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Cindy McLennan

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Posts posted by Cindy McLennan

  1. I think I was so focused on the fact that the writers had never met with Jensen and Jared before the start of a new season, that I didn't even take notice of it. I get it in the early years, when they were just pretty WB/CW meat that turned out to be talented and committed to the show. I don't get it after Kripke left. I really don't get it in the past 5-7 years.

  2. On 11/22/2020 at 10:38 AM, PAForrest said:

    I honestly don't even believe they were "invited" to this pitch. I think the Js thought they'd have a chance to have some input - they literally talked about that after the announcement - and probably asked for the meeting. Since they were allowed no input at all - and that's really height of disrespect to the leads of a 15 year show - I have to assume Drabb used the opportunity to just tell them the broadstrokes of his not so grand finale.

    There may have been some details, but would Drabb have told Jensen outright he was going to make his character look ridiculous in his death? Possibly. When Jensen says they were told take it or leave it, given the fact that Jared loved it and apparently didn't care that Jensen didn't, I suspect that line was directed solely at Jensen.

    Would Jensen have been as upset as he was simply just to hear that Dean dies like days after it looked they won, regardless of how it happened? Yes, I really do, because it is a sucky ending for his character - finally free, except not you, Dean. Neener neener.

    I have repeatedly seen people say Jensen said they were told to "take it or leave it," but I have never seen Jensen say they were told to take it or leave it. Will someone please share the source for this?

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  3. 3 hours ago, PAForrest said:

    Yeah, it's sweet that Jensen is bringing a little bit of Dean over to The Boys. Did he say somewhere that he took Dean's boots home as a memento too? I know he's got the car and the cooler, but I can't remember about the boots.


    Jensen talked about taking home the boots in an interview, I don't remember which one(s), and he put a photo of them on his Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHyc8A-g_zC/ (this link wouldn't embed).

    Just for anyone who hasn't read the latest article on the boots, Jensen isn't wearing his SPN on The Boys. While selecting his wardrobe for The Boys, when they gave him a choice of boots, he chose the same brand, but a different color, as the boots he wore on Supernatural


    • Love 5
  4. 5 hours ago, Katy M said:

    I HATED 19 and loved 20, so it was necessary for me.🙂

    I didn't care about Jack's ascension. None of that is how I would have had things play out, but it's over and I'm too mad about real world stuff to expend energy on it. (Jack never mattered to me, except that he mattered to the Winchesters and Cas.) So to clarify, I like how 15.19 ended for the boys. They were free, and the future was theirs. That's why I preferred it to 15.20.

    3 hours ago, roctavia said:

    I think the heaven piece is tricky, and while I'm glad it was "fixed" or rebuilt or whatever... and clearly not something that they have to explain all of the details on.... but just being a place of endless happiness sounds good on paper, but without death, life has little purpose. 

    That's if you accept a framework like the one in The Good Place. In the real world, while death imparts a precious quality to life I don't agree that it gives it purpose, so much as urgency. Episode to episode, I thought The Good Place explored interesting ethical questions in a thoughtful way that was way above the usual sitcom fare. I also thought its concept of the afterlife was perhaps its weakest aspect -- shallow, facile.

    I don't know enough about Jack's fixed-up Supernatural heaven to know that what was true in The Good Place would be true there. To me, there's a difference between work (even challenging work) and suffering. I don't know what is in store for Dean, Sam, and everybody else in Supernatural heaven. Even if you look at The Bible, human life before the fall of man was not without work (which would give life purpose), or relationships (which -- ditto). 

    • Love 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

    I have to sit on this for awhile and let my emotions settle down. My first thought when Dean died was F*#K YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! show. So I'm going to give it a few days and see if that changes.

    I will say I did like the music.

    Yeah, my feelings keep shifting. I tweeted out a GIF of Bobby saying, "Balls" as I was watching (at the point Dean died), but I didn't even hate it. It's hard for me to separate my feelings about the show ending (I'm sad, even though I think it's well past time, because I enjoyed it more often than not for 15 years) from my feelings about how the show ended.

    I fully expected both boys to die. I fully expected a heavenly reunion with their loved ones (and think we would have gotten more of that, were it not for the pandemic).

    If you had told me one died first, I would have known it was Dean, and not because I think the writers hate the character or Jensen, or favor Sam/Jared over Dean/Jensen, but I've been watching how they do things for long enough to predict what they'll do in a given situation.

    My biggest feeling about 15.20 is that it was mostly unnecessary. It was like tying a bow on a bow. 15.19 ended the story in a perfect place (for me). I still loved Dean's final speech in the barn, though. Both Jensen and Jared were wonderful.

    • Love 9
  6. I mean, Dean won. He never had to watch his cholesterol intake.

    Can you imagine Dean Winchester having to swear off bacon cheeseburgers for any significant length of time? Talk about Hell on earth. And what about once a doctor tested his liver function?

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Slovenly Muse said:

    And, intentionally or not, they sure added legitimacy to Billie's plan to put everyone back where they belonged! Sam and Dean were originally on this very path: Die naturally or while hunting, and spend eternity together in heaven. Then they had to make demon deals and throw wrenches in all the works!

    While this was a very bad and underwhelming finale, the more I think about it, the more I appreciate the arc of the series and how this works as a culmination of this arc.


    Ultimately, they left the world a safer place than they found it. God was the final mine to clear, and then they were free. They died so many times, but now that their work is done, they finally got to die the right way, the way they always imagined: On a hunt, saving people (Dean), or out of the life, with a family (Sam), and end up in heaven together where they had belonged from the first time one of them died. The execution was poor, but the concept is something I can get behind. It's about as happy an ending as they could ever get.

    I can't believe I'm going to miss this show.

    The execution was my biggest beef with the end of Buffy, too. I liked the narrative, as I do with SPN, but that last leg was almost painful to sit through (and SPN was on the air more than twice as long). Maybe it's too heavy a lift to end a long running show in a way fans will find fitting.

    It seems to me that more than once during the run of the show, Dean said he was going to go out like this (I mean not in details, but he wasn't worried about a retirement plan and maybe even said that). 

    Ah well, at the end of the day, I'm glad the writers didn't ruin Supernatural for me. They left it (for me at least) it a space where I'll be happy to revisit it, from time to time.

    • Love 11
  8. 6 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    Whether you loved or hated this finale, I think we can all agree that Miracle is a very very good boy and the episode went up several marks by his presence alone. 

    It made me feel better to see Miracle, too. And I was glad Sammy had him after Dean's death.

    It just dawned on me, now that Supernatural is over, none of the shows I recapped for TWoP are on the air. I only did SPN for the first half of season 4, while Demian was injured. He and Tippi both covered it so well, and much longer, but I still think of it as one of my shows too. 

    That might have actually dawned on me last spring, but I forgot about it until just now. 

    • Love 8
  9. 1 minute ago, Katy M said:

    I don't think that would make a lot of sense.  "Hey, person I know, if you ever have a bunch of bodies with no hearts, or any other weird deaths, give Agent Bon Jovi a call."

    I'm pretty sure it was along the lines of, "My friend Donna Hanscom said if I ever got in a jam to call Agent Bon Jovi." I'll have to watch again, or find a transcript. I just remember it was ambiguous, because it ticked me off.

    It also ticked me off that the writers don't know Dean well enough to know he wouldn't have left his bed a mess like that. The man had a domestic streak a mile wide.

    No one on this show can cook scrambled eggs, btw. They were tight little curds in this episode, and in the episode where AU-Charlie was singing the praises of her GF's eggs.

    • Love 1
  10. 1 minute ago, KSenniaV said:

    I haven't watched it and now I'm not going to. I was never really sure if it was true about the writers loving Sam and hating Dean, but this episode proves it once and for all. Sam gets a long happy life with a family. Dean gets overpowered by a nail. I can't imagine anything more boring than sitting around doing nothing for eternity. Dean should at least have been given an important job to do in the afterlife. He should have been allowed to be relevant, rather than as someone else said, shelved like an old forgotten toy. And Cas absolutely should have been there, too. 

    There's also the fact that Dean Winchester has already died seventy-billion times, so I find it hard to believe that he would just stay in heaven and loaf around forever. The real Dean Winchester would have gone on a mission to save Cas from the empty, and then he'd return to earth and continue hunting. Or maybe he'd find some other way to save people and hunt things somewhere else, but the guy is a hero, and he would stay one forever. He definitely deserved better. Sure, let the guy rest and have fun for a bit, but there's no way he'd be happy and content to do that forever. 

     I've only seen the final season up to the last break. Not sure if I'll ever finish it. Don't know if I even want to rewatch early episodes. Bad endings don't have to ruin everything that came before, but they can. But if I can fix the storyline in my head I probably will. 

    It was pretty much said that Cas was out of the empty by the time Dean got to Heaven.

    Dean didn't loaf around for eternity. He had a beer with Bobby, took Baby for a spin, and met up with Sam on a bridge. Bobby outright said time works differently there. We don't know what they'll do for eternity. We do know it's happy. In other words, a lot of the assumptions you're bringing in your post weren't shown in the episode and some of them were ruled out by the episode.


    1 minute ago, Pondlass1 said:

    The Winchesters are going to be awful bored in monotonous heaven. Especially Dean. So ........

    We don't know enough to know what it will be like, imo.

    Just now, Katy M said:

    We know he brought back Donna, because Donna's the one that told the cop to call Dean, I mean Agent Bon Jovi.

    I forget the wording, but when I heard the line, I felt like she could have said that anytime (including before her death).

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  11. I really do think they were hampered by Covid restrictions, but they should have better adapted the writing to that.

    What I wish they'd addressed is when Jack-god brought back the rest of the people he wiped out during his hissy fit, whether he brought back Donna, Eileen, and Jody Mills (i.e. all the people from Sam and Dean's reality who he'd taken out). 

    I'm glad Jack (with an assist from Castiel) made Heaven more heavenly. I don't see why they had to kill Dean so soon. It's not like the episode was chock full o' plot.

    Like many have said, I'm not angry, but I'm disappointed.

    • Love 8
  12. 38 minutes ago, jmonique said:


    It's like the writers wrote the season thinking there'd be 19 episodes, they got done with last week's, presented it to the network and the CW was like: "Great! Can't wait to see what you have left for the finale?"

    Writers: "Uh, this is the finale."

    CW: "You better come up with something for the 20th episode, guys."

    Hi Monique!

    It did feel like they came up with half an episode. They would have done better to have Dean's death be a brief denouement to last week's episode.

    I didn't hate it, but I feel let down, whereas last week felt like it meant something.

    Sam's wig was the worse wig that ever did wig, though.

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  13. 18 minutes ago, CCTC said:

    Did the original creator of the show think it should be just five years and had a 5 year arc planned?  I think he might have left at that point.

    Yes. It was Eric Kripke's swan song (which was the episode's name). 


    21 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    Trillions is just a guess based around moving an entire country or world into one place, not counting any world that has multiple worlds with a population. Of course, in most of the realms we`ve seen, there have been about twenty people, so I guess that number would be pretty high. And it looked like the worlds weren't just moved, they were all slabbed together, so I think the people in Agrabah would notice the giant medieval style castle with a dragon across the street and the island with a massive skull cave on a stone throw away. 

    I am just trying to make sense of that ending, it was really confusing, and I am trying really hard to figure out why we decided to combine the multiverse, and how it works. Hell, if they had done that last season, that could have been cool! They put everyone together, and the last season is adult Henry in the future trying to be a sheriff of a massive Storeybrooke made up of endless fairytale realms. 

    I don't feel (and none of this matters) like it has to be trillions of people (although let's ignore the land of untold stories). 

    If we don't double count the same story across multiple countries/cultures), there would be even fewer. Also, most kingdoms/realms would have wherever the castle/government seat is, the village where the action happens, and then wilderness, or jungle, or desert, or water at its edges, so it wouldn't feel so plunked. (That's how it worked in my head. The CGI pass through of all the lands was effectively just an advertisement for the different parks at Disney World.)

    I think I'm tap dancing so hard to rationalize that part, because I liked the idea of uniting everyone and tucking all the "realms of story" in a secret corner in Maine.

    I watched the last 5 minutes or so again. With all the realms united, Regina is the (good) Queen of them all, I guess. Blah.

    Oh well, elections are tricky things. People are often unhappy with their results. ?

    P.S. to those who were wondering: Blue (or at least one version of Blue) was right next to Smee in the coronation audience. 

    • Love 2
  14. 6 minutes ago, CCTC said:

    I did not want the show to end at that point, but I remember thinking at that time it would have been a good series finale.  Happy endings, but with some sacrifices, including some true sacrifices from Regina and Gold.  Logical ending, for the most part people were happy, but everything was not all neat and tidy.  There was a real emotional weight to it.

    I didn't want it to end there, either, but watching it, it really felt like a series finale, the way the Supernatural season five finale (for anyone here who watched) felt like a Supernatural finale, and the Buffy season five finale ("The Gift") felt like a Buffy finale. 

    4 minutes ago, Terrafamilia said:

    Is gag-alicious a word? So, is WBlue still stuck in her horrible ever-after? I did like the safety tip on original Hook's hook.

    I thought I saw Blue in the congregation/audience at Regina's coronation. Maybe near Jared Gilmore/Henry.

    4 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I do wonder how all the people of all the other realms (the ones who sadly didnt think to protect themselves from intergalactic conqueror Regina) felt about just randomly being dragged into some other persons universe totally against their will because some crazy lady and her worshipers thought it would be cool. 

    "Hello, several trillion sentient beings from around the multiverse! Welcome to Storeybrooke, you live here now! You might be upset about being sucked into another universe, and you might have some questions, if your from one of the billion universes where you know nothing about magic and the multiverse, but all you really need to know is that this is a really good thing for you because Our Lord and Savior Regina said it was! Oh, Regina is your new ruler, she is a wise and benevolent leader, and if you say she isnt, we`ll know your actually a villain and will kill you instantly, so you better remember to kneel before Regina, your new Savior. Oh, you think you have the power to oppose her? Well, the gods themselves love her, theres no way to stop her, anyone who tries will die horribly. Its just the way of it. So make sure you vote Regina for benevolent Tyrant in our next "election" and only think happy thoughts about our God Emperor. Happy thoughts..."

    If their whole world got dragged there, would they even notice?

    Also, why trillions? 

    Also, was Regina crowned Queen of All the Realms or just the Snow realm (which Regina stole after engineering the assassination of Snow's father? Just keeping the Regina story real.)

    • Love 3
  15. Yeah, Ginny's tears and crumpled face got to me. I think that was a real mix of acting and letting her own love for the show shine through.

    I finally "got" Rumbelle, too. 

    I think 3.11 might still be my favorite episode of the whole series. I would have been okay if it ended there. It certainly made me cry the most.  The s3 finale would have been a good ending, too.

    21 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    I am going to preface this by saying I didn’t watch the last season mainly because I didn’t feel like it but also because I always thought the show was at its best when it focused on the Charming Family and Regina’s complicated relationship so without most of the main players I didn’t see the point.

    However I was curious about the finale.  Although it was saccharine and trite I did kinda enjoy this and the episode previous.  It did a couple of things I always liked about the show when it did it well.  For better and worse the show has in late part been about the redemption of Regina and Rumple.  Sometimes these redemption arcs worked other times they fell flat.  However this one was a pretty good way to end the series for both characters.  Rumple finally faces himself and Regina gets what she has always really wanted.  It’s nkt true love.  Not really.  It’s to be loved.

    Majing her queen was kinda weird and calling her “The Good Queen” was one of the things that fell flat but the threat of it mostly did work for me.

    You know, if they'd given Emma her happy ending (basically what she has now), in say season four or five, then actually shifted it to a Regina story, I might have been okay with Regina being the Oprah of All Things. I don't know. 

    You all have said so much of what I was going to say, and I sort of keep disagreeing with myself as I read each new post. 

    • Love 5
  16. Sigh. I got sad watching the montage and the final footage up and down Storybrooke's streets, but I was grateful for it. It reminded me of all the good. 

    I was annoyed they couldn't get a decent gown for Emma. It reminded me of all the rest.

    (Don't get me wrong, JMo looked lovely, but she basically had a department store prom gown.)

    If I cared enough, I would be dismayed that Regina was crowned (the good) Queen of the Realm -- by Snow of all people -- with Emma looking on. They started out telling me Emma's fairy tale and turned it into Regina's, so I expected it.

    • Love 21
  17. I don't think it had enough soap (or at least it had the wrong kind of suds). Good soaps are character driven. When this show fell down, it was because it was plot driven. I wanted the relationships (and not just the romance, the family and friends stuff), but that was my mistake. This was action-adventure. 

    The frigging curse resets and memory wipes were also over-used. 

    I like  this:

    On 2/3/2018 at 1:34 AM, Camera One said:

    I am never too enthused to watch procedural shows, but sometimes, watching them reminds me how much character building can still be done in a case-of-the-week type show (I was just watching two of "Lewis" at someone's house, having not watched any of the rest of the show).  

    As much as I always seem to choose serialized shows, I think "Once" could have benefited from more of a stand-alone format.  Emma working on cases in Storybrooke to help some ex-fairy tale characters, with a fantasy-world flashback about them, and then having a relevant subplot with Hook in an episode, and then a subplot with her dad in another, and a subplot with her mom in a third, etc.  would have been refreshing.  I wonder if that type of format might have resulted in more enjoyable character moments.  "The world is ending" type plots are only effective once in a while, not every second episode.  

    Week to week, I think it should have been Emma helping this character or that with their happy endings. You could have a season-long or half-season big bad, who tied into several of the characters Emma was helping. Where the soap should come in is in the relationships, but that's not what this show did. It would touch on moments, but then they'd be dropped. 

    6 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

    But the point that is missed here is that a soap opera doesn't mean that twists go nowhere.  Soap operas tend to milk things like my sister is pregnant with my boyfriend's baby and my fiancée killed my Grandfather for drama.  OUAT just threw twists at a wall and then moved on.  Nothing had a consequence.

    Yes! This. 

    • Love 4
  18. Hey everyone, it only took me three tries to remember my password. I thought of you all as soon as I heard Once Upon a Time had been cancelled.

    Like most of you, I think it should have ended last season. If I can Monday-morning quarterback it, I would have liked to see Emma get her happy ending at the end of season five. I think if they'd then brought new (or existing, but previously less central) characters to the forefront for season six, while JMo, Ginny, and Josh were on contract it might have worked.

    Still, I feel bad for the people who worked on the show who are losing their jobs, particularly the below-the-line crew. 

    I'm still irrationally angry about some things about this show, but only because I love the parts I love, so much. 

    • Love 19
  19. Hey, I didn't mean to quote any of you, but can't get the quotes to go away. 

    What I'm here to say is, I am so deeply disappointed in the OUAT S6 finale, that I feel I let you down. This is not the show I began recapping for you all on TWoP. While it matters not at all, please take my pole. Just so I'll know some of you read a thing I once watched: http://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/upon-time-season-seven-will-watch-without-jennifer-morrison/

    (How do I get rid of these quote-y things?)

    For the record? I will not be watching. UGH.

    • Love 6
  20. If TWoP still was, my recaplet tomorrow would have been one word: CODSWALLOP.

    Eff Eddy and Adam. Wow. I went from fangirl to hater in 2 hours. This was THE most disrespectful end to a story -- any story -- ever. My hatred can not be expressed.

    On 5/14/2017 at 10:07 PM, justmythoughts said:

    That is It! This show ended 2 min before the "oficial" season ending for me. My happy ending was that last supper scene (quite resembling of the religious thing... Was Emma Jesus? lol).

    How are A&E not ruining all this happines with no JMo, Gosh, Bex, Emilie and with a grown and bitter Henry? I don't trust them. 

    Only liked the final minutes, the happy ending, all the rest was shenanigans to waste my time. 

    BF was easily erased from earth... see Rumple, easy as breathing. And Rumple is  miracously forgiven and all his mistakes repeated, rinsed, repeated again forgotten. Sigh.

    Now, I'll pretend they are all happy and nothing else will happen, but more happines and love. 

    I just want to recognize that "Last Supper" visual, because I did notice it.

    But now, I want to douse the entire series with gasoline and drop a match, because what a load of shit.

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