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Posts posted by aradia22

  1. Thoughts on the performance: Bradley had surprisingly bad breath control as a singer but particularly for an opera singer. Eric wasn't that bad. I thought he was cute and he sort of hit the notes. Cody was way flat. And then everything went horribly horribly wrong. Oh, poor Brian. Marcel may be the handsomest black guy I've ever seen fail so badly at singing on TV. There were highs and lows. Ron and Josh were in the middle ground of awful and Andrew brought it back down. Oh, God, Patrick. You're so good looking. But never sing again. Not even Happy Birthday. 


    Shawn made the best faces.


    That was such a stupid trick for Andi to play on Cody. She's a decent actress... at least as far as Bachelorette drama goes which means she just made herself seem less trustworthy (smart move?). Also, she has a stupid sense of humor. How was "and she's a stripper" a punchline?


    "Favorite color?" "Is black a color?" "OK. Duly noted." WHAT? Oh my God, so stupid. Did she think about that at all?


    Andi may have pranked Cody but she and Josh M are the ones who are playing games. 

  2. I don't get why Andi likes Nick. He seems weird and awkward (not in the good, genuine way but in the creepy way) and not terribly interesting or charismatic. Also, he has chicken legs. And yes, this is a stupid reality dating show but I want you to at least pretend to be into it. Acting like a skeptic doesn't make me like you because you already signed up for this. Why would you want someone who is a project and who doesn't totally seem to be into you? This is The Bachelorette. Andi shouldn't have to be doing all this work to draw a guy out. And he talks funny. OK, I'm going to stop now. I think my general dislike is making me irrational.


    There seemed to be a lot of pretty views on the bikes and the hike but I don't think it was a great date. You don't really have the opportunity to talk and they aren't really "togetherness" activities.


    Ah! This show. If anyone is watching this to learn how to date they are going to go out into the dating world a hot mess. Andi asks the worst most invasive questions and then she keeps prodding in the rudest way. I know it's for the sake of the show and a lot of the time the producers probably have a specific story they want her to prompt from the guys but it's so awkward. I think it's different experience to watch this show as a single person who is dating as opposed to someone in a relationship or someone who isn't looking for a relationship.


    Lolz. It's always hilarious when the cast has to act like whoever shows up is the biggest deal ever. The only way that would have been funnier is if this was on NBC and they were forced to do some kind of awkward Sing Off tie-in. Still not impressed with Bradley's voice. Even as a opera singer in the wrong genre. I didn't think he sounded all that great when he was singing operatic songs. Hey, here's a thought... why not lower the key? I'm not really sure why but when you get a big crowd of people together (like a stadium) they always seem to be able to carry a tune. But for some reason in a group the size of a small choir you hear all those bum notes.


    The song Boys II Men were actually performing was kind of bad. It was like some kind of generic version of Coldplay or The Fray. Real, this is popular on the radio kind of shite. Not that I have anything against Top 40 just because it's top 40 but this was derivative without any edge.

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  3. I loved that moment when Opal turned back to Ethan and put her finger to her lips.


    Evelyn and Adrian's verbal sparring is so much fun. I love that she's more than a match for him and doesn't start quivering at his implications. She's pushing her luck to want to continue to sleep with Tony though. Besides, doesn't she actually love Adrian? She spent all of season 1 desperate for his attention. I don't buy this "our marriage isn't based on love" thing. Writers, you can't just change things like I haven't been watching this whole time.


    Ooo, I want the whole Reggie, Didi, etc. situation to get deliciously campy. Let's go for camp evil. Everything else is so boring. Like Marisol. Ugh, what the hell. How does Alejandro die from one stray bullet while Nick survives getting hit by a car? Her forehead still wrinkles so Ana Ortiz didn't botox the acting ability out of herself but she is just so flat this season.


    Oh, Ethan. You lead a band of thieves and almost kill people with prescription drug overdoses. Let's not be so judge-y all of a sudden. I also think this would mean more if we'd had more Ethan/Opal interaction from the beginning. I know Marisol's one of the leads but it would have made for a stronger story to exchange some of the Opal/Marisol and Ethan/Marisol scenes that didn't go anywhere for Opal/Ethan scenes where they talked about all these "secrets".


    I kind of like giving Carmen all the silly stuff. I find it hard to take her too seriously as a character and it kind of works to pair her with Spence (who as I've mentioned on previous threads, they ruined last season) and Ty. 


    It was fun to see Zoila jealous though that storyline didn't really go anywhere. I'm kind of just happen the chef guy isn't evil. As for Genevieve, whew, 15 years is a lot of age to lie about.


    Misuse of good/well drives me crazy so I liked that little joke with Rosie.


    I love Evelyn's line about a salesgirl calling her a size 8 so she "reflexively struck her."


    That camera was crazy big. I expected better from Adrian. If we have to have Valentina around I guess it's better that she's on the sidelines for the Adrian/Evelyn drama but I'd still rather that she was still in Africa. I think she's starting to exaggerate her accent more (the way Rosie does) which again, is really annoying when neither of her parents have an accent and she grew up in America. I also expected better of Evelyn than just pulling over on the side of the road. Really? She couldn't go to a friend's house or go to a hotel under an assumed name? Something? This just seemed to be for the sake of expediency (to move the plot along quickly I mean and just have Adrian discover them).


    Don't you need witnesses and a marriage license for a valid wedding?


    Oh, thank god there's a second mystery because the way it stood it made no sense why Nicholas was caught by Opal's crime.


    Oh and after EVERYONE AND THEIR DOGS speculated AFTER THE VERY PREMIERE that Nicholas might've (intentionally or not) run over the Powell's son and that *gasp* he and Opal might have struck a deal (as in "I won't tell you are a hit-and-run driver and you won't tell I pushed your wife off a bridge")

    If that's true, do we think the Powell's will murder him as well. There can only be so many people who fall out of a window into their pool before it starts to get suspicious. Though I do think it would be funny if we just go for predictability by having the Powell's murder a different person each season. 

    • Love 1
  4. Misfits is the show I hold up when I say that while I am probably more conservative than a lot of people, I have no issue with vulgarity if it's not vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity... which is just laziness. I think in the first 2... maybe even into the third season the vulgarity worked. It felt particularly essential to Nathan's character. But I think it didn't work quite as well at the end. It was necessary to give Joe Gilgun a Rudy 2 to play (which he did brilliantly, by the way) to ground Rudy in a way that Nathan never needed to be grounded. Alex's sexuality in many senses of the word also threw off the dynamic. Again, Curtis had so much more potential and Alex just felt like a weaker version of Curtis' power set that they still didn't explore well. The goofiness of him "sexing" the powers out of people just... yeah. No.

    • Love 1
  5. I think one of the great weaknesses of Misfits at the end was Rudy and Jess. There was a sweetness there but it ultimately felt too much like Simon and Alicia. Not the interracial relationship but the "we need to have an epic romantic relationship" on the team. I wish he could have just stayed with the nun. Also, when Misfits started it seemed to have higher stakes while at the end it seemed like they were struggling to make up drama.

    • Love 1
  6. OK fashion time.

    Marissa: I didn't like that shade of gold on her but the cut of the dress was flattering if conservative. The hair really pushed it over into looking matronly.

    Noelle: It came off as very inexpensive. With the hair and the color of the dress and the strappy heels and the bright nail polish it just felt cheap. It might have worked in another locale like Miami.

    Caroline. Eh. Not impressed. I don't Cavalli. I think a lot of his stuff looks very trashy. This little cocktail dress was a little better but it still wasn't quite flattering. It almost looked like a babydoll dress that was awkwardly a little shorter in the front and with the cutouts... I don't know. Not great.

    Juliet: She looked kind of bad. That print. That silhouette. Why?

    Caprice: It had hideous green bugs on a salmon background but the silhouette itself wasn't that bad.

    Annabelle: Clearly the best dressed one. The only issue was the bodice. I think it was a little low. Not that it was revealing but it seemed like her bosom was lower than it should have been.

    • Love 1
  7. Eyeroll at Caroline. She won't sell a story but she's pleased as punch if she ends up in a trashy tabloid. Come off it. I think there's jealousy there. Even if it's just that Caprice feels free enough to do those kinds of things while Caroline doesn't.


    The music for this show is totally off. 


    Marissa, I want to like you but you are so stupid. Even if she did work in PR I don't believe she was actually working when she went to the restaurant (where she later met with Juliet). She just seemed to be doing it for the show. And Caprice is having twins? Really? I can't.

    • Love 2
  8. I don't know if I was in a better mood or the episode just got over the issues of the rough pilot but I enjoyed it more. Juliet seemed more likable starting out with her kids. Noelle is striking me as very Anne Boleyn. Caprice's baby stuff is still as boring as all baby stuff but the fact that she's having two babies, one via surrogate, is actually kind of new. It's better than trying to make me be excited about something that happens to tons of women.


    Granted, Caroline has more children and they're older so she might not be fawning over them constantly but she definitely struck me as more cold than Juliet which just adds to how much I dislike her. Not because I expect every woman to be super maternal but if you're awful to strangers, I'd assume you could at least muster up some affection and enthusiasm for your own flesh and blood. I love her son though, the one she said she liked better in the pilot who hugged her this episode before he left. He's a cutie. I hope she's just playing up this image for the show because I could see him being starved for attention and well, things going very wrong from there. But that's enough armchair psychology.


    I think if someone in Hollywood is remotely smart they'll put Miles Teller in everything. The kid does not deserve to be "ensembled" in things like Awkward Moment/21 and Over/Divergent. He has charm to burn and IMO is  this generations John Cusack. He knocked Sundance out two years running with Spectacular Now and this year with Whiplash.

    Well, I mean they kind of are putting him in everything. He's getting lead roles, ensemble roles, mainstream and indie films. I've found him annoying in interviews but I've yet to see one of his movies. Not sure if his Fantastic Four movie is dead or not.

  10. Warehouse 13 is an interesting one. I was in spite of the silliness and problems because the premise was so fun. I like treasure-hunter/historical kind of shows. Then at some point it started to feel very cheap and all the story problems were glaring. But they'd have episodes here and there (mainly Big Bad multiple episode arc episodes) that improved things and kept me watching. Then it disappeared from hulu and by that time I wasn't watching that much live tv anymore and it's hard to make yourself watch Syfy. Basically, I thought last season was very lackluster but I powered through it and I totally skipped this final season.

    • Love 2

    For the person who asked about the Bobby Van number that Hugh was referencing with the bouncing -- it was from "Small Town Girl," and that scene was featured prominently in "That's Entertainment II." Oh, and the title of the song is quite appropriate: "Take Me to Broadway."

    For me, a reference works best when it's short and when it can kind of connect even when you don't know the reference. There was nothing I enjoyed about just watching him walk around sort of (?) interacting with cast members of the various shows. Nod to the Les Miz cast? OK. What? That's not a well-choreographed opening.


    With respect to the person who didn't care for the black Enjolras -- you probably weren't thrilled with Norm Lewis's (Porgy, Sen. Edison on "Scandal") portrayal of Javert in the 25th anniversary concert version either, right?

    Ha! I don't watch Scandal and I read that as "Porgy, Sen. Edison" and thought, wow, it's weird they named his character Senator Porgy Edison since he played Porgy in Porgy and Bess with Audra.

  12. I like the Tina Fey commercials. They're cute and quirky in an inoffensive way. 


    The ones I really hate that I had forgotten I hated because they've thankfully slowed down on showing them are the Allstate "mayhem" commercials. There was never a more punchable face in the world of commercials!

    • Love 1
  13. I like people who can win me over in one performance. Give me that one performance and then I'll suffer through all your bad choices until I can't take any more punishment. With Jolie I hated her irrationally and now that she refuses to go away I find myself wanting to give her a fair shot so I want to watch her "better" movies but it's just so much work to try and make yourself like someone. That's why I dislike the term "hater." Maybe I have legitimate reasons for hating/not-liking you. Anyway, I watched Girl Interrupted a while back. Not impressed. It was fine in a student play kind of way. She took it up to that manic crazy place but not in a way that felt genuine.

    • Love 1
  14. Nikki Carr. I don't think her jokes were special enough. If I haven't heard them before, I've heard similar material.


    Billy Wayne Davis. The whole set was well written but it took me a joke or two to really get into it. The clincher with the origin of coon's age being dumber than racism got me. I agree that it's baffling that he didn't get through. While it wasn't perfect it was certainly better than the sets of people who did get through. I do think we could have counted on him to bring even better material in the next round, which again, is more than you can say for a lot of the acts.


    Mike Gaffney. I liked the frenetic kind of coked-out energy of his set. It was the kind of sitcom-y material that isn't new but I think the delivery and the style of writing made it feel fresh and still funny.


    JC Coccoli. I loved her energy and delivery.


    Sean Donnelly. Again. I wish we'd seen more of his set. I think it could have been a good one.


    Kellye Howard. Cute joke. I wish we'd seen more. There's no way to get a sense of someone's act from one joke like that. 


    Tommy Ryman. Again, the one joke was cute but given all the praise Roseanne heaped on him, I wish we'd seen more.

    Kurt Metzger. He must be a repeat, right? 

  15. Carlos Miller was pretty good. I didn't actually laugh at any of the jokes but he was animated and I did like the way he took command of the stage. There was enough there to make me think he has stronger material.


    I liked Joe Zimmerman. The jokes were solid but it was really the delivery and the way they slowly unfolded. I feel like he could be more of a TV writer. I think the jokes were chuckle-worthy but the way they built he got me to laugh.


    Tim Harmston. I'm usually bored by the pre-show segments following them around but I thought he and his wife were very cute so I was already on his side when he took the stage. I could definitely see myself watching a show with the two of them in it based on that. However, when he did take the stage his jokes weren't bad but I think there might have been something off with the delivery because they weren't really connecting. Keenan gave him some good advice about inconsistency. I didn't pick up on that but that might have been a part of the problem.


    Yamaneika. I think she was cute but I didn't see enough of her set to really sell me on her.


    Pete Lee. Super recognizable to be appearing on season 8 of this show. I liked the cat joke though.


    Luis J. Gomez. The one joke we saw was good. I wish we'd seen more of his set because I think it could have been interesting.


    Chip Pope. Has he been on this before? I swear I recognize him from something.


    Deanne Smith. Again, I wish we'd seen more of her set because she just became the "tell it to my balls girl". Her joke before that wasn't great and I could see what Roseanne was saying about her leaving too much dead air. 


    And my other deeply UO: I don't get the appeal of Ryan Gosling. He's not the hottest man in Hollywood to me and I don't get all the hype about his supposed "amazing personality" - every interview I've seen him in, he sounds like he's full of himself, has an extremely affected personality, and like he would exhausting to be around.

    Yeah, I don't get it either. I mean, it's not like he's a horrifying monster in terms of looks or personality but the internet meme machine has greatly exaggerated the value of his attributes. Of course, I didn't like The Notebook and I didn't see Crazy Stupid Love. 

    • Love 1


    I was hoping she has a scar in the actual show, and they chose not to go with it at the Tonys because Sutton Foster didn't want to deal with that makeup at an awards show.

    But that's really what she looks like in the show?

    Yeah, she doesn't have a scar in the show. I saw an interview with Sutton where she was asked about it and she said something about her and the actress playing the younger version of Violet drawing what they believed the scar would look like on each other's faces one day in rehearsal and her just hating it. I feel like that was a non-answer to "why don't you have a scar in the show". You could interpret it as her saying that she internalized the feeling of having the fake scar for that one day in rehearsal so it wasn't necessary but... I think it's totally necessary. The play is not about someone's self-loathing for something that no one else cares about. It's like having a phantom with no disfigurement. I love Sutton to pieces (I saw her in Drowsy Chaperone and she was brilliant) even though I couldn't watch Bunheads after the premiere when

    Cameron died



    I'm not sure I  understand why Renee Zellweger's career seems to have completely stopped dead in its tracks.   Did she more or less just quit or did she hit that age wall especially hard?

    I remember she made a rom-com that used Ingrid Michaelson's Be OK in the commercials. That's the last thing I really remember her being in. I'm not sure it was age. I don't think she came across as a likable, bankable actress in spite of Bridget Jones. 

  19. Kelli looked too good. The awards gods were having none of it. Even if you're a sure bet like Anne Hathaway you need to change out of your nice lace dress and wear a dress with unfortunate darts that give you pointy nips. It's the rules.


    I was surprised they didn't pan to Idina after the performance.

    WhattheBuck tweeted this, but they should have just let Idina sing. She was already there.

    Well, at least I had a fun night snarking with you. And I mean it, ebk57. Look me up when you're in NYC.



    I'm always watching this for the Shows.  But this time, I think the Show was totally underwhelming.  A shame...

    I really hope NPH can host next year.  Seems to make a whole lot of difference.  And I like Hugh Jackman...

    I think a lot of the performances were great but the actual show... Hugh Jackman's hosting fell very flat. It was largely carried on the strength of his charm. No Emmy noms for the show or a song this year.

    You know I should have known Jessie Mueller would win. People often win in the ugliest dresses.

    • Love 1
  21. I think it was a mistake to let JHud sing this song because it gives you no concept of what Finding Neverland will be like. It just sounds like every other JHud performance (though she did win me over a little during Smash).

    Oh, boo. The Kelli O'Hara loss has made me grumpy. That and Hugh Jackman's generally terrible hosting. The thing will all the best actress nominees was cute but it just felt like a bit of a waste of time.

    Oh, thank the gods! At least it wasn't Beautiful. I haven't seen Gentleman's Guide but at least it's original material.

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