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Baltimore Betty

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Posts posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. I think it is funny that Terry is upset with the comment that David made in front of his mother and kids at the ground breaking, Terry needs to remember that these shows are one big embarrassment that will play on and on and one day his kids will see it, pretty sure his mother has tuned in a time or two. Those kids have to go to school with other kids who probably tune in so...Terry needs to get over that comment (and Eddie's too).

    • Love 4
  2. I think it is great that Shannon and David are sleeping the same bed but isn't 8pm early for her kids to be in bed? If they have after school activities it eats in to homework time and dinner time which pushes bedtime a little later. Honestly, my kids are in their twenties now and I can not remember their bedtimes when they were pre teens.


    Vicki's dress was not good on her, as usual it was too tight and too short but she does know how to throw a party, great food and décor, I would love to be a guest at any of her parties.

    Brooks and Tamra's heart to heart was dumb, he was so accepting of her apology seemed so phony. 

    David's apology seemed sincere but not accepted, the Debrows' have reached a new low.


    Was Danielle even there?




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  3. The ring Tre gave Gia looked way too mature for a young girl and I want to call BS on the whole heirloom thing...if she gave it to Gia so the feds would not get it, think again, they will take it and anything else they want till the debt is satisfied.


    Jim's commercial...yikes, but it is on par with local business spots in my neck of the woods, there are a few car dealerships I could not bear to buy a car from because of the cheesiness of their commercials.


    I did love the Amber at work scene, it reminded me of the way Vicki claims to work so hard. 


    Why would Joe and Melissa take their commercial truck to a Bentley Dealership for a paint job? Anyone?

    Or was it Nicole at work, like there is a huge difference!

  4. The ring Tre gave Gia looked way too mature for a young girl and I want to call BS on the whole heirloom thing...if she gave it to Gia so the feds would not get it, think again, they will take it and anything else they want till the debt is satisfied.


    Jim's commercial...yikes, but it is on par with local business spots in my neck of the woods, there are a few car dealerships I could not bear to buy a car from because of the cheesiness of their commercials.


    I did love the Amber at work scene, it reminded me of the way Vicki claims to work so hard. 


    Why would Joe and Melissa take their commercial truck to a Bentley Dealership for a paint job? Anyone?

  5. Absolutely. NO one had a problem with Christianity itself. It was more of, "since when the hell is Sonja a Christian???"

    Would a true Christian have all the spiritual stuff, like the woman who came to Sonja's town house and "centered" her or aligned her chakras or some such thing. And wouldn't Sonja have put Jesus or G-d on her list of employees during her speech at the Le Cirque party? LOL.

    • Love 4
  6. Ramona is delusional if she thinks Avery treated her like shit in "Afruckuh" because she was upset about leaving Ramona for college.  I think she totally made that up and Avery has her mom's number..

    Tru dat!!!  Who among us think that Avery said anything about her treating Ramona badly so it would be easier to leave for college?  Ramona is delusional and Kristin could have song it out loud for her too!

    • Love 1
  7. Why in blazes does that Jackie keep going on and on about how people are star struck when they see her husband (did you know he was a rock star?).  Nobody seemed to be in awe.


    Feather head dresses for a house warming party was suitable but hand selecting some high end items from a shop owned by a close friend is tacky? Really? I guess I am tacky.


    The party planners forgot to hire faux paparazzi.


    The wedding dress designer (I forgot his name but love his dresses) was fun to see dancing up a storm. 

  8. Jackie would be a lot prettier if she would stop telling everyone she was gorgeous. 

    I always love the blank stare on the party planners faces on all of the Housewives shows when the host goes on and on about how cool, hip or outrageous they want the party to be and they cannot tell anyone about the party because it will turn in to a mob scene. Meanwhile the actual party is pretty much just the howives and husbands with a few of the producers friends in the back ground.


    Did anyone else thing Jackie saying that her rock star husband looked Mexican was a bit racist or just plain odd? Did you know her husband is a rock star? 

    • Love 1
  9. "You'll never see my face again." That ranks up there with the over hyped leg toss, yawn.  It was a ridiculous over statement as Heather knocks on her door with cameras in tow.

    Vicky and her screaming, oy vey.  I couldn't believe her shrieking didn't cause the elephants to stampede or the monkeys to claw at her face to make it stop.


    I am thinking of having some rice trees planted in my yard.

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  10. What happened to the guy picking you up for a date? Why all the way in the city? Why was she talking about sex being expected when it was clearly a day light thing? Did she take a cab all the way back to Jersey?

    So many questions.

    I was wondering that same thing about the taxi...don't they live near each other in NJ? 


    The sex thing was ridiculous but I do think Dina was nervous but her BS about not being with another man for 20 years is a crock of sh*t.  She has not been married to Tommy that long.

  11. My point is that in 30 years there is no good work. When your skin has lost all elasticity you are going to look somewhat like that. That case may be extreme but, I don't think Shannon should feel she needs "enhancement" because she has normal breasts for her age.

    True, there is no fountain of youth.


    Perhaps a different fashion choice would be an easier fix.

    • Love 2
  12. Yes!  I could not stop staring at them.  Like, I was almost fascinated.  WHY did they look so bad??  The dress was super-cute, but the boobs just ruined the look. 

    I agree, really bad cleavage, I hate, hate, hate to say this but...I know Shannon is raising 3 girls and a positive body image is very important but after breast feeding those three girls maybe it is time to consider a little procedure.  Don't hate me for typing that.

    • Love 1
  13. I really thought Gina was a transgender woman and I am not really sold on her partner that now lives in Miami, as in not sure if there really was a partner, just something for a story line, besides "partner" is an odd choice of words for boyfriend. 


    This group reminds me of how RHOC began with extravagant shopping and parties, I love that.


    Anyone else's radar ping with the party planner guy? 

    I had second hand embarrassment during that scene with the blonde howife (to early in the viewing for me to learn their names), getting her hair blown out, so awkward with the hair stylist.


    Jackie the psychic, she really thinks a lot of herself...she is a very private person (as we watch her life on TV). 


    Well, I guess this show will be on my list of things to watch when my hubby is not around, I just can't quit this.


    • Love 2
  14. Lablover27...so funny, "the last supper" photo!


    Jim said one of the reasons he did not want to be around Joe and Joe was because of the physical altercations that may happen, the other was because of the criminal activity that Joe Guidice is involved in, once again there is someone on a reality show that forgot that we all have the ability to Google.  To make things funnier, it was his wife in the boxing ring this time! My first thought about the hair pulling was extensions. 


    Matt the fireman looked like the fireman Samantha (Sex and the City) hooked up with.


    Dina really knows how to not look cheap, have to hand it to her, she looked better than the other girls. Her closet is amazing and I wish I had one like it, the shoe stories not so much.


    Bobby has a huge house for being a bachelor, I wonder if he has an ex-wife and kids somewhere.


    Kathy (she reminded me of Nurse Ratchet, lol), but no Ritchie?

    • Love 3
  15. Ha, I read it that way too, and I was like "wah??"....but then I reread it.  It says Most Chartable Yacht.  I guess that means the yacht you would most want to charter?


    Who knows, that blog is a trip to crazytown. 

    Oooh, well that's different! Never mind.


    And no Google search turns up for "Most Chartable" either!

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