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  1. I sorta admire her for trying to rock the Lena Dun&Dunhammer do. But to quote Stephen Foster: I dreeeeam of Nene with the lighhht brow-in hairrrrr. Last year I lost two cantaloupe-sized tumors along with all my female giblets, and have GAINED 62 pounds. Hormones can do crazy unpredictable shit. Here's a great primer on fibroids and weight gain: http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/uterine-fibroids/print.html
  2. Oops, I Porsha'd.
  3. Never understood lying about one's age, except in the other direction. I copy my mom and round up. Better to have someone marvel at how well you have maintained yourself than smile and walk away whispering that they thought you were younger. Maybe I'm jaded by drone photography of BHRH real estate - but those lingering shots of the Rent-To-Own foam furnishings in Joyce's new sports-compound looked like Craigslist (though what we did see of the actual house was Early Residence Inn). Perhaps the cameraman comes from the porn industry where his last job was going down to shoot couches and beds. *Heh - I said comes, job, going down and shoot. But 7 rooms and basketball sounds about right. How ingenious of Kandi to give Mama Joyce no reason to ever leave her house. HAH!
  4. Well said. Your Amy reminds me of the man in his ad whose tag-line is, "IS HE MAD -or is everyone else". I thought I had already posted it, but I guess not.
  5. Among her challenges might be ADHD, so she knew that sitting at a computer 8 hours a day would kill her. She had managed to remain there for 15 years, and in fact advance because I imagine there was some human interaction. Outwardly, she is "crazy" after a break with reality - and that the exile of demotion had led her to hate her now-persecutors. I believe that instead, she had escaped Stockholm Syndrome and that it is the "normal" people who have the problem. It reminds me of this beautiful, beautiful ad: Genius.
  6. Me three. But I did keep wondering when she'd tell Mom, "OK - so just DRIVE me there, then!". Again, her mom's an enigma, and on the cold side - but she did find her husband in the garage while her daughters were home. I imagine she must have a kind of PTSD or something. BTW - interesting that the book Helen was half done reading was about how religion treats gays!
  7. I couldn't stand Sandy either - which is exactly what was intended. I like we were given one false lead after as to her deepest character. I think she is actually "worse" than Amy. Amy shows herself to be self-centered, but because of some mental disorder, and with redeeming qualities and occasional self-awareness. Sandy, I felt, had healthy self-esteem and confidence which ultimately proven unjustified. That is a quality I find more off-putting than Amy's annoying chaos-causing. I love how complex and true these characters are. Has not everyone here known a Sandy.
  8. Ooh - I hope that's not a spoiler. I forget which episode, but Mom runs into a woman she has not seen in decades, and eendures several minutes of talk about and pictures of the woman's successful daughter and the grandkids. Finally, Helen alludes to a major building project their husbands had had in the works: "Can I ask you why [your husband] pulled out of that deal?". The woman says it was so long ago she doesn't remember. Later Helen has flashbacks: Christmas - where the sisters appear to have a loving and happy relationship with Dad. Another of on of the girls coming into Helen's rosegarden and telling her, "Mom .... there's something wrong with Dad....". She goes over and over her conversation with him where she asks, "Oh, I am sure it's not as bad as all that. Aw. What is the worst thing that could happen, really. The very worst thing..." So not only did the family lose the Man of the House while young, it was they who actually found his body in the garage. That is pretty much the very worst thing that can happen (to a wife and girls). Which is why, I believe, White had her repeat the phrase at another point in the episode.
  9. Add me to those perplexed by the reaction to Amy. I just read the IMdB boards on this show. Granted, the troll factor there is generally high - but there was a uniformly unsympathetic view of her character. It was as if the comments were a press release from the fictional Abaddonn higher-ups. Perhaps it is my contempt for appointed authority which allows me to side with Amy and my contempt for her employer trumps being squicked-out by her loose-cannonism. She does show signs of borderline-personality disorder. But imagine the impact on a child of growing up in a house where the father committed suicide. The voiceovers are so tender and poignant. She literally asks herself if she is an agent of positive change or a creator of chaos. It might strike some as generic naval-gazing, but we should all have such a facile and automatic reflectiveness. She TRIES to be good but knows she is flawed - and even notes in her VO how the road to hell is paved.
  10. Experiences with The Program an Al-Anon - how different than depicted and how similar. I have had two Significant Recovering Addicts - one with 11 years clean and one with 30. I have a food addiction. I was wondering why Jackie does not attend Narcotics Anonymous. The Step study is the same, but there tends to be a a slightly different demographic in NA. Group rules vary; some use a timer for shares and some allow "crosstalk". But I have only been to one meeting where a podium was used. Most are a lot more casual, with seating in a circle. I worry that the Nurse Jackie's depictions might turn people off to coming to their first meeting. Also, I have not known people to simply split from a meeting (as Antoinette and Jackie did) once they have gone to all the trouble of getting to one!
  11. I feel the same. Not enough time, I would guess.
  12. It was in teaching a friend to sew that I realized one of those things that can only be learned by trial and error is fabric choice (or you could say garment choice... for a certain fabric such a la the Italian print). I am thinking of that "home-made" church rummage sale look to my early projects, where the weights are all mixed up, or badly distributed. I think maybe Char needs to do a lot more of a wider variety for longer to really get it. Man, seeing Kprina's collection against Char's, I am so mad at her for that she submitted to her own weaker instincts. Gotta tell you though: I was born in Detroit - and am sad at how dismal life is for those who remain, trying to build it back. I don't know how many hard-working people will never get out of there and see Rome, so I am glad she did. There! I said it!
  13. In revisiting Leanne's stuff, this purple dress sure reminds me of Char's skirt with the questionably-added welt pocket. But I just think, "nothing new under the sun". http://www.pleatfarm.com/2009/08/31/leanne-marshall-fall-0910/
  14. The spirit behind the one-shot Gunn save is understandable - but could and should be done without the Designers' knowledge.
  15. I hope if he is not given the spot, he tells them he will take all his husband's ceramics and go home! BTW, perhaps Tziporah could be having a required 15-minutes now that the film is coming out! Heartheartheart! So excited to see this! http://advancedstylefilm.com/ Or - on second thought - dump FP altogether,and develop a show from Advanced Stle!
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