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I strongly agree. It's the one thing I would change in the series finale. Even just on a practical level, Hannah is giving up a full ride to Notre Dame, an excellent, highly ranked school, to pay out-of-state tuition to a third-rate college, simply because…her high school friends and her ex are there. Talk about horrible decision making. That's not a heartwarming end. She and Bright as you said were not a good match. Different values, different lifestyles, different views on sex. By staying in Everwood for college, Hannah essentially locks herself into a dead-end relationship. God forbid Amy wants to transfer out of state or even study abroad. Hannah is putting a lot of pressure on these friendships to stay unchanging in Everwood. The cute Australian guy was a better match for her in their two scenes together than in two seasons of her and Bright.
This is so sad and unexpected. Just last month I decided to rewatch season 3 and 4 (my favorites) for old times' sake and reread the old TWoP recaps. Ah, the nostalgia. I loved how he was just Treat in them. I kept thinking that if they do a revival someday (very unlikely), they'd have to re-cast Nina, or make Andy a widower again (RIP, Stephanie Niznik). Not that a revival is necessary. Everwood should remain crystallized in the mid-2000s. RIP, Treat.
Interesting move, going out on such a stale turd of an episode. I feel exhausted by the avalanche of Deep and Meaningful™ Pearson word salads. I suppose I should be used to it by now. Hilariously, 6 seasons of This Is Randall ended with long shots of Randall staring at Jack. Truly one of the most mediocre finales in recent memory.
Nice to see they've all aged well. Well, almost all of them. With that pornstache Older!Phillip looks like he’s legally prohibited from living within ten miles of an elementary school.
I'm a stone cold bitch, because I am still laughing at how they all made such a big deal about Kate being the final arbiter of Rebecca's wishes and then they all collectively went against her decision and turned the cabin into a dorm. Sorry, Kate! Got dropped on your head as a baby and now this.
Oh look, Randall is a coddled, arrogant, pompous know-it-all with a savior complex. We’ve been here before.
One episode about Miguel’s rather sad life was more emotionally affecting than several seasons of obnoxious Pearson whining. I’d take Miguel over St. Jack as a husband and friend any day. And honestly, I find Rebecca and Miguel’s love story so much more real, mature, and romantic. Thanks for keeping all of this from us for 6 seasons, show!
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A good point from a Redditor:
Kevin and Sophie have always had A+ chemistry in my book, the best Kevin/Justin Hartley has with any romantic pairing. So I'm happy they're finally together. Key word being finally. The only mystery I want solved is the foundation Alexandra Breckenridge uses. That is some glowing skin.
Madison and Beth had a puzzling amount of chemistry in their Nancy Drew scenes together. An unnecessary musical number, a long drawn-out Randall monologue, the origin story of Jack’s pornstache...this episode had a lot of filler. The scene where Old!Rebecca mistook Kevin for Dead!!Jack was well done. Don’t say I never said anything nice about this show.
Shut up Kate, you selfish, miserable, sour-faced harridan. Toby gave up an amazing job, moved cities, became an involved dad, and she’s still bitching, having made ZERO compromises of any kind. I nearly cheered when Toby said his only real crime was not being Jack Pearson. What on earth does Phillip see in this woman? There is zero reason he would ever go for her. I can’t suspend my disbelief enough for this one. I’d sooner believe Randall became a male stripper. Was this the first episode with zero flashbacks to the young Big 3 or Jack? No wonder it was so fast-paced but also plot-heavy. This season could have eliminated them entirely and nothing would have been lost.
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I thought that was semi-clever of the show to illustrate how fluid our memories and perceptions are. Jack correctly remembers his accident happening on the day of the BBQ. Since he can't see the world around him, he might rely on other senses like smell and touch. He probably smelled the grilled meat and over time erroneously connected it/the smoker to his accident, when really they were unrelated.
Baby Jack is just absurdly cute. Hey Kate, Toby left the baby gate open which led to Jack wandering around the house. You left the front door open which led to Jack wandering around Los Angeles. Shut the hell up. Kate is such a rude, nasty, spoiled princess she can’t imagine a world where her dad, her brothers, or her husband don't coddle her and give her what she wants. Her entitlement is nuclear-level.
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I gave myself a headache eyerolling so hard at St. Randall's monologue to the cop. Have this show's writers ever met...humans? No one monologues this much in real life.
Exactly this. The show is telling, not showing. Toby still feels like Toby to me as a viewer. He's not some cold husband who doesn't care about his kids. He's been busting his ass all season, constantly flying between cities to see his family and being the breadwinner. He's still affectionate and fun and into planning big days together. His big sin (up until the job offer reveal, which I still think the show threw in there because a Pearson can never be wrong) was extreme self-improvement. But all of that is not enough for our Kate. She needs Toby to be fat like herself, depressed and miserable, and happy in complacency. That's the Toby she wants and needs. To call theirs an unhealthy dynamic is an understatement.