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Posts posted by Twopper


    I do think it's completely possible both girls are furious about potentially-losing their potential TLC incomes. Not sure about volunteering to do this interview, but then again I don't imagine they put up much resistance, if any, when Momma and Daddy started prodding them to defend Josh and fight to keep the show. I do believe the girls see "outsiders" - as a whole - as being "against them."



    A major problem for Jill and Jessa is that, despite being married, they still depend on Daddy Duggar. But the people in tv land who don't watch them will probably think these are married women who are independent thinkers instead of kool-aid drinkers.  JimBob thinks if he can get the married women to say it was really no big deal ( they didn't know, don't remember) that it won't be a big deal for the viewers and voila' the show will return.  I think he is really wrong. I remember in an early episode JimBob talking about the house being surrounded by 20 acres of land so that, If they wanted, all the children could have houses on the land.  I got creeped out at the time that as it sounded as though he really did want to keep them near.  Now I might prefer to have my son and daughter live nearer to us (especially as we age) but I have so enjoyed seeing their spreading their wings so to speak and going off to faraway places  which I can visit.  (That also reminds me how I think none of them seemed to appreciated the foreign travel that being on the show provided, with the possible exception of the trips to Israel and Nepal).  But again, like the sexually provacative behaviour of Ma and Pa, this continued dependence on Daddy for housing and, in Ben's case, for a jobs is not known to John Q Public who is watching.  I am sure their comments were rehearsed, if not memorized. And having been raised that way also reflect their beliefs at this time.  Jessa's line about puberty sounds like it came directly from some book.

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  2. I would hope that when they splice together some scenes from the show that they would at least show one instance of the parents exhibiting their inappropriate flaunting of their sexual selves--for instance, that scene at the putt-putt course on the "double-date" with Jill and Derrick and Jessa and Ben.  That was awful, but showing it again would certainly give the people who don't watch the show an idea of why so many of us don't find the Duggars all that wholesome.

    • Love 7

    Papa Seewald has defended the Duggars, as has Dan Dillard. So I don't think it's unreasonable to think others from their belief system wouldn't feel similarly. 

      For better or  worse Derrick and Ben have already married into this family.  Now that the light is beginning to shine on the Duggars and the story of Josh has been broadcast to the whole nation, I am not so sure the Duggars are considered a great catch.  And especially with the money train being derailed.  I was hoping for at least one reference to Gothardism in the interview, but I should have know better.

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  4. Okay, I know this is an all out attempt to save the show, but what will it do for the marriage prospect of all the other Duggars? It seems in that world, all the molested girls may be seen as damaged goods (although I find that appalling), and will anyone want to court them now. And JimBob practically advertised poor JohnDavid on one of the episodes. I think this is going to be for the foreseeable future a very unhappy household with JImBob blaming everyone but himself, his wife and Josh for the shows demise.  And even if the girls are not seen as having defrauded Josh in their sleep, who on earth would want their child to marry into this family.  I thought the parents were creepy before this interview, but this interview makes them seem worse than I imagined. People viewing the Ma and Pa Duggar for the first time are not going to be impressed.  

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  5. Oh, I wish someone had not mentioned  Megyn's nose. When I first saw it I thought it was a result of bad lighting and then last night I noticed there seemed to be a "slit" of some sort on both sides, and all I could think of was watching a demonstration of how make-up was applied to create the snakey face on Lord Voldemort.





    It's astonishing to me that he thinks this will really make a statement. Mostly, it just shows how stupid he is. Again -- if he thinks the police chief and the city attorney of Springfield (I'm guessing the city attorney would be dealing with lawsuits against the PD) will sit quietly while he gets on national TV and maligns them, they're mistaken. Jim Boob has a lot more to lose as the result of stuff like oh, discovery than he could imagine.

    It's astonishing to me that for someone so "shrewd", he has little to no common sense. Whoever dreamed up the "it was illegal to release the report" was uninformed. Every time he tries to refocus the narrative on how victimized he and his wife are due to the release of the report, he shows himself to be (again) less than concerned about the effects on his daughters. The best thing he could do for his family is to SHUT UP, but nobody seems to have the balls to tell him that.



    Due to the doctrine of sovereign immunity, it would be difficult to win a suit against city officials.


    I am utterly appalled at the lack of sensitivity both exhibit toward the daughters.  I would expect it based on the series, but I would have thought he would have been advised to sound more concerned, but the more concerned he sounds about the girls, the more he throws Josh under the bus.  I haven't a clue as to how many people normally watched the show, but I heard 4 million tuned into Jill's wedding.  That just isn't a large percent of the population so while they are somewhat well known they weren't known to the nation, but with this coverage on FOX and other networks, they  suddenly have better name recognition than most politicians. Anyone tuning in for the first time must be shocked at how they minimize what Josh did -- children asleep, over clothes, children not understanding, etc etc.  I just can't see TLC trying to save this show without serious revamping it.  Any of the earlier shows with Josh in his teens is not going to see the light of day again.  I don't think they would be in this mess had they been willing to stick to the show itself, but then they threw themselves out as parenting experts with books, speeches, etc. that suggested they had the secret to a perfect family. I do hope this exposes the Gothard/ATI connection.  


    Jinger won't be in tonight's interview as she is damaged goods in their world, and she still needs to find a husband. I do think Jessa and Jill both are in a state of shock as they were expecting to be "stars' in their own spin-off. I can't really blame them, since they have been on tv for half their lives. Why would they expect anything different? But now, they are exposed to the cruel world and they are unprepared with no education and no skills.  It isn't their fault.  I hope this wakes them up a little to the real world as opposed to the Gothard world they have been living in. I really do wish good things to happen to them, and I might want to see a special in a few years to update on the adult children, except Joshie.

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  6. Well, I can't imagine the  Duggars helped themselves, the show, or Josh with this performance.  And I am appalled that they are trotting out Jill and Jessa, but I guess I should withhold comment on that until I hear what they say.  Yet they don't trot out Josh?  So he's still hiding behind his parents.  I expected a line like "Fox reached out to Josh for an interview, but he declined."  Oh, well, and I did expect her to question the discrepancy between the report that Josh was reported to his parents rather than confessed.  Tender heart, indeed. And since the Oprah show was cancelled over this, you would think that they would realize that there was a good possibility the secret could come out again especially if you go on tv to show what a wonderful family you are.  Well, Michelle does talk about her husband as wonderful, but I don't recall her saying that about her children.

    I just don't see an hour show about parents trying to protect their own image and that of their adult son (who is nowhere to be seen) doing them any favors or saving the show.


    And what was it with their hair? Someone already commented about Michelle's hair, but it looked like JimBob had been given a close cut so it no longer resembled AquaNet helmet head hair.


    I wish Megyn (stupid spelling, but I blame her parents for that) had asked how Joshie could afford to pay for his treatment. Don't the kids make about 2-3 cents per hour for their jurisdiction?

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  7. Is this interview supposed to fill the whole show tonight?  I know they spent time last night on the issue of whether or not the release was legal under the Arkansas FOI laws, but whether it was or wasn't that ship has sailed and the info is out in the public now.  They can't unring that bell, so I cannot see that more that 5 minutes of the interview can go to their whining about it. And the Josh has repented line can be repeated only so many times, although they will probably try to run out the clock with that.  I just can't imagine what else they will say except maybe they will throw out some lines to the effect that it wasn't the girls' faults,but that flies in the face of what we know about how they think. I hope someone has filled Megyn in about "nike" and "defrauding."   I can't see that they will gain supporters from this and I think most people who hadn't a clue about the Duggars before will never become new supporters. I would think this would be a net loss for them, at worst, and retaining the status quo, the best. And the status quo  keeps the future of the show in doubt.  In one of the opening lines, one of the kids talks about how having a large family is different, but somehow they make it work. Well, we now know for certain that it did not work.

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    Josh is 27 years old.  If he can get married, move to another state and father 3, soon to be 4 children, he can drag his sorry butt into an interview and explain why he should be forgiven for molesting his sisters.

    Grow a pair.

    I think what is most important to his parents is not whether the viewers forgive Josh or not, but whether or not the show continues in some form. Plan A: everyone forgives Josh and show continues.  As that is very unlikely, Plan B: If they have to throw Josh under the bus to continue the show in a different format, I think they will be more than willing to do it.  I can't see the show continuing with any more seasons. Perhaps a special episode in a year or so about Jill and Jessa and how they are doing and maybe an appearance by the other older children except Josh and no Michelle and JimBob.


    While I think Megyn Kelly has the capacity to do a killer of an interview,  I am not expecting it.  I did catch the segment last night on the legality of releasing the information where she played law school professor with two attorneys having them make their best arguments for whether or not the person (was it the police chief?) should have released documents.  I am a lawyer, too, but this is not my area and I am not in the mood to go look up Arkansas FOI laws and relevant cases. I am hoping she  covered that last night so as not to have the same discussion while meeting with the Duggars so when they start whining about the leaked info, she can say she already covered it on her show and now she has other questions for them.   I hope she had a marathon watching of the show over the weekend rather than assigning it to her staff so she can question them about their approach to women.  And I really hope she wears one of her more sexy outfits.  If I see she looks like a school marm, we know that she is in the tank for the Duggars.

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    I've noticed a lot of people saying that because Megyn is a parent, they expect her to be tougher on the Duggars. I just wanted to chime in as someone who is not a parent, and does not plan to be one: I would be just as tough as anyone on a child molester or the people who covered for him. You don't have to have children to take this as seriously as it deserves. I expect Megyn to be tough on them because she is smart and assertive and has a sense of right and wrong (even if you disagree with her politics, which is fine, you can't really argue that she is "amoral"). There's no need to make this into one of those parents vs. non-parents things.

    I did mention that she is a parent, but I had no intention of making this parent vs non-parent.  Megyn can be a great interviewer, but she has been known to go squishy at times.  My point was --because she has children-- I think she herself would not give the Duggars as easy a time as they expect.  It was not to compare her to any other interviewers, just to indicate I thought she was more likely to do one of her more hard-hitting interviews than she sometimes does. I was only comparing her with herself, but I wasn't that clear in the original post.


    edited because "on " is not the same as "of" and also to correctly paste the quotation above.

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  10. I think Megyn Kelly may do a good job with this interview, despite it being held in Duggar territory.  And I am sure at some point I will watch it, but I will probably wait until after I read some of the posts to get an idea of how it went.  I find JimBob to be a bully, but Megyn should be able to handle him.  Also she does have three very young children so I would expect her not to be soft on the issue of child molestation.  Even if it is softball, I just cannot see how the Duggars come out ahead on this. I just don't see all the viewers rushing to their phones to demand the show be kept on the air.  In fact, people who aren't all that aware of the Duggars are going to be put off by them so I would think this interview would make it more likely the show will be permanently cancelled. I think JimBob may have bought into the idea that negative publicity is better than none.  And despite their being on TLC and in some editions of People magazine, I don't think they are that well known except as parents of a huge family. And to not have Josh on there? He is 27 and hiding behind his parents.  I used to think that despite forbidding the children from internet and tv, the Duggar parents were watching and surfing, but I guess maybe not.  Not only do they seem stuck in middle school as far as their personalities; they seem to be stuck in the late 80's or early 90's even if their kids are tweeting and instagramming.  I just don't see this as a good idea for the Duggars.

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    But Duggar Hubris, as we saw about a month ago as Boob proclaimed that the show would never be canceled because it was TLC's highest-rated, will eventually be his downfall.


    When did he say this?  I am just curious as I think I saw all of this season except the one that showed all the births, and I don't remember it.  Actually, I am usually folding laundry and not actually watching, but I am sure I would have heard that and thrown a wadded up towel toward the tv.  And they will be on with Megan Kelly next week? I don't think I can stand to watch it. As it is I can't stand JImChelle in their talking heads which I often mute which may explain how I missed that obnoxious statement that the show would not be cancelled.  Maybe in 10 years they can do an update.... or not.


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  12. Didn't I hear them say, in answering a question about adoption, that they were already working with an agency? Is any agency going to give a child to a very, young unemployed couple with their own biological baby on the way?  especially when so many couples trying to adopt are infertile.  If they decide to limit their own biological children to a few and adopt a few then good for them, but I just don't see it happening.  I am actually more optimistic (but not much) that Jessa and Ben have a better chance of striking out on their own in the next 10 years than Jill and Derick.  


    Also one of my distant relatives met Jessa and had her picture made with her at a home schooling conference where the whole Duggar clan were on the schedule. This was about a month ago.  I myself would not pay to hear the Duggars sing and recite Bible verses which seemed to be on the program.  And I would think similar groups might re-evaluate their invitations, but I can see this going on forever with such conferences inviting individual adult Duggars or a group of the girls (sorta like the book tour).

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  13. In my dream, the Little Couple adopts the younger children, and the older children go free.

    I read the posts on here, but almost never comment, and, then, I may or may not watch the episodes. I think I have missed whole seasons, but I did see most of this one, although usually after reading the comments.  And at the grocery early this morning, I  expected to see Duggar stuff all over the tabloids, but maybe it just hasn't got there yet.  Anyway, I recall earlier this year there was a big brouhaha over Josh and Anna buying a house in Arkansas, while still owing taxes to the state.  I was just thinking their marriage must be super stressed. And I always thought JimBoob resented Josh for moving to DC because (1) it was a politically connected job, and JimBob was a failure in politics, and (2) it lessened his control over his son and DIL,  And while I wasn't thrilled over the job Josh had, I was thrilled that they were able to get away from the family.  I had hopes.  Alas....

    I cannot imagine this show continuing as it is currently configured.  I think I would still like to see an occasional update on Jill and Jessa and whoever else gets married, but no Josh.  And no talking head from JimChelle; I always mute them, anyway.

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  14. Thanks to someone on another thread who posted the most recent interview with Erica (Hill?), I have now seen it.  

    Michelle  was taking about modesty and defrauding (although she didn't use the term) when she bored me again with her story about mowing the lawn in the bikini.  Someone said something to the effect of "stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled." Drat, I wish I could recall the exact quote, but I don't want to listen again.After that all I could think of was Michelle and JimBob and their obnoxious and suggestive behaviour at the putt=putt golf course with their two daughters and future SILS.  And their kissing so much in front of the kids, but telling them they can only do that when they marry.  There seems something rather passive/aggressive in this behaviour to me.  Surely their behaviour may well stir up those desires that "cannot be righteously fulfilled" by their unmarried children.  I am glad that Jessa and Ben decided to save their first kiss (if indeed it was)  to be private.  

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  15. This whole thing makes me sad.  I have some vague memory of way back when they moved into the house and gave the viewers (I am a viewer, not a fan) a tour that the girls had their dorm room and the boys had their dorm room, but  Josh had his own room.  Did I dream that? Can anyone recall?  

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  16. I was always "meh" about Josh, but I thought Anna was good with her children.  I was really hoping they would be able to stay in DC and avoid being near his family, but that seems impossible now.  I am disappointed that Derrick and Jill didn't get a small 2-3 bedroom apartment closer to his job, but maybe this will be the catalyst to get Derrick and Ben to move away, although I doubt it.  And if Jill was the one who "tattled" on Josh, then good for her. I am not optimistic that any of them can break away Meechelle and JimBoob, though.  One of them could make quite a few bucks with a tell-all book.  And this does seem to explain Jana.

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  17. I noticed that Hallmark channel is rebroadcasting an Easter reunion with the Waltons ( not sure of the exact title) and it made me think of Jim Bobs.  Does anyone know if perhaps his nickname was chosen because of that show which started in 1971 when he was about 6--just thought maybe he was called Jim and his parents thought it would be cute to add Bob.  I think he grew up watching tv so he would have known who Jim Bob Walton was.

  18. Part of what I don't understand about this series is why they don't send in the therapist as soon as the dr starts the pre-surgery weight loss assignment as most of his patients seem really in need of it.  And at the same time he should send in the nutritionist with a lot of possible menus.  It seems a lot of the patients and their caretakers are not the brightest people.  Charly could have benefitted from the therapist as well as she looks like a candidate for the surgery herself. And I just have no words for the boytoy.  my excuse for watching so much of this show is I am stuck at home with a broken arm and leg and am worried about getting super obese while I recuperate which I know is unlikely as I am normal weight.  Well, it wouldn't hurt for me to lose about 15 pounds and I can lose 3-4 pounds when the casts are off.  I was glad to see the shopping episode although I thought the skirt  was too clingy.  and the butt wings--I have never seen anything like that; I wish they had explained about it.  if she loses more weight, do they do butt lift surgery?

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  19. All the episodes tend to run together in my brain--especially after they run a bunch of older ones in a row.  I saw about 5 minutes last night of the visit to Niagara Falls in which Jana gets to help the younger ones fish.  That made me sad about Jana and so mad at Michelle that I almost screamed at the television.  I can't stand how they rely on the older girls.

  20. You guys are great with the names; I still have trouble matching names and faces for about half of them.  I think the right person went home, but I wouldn't have given Amanda the win; I thought she over-fringed and was in the bottom.  I liked the pin stripe better.  Also I heard the hint for a double elimination next week and wondered if that might also hint at a save by Tim.  Speaking of Tim, I am thinking the designer that he advised about whether the material should be inside out or not should have gone with it inside in and risked being boring; I think his boring dress would have been safe if it was decently constructed which I am not sure whether it was.


    BTW, the Red Robins I see are stand alone; I did have a sudden desire for mixed fries and onion rings, though.  

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