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  1. Regarding the 2 prisoners*, I like to think it's because Tyrion has been visiting them and bringing them treats and scritching their itchy hides. It was cool how the 2 prisoners just fell in line with Dany's commands, even without being ridden, and set to burning ships, the same as Drogon did. But dang, the 2 prisoners were half the size of Drogon. I hope they grow a bunch now. I was just glad to see they WERE able to fly after being confined so long. Drogon sowed his wild oats (so to speak, with his travels to Valyria and other places) on his walkabout (flyabout?) and so was ready to come home to/with Mom. *I need to remember the other 2 dragons' names. Visyrion and Rhaegal? something like that. Too lazy to look it up now.
  2. I wonder if Cersei will or has tried to take over the Tyrell army or otherwise hold it in KL. I wonder if she will send the Lannister army to take the Reach, to secure the food supply.
  3. Unless the Starks or one of the other offended Northern houses decide it would be best to go all Reynes of Castamere on them.
  4. I'm assuming there are offshoots: cousins, uncles, nephews, other brothers...but the show hasn't portrayed any of that. Speculation will help pass the next 8 months or so. I hope. I also hope the Boltons ARE extinct ... Or are soon made that way.
  5. The Umbers and Karstarks might also be extinct. We still don't know what happened to Karstark in the battle.
  6. I'd rather just have it that the dragons recognize Jon.
  7. I'd have to go back and re watch to confirm, but didn't Jaime promise Edmure that if he cooperated, he and his wife and son would be sent to Casterly Rock, where they would be treated well and his son would have the upbringing of a highborn lad? because if so, this is reason 344276543 that Jaime really is a piece of garbage, because he didn't say jack when Walder told him Edmure was back in a cell.
  8. But...I think the crux of the matter is: Jon does not want the Iron Throne. He has never been shown as pursuing power; it's been somewhat thrust upon him because of events. The ONLY reason he would want it would be the power (money, men, materiel) that came with it to fight the White Walkers
  9. I am hoping that LF's having been unguarded with Sansa about his actions and motivations will give her a weapon against him. Also remember that Sansa heard the big secret: that Lysa Arryn killed her husband because LF told her to do it. The killing of Jon Arryn started the whole political doom and mess for the Starks (bigger threat of the Army of the Dead notwithstanding)...and Sansa knows who started that ball rolling. She also knows who really killed Joffrey. I hope Sansa is the instrument of LF's destruction, and she walks away smiling...again.
  10. Is it too much to hope that Arya left some wolf/Stark token on Walder Frey's body?
  11. Yeah, the Iron Bank is getting screwed all over the place these days. First, the loan to Stannis....oops. Then the loan to the Iron Throne, facilitated by Lord Tyrell...the chance of repayment is not looking so good these days and the collateral assets are deteriorating.
  12. Exactly. I think Sansa's demeanor this entire episode is pretty clear: she now has what she's wanted for the past 5 seasons: she's home with her family (such as it is) to a Winterfell held by the Starks, and safe. Or as safe as anyone can be. Littlefinger doesn't see this, because he still wants what he doesn't have. Sansa has what she wants now and I think she will do almost anything to keep it.
  13. I was sure Septa Unella would die this season. I was wrong; she only WISHES she were dead. I don't know what the Zombie Mountain was doing to her -- he was up by her head/upper torso -- and I don't want to know. There are so many unpleasant possibilities. Why did Cersei take out Pycelle? Just because she hated the old coot? I was hoping we'd see Brienne again. Sansa should send her to Dany to negotiate an alliance, because Dany has the 3 best weapons ever for fighting the Army of the Dead. Speaking of which, have Jon and Co been REALLY REALLY clear with the other Northern lords about the White Walkers? We saw that Lady Mormont has the 411 but otherwise the talk seems...unnecessarily vague. Yeah, the transportation and communication networks seem...spotty in their performance. The Maesters in Oldtown didn't know that Jeor Mormont and Maester Aemon were dead and that happened a long time ago, while Olenna knows about the deaths at the Sept and that JUST happened -- as in the smoke is still rising from the ruins. And as others have noted, Varys zoomed from Dorne to Meereen, but there were Dornish ships visible in that fleet, right? Arya's revenge on the Freys was almost exactly as I imagined it would be. It would be even better if she takes Walder Frey's face and becomes him and wreaks even more havoc from inside, but that's probably a bit too much. Did she kill that serving maid to take the face or did she grab a few in the Hall of Faces? So...Howland Reed -- Meera's father -- has to be the only other person who has a chance of knowing that Jon is Lyanna's son, because he was the only other person alive to see it -- he would have seen Ned go up the stairs to the Tower alone and then come down with a baby...who then "becomes" Ned's bastard. Of course, we don't know what became of the lady's maid/midwife that was in the room...kind of hard to believe that woman would have kept the secret all these years. Sorry about poor ol' Tommen but he was too dim to live. What did he THINK was going to happen to HIM if his mother was convicted of incest? The trial's outcome was likely going to reveal that Tommen was not the true-born king and his reign would have been over.
  14. Poor Rickon.He was dealt a terrible hand. Of all the Stark children, he had the least happiness/fewest years of stable home life with his family. I hope that while the Greatjon was alive, he was treated as an honored guest, tutored in all the things a highborn lad should know, and had some comfort and safety before it was ripped away.
  15. Maybe it was ... merely a flesh wound? Crossing fingers for BAMF Lady Mormont not having lost ALL her men at arms.
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