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Posts posted by Twopper

  1. 18 hours ago, J. Matazz said:

    One thing I'm already confused about is why the cake is a penis one, complete with a dildo. Why not a vagina cake with some cherry pie filling at the top? Like, I personally wanted that before my surgery since it'd be celebrating the good to come, not the end of the bad.

    Probably because the vagina cake will appear at a "welcome home " party after the surgery.

    • Love 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I’m not going to write off the FBI as being unwilling to tangle with them but I am absolutely sure history has taught them that it had better been a rock of Gibraltar solid type case before attempting it. Every win in court makes Co$ more and more powerful so they to be sure they don’t make matters worse instead of better.

    I agree, but I think getting an airtight case is going to be very, very difficult.  I would like to be wrong about this, but at this point I think Co$ is still too powerful.  It will be interesting to see if the influx from NOI is enough to keep it as influential as it is now---especially in LA and Clearwater.

  3. 56 minutes ago, FoundTime said:

    I believe this was actually an HBO doc https://www.hbo.com/documentaries/going-clear, based on Lawrence Wright's excellent book of the same name (Going Clear), which I have probably referenced somewhere else on these boards during the course of this show :) 

    You are right, it was HBO.  It is still at the bottom of the DVR list, but I wasn't in the mood to watch again just to see exactly what Spanky said about the powers Co$ promises. 

    • Love 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, 2727 said:

    I wonder if it was on purpose because it didn't turn out well?

    There sure was a difference in attitude between the woman with the neck cyst and the one with seborrheic keratosis. Several patients have commented that one of the reasons they put off getting their lumps removed was their fear of surgery, but still. Calm down, tiny dancer. Dr. Lee's talking anesthesia technique was funny.

    Dr. Lee stressed that neurofibromatosis can be "excruciating," but I was still a little uncertain why those smallish cysts would cause the guy so much pain.

    Another episode that makes me grateful for my own diseases in comparison!

    Yes, I wanted to see  the after pictures for the woman who had the bumps frozen, and I also wondered if the results were not satisfactory.  Also I thought it possible that a cancerous bump could be hidden among all the non-cancerous ones; maybe the Dr looked more closely but it wasn't shown.

    I am also surprised the dancer's parents had not taken her for treatment, but she did say it had started to grow more rapidly as she got older; so maybe it was so much less noticeable when she was growing up, although if I had had that as a teen I would be begging to get it removed.  Also I like her talking to calm her patients, but I think a few of them need a real chill pill.

    I think she said that some of the guy's lumps were more under the skin than was obvious, and those hurt more.  So they would be closer to nerves, I think, and the weight of a heavy carton would push into them.   It really bugged me that she held a consultation about him  with her husband in the office.  I would like to think that she would have allowed him to also examine the man even if she didn't want it shown.  I  actually screamed at the tv about this, and scared the cat out of one  of her nine lives.

    • Love 1
  5. On 1/9/2019 at 8:03 AM, 3girlsforus said:

    I had an issue with that couple as well. At some point there needs to be personal responsibility. I can try to understand the desperation  of people paying to stay connected to their families or who have been raised to know nothing else or even those who pay because they really believe that Scientology is the one way to help people and save the planet. But  a couple of times these two mentioned that the money people told them that if they spent this money it would help them earn more money. That’s buying into a get rich quick scheme. That’s not trying to better yourself or others. I feel sorry for them that they were scammed but of all the stories I’ve heard and as reprehensible as Scientology is, this couple seems to have dug their own hole. 

    Yeah, I would understand better if they had grown up in Scientology.  A few years ago ( maybe 4 or 5) CNN produced a special on Co$ (applause for whoever came up with using the $ sign) called "Going Clear " which featured a woman called Spanky(formerly close to John Revolta) who said that she believed that she would gain supernatural powers by studying scientology so that's what I thought of when he said that he believed his income would increase if he spent money on it.  Actually, I think he said he was told something to the effect that " many people have found their income increase..." so I doubt it was made as a promise.   Maybe he was looking for supernatural powers as well.    A  lot of people came into it in the early days, because they would take free quizzes offered by Co$ such as personality or interest tests then they were told how Co$ classes could help improve their lives.  Something like this may have happened to this couple.                 

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  6. 8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    We have heard several times throughout this series that the workers get commissions on the money they bring in.  So, my question is why was the former registrar bankrupt?  She noted that she was bankrupt and added an "of course" to it which kind of confused me as she had raised big bucks for scientology.

    8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:


    I apologize for the blank.  I haven't quite got the hang of multi-quotes.  I suspect she was bankrupt, because she was also paying for her own auditing (although I am not sure when she had time for that) plus the re-issued materials plus donating to ideal orgs. and whatever else they pay for. 

    1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

    I'm wondering about the mother who gave away her inheritance?  How did the church find out about the money she was getting?  Not to sound cold-blooded or unfeeling, but if she opened up her mouth and told everyone in the org that she was getting an inheritance, then she deserves what she gets

    I doubt she mentioned it;  in the above linked article which I skimmed, it implies that CoS is fairly well informed about your financials.  Or maybe someone knew her mother died and asked directly.  The linked article had a sad story about how they find stashes of money.

    I am fascinated with this show.  In the late 70's and early 80's I worked for the IRS, and I recall several meetings about how to deal with CoS members and their auditing fees, but I never saw any (I mostly audited businesses); maybe I would have run into them in LA or Clearwater had I worked there.   This program is the first time I have heard the members called "parishioners," and I find it almost offensive. 

    I don't recall anyone commenting about the new (maybe in the past 9 months) Scientology channel;  it is on my Directv.  I have not blocked it yet, but I have also vowed not to watch even out of curiosity.  I could never be a Scientologist as I found LRH utterly repulsive.

    • Love 9
  7. This is my first season of this, and it is already one of the shows that makes me wish there was a button on the remote that allowed me to slap people on tv.  Or at least slap Casey and his father.  I am guessing that when the dad was married, the mom did the cooking  and dad has not bothered to develop decent cooking skills so that is part of the reason for the fast food and the other reason is that both of them like to eat it and it is easy to clean up afterward.  If Casey worked in a restaurant kitchen, I would think he could at least instruct his father in cooking better meals.  Also someone in the family has a large in ground pool.  Casey needs to start each morning with a bath in the horse trough and then head over to the pool; he probably can't swim much now, but he could at least do water exercises.  Of course, I can hear the excuse that he is a ginger, and sunburns too easily,  They should all be doing a lot of swimming.

    • Love 4
  8. On 8/2/2018 at 2:05 AM, DNR said:

    Oh my God .... the genetic skin disorder the sister & brother were afflicted with was heartbreaking.(*neurofibromas) I thought the sister was bad and then the brother appeared onscreen. Can’t imagine the stares , comments & ridicule in public. The woman had such a nice personality.   I feel terrible for saying this but bro looked like something Hollywood’s Dreamworks special effects team came up with for a movie. ? I’ve never seen a person with this genetic mutation.

    I just got hooked on this the other night when they did a marathon, and I was fighting a bad cold and was too weak to change the channel.  The disease the brother and sister have is either the same or related to the one that the Elephant man had.   I wish it had a cure or at least a better method of treating it than just removing a relatively small number of them at the time.  I wonder if they grow back.   She didn't mention the Elephant man so maybe it isn't exactly the same.

    • Love 1
  9. 2 hours ago, 2727 said:

    As I recall, Dr. Lee had to research/consult on this and it turned out to be a buildup of lymphatic fluid called a lymphangioma, caused by a defect in the anatomy. He would need surgery to correct the problem or it will just keep filling up again. 

    Thanks for the info; glad it is fixable.   I was able to reach the remote today to change from TLC to ID and catch up on Detective Kenda.

    • Love 1
  10. So I am home with the Christmas season flu and discovered this show yesterday.  Too weak to reach the remote I saw parts of two episodes.  One included a black man with fluid on his back; she took out about 15 syringes of fluid, but I fell asleep and have no idea what was causing the fluid build up.  He had had it removed before.  Anyone remember?

    • Love 2
  11. On 11/8/2018 at 9:30 AM, sATL said:

    I was also thinking that having to go up and down stairs to get the the front door was a really dumb feature for four people that have very short legs and problems with steps.  You mention getting rid of the stairs, but I don't know if that would be possible with the design of the home.  My thought was a home with that design would not be the place for them and certainly could have been a deal breaker.  When Bill was telling the contractor they needed more steps to make it easier for them, you just could not help but think that it was a very poor and unnecessary feature and the wear and tear on their knees and hips will not get better over the years.  

    I thought a big advantage to this house was the elevator was already installed so I  am sure the family will enter the house from the garage and take the elevator.   (Many of the homes along the coast that are off the ground on pilings also have elevators. )  So the family will not have to go up the front steps, but some of their guest might so it makes sense to adjust the steps in the foyer to make it easier for Jen and Bill.

    I would guess between her job and speaking fees she is earning at least $500k.  And this is their 13th season I think so I don't know how much they have made by being on tv.  They both seem to work very hard so I have no problem with how they spend it.

    I missed this show as we were out for my birthday dinner;  had I realized the season was not over I would have recorded it.

    As to car seats, I recall as a youngster riding in the bed of a pickup truck on country roads.  When I was a baby I had a "car bed"--basically a padded board that fit over the back seat.  I guess it had legs that sat on the floor board sorta like a 2 legged card table perhaps.  Surely I must have rolled around a lot;  I have never heard anyone else mention them except my parents.  We had a 1957 car that came without seatbelts; my dad had them put in but they were just in the front and just like the ones on airplanes.   I am surprised I lived to write about it.

    • Love 6
  12. Well, I was prepared to  be bored until I saw the travel map as I have lived in both New Orleans and Pensacola and driven back and forth  too many times to count  Loved the isolated thunderstorm that blew up on the coast.  Sorry they missed touring the Alabama ( I think the submarine Drum is also there), but as I recall it has lots of steps.  I seriously wanted a serving of beignets while watching this.  Also happy to see them at the Coffee Cup in Pensacola where I have eaten many, many breakfasts.  Someone asked about the house in Gulf Breeze being affected by Michael; it was on the west side of the storm far enough away so they only would have had rain and some wind; probably had a lot of twigs to pick up afterward.  And when I was little, we drove a lot between my grandparents in Pensacola and those in Georgia.  We would often stop at the Florida State Caverns in Marianna.  I guess I was about Zoey's age the first time we stopped.  It is one of my favorite places.  Marianna was devastated  by Michael; I feel really sad about that as it was a rather picturesque town.  My last visit there was in Jan on my way to Orlando,but due to an ear infection I was in no mood to go to the caverns.  I recall steps at the caverns which weren't shown, but maybe they have changed the entrance.  Also there are some great formations with appropriate names like Wedding Cake, Bacon, and Fat Man's Squeeze.  I was really  ticked about Will touching after he was told not to touch.  I remember being so very careful.  Also the caverns are about 65 degrees and feel very cold if you are there on a hot humid summer day when the outside temp is in the 90's.  

    • Love 5
  13. Quote

    One thing that I will never understand is why they order so much food. Wheather taking out or ordering in a restaurant, they don't eat a small fraction of the amount of food that they get. I know that they are rich, however, ordering 10 times the amount of food that the family will eat seems like a waste.

    I thought when they ordered so much at home they got extra for the TLC crew or maybe leftovers for the next day's lunches.

    • Love 4
  14. Quote

    he coastal farmhouse style is an exciting blend of two current home decor trends: farmhouse and coastal. The farmhouse style mixes elements of the old and new, using wood, metal and distressing to give your home a clean, traditional look.

    So if I understand this, coastal farmhouse is more descriptive of interior decor than the outside.   My idea of coastal farmhouse would be something that looked more like a farmhouse but was painted in colors often seen at the beach.  Think Jefferson Davis house in Biloxi and the haunted Martin house in Panama City as the outside farmhouse look and the exterior paint in same pastel shade of pink, green, yellow as in Seaside.   Now that I think of it, the exterior of their house in Houston was a bit farmhouse.  I hated the color but it did have the large porch which I think of as farmhouse plus it had some kind of siding that made it look more like a frame house than brick or stucco.

    • Love 1
  15. Quote

    It seems like they are filming once a month. they just had 6 mth photos and kindergarten graduation -which was probably in May .  The 5K has a July date - which I just noticed was on a Sunday.  I think one will get a better 5k turnout on a Saturday.

    Someone upthread posted a lot of reasons the 5k was not as successful as it could have been.  I was just struck by the time of day until I realized it was on a Sunday.  I have lived in the south most of my life, and the 5ks in summer that we have been involved with (I don't run, but the daughter does) all start early in the morning to avoid the sweltering humidity and heat.  I was doing the crossword while this was on so I was a bit shocked to look up and see the boys finishing the race in the dark.  This should have been a Saturday race at 8am (which I am sure would have been harder to arrange with the 6 babies), but they would probably have had a better attendance and just needed to serve oj and bagels and donuts.  But it looked like they finally had a decent turnout for a small town.

    Also I am somewhat surprised the women at her church haven't organized themselves into a schedule to provide help.  I would think there are enough willing people in the area who could volunteer to work a 3-4 hour shift once a week to help out.   We have several families with multiples (quads and quints), and they seem to get plenty of volunteer help.

    • Love 2
  16. Quote

    Now I know "eczema" is not a 1st grade sight word , but Courtney , the teacher, had to ask the lady sitting next to her what the word was from the nurse's text message ? Sound out the word....

    I missed this part of the episode and the church service, but I wondered since it was a text message if maybe the word was misspelled  in the text or maybe it was one of those she had never seen or due to exhaustion her comprehension was not at its best.   My DH has two advanced degrees, and for some reason he has a terrible time with pronouncing "eczema," and he has it from time to time


    The pool doesn't have a fence?!? 

    I freaked out over that, but I barely saw the pool as I was folding laundry and watching at the same time.  The pool disappeared from the scene almost as soon  as I  glanced up, and I wasn't absolutely sure from the shot if it was their pool or one belonging to a neighbor.  They don't live in the city limits for Albertville, so I am sure there are few restrictions of their property.  I see plenty of unfenced pools when we travel as well as trampolines without netting.  DH grew up in an area like that, and he hates many of the restrictions living in an historic area in a city brings, but he definitely believes in fencing a pool, and if you have young children you should fence the back yard and then fence around the pool itself.

    • Love 2
  17. I liked the graduation with the kids in matching shirts instead of robes.  So cute.   Did anyone notice the type of van they have?  I only ask because two families in our neighborhood have seven kids, and one family has a Ford Transit which I like because it can be purchased with a high roof which makes it so much easier for parents who have to lean over children in car seats.   Also during the scene with the thunderstorm, I thought I glimpsed an unfenced backyard swimming pool.  I like them, but I am ready for it to be a once a year special just to keep up.   It also bugs me that she says "pichers,' but I guess that is fairly common.   I can't think of a good time for picture taking with six babies;  they are always going to be needing food, fresh diapers, and/or naps.  The idea of individual pictures as opposed to a group picture seemed a no-brainer to me especially as we never can get a great picture of our 4 adult children where everyone looks happy.

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  18. I am so glad I am not the only one bothered by Jen's laugh.  I saw all 4 episodes last night.  I had recorded the first one, and once I finished it, the next one popped up so I thought there were 2 episodes but after the second one finished the dvr served up 2 more.  It was enough to convince me that as much as I like the family I am ready for them to go to a 2 hour special each year.  I would like to think the children are better behaved at home off camera, but I think if that were the case they would behave better on camera when a parent corrects them.   I am glad they are  closer to their families in Florida; that has to be good for everyone.   I have spent a good part of my life in the Pensacola area, and I have no clue as to "farmhouse coastal."   I thought I would have more comments after 4 episodes, but I think anything else I might have said was already said better by someone above.

    • Love 3
  19. Quote

    I think midterms are gonna be hard on Jilly Muffin.

    I think the whole first year will be hard.  I went to law school in prehistoric days, but I don't think it has changed that much.  There were no midterms, just a final exam which isn't a test in the traditional sense.   You have to spot all the issues in the fact situation you are given, give the laws that govern, argue both sides of the issue, and include policy and sometimes economic considerations as well.  Also during the first semester, there is a course called Legal Research or something similar that is very time consuming, but only counts for one credit hour.  I had worked for a few years after college in jobs that required me to read legal cases so I had a slight advantage over most other students in briefing a case, but I am sure he is swamped now learning how to do that.   When you are called on you have to give the facts of the case and about halfway thru your answer your Prof will start interrupting with all sorts of questions such as how you would distinguish it from the previous case and then Prof will start making slight adjustments to the facts and asking other mind-messing questions.  It is absolutely terrifying because you have no idea when you will be called on.   We had a number of married students; probably a fourth of them divorced within a year of passing the bar.  And there was lots of drinking.  It is a lot of work; if he is leaving early it is probably to go to the library or meet with his study group.

    • Love 13
  20. I am a bit confused.  I haven't been watching much recently, but I thought TLC booted Derrick and Jill for remarks about Jazz.  So how are you keeping up with them?  Just on social media?  I did read a few pages back about Jill and FFF.  How does FFF work?  was she working for them?

    The other thing is about Derrick and law school.


    I'm a lawyer and I just heard about this law school thing, so I came here to see what people were saying.  I just can't fathom Derrick in first year law school classes, the ones where they really pepper you with questions in the Socratic method (remember The Paper Chase?).  He would come across as such a tool!  Maybe he sees a future in working in conservative impact litigation involving promoting religious freedom (cough cough antigay). 

    Me, too.  It has been decades since I was in law school.  He must have been a decent student to get in.  I am not familiar with his law school, but somehow I doubt his Duggar connection would overcome a mediocre undergrad gpa or LSAT score.  If anyone is interested in having a taste of law school without going, I recommend the book "One L" by Scott Turow.   Law school is pretty intense, and it can be quite hard on a marriage.  It is also a bit expensive even for a commuter student.

    Was Derrick an accounting major as undergrad?  I know several people who were accounting majors who went to law school either before or after picking up their CPA.  The thing I wonder about is his "stick-to-it-ness' as he didn't last long at Walmart, missioning with Jill, and whatever that church school stuff he just finished. 

    • Love 1
  21. Quote

    my given first name is Zelma.  (Named for my 2 grandmothers).  Thank you sweet baby Jebus, I have a common middle name and have always been called by that one.  “Zelma” has, however, always been my get-out-of-jail-free card for snarking on other people for weird names.

    When we first got married, we went to visit my husband's extended family in Texas.  One of the people we met was his mother's bff, Zelma somebody or other.   And he had an Aunt Thelma, a cousin named Delma and another called Delta.  To this day, I have trouble keeping the names straight.

    I really haven't paid much attention to the Duggars recently so I guess I need to go check out the other threads;  I thought I saw them on tv recently but I didn't pause long enough to see if it  was a current episode.  I understand there have been more weddings and births since I watched last.   I like the name Felicity, my daughter had several American Girl dolls including Felicity.   She looks like a beautiful baby and I wish them well.   I also wish them a decent paycheck for him (is he Jeremy,  forget?) and that Jinger gets a cute haircut, and that they have 3-4 children and one or two pets that are treated with respect.   I hope all the children get a decent education, and that they go to Arkansas at most once a year.   A girl can dream.....

    • Love 6
  22. Well, I guess I was out of the loop.  Didn't know the season was back until last night when I got to watch Jessa give a haircut and discuss her mother teaching her how to cut hair.  I had no clue that Derrick and Jill were off the air because he commented about Jazz.  So why is Jill also off? Don't we still sorta have Anna without Josh?  And what are they doing?  He stopped working for Walmart and went to Central America and is now back in Arkansas.  Is he back at Walmart?  I went back a few pages and there was reference to his driving a van for a church or working at a church.  How are they supporting themselves?  Are they back in the large house with the pool?  Why do I care? Do I care?

    • Love 2
  23. On 1/26/2018 at 12:48 PM, eel2178 said:

    I've been in a stockade once (The Museum of Torture and Punishment in London takes your picture in one when you enter the museum), and I'm too short to be able to fit into it. I had to stand on the tips of my toes and still couldn't get my neck in the right spot. If I'm every in a situation where I had  to be in a stockade again, I think I'd insist on a step stool.

    I remember when I was little (like 50 years ago) we were touring an historical site that had stockades.  I freaked out because they came in several sizes including a child's size which permitted the child to sit instead of stand.  I have never forgotten it.  So next time, you should ask for a smaller version.

    I just watched this episode.  I have a really bad sinus infection and I had a fair amount of trouble watching more than 20 minutes at a time which may affect my memory of it.  I really want one of those mini-sail boats.  And, as much as I love puzzles, I would have done the bull ring.  I think maybe the best idea would be to start with one person on tier 1 and the other on the next level and go around it as closely together as possible.  Otherwise, I would thin the team could end up with 2 of one color and waste time.  I wasn't really sure how big it was and if teams could hear each other across it.

    I knew as soon as the prize was mentioned that the trip would be their honeymoon and he would pull out the ring, and he did.  Actually, I had wondered in an earlier episode if he would propose at the diamond place.

    I think the two women ( skiiers?) are my favorite now.  I do like the Yalies.  And I was a bit relieved that the Dunkers are gone--especially after he kept mentioning the heart attacks (actually he may have mentioned it once, and the show just kept repeating it.

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