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Posts posted by miss-vanilla

  1. As I understand it, Stefan is a ripper regardless, which is why he was abstaining from drinking human blood altogether, because he can't control his bloodlust. 

    It is the guilt he feels after kiling/ripping that makes him put their bodies back together,which suggests humanity on,  and during his vamp life he has flipped his humanity off to cope with the overwhelming guilt he feels and continue on his ripper spress guilt free.

    No humanity Stefan is much like any other vamp as far as I can tell nowadays, since he has learned a measure of control ,(although we never really saw that much play out on screen).


    Anyhow, this was definitely an episode for the NO pile for me. So many nonsensical things were said and done this episode that they took me right out of the story.

     The gang continues to be separated into little groups, with no interaction or dialogue between the little groups, except for Damon and Elena who seem to rotate between all the various factions except for Enzo, who is only allowed to act with one person at a time lol,


    One positive, Caroline is switched on again. I don't think I could have taken another minute of her like that, it was so annoying.

  2. Ha ha! "passionate" is an under statement. 

    I will never condone abusive tweets to real people about fictional characters, ever, but let get real here, they are the extremists, not the majority, and every section of the fandom has them. It is possible to be a passionate fan, and be disappointed without resorting to that type of behavior.

    The DE fandom has taken a blow, and they are hurting at the loss of half of their ship that they have invested 6 years in, but most of them are ranting on blogs, forums, or husbands lol. It is only a minority that harass the cast and crew IMO, and that is how it has always been IMO, it is just unfortunate that they seem to be the loudest, or that they take the direct route ie Twitter, to make their voices heard, incidently, a platform from which the cast and crew exploit for their own ends too.


    Personally, I am sad to see Nina leave TVD, I will miss her, but I wonder what this show will look like without her. I am going to see this season through to it's conclusion, and decide whether or not to continue watching this show, which is a shame, because overall this season has been a blast in comparison to S5. 

    • Love 1
  3. I loved this one, this season is shaping up to be one of my favorites fast.

    Where to start?

    Everything Damon was just so so great, from him waiting for Stefan to arrive home in his fireside chair,to him tearing up the room full of rage at humanityless Stefan, to his cynical coldness to his mother whom he believed to be dead for over 150 yrs. 

    I loved him teaming up with Bonnie to get rid of Kai, gah!


    So torn about Kai, he is so entertaining, I found myself smiling like a great big idiot at at him catching snowflakes in his mouth, such a childlike thing to do, and that is how he has seemed to me, very childlike, which is why I am so torn about what happened to him, because I love Bonnie, but I get her POV too! Hmm!


    I loved the macabre vampire dolls, I wonder who they are? I have a little theory brewing, that might relate to the Augustine roots, anyway, I am sure we haven't seen the last of them or Kai.


    The Lily Salvatore story was very interesting, I can't wait to see what they do with her, I believe her backstory will be fleshed out in another FB episode, similarly, Enzo is going to be treated to some backstory, I wonder if this a coincidence? I couldn't help noticing the dialogue regarding the vamp dolls giving up their blood rations to save Lily from her ripperness, perhaps she/they knew or had hope that they would find a way out, or that someone might find them, and that at least one of them needed to be alive to save the others? I think it sounds very Damon/Enzo.


    The Caroline and Stefan parts were light relief and entertaining, and I am glad that the show hasn't forgot that there are vampires in this show, so I enjoyed that especially the parts where Caroline handed Stefan his ass over and over, too funny.


    Memory altered Elena continues to be a little superficial, and overly optimistic, but I guess she is supposed to be, she isn't really whole without the true memories of her past.


    The cure. I'm not going to lie. I let out a huge groan when that was revealed to be Bonnie's gift to Damon for 2 reasons; 1) I wasn't surprised, 2) it feels redundant to revisit a story already told, but, I am warming to it's potential. This could be really good if done right.


    So, all in all, The Vampire Diaries is back to making me excited for what is coming next, and that is a good feeling.



    CAUGHTONTAPE, ON 21 FEB 2015 - 03:46 AM, SAID:

    I'd venture a guess that he turned it back on when Katherine told him she was never in love with him.  You could see on his face that it hurt him pretty deeply.  Maybe moreso the night he kissed Katherine thinking it was Elena?  I'm not sure if you can pinpoint an exact time when he flipped it back on.  So it seems to me your first suggestion was more correct, it just gradually returned.  I don't remember any episode where Elena mentioned flipping hers back on either.  It seemed like it was a forgotten storyline to me, but maybe that's how it works.  It just gradually comes back and you have to flip it again.


    I think Damon's humanity was ON in S1, but not fully, like a dimmer switch- thanks Alaric. I think he explained in S4 to 'no humanity' Elena that emotions return gradually, and he also mentions to Stefan back in season 1 that guilt is there if he chooses to feel it.

    Damon's actions are confusing in S1, because it is clear that he definitely "feels" at times. Examples that come to mind are when he is vivsibly hurt when Stefan tells him he will help him open the tomb, as long as he will be rid of Damon for good.

    He was deeply upset by Stefan and Elena's betrayal of trust when they went behind his back, and dug up Papa Salvatore.

    He was devastated when Kat wasn't in the tomb and all that entailed.

    He went ballistic when the tomb vamps captured Stefan.

    He seemed to care about Elena from the start.

    I think he was just a screwed up vamp, on a mission to save his "love", and he was willing to kill anyone or anything that stood in way of achieving his goals, but he wasn't fully switched off IMO. He was a ruthless, predatory vampire, who had no respect for humans- who could blame him after what we have learned.

  5. I'd venture a guess that he turned it back on when Katherine told him she was never in love with him.  You could see on his face that it hurt him pretty deeply.  Maybe moreso the night he kissed Katherine thinking it was Elena?  I'm not sure if you can pinpoint an exact time when he flipped it back on.  So it seems to me your first suggestion was more correct, it just gradually returned.  I don't remember any episode where Elena mentioned flipping hers back on either.  It seemed like it was a forgotten storyline to me, but maybe that's how it works.  It just gradually comes back and you have to flip it again.

    Taking this to the Damon thread.

  6. Ah! I forgot to mention the dream thing at the end. I loved that, and I loved that Stefan was the one to guide Caroline here. In fact, it had more emotional resonance, and felt more organic than the kiss scene.

  7. I have very mixed feelings re caroline and Stefan. On the one hand, I have been secretly rooting them since S2, but on the other hand I don't feel Stefan is really there yet, if ever. The kiss was nice, and beautifully shot, but I felt it was too soon, and will forever be tainted by the backdrop of Liz's death.

    Stefan hasn't really earn't this devotion, don't get me wrong, he is on the right road, but like I said, it was too soon for me. I guess I will have to see how it plays out in future, before I make my mind up.

    I have always enjoyed Enzo as a character, but I feel my enjoyment waning fast. His motives as presented are thin, so therefore boring, and his shoehorned appearances in eps like this are just Jarring. The writers need to shit or get off the pot, with this SL, because fans are just past caring.

    So, so glad that this show took the time to pay homage to the Liz/Damon friendship, a true highlight in this episode for me. Those scenes had just the right amount of love, respect, banter and openness that belied this strange but true friendship that has evolved over the entire series. It is fitting for Damon to write and deliver her Eulogy, after all, aside from Caroline, he knows the most about her "true" life as a MF Cop, and human being.

  8. @Aeryn13, I always seem to enjoy your posts, and I find that I agree with you more often that not, and this one was no exception.


    I can't wait for Bonnie to come back home, she will be different, she has to be, this experience will have changed her no doubt, much like all the drama has/is changing all of them. They will never be the same naiive teenagers they were a few years ago, too much has happened and they have all suffered horrible things. I like that they all tried to hold to themselves for a while, but the truth is they have turned into beings capable of terrible acts when threatened, hurt or grieving.


    I liked Jer getting in his last hurrah, and trying to get Bonnie back before packing up his easel and getting out of dodge, I just wish we could have seen more from him in that vein rather what we did get with him.


    I enjoyed every Damon scene, he was so on his game this week. No matter what is going on around him, he is always the one thinking clearly in these moments to actually move towards his goals. The map, the alcohol in the fire, using Kai and his new found emotions were genius- TY Bonnie. I hope they continue with their friendship when she returns, and throws some shade at those who deserve it for not lifting a damn finger to help her, or even enquire about her after all she did for them- looking at you Tyler, Alaric and Caroline (before her moms illness).

    I actually liked that he still has this deep belief that Elena probably wouldn't be with him if she hadn't been turned, because he doesn't know any different. Elena has never admitted to him or herself (until Alaric forced it out of her), that she was in love with him as a human. I thought is was a good thread of continuity.


    Kai continues to entertain, his new found empathy is going to drive him even crazier, just too funny, but his comments on Elena and DE are a bit eyebrow raising in their absurdity, but whatever, I am used to this show having random villains having a negative opinion of Damon, Elena and their relationship. Same crap different day, it won't make a difference.


    Steroline was better this week, but I often find my mind wandering during their scenes, and they seem so separate from the main story line now that it is becoming a bit strange.

    • Love 2

    Releasing Kai to save Liz? I can see that. Especially from Damon who is impulsive and as we have seen devoted enough to use crazy stunts for his loved ones. Which is actually something this group has always done and will always do so it didn`t bother me that Elena was okay with it. Anyone of them ever NOT being okay with such a plan would be a gigantic hypocrite. I mean, it`s not that the plan/execution was judge-worthy but none in the Fellowship would have a right to.



    THIS! Lets hope that Alaric sees it this way, then I won't have to go back to disliking him again.

  10. I also think that Damon's plan made perfect sense, and he had thought of a contingency (plan B), but Tyler ruined that. The only problem with Damon's plan was that he didn't have a plan C. Liz is still alive, and will die with dignity now, with her daughter by her side. Liz will not turn into a vampire, forced to live with excruciating pain for an eternity.


    I don't get why Luke dying is Damon's fault. Blame the stupid coven and their horrible customs, or blame Ric for allowing Kai to live against Damon's advice and better judgement. The bottom line is not everyone can be saved, and the Coven and all that they stand for is nothing to do with Damon. They will look after their own first, as seen in 5x22, when Luke stopped the spell that left Damon trapped on the OS.


    Moving on. Liz and Caroline scenes were very emotional, I am invested in this storyline, and I was never happier than when Liz came to terms with the fact the her daughter had become the very thing she was brought up to hate. In a way, Caroline's vampirism healed a fractured mother/daughter relationship, and they became closer because of it. I know that I will cry buckets when she dies for real, it will be hard to see  one of the beloved, original characters go.


    Stefan was just there this episode. He did a lot of talking, but not much else. He seems like a bunny in the headlights at the moment.


    I don't get the hate directed at Elena for taking a moment to contemplate her mortality after what she had just experienced. To me that is normal behaviour to examine your priorities when faced with death yet again. Being an immortal does not hold any guarantees as she well knows, so why waste precious time denying what is in your heart. Furthermore, what she had to say to Stefan was completely on point IMO. Elena wasn't blaming Caroline for what happened to Liz, she was calling Stefan out for not using his brain and experience to guide Caroline into making the right choices. Stefan pointing out Elena's instability when Damon died was a low blow, and not comparable since Elena was not blaming Caroline.

    • Love 2
  11. A really enjoyable episode for me. Fast paced, lots of plot mixed with very very character driven moments, a delicious mix of humour, deadpan, psychosis and pure emotion.

    So many interactions that I loved.

    Damon and Liz- He stayed with her all night! I swear that scene alone makes up for the 6 week hiatus!

    Caroline and Liz- Beautifully acted scenes, packed with emotion.

    Damon and Alaric- Back to basics with these two, bonding over their women and trying to save them, with the obligatory  glass of bourbon thrown in. Next stop, bonding at the bar in the Mystic Grill.

    Damon and Elena- Apart from the Elena fake out thing, I enjoyed their scenes immensely! Again, it was back to basics, and that old DE chemistry was back in the game.

    Elena and Kai- Just so good, I loved all those scenes. I am never truly scared for Elena, because she has lead character immunity, but I liked her badassness and quick thinking. Kai is just so fantastically evil, that it thrills me. The only thing that annoys me is when he eats and talks at the same time- Ewww! Boy, that kid loves food and noisy eating.

    The Steroline scenes fell flat for me, as did the Enzo and Stefan scenes. I don't know whether Paul was distracted with directing this Ep that he forgot to act, but Stefan was just a non event, however, I really loved his directing effort. I think he has a really good handle on the characters, and for me the character interactions this episode were the stand out moments for me.

  12. I say let them all get on with it and do what  they are paid very well to do. The BTS stuff is probably over dramatised to the point that it is completely unrecognisable from the truth anyway, and who the heck really cares?

  13. Hmmm! I did a series rewatch during the summer hiatus, and because of all the Bamon speculation/spoilers, I paid special attention to their scenes.

    I had always enjoyed their dynamic, there was always spark, but then I think IS creates that chemistry with everyone as Damon, but I did notice there was a reluctant mutual attraction vibe on rewatch, however, the first part of this season, I didn't feel it.

    I know this is not a popular opinion, but I didn't like how either actor portrayed their characters for the most part. That special chemistry was lost behind the OTT acting for me. That said, I did enjoy the scene at the table when Bonnie brought Damon soup, and she said "I miss them too", and I enjoyed the moment they had when they were standing in the circle of light, holding the ascendent together. Those moments were emotional, and serious, and they were the best for me. 

    All the sibling type, banter etc scenes annoyed the crap out of me, and I couldn't wait for them to be over. Less is more IMO.

  14. I also think when it comes to "Saving" people, it all depends on how high up in the priorities the savee's are in the eyes of the saviour, and that is where to conflict is within the group at the moment. They all have there list of important people in their lives, and the order of importance differs wildly. I am still trying to get my head around the fact that Bonnie fails to make anywhere near the top of the list of importance for anyone except for Damon and Elena (to a lesser degree)

    Caroline went on vacation with her mom, and is now spending time prepping for xmas (before  Liz collapsed),

    Tyler couldn't give a crap,

    Matt thinks the best use of his time is to hunt Vampires,

    Jeremy knows Bonnie is alive somewhere, and has done nothing to help Damon or Elena search for a way to bring her home.

    Stefan prioritises getting back in Caroline's good books, rather than help to get shit done,

    Alaric prioritizes a relationship that has lasted for precisley two shags.


    Bonnie has saved all of your lives, you pricks! Because she is awesome and thinks of others.

    • Love 3
  15. When are they going to learn to kill their  enemies when they have the chance? Yes Damon and Enzo can be "Dicks" but, that type of pragmatism is what is needed. 

    Whilst others are worrying about collateral damage (Liv and Luke), Kai has just become more powerful than ever, who will he kill next? I hope Ric realises that he just did what he called Damon a "Dick" for ie: looked out for his "girl" and her family, in the meantime, Kai has Elena. Wow, I hope Damon is pissed about that, I am fed up with Ric at the moment and his holier than thou BS. 


    The Caroline/Liz/Stefan stuff was good, I enjoyed all those scenes, and it was a nice contrast to the MF drama, and a nice change of space.


    Kai continues to be one of the most entertaining new characters for a while, just love him in all his psychotic badness.


    Poor Bonnie!


    Matt should team up with Alaric and form team stupid.


    Enzo is really riding his 70 yrs of good luck he missed out on, whilst locked up in the Augustine Lab.

  16. I think Elena will be staked (non fatal) this ep, there was a spoiler (gif) of Nina doing a funny dance with a stake in her chest. Maybe this is the catalyst for her epiphany that life is too short (even for an immortal). Nothing to do with any other tragedy. JS.

    Carolines tragedy will be in service to SC.  Still the same old story though, it is how Stefan and Elena bonded back in the day.

  17. perhaps he was literally on the verge of death from TB and someone gave him vampire blood so that he would come back at the last minute? Thinking about it logically, all vampires are made because they had vamp blood in their systems when they died. Vamp blood cures all, but not if death is inevitable as a human. 

    For instance, Stefan had vamp blood in his system when he died, but he seemed to spend a few minutes actually dying, and was conscious enough to to turn his head and look at Damon. Why did the vamp blood not cure him of his gun shot wound?


    Interesting though, isn't it?


    I get having favorites and disliking characters but my goodness the backflips and twists to rationalize actions once it's against a character one isn't fond of is always fascinating. Stefan gets antagonized and provoked by this moron and yet somehow he is still the bad guy and the wrong party in this. Amazing... This idea that Enzo is some truth seer and teller and knows all or whatever and sees the awful that Stefan supposedly is sounds like a load of fanwanking to me.


    Well I repectfully disagree, I call it another POV.

  19. Have Damon and Enzo even shared a scene since Damon's return? If they have, I honestly don't remember it. So the ludicrous Damon/Enzo BFF angle is even less believable. Especially when you compare it to Dalaric, Defan, and Bamon. Damon has plenty of friendships now. No need to keep someone around just to be on Damon's side, like last year.


    IKR, this is a writing fail so far, too many characters in the mix at the moment means something has to give, I guess this is one of those things. You are right that Enzo is surplus to requirements for Damon since he has so many other friendships and priorities, but for Enzo, his friendship with Damon is literally ALL he has, since he now realizes Caroline has feelings for Stefan that are less than platonic.

    Anyway, if the "steal your life" thing is supposed to be his motivation, then I definitely missed it. To me, it just seems like this weird, muddy version of Damon trying to force Stefan to accept his dark side, while also extending that lifetime of misery thing. But it's lacking a personal reason. There is no reason for ENZO to spend his time this way. Stefan has no current control over his life. He's not withholding something from him. They have no relationship.


    I think Enzo just doesn't trust Stefan at all, because of what he has been told about him from Damon, and from what he has seen and experienced over the last few weeks. In a way he is trying to get Stefan to climb down from his high horse and face his actions and dark side, but not because he wants to help Stefan (like Damon did), he doesn't care about Stefan at all,he is just trying to get under his skin and score points, because he does care about Damon, and his spidey senses are telling him that Shady Stefan, is acting shady.

    Enzo does have motivation to disrupt Stefan's life though, he has tried to kill him twice (even after he saved he saved him from Tripps minion hunter), and then Stefan saved him and Damon, (he did it because of Damon)

    The thing is, if Damon hadn't  come back from the dead, Stefan would most probably still be trying to kill him, but since then, Stefan has been "bygones" with everyone, and it didn't wash with Caroline, and it didn't wash with Enzo.

    I don't buy that Stefan was after Enzo because of Ivy, I just don't. He didn't care about her at all. She was a human, a part of his "moving on denial bubble", a coping mechanism that he resorts to frequently it seems. Once his pretend new life was infiltrated by his past (Enzo and Caroline), that illusion was shattered, and then Ivy was nothing more than an inconvenience that he tried to put on Caroline, and Alaric. Stefan vebalized his true motivation to Elena (i think, or maybe Caroline), that  Enzo was a reminder of his brother, someone was he actively trying to forget about.

    Stefan handing Enzo over to Tripp, was a dick move that put all our vamps in danger. Enzo could easily have given Stefan's name to Tripp, and Elena and Caroline, but he didn't, he kept quiet, he deserves a little thanks for taking one for the team I feel.

    Enzo has been shown to be a good reader of people, he sees through the BS. Just as he was studied for all those years, he also learnt a few things too, and he learnt not to trust what people pretend to be outwardly, but judges actions, and in his opinion, Stefan is not the person/vamp he purports himself to be, as we keep being shown, over and over.

    What is wrong about all this storyline is not the concept, but the execution, which is OTT IMO.




    • Love 1
  20. ugh! the Kat in Elena's body thing was just, so no! The whole thing was just so gross and icky, and really not "fun" Caroline Dries.

    Katherine was never my fave, but this whole arc just ruined her badassness, that I at least respected, even if at times she annoyed the hell out of me. 

    Why, oh why did they go down that road? Epic fail for me. The whole doppelganger curse stuff just ruined so many characters and relationships for me, and in the process S5. I am not surprised that the ratings fell, it was all such a mess.


    So, the DE Vs SE is always good for debate, and such a great discussion going on here.


    I will throw my hat into the DE ring, because overall I think it has been the best written romance throughout the course of the show. It hasn't been written perfectly (see s5), but I have always seen the trajectory of this particular story, that has been evident since S1 for me. I feel it will end in tragedy, like all the best romances do.

    I have never bought into the "good" V "bad" persona's that the brothers were labelled with in the beginning, that was just so obviously anvilicious writing at it's well, most obvious I guess, shrugs. This  was always meant to be the beginning of the brothers story to finding themselves and finding each other again through their love of the same girl, who has the same face as the girl who set them at odds against themselves and each other back in 1864. Elena is merely a plot device, IMO.

  21. My reasons for liking Enzo are because for the first time, since Ric died in S3, there was a male character who was close to Damon. Enzo spent everyday for 5 yrs trapped in a cell with Damon Salvatore, arguably more time in concentrated hours than probably anyone else, ever. They must know pretty much everything about each other, and what makes them tick. They suffered together, planned together and fought together. Enzo knows the REAL Damon, and he loves him like a brother, which is why he felt so betrayed when (in his eyes), Damon left him to die. Enzo knows Damon, inside and out, and he has vocalised many a fans opinions "in show"  of Damons attributes, something that is like rocking horse poo. We rarely have another character championing Damon, and dissing Stefan at the same time. That is like a breath of fresh air to Damon fans.

    I agree with cattitude, we have been shown his smarts, he is not just a pretty face.

    I don't actually think he is like Damon, he isn't driven by his impulses, his actions are much more calculated rather than intuitive (like Damons). They are both clever, lateral thinkers, but Damon's actions are more often than not driven by emotions and his heart, whereas Enzo's are driven by his naturally predatory instincts and his head. The snarky, bad boy  stuff is great, Enzo is enjoying his life outside of captivity, and embracing his lifestyle. His Augustine experience has shaped his world view now. Humans are his enemy, his prey, and he will damn well enjoy his power over this race that kept him in chains and tortured and used him like he was nothing for the best part of 70 yrs. I can't blame him, much like I don't blame Damon.

    • Love 1
  22. Brilliant episode, I am a huge DE fan, but I was glad to see a return to the S1 style of storytelling. It was a nice change of pace from all the heavy, emotional angst scenes last week, especially for the non shipping contingent. The Gemini coven are one hell of a sick bunch huh. What is it with Witchy parents wanting to off there kids.


    Please can we keep this Damon for a while, it was so entertaining. All the boy stuff was a blast actually. I missed Enzo though. And hell. yeah! to Damon compelling Ric. Bonnie deserves somebody willing to fight dirty for her, and Damon is just the vamp to do it. I'm sure Damon got a tiny amount of satisfaction from it to, a little payback maybe?


    So this Caroline inviting Damon to friendsgiving, but not Stefan. I am not sure, I think Damon was just using the fact that Stefan thought that might have happened to wind Stefan up a bit, which then continued with both Ric and Damon continuing that theme. I don't know, but that is my take on that whole scene.

    Caroline was advocating to Elena that it was time for them to have a little break from the Salvatore brothers in the last ep, so yeah.


    All in all, a good Ep, in a very good season so far.

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