was awesome. On the flip side, I didn't need to see bear self-manipulation, thank you very much. And I don't really need to think about ursine pole-smoking, either . . . though I can now torture my mother by saying, "Hey, Boo Boo!" so that's neat.


    ETA2: Well, the speculation was right about Sam "Falcon" Wilson being the new Cap. Joe Quesada showing up with a pic of "Stephen" as Falcon was a cute gift.

  7. I'm betting on Baby Titans in giant jars in that cellar.


    Out of curiosity, how long does "The Struggle For Trost" last?


    ETA: I'm okay with the "talky." These people think faster than anybody can react, especially a little brainiac like Armin. I'm surprised "1,000 Yard Stare" (heh) didn't open fire while the smoke was clearing.

  8. I was wondering when the hype around  Kacy Catanzaro was overdone because she happened to be the first woman up the Warped Wall. Well, the hype is justified. Holy crap. She didn't smoke the course, but she grilled it evenly and overcame her five-foot frame to complete it. Then her boyfriend climbed the frame of the Spider Climb to congratulate her. That had to make the network insurance people extremely nervous. Oh, and thank you, hashtag people, for making "#mightykacy" a thing, so I can look up and copy "Catanzaro."


    The other story: the last guy up fucked up the Salmon Ladder, so Sam Sahn's bubble didn't burst, and he'll be going to Las Vegas for the final. Aside from that and the bad dude that DQ'd and got pissed about it, the two hours were a blur. At least more people completed the course than in Venice Beach.

    • Love 1
  9. This week's episode is brought you by "Stronger" from Britney Spears. I love the logic Rock Lee uses . . . you have to be stronger than you were before in order to defeat your clones. Never mind getting stalemated for hours at a time and fatigued . . . all Team Guy has to do is get stronger, and victory becomes that easy. At least that's my (cynical) takeaway from this episode.

  10. Vigilantes ruin everything.


    Damn, that was a fun episode. The forces of good finally win one, and we get to see Eric and Pam run a Mom 'n' Pop video store. You can squeeze a lot of fun out of those two being miserable in Shreveport.


    Poor Hoyt. Figure the boy would be loyal to his mother, even if she was a bitter, bitter, bitter harpy. Have I mentioned how happy I am that she's dead? I hope she gets buried in a backyard.


    Poor Arlene. Not the "almost dying" part or the "seeing Terry again" part, but the "seeing Sam naked" thing. I think she might be the last person to know that Sam can shapeshift. Speaking of which . . . are we ever going to get an explanation on how/why he can get so big and so little? Or is it one of those things where it's best not to ask?


    Just in case I need to check later . . . what's the best place for the latest True Blood screencaps?

  11. Personally, I think XME is the best X-Men cartoon ever. I figure it's because we have actual teenaged mutants, as opposed to the mostly adult casts of X-Men and Wolverine & The X-Men. Casting the Brotherhood as the mutant versions of the Sweathogs was also pretty genius, even with the "will they or won't they" closemance between Kitty and Avalanche (whose real name I can't remember) and Mystique as the ballbusting principal.


    ETA: Having Hank McCoy as the ultimate gym teacher and not a hyper-intellectual was a bonus. Apologies for the scattered thoughts . . . it's been so long since I gave any brain matter about the show.

  12. This week: a freak parkour accident leaves Shelby without his butt. Which turns into a new worm. Which grows arms and legs and goes off on an adventure to defeat the sinister Rat King, saving the tree in the process. Because Adventure Time, that's why.

  13. Two things to start:


    1. The show was nominated for a Best Short-Format Emmy. I don't know which episode was used for the submission.


    2. The official panel for Comic-Con International is in two weeks, at 3:15 p.m. local time. And the kicker? There's a Bitch Pudding special in the works.


    ETA: 3. There's also a voiceover category at the Emmys, and Seth Green was nominated for his work on Robot Chicken.

  14. I make my peace with not being able to go to CCI . . . then I read the panel schedules and try not to drown in pure envy. Here's the schedule for Thursday. Way too much stuff to go over here. I'd make an effort to go to the last item on the list, but it's gonna be a madhouse that night . . . and there would be three more days of convention left.


    Thinking about panels . . . one I remember quickly was one for Marvel TV, when Ultimate Spider-Man was teased, and Clark Gregg got a huge round of applause when it turned out Agent Coulson was going to be a regular. Then they premiered the second season of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes months in advance, with enough action and humor to have the crowd wanting more. Oh, and Hulk ritually savaged the Thing. It was awesome.


    I also remember going to a DC panel in 2000 at CCI, complete with a trailer for Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker and an appearance from Mark Hamil. In case you didn't know, Luke Skywalker himself has made the short list of greatest Jokers of all time. Oh, and I've been to two Batman: The Brave And The Bold panels where new episodes were debuted . . . including CCI 2009, with "Mayhem of the Music Meister!" starring Neil Patrick Harris. It was a musical episode, and it was pretty epic.


    ETA: Here's the panel schedule for Friday. Oh, and to those going to San Diego: take lots of pictures.

  15. Had to jump through a few hoops for a potential job. How monotonous was it? I tooked the ferry back for the express purpose of having a Blizzard at Dairy Queen, because I felt that I earned it. The kicker is that I'm going to have to go to Queens in a few weeks. At 6:30 a.m. I know I can pull it off, but I'm not gonna be a happy camper (slight pun intended).


    Scanned the Emmys nominations briefly. No Phil Keoghan for Best Host? Bullcrap. Simply bullcrap.

  16. Defintion of "bummer": coming back to Previously after ten-plus hours to find that nobody has been posting in the same topics as you.


    Thinking about it . . . at least Brazil scored a goal against the Germans. That's one better than the American team. How much crap do you think the German team gave the goalkeeper afterward? "We had a shutout! You had clean sheets, and then you blew it!"

  17. Heads up . . . the Banana Guard Academy miniseries will start tomorrow from BOOM! Studios. It's a good remedy for anybody still butthurt over Root Beer Guy's apparent death last week. Here's the description:


    Turns out that there is a lot to being a Banana Guard—but being a Banana is not mandatory. This crazy adventure follows Root Beer Guy as he starts his search for new recruits among Ooo’s citizens. Only the best will do in his quest to protect the Candy Kingdom!
  18. I try not to remember this season. For one thing, it was Coral's last one. To me, she's television gold, a perfect storm of snark and boobs. The Veterans should've thrown her a parade after she beat Beth in the Gauntlet, but the men were so set on "trimming the fat," and she probably felt her former friend Evan stabbed her (figuratively), so she called it quits. Then we had to hear a hatchet-faced bitch (Evelyn) and a perennial loser (Casey) talk smack about her. That wasn't fun.


    And then there was Eric, who got carried to the final mission because the Veterans didn't want to risk losing against him in the Gauntlet. From what I heard, he was boozing the night before the finale, so it kinda served his team right that he almost died on them. Aside from Brad, I can't remember any Veteran worth rooting for at that time.


    Anybody else have better memories of this season than me?

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