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Posts posted by aradia22

  1. Aw, Rebecca and Danny! She was also in that concert at 92Y. I only talked to her for a minute or two but she was so sweet. And her voice is still fabulous. 


    Edited: Oh, she does have a new show! I hope Little Dancer is good so I can justify seeing it. The music for Rocky (also Ahrens and Flaherty) is a  little err...


    I'm really grateful that I'm a cranky old lady because when I was going up to the city every month in my formative years, tickets were way less expensive and standing room was actually cheap.

    My dad has told me stories. I'm so jealous.


    Oh, and Idina does look fabulous. 

  2. I think Kelli O'Hara, Lena, and Sutton have had the best dresses so far but it's hard to tell. The camera guy seriously does not give a carp about panning down to show the dresses.


    aradia22, I'd love to be able to get to some shows this month...and next month...and the month after!  Unfortunately, I don't get to NY more than a couple times a year.  Enjoy all the theatre you possibly can!

    I'm in the city but I'm still not able to see all the shows I'd like to. I wish I had a job reviewing shows. It's just too damn expensive to go out and see everything much as I would like to take a chance on more shows. Kicking myself that I didn't see Bridges with so many people loving it.

  3. OK, there was really no reason for them to interview Jonathan Groff but he is adorable in his tux. Frank (the interviewer) is getting so sweaty. Stephanie Simon from Times Square is a bit of the mess. That's definitely the Kelly Osbourne/Ross Matthews part of the show.

    Ooo, I might try and see some shows this month to get one of those "pride" Playbills. I don't really getting standing on the opposite sidewalk to spot the stars. It's different with theater and film. If you go to the Stage Door you can generally meet all the actors (unless they skip it). I got the chance to talk to Jonathan after his concert at 92Y and I just met Hamish Linklater and Lily Rabe after Twelfth Night last night (sadly Brian Stokes Mitchell skipped the stage door).

  4. Is anyone watching the red carpet on NY1? The reporters are putting Ryan Seacrest to shame. They genuinely know a lot about the people nominated and the shows. Very little focus on the clothes but then generally no one wears anything that spectacular to the Tony's anyway.


    Well, I think Hill was good in Moneyball, and he's very good in The Wolf of Wall Street, which were both Oscar bait movies. So I'd say that those Oscar nominations aren't exactly undeserved or unexpected. Fassbender only has one? Well, I certainly wouldn't have nominated him for his X-Men stuff, or Prometheus, or Haywire or The Counsellor. So maybe the guy needs to actually do more work that Oscar voters will deem worthy of nominations. We all know what sort of movies get the nods, and Fassbender ain't making them.

    Actually, including 12 Years a Slave he's been making movies with Steve McQueen that sound Oscar-bait-y. Hunger, Shame... You can debate whether Jane Eyre was really good enough (also his role was minimal) to nab him a nomination but the Oscars do like period pieces. That said, like him or not, Jonah Hill is at least home grown talent and I'm a little tired of giving all our awards away to the Brits and Australians. Not that I think they should give Jonah Hill an Oscar but I'm not brokenhearted for Fassbender. I'm sure with the choices he's making he'll get his statue someday.


    Regarding that same movie--To me, its big flaw was that I just couldn't buy Renee Zellwegger (sp.?) as an ingenue who has the whole town of Chicago at her feet.

    Admittedly when I first saw the movie I thought she was one of the weakest parts. Although the original cast didn't have the best singers, I'm told (not being old enough to have seen them) that they were great dancers. However, I buy her in the role. The fantasy sequences are fine because they're just in her head. And as for the reality, I don't think she needed to be gorgeous. The story is more about celebrity. I'll bet there were tons of passably pretty girls getting attention like that. She didn't need to be beautiful. She just needed to be a pretty girl playing up a story that captured the public's interest. There are plenty of women today, both victims and criminals, who capture the public's attention in a similar fashion.

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    Wow, I forgot Chris Evans was in She's All That!

    Sorry for the confusion. I meant that Chris was in Not Another Teen Movie. He played the Freddie Prince Jr. part in She's All That. 


    As for the Footloose video, lol at the part where Kevin Bacon transforms into an Asian guy. But he was a very good sport for doing that entrance.


    But the stupid movie I have seen more times than any other... "Not Another Teen Movie." It's just so stupid and I hate all the parody movies that followed it (Date Movie, Epic Movie, etc). But, man, I could watch this 90's-teen rom-com-mashup forever.

    I love She's All That and NATM makes the mistake that almost everyone makes by not actually paying enough attention to She's All That to critique it. But I've seen it more than once and it's probably the first role where I found Chris Evans attractive. So strange that he's now Captain America. Can someone turn the whip-cream underthings into a Captain America meme?

  9. Bria- I thought this was very rough. She keeps directing all the notes to the back of her voice so they die. If you're going to sing the way she does, you need technique. It's still uncontrolled and vocal damage-y. You can hear her going flat and losing the note. 

    Delvin- Love Delvin. There were some teeny tiny issues but otherwise fabulous vocal. I do agree with Usher that there wasn't really an emotional connection. He needed to park and bark and not wander around the stage.

    Dani- Back to not getting Dani at all. Dani is not that strong of a singer. Why give her a song without places to breathe. I thought she did a really poor job, rather unremarkable, kind of unpleasant to listen to with one impressive high note. I do not get why Shakira is so obsessed with her.

    Audra- A little mush-mouthy. Slightly in danger of going flat. I think it might have been a bit low for her? Also, it lacked intensity. Slower songs and ballads need intensity to make them compelling. I partially blame it on the camera guy swinging around like a maniac but it was also the performance. Still, I enjoyed it.

    TJ- Something about it was a little squeaky like all the notes were closed off but otherwise it was pleasant to listen to. Most John Mayer songs sound the same to me. Not a wow.

    Christina- Good but rough. I think I liked it more than the others who had issues like Dani because it had energy but Dark Horse is not a singer's song. It was very scream-y and she lost her breath in places.

    Sisaundra- Went a bit flat on the note when she touched her ear. I wonder if they were having problems hearing themselves in the lives. Otherwise, flawless. Yeah, she was way too happy for the song she was singing but unlike with Delvin, it had that sparkle to it.

    Kristen- Love this song. Very pretty cover. She lost the ends of a lot of the notes. WTF? The sound went out? Poor Kristen. They cut almost all of her performances and then the sound goes out for her first live performance? Ugh, guys, stop it. Stop it. That said, it was pretty but not amazing. It's hard to go toe to toe with Jennifer Nettles and then not bring it. It's like doing a pretty version of a Whitney song. Doesn't really cut it.


    Watch it, aradia22. My sisters and I will hurt somebody over a bad word uttered about Grease 2. We used to attend a church-run summer school that played Grease and Grease 2 on repeat on the VCR.

    I'm sorry, but I have to go there. It was an interesting novelty but not a great movie. Cool Rider was kind of fun. I seriously cannot remember even the title of another song. The thing with all the seasons or holidays was painful. And there were no stakes. Grease made you care about all the silliness. 


    This wasn't a very stuctured summer school.

    I attended a Christian summer day camp/school one year. They taught us religious songs and sat us down to watch Veggietales. And we learned a lot of math. Did I mention it was an Asian Christian summer school? I still have great affection for Veggietales.

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  11. Maybe this show go on the Unpopular Opinion board but I feel like people who like The Notebook watched a different movie than I did. How anyone could call Ryan Gosling's character in that movie "prince charming" is beyond me.


    I keep forgetting that Matt isn't really a ginger. He is quite pale for a non-ginger.


    I kind of want fake William and fake Kate Middleton to show up and to have these girls continue to pretend that he's prince Harry. Harry's face might not be as well-known but William and Kate have been in the news tons recently with the royal wedding and the birth of their son.


    That pool party looked so sad. Good effort though trying to pretend you're having fun hanging out with the same people you've been hanging out with for days playing limbo without any music. Nice try. 


    I love how on reality TV trying to maintain your dignity is equated with being a wet blanket, not being fun, not being fully invested, etc. From dating shows to ANTM, not wanting footage of you making a fool of yourself to be out in the world forever is somehow a bad thing.


    I refuse to believe that Karina was dating a European soccer player and still thinks Matt is Harry.

    • Love 1
  12. I tried Sleepy Hollow and I was weirdly into how stupid it was for the first few episodes. Also, the lead actor was doing an excellent job of carrying the show. Then they started to do things that really annoyed me when it came to history and the Washington Irving story... and I was like, did you think this through at all? I'm starting to lose faith in your control over all this crazy. Then around the time they got stuck in that house I was losing interest quickly and the show seemed to be morphing and putting Abby more in the background (literally when Ichabod went to face the tree thing by himself for manly protagonist reasons). And now I have the last three episodes of the season on my hulu queue (saved from when they first aired) and I haven't revisited them. I may go back and watch only in case I want to be caught up for the next season in case the show gets better. Ah, I'm such an addict.


    The only thing she ever did for me was to make me appreciate Jennifer Morrison (Dr Cameron) who I never cared for originally.

    I remember Jennifer Morrison as a good actress on House but for some reason she seems terrible on OUAT. Completely lifeless. I can't add OUAT to the list of shows that were once great and became terrible because it was always just OK and I deluded myself into thinking it would get better and it got worse.

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  14. I realized that the opening makes it seem that in spite of being "the most eligible bachelor in the world" the show/Matt thinks the real Harry would be undateable without his wealth and title. Listen to what they're saying. Matt looks exactly like Harry (in their minds). Matt is out of the league of the women he's dating. When girls in real life realize he isn't Harry, they aren't interested. Matt is worried that without the wealth and status, they would not be interested.


    Also, this feels so much like Whodunnit and Masterchef sometimes. Are we sure the same people aren't involved in the production?


    Danny Fenton! Danny Phantom! I'm going to think this everytime I see his name in the credits. Which might not be for much longer as I may have to give up on this idiotic mess.


    "I've never seen a hot air balloon before. It's like a unicorn to me." Is everything she hasn't seen in person a unicorn? So the Mona Lisa is a unicorn? Tom Cruise is a unicorn? God is a unicorn? The large hadron collider is a unicorn? I could do this all day.

    • Love 1
  15. Ah, wrote a long comment and it got eaten again. 


    To summarize, I thought it was a solid game. Not that funny but the gameplay was good. Darren was fabulous. I would have chosen him no question for the final game. Yeah, I'm a Glee fan, but he's also clearly pop culture savvy (even more than your typical younger person would be) and he was very calm throughout the game. He answered quickly and decisively. That's who you take to the final round. Mario wasn't an awful choice. I just think he was clearly more energetic and less focused through the game so Darren was the safer bet. I hope they invite Darren back on the show. He's definitely one to throw into the ultimate Hollywood game night panel with Yvette and the others. I think Mario was a little aggressive but not terribly so. It was just that everyone this week was so tame. Pair him up with different celebs and he wouldn't seem so aggressive.



    In Timelines, I don't remember Jane explaining the pictures before.  If they had just turned over the cards and made the teams identify the cars and the movie kisses and then put them in order, it would have been harder.

    I think it made sense. I'm a romantic and not a car person so I thought the car explanations were necessary while the kisses were not. Even so, I think both categories required more explanation that previous games of Timelines haven't. We've had a lot of celebrity Timelines and of course the Sports Illustrated one where there aren't really clues to give. You could argue that the animated characters they chose for one game (I think it might have been the Brooklyn Decker week) were more recent and that animated characters are more instantly recognizable. If you know enough to put them in order for the game you don't need someone to identify the movie they're in. Whereas they picked a group of random movie for the kisses that everyone hasn't seen. I think they probably realized they needed to explain the cars unless they had a car fanatic as a celeb and then decided to explain the kisses to be fair. 

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