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Posts posted by aradia22

  1. Hiding the painting under the birdcage is fun... but seems like a terrible way to preserve a painting.

    So Leonora WAS an imposter. I am glad Leonora and Rose weren't the same person though.

    Oh, no... the poor flying monkeys stuck in the rafters. 

    Excessive Force Gym 💀

    I love Winnie

    "I mean, I was a bad student, but you're just... a stupid man." 😄 Rapaport is perfect casting for this part. Glad Mabel got in a few shots at his arm. So... Cinda and Kreps. It was killing me that Mabel took sooo long to put it together.

    Pairing Martin Short and Nathan Lane for those combo scenes of physical comedy and dramatic acting... I would rather they hadn't gone in this direction for Will but they're making the most out of it.

    That was a really lovely Mabel as Freida painting/puzzle.

    Cinda being the criminal mastermind is hilarious after all the hate comments on this board. Why would she kill Bunny though?

    Loved the choice of Fiona Apple over the credits.

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    Only, I thought all New Yorkers walk a lot, so I wasn't sure why he was having so much trouble.

    Stairs are much tougher cardio than walking. You're using different muscles to pull yourself up. Also, it is bad on the knees. 


    The sneezing's a red herring.  It's a secret corridor with a lot of cobwebs and dust, people will sneeze.  It's not Howard's new boyfriend.

    Good point. It's surprising no one else sneezed with all the dust and cobwebs. The passageways have been very good for Halloween vibes. 

  3. It's funny that the Arconiacs have their own fancast. I do think the podcast has been downplayed a little this season, which I don't mind.

    lol, it's like the writers heard the Marv theories.

    Ivan bringing Oliver all the dips 😄 That little noise he made... the man loves dips

    Sevelyn is adorable. They better not hurt that kitty cat.

    I didn't expect Ursula to have such a strong voice. I know there are a bunch of theater people hidden in the cast, but usually I recognize them.

    Thank goodness Lucy found them before the killer found any of them.

    I thought Mabel was grabbing the dips for Oliver but using them as a weapon also works

    Ooh, I recognize that actor from A Strange Loop. A shame Howard's blackout date didn't work out. But I'm glad he found the bravery to ask him out for real. So wholesome.

    Idk... Rapaport seems too tall. But his shoulder hurt and he had red glitter on his neck. Will they invent a reasonable explanation next episode?

  4. Quote

    He at least has shown true guilt over what happened with Zoey: although I think the flashback last season did a solid job establishing that her death was likely a combination of both of them being aggressive with one another and forgetting how close they were to edge of the roof. 

    I've been rewatching Cold Case. They use this for a sympathetic killer or accidental death a lot. 


    Totally want to know about Oliver's production of 12 Angry Men with women.  Especially whichever future Hamilton actress was in it.  Was it Renee Elise Goldsberry?!  Phillipa Soo?! Jasmine Cephas Jones?!

    Can't be Pippa. Way too young.


    Not quite sure how you go to an amusement park that apparently has dozens of security staff who don't seem to actually work there. Mabel and Theo were poking around for however long and then charged Theo's ankle monitor for an hour and then more running around before the killer showed up. 

    I can handwave and assume if they were there in the morning, no one would have showed up until closer to opening. Fair point about Glitter Guy behaving weirdly though.


    Theo pulling out that ring from no where (especially in that way) seemed like a moment that could only have worked on a TV show.

    True. I'm old but I think the toy ring would have just been in the plastic case, not in it's own jewelry store velvet box. 


    I liked Mabel's reaction to "glitter" in ASL and Det. Williams saying "Like I don't fuckin' know Chorus Line?!?!" That was fun.

    The sign for applause is also fun. There's another one that looks like spirit fingers that I saw translated as "amazing" though that's apparently not correct. It's not snow.


    And little Keith is adorable, but definitely not under 3 months old (length of maternity leave in New York)

    I don't know what the laws are about babies acting but I'd hope good parents wouldn't want to hand over a newborn (especially since they're filming during a pandemic). 


    Glad I'm not the only one. You can't read lips and drive at the same time, Theo. 

    I thought the opposite. Mabel, this is not the time for your personal revelations. Or at least tell him you just want to talk out loud to yourself. 

  5. Honestly, I'm more interested in the other claims. Did she lie about her father and co-opt his backstory? Did they live in a shack without a toilet? Did she invent the name Sacheen (or was she just confused on its meaning) and the backstory for Littlefeather? Was that really the treatment in the mental hospital? Did she participate in the occupation of Alcatraz?

    That's what made the original opinion article compelling to me... that Sacheen was presented as a scammer who was inventing these stories about who she was and what had happened to her. 

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    As to paper, paper records are extremely easy to destroy/lose (not to mention extremely flammable) and many archives of the past were aggressive in culling out records that they perceived to be unimportant. There is no guarantee the paper records still exist.

    This is a weird point to keep arguing. I'm saying if Jacqueline Keeler found the records the first time, it should be easy to verify. If not, that puts her claims into doubt. And overall, I'm just tired of "journalism" being summarizing information obtained by someone else but that's a conversation unrelated to celebrity news. 


    Regardless, as an outsider, if the people whose story she's purported to have stolen (and it could be that she did invent this story, I don't know) are saying, "either way, we claim her as ours," who are the rest of us to say differently? 

    Fair. Those opinions will shift in different communities and based on the specific individuals in question, and if they want to claim her regardless, that's their prerogative. I'm just hesitant to sign on to the twitter mindset that people you like are automatically trustworthy and if someone has behaved badly, it discredits everything else about them. 

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  7. Aww, junior detective Keith is a cutie.

    I actually think the actor playing Theo communicates well even if you don't know ASL. In the fight with Teddy in the earlier episode, I noticed I could read his lips more than I can with hearing actors (I try sometimes when someone's mumbling and I can't tell what they're saying and the subtitles/CC doesn't record it). But Mabel was frustrated and not in the mood to slow down and write/text a conversation.

    It was hilarious that THIS is the moment when the stage whisper can be overheard by other characters.

    Theo actually being a useful ally in investigating is a fun development. Also, if anyone should trauma bond, it's Mabel and Theo. I would be cool with this relationship for season 3. 

    Detective Williams is great

    They're really hiding Glitter Guy but I do love that Mabel doesn't get stuck in damsel positions. I kept expecting a jump scare where she'd get attacked but instead she handled herself, even when he found her in the locker.

    I get that Mabel wanted to talk about her dad but I feel like taking Theo's attention away from driving was a bad call...

    A blackout creates some drama for the next episode. Though I miss having a fun end credits songs.

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  8. Is anyone even trying? Fair point if the records are incomplete but if they're not digitized, that's just laziness. You can obtain paper records. 

    I am skeptical of the woman who published the opinion article and Sacheen's sisters. But I didn't know anything of her self-described history before this and some of it comes across as... embellished. 

    I'm not outraged if she chose to lie. She's passed on and there are no claims of harm except from her family. I am disheartened that no one wants to put in an ounce of research into Sacheen's claims to defend her beyond dragging up receipts against her sisters or the journalist but that's why I mostly stay off twitter. 

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  9. Maybe I've just been watching too much Finding Your Roots. I recently watched the re-airing of the episode where Rebecca Hall discovers that her maternal grandfather lied about being Sioux after marrying a Native woman to hide his black ancestry. Even though her great-grandfather was relatively successful.


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    I guess I just like Jackie Hoffman's portrayal, and I don't want her gone from the show. 

    This is how I feel about Cinda. It's Tina Fey! She's playing a horrible boss so well.

    Amy Schumer and Jane Lynch grate because it doesn't feel like they're bringing their A game. 

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    Marriage and baptismal records do not place the Cruz or Ybarra families near White Mountain Apache territory in Arizona — and they weren’t near Yaqui communities in Mexico, either. 

    @Dani This is from the article. If there's a way to fact-check it, I wish someone would. Presumably the outlets just reposting the article could also source marriage and baptismal records. 


    This article talks about an interview with Jacqueline Stewart. What is journalism? Is everyone incapable of fact-checking? It shouldn't be that difficult to verify some of these details and it should be standard practice against misinformation.

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  12. Favorite things spotted on Poppy the Cinda clone's screen: "5am Primal Scream" "9am Clitoral stimulation session with Jake" "7:30am Ask Poppy to stop doing that thing" "12pm Carb nap" "5pm Early dinner, then BED!!!"

    Amy Ryan was ridiculous (in the best way) this episode. "Because I tried to kill you? How many times are you going to make me apologize for that?"

    After the opening, I was not prepared for Jane Lynch. Not as bad as Amy Schumer but... the energy she was bringing still threw me off. Meanwhile, Andrea Martin who can be super over the top managed to be kooky without being offputting.

    Going after the unappreciated assistant is such a classic move. 

    I knew Jimmy would be a creep.

    The glitter bomb going off in the background was so intense.

    lol, I knew Charles would want Sazz to handle the breakup. Jane was a little better in the dramatic scene but... I could do without her

    Did Alice paint different figures in the windows of the building? Also, as bad as any betrayal would have been, to do it in Mabel's own apartment??? Horrible.

    Aww, look at Oliver learning to enjoy other "dips"

    Trust Mabel to not be defenseless but the stabbing definitely makes it seem like that was not the killer. 

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    I assume she had to grab it from a killed player. In order to make sure someone gets the Son of Sam card you would have to match the number of cards to the number of players, not deal from the whole deck. So if she drew 2 Oliver would have known.

    Maybe Oliver wasn't keeping great track of the blonde cards. I don't think they were all as notable as "Early Betamax Adopter" or whatever that was. He would obviously know now if he looks in the deck and sees a missing card. 

  14. They found a good young actor for the flashback with at least a touch of that impish Martin Short quality.

    This show is obsessed with dads. (Though, honestly, a lot of media is.) It's interesting that through all the variations of flawed dads Oliver - narcissistic, Teddy - abusive/controlling, Charles - absent/neglectful, we're meant to understand they are all loving, however flawed their parenting might be. I guess you could throw in Oscar's dad from season 1 too.

    I liked the Jan bit for the mocking of true crime/prestige drama. Charles was not having any of her BS.

    Winnie as Toto was ADORABLE

    Honestly, that Iran-Contra joke tracks. Millennial... still don't know, still don't care.

    Oliver is totally the type to have one party gimmick... and making it Werewolf/Mafia

    "Well, as usual, I find your acting unconvincing." 😄

    When Oliver started on that line of attack, I figured Alice was lying about her background. But I don't think this clears her the way Nina seemed to be ruled out. 

    Ivan doesn't seem untrustworthy. While his build seems closer to the person we've seen than some of the others, I think he's still too tall. I just can't place the killer's build among any of the characters. Maybe Will? (Obviously it's not Will.) Idk... maybe they're just pulling shenanigans and it's going to be a stunt actor who won't look like the killer when they're revealed.

    Charles reconnecting with Jan is chaos

    Teddy is Will's biological father!?!

  15. Quote

    I don’t recognize the guy’s build at all unless it’s Nina’s baby daddy since we haven’t seen much of him yet. 

    That would be misleading. David is huge. He's like a giant (easily over 6 ft) and has a muscular build like one of those comic book movie guys. It's difficult to gauge but to me, it looked like someone around 5'7 - 5'10, who was neither notably skinny nor fat. It looked like the person fit the jumpsuit. It wasn't tight but there wasn't a ton of extra fabric. It just hung a little loose as you'd expect for that kind of outfit. 

    Unless they're tricking us... but that would be an unfair bluff. 


    Oh, it's Lucy! Coming back to show us that the Arconia is riddled with secret "dimly lit?"passageways, where you can clearly hear people, but they can't hear you. 

    I'm letting that go as a choice to let the audience hear all the dialogue. Which I appreciate since this is one of the few newer shows where I don't need the subtitles because everyone is mumbling. (I do turn them on once in a while, like for Lucy to make sure I caught all the "teen speak.") 


    Anybody know what that thing was that Nina was going to put on the roof? Maybe it was a dirigible that allows people to fly from rooftop to rooftop of all the buildings in Manhattan to save commute time?

    I was thinking it was either expanding the building with new apartments/more amenities for residents or else creating a space that would bring in non-residents... like a rooftop bar. Whatever it was, it was hideous. 


    8 years seems to be a lot of time for Charles to still be pining over that relationship and loss of Lucy.  Occasional thoughts, sure.  But still making omelets on a regular basis?  That's a bit weird and obsessive.  In season 1 I thought that breakup had been not as far in the past, like only a year or two. 

    I assume the writers are keeping track but this timeline doesn't make the most sense to me.


    IRL, I do not have any idea whether Steve Martin’s recorded music has been sampled by rap artists.


    But someone just has to now!  Can we petition Lizzo to sample King Tut?  That would be amazing! 

    lol, I was thinking of the banjo stuff. But your idea works better.

  16. Loose ends! The opening got me excited for the rest of the episode. I didn't expect to suddenly meet Lucy. 

    Charles yelling at the voice to text on the phone was very funny and silly. Also "you can play games on your telephone." 😄

    Aww, poor Will. 

    I guess Teddy being back with an ankle monitor awaiting trial makes sense. I'm happy to have Nathan Lane back so I won't complain.

    I love that Lucy proved to be too young for even Mabel to comprehend. I got most of it but they also threw in some nonsense. Would she be Gen Z or Alpha? She looks like a teenager.

    The murder weapon just appearing in the knife block was almost more chaotic than finding Bunny on the brink of death and the painting appearing. I like the idea that they're dealing with a real mastermind this season. Though I'm starting to wonder if the person has accomplices. 

    Oliver throwing the knife into the ceiling was so dumb but I cackled.

    The architecture of the building makes even less sense to me now... but I love secret passageways!

    I know the guy in the suit with Nina. David T. Patterson was in a production of Picnic a couple years ago. And yes, he is super hot.

    Oh my God, the ACTING in that scene between Teddy and Theo. I've been enjoying the lighter tone this season but that was great.

    That was a nice scene between Charles and Nina. And as expected, the red herring was dropped quickly. 

    It's been 8 years since he's seen Lucy??? 

    Speaking of timelines, what was the timeline for this day? How did Oliver still have enough time to run over to see Will? How long were they keeping those kids at rehearsal? Was it a weekend?

    Oliver bribing kids with Skittles is just so in character.

    Oh... they're really giving us a build for the murderer now. 

    Visiting Jan in prison was NOT a return of a character I saw coming. I appreciate that, except for dead bodies, this show is willing to call in anyone at any time.

  17. Quote

    Having seen the killer's pant legs and shoes

    Maybe I've just been burned by shows like Pretty Little Liars but I assume the "killer" is a stunt actor/stand in unless they're trying to show us a clear flashback. The only time I feel cheated is if the real actor looks nothing like the stand in (e.g. tiny feet vs big feet without any mention of wearing the wrong shoe size on purpose). 


    I agree that the trio were insensitive when they didn't invite her in, but they also only knew the side of her that she (probably purposely) showed people.  They probably never got the glimpse into her that we got to see in this episode.  Also, she tended to push people away, or seemed to, so they may not have thought she would even want to come in.  They did care when they saw she was hurt by it, though, but may have also been surprised.

    Speaking as a millennial, I'd expect that kind of awkwardness from Mabel but not from Oliver and especially Charles. They feel like part of a generation that was aware of and observed those social graces. Even if they wanted to celebrate by themselves, it feels like Charles' instinct would be to invite her in just to be polite. 


    Nina Lin is obviously moon-bumping. She could be faking her pregnancy but I don’t think she would harm/kill Bunny. It’s too straightforward.

    It's one of those things I write off as weak prop work/costumes. 


    I wish the producers would create a giant floor plan of the building for us. I have no idea who lives where.

    Same. It's the thing I pay the least attention to.


    This episode was truly lovely, and highlighted something that I think is a running theme in this show - loneliness.

    Yes. All three leads experienced loneliness (for different reasons) before they met. And we've also seen it in the other characters... even the Arconiacs to a degree. Given Charles' omelets, I wouldn't be surprised by him feeling the most guilt though.


    So she signed an invoice for an elevator inspection, but it broke anyway? And it must break often enough that Bunny knew how to get it working again.

    Maybe a fake elevator inspector? It would explain the boots and the work outfit worn by the killer.


    If all that blood on Mabel turns out to be just bad wardrobe/props/effects, I'm going to be pissed.

    I'm never confident about reading into "clues" like this for that reason. I lean on script/dialogue instead.

  18. I knew Oliver would try to interview Mrs. Gambolini.

    The black and white checkerboard print with a lime green accent cardigan on Mabel was perfect. I'm going to need a slideshow of her fashions this season. Also, great Moonstruck reference.

    Bunny's last day wasn't super exciting compared to the high-adrenaline mystery solving of the other episodes but it was kind of sweet and very New York. I didn't really think about how she was styled last season. The glasses and the big fur coat and the push cart were kind of adorable. Jayne Houdyshell was a good choice to make what could be a cartoonish character feel grounded without needing to show us too much of her life onscreen. They definitely softened her by showing all the people she did get along with but it doesn't feel like a retcon. People can be mean to some people and nice to others. 

    Aww, Will is back

    Still some good funny moments this episode even if it wasn't so dramatic... like Howard loudly scribbling down the minutes during Bunny and Nina's fight. "Welp, honestly not sure what the hell is happening... Oh, My'lanta. Nina just let this bitch have it"

    To not leave a trail of blood, that ending scene implies the killer was able to drag a screaming and fighting Bunny into Mabel's apartment (without anyone noticing) before stabbing her or doing anything to incapacitate her (since she was still conscious when Mabel found her). 

  19. Quote

    I don't have any behind the scenes info, but, unless the actor decided to quit, it kinda sorta reads to me as if Oscar got written out so Selena Gomez could have one of her very close friends (Delevigne) as an apparent love interest instead. To me, it makes absolutely no sense that, what, 1-2 days after the season 1 finale (when Oscar and Mabel were shown as being intimately close) and immediately after Mabel's life is upended by being implicated in a major murder, she and Oscar tacitly agree to just be friends, and Oscar is nowhere to be found. Like, what? Really? Did Oscar kill Bunny and make a run for it?

    I think it makes sense from a TV writing perspective, but the timeline is bad. I forget which thread it's talked about here, but TV writers seem allergic to happy couples. But also, as we saw with Jan last season, you're not really going to run around just in a trio if you have a partner. I don't think they wanted Oscar (even if he was a Hardy Boy) tagging along solving the mystery. Oscar definitely would have gotten involved with Mabel framed as the main suspect. Alice is easier to write in because she's a stranger so she's not going to be in the inner circle of trust. 

    I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about the forged painting because in AS's apartment, it looked printed (vs. a painting or lithograph) and I don't know if that is significant or just a basic prop thing I'm not supposed to read too much into.


    There definitely are people who say they have no family and it can mean they don't acknowledge/are estranged from the family they do have. 

    I do like the idea of Leonora played by Shirley MacLaine being a fake but I have to imagine someone in the building knew what Bunny's mom looked like, even if just from photos. Though maybe not depending on the age of the residents and when they moved in. 

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    I'm indifferent to Amy Schumer, but maybe they can kill her off early too?

    It would be funny to create an alternate timeline where someone playing themselves is now dead in the OMITB universe.

    I don't think Alice has pure motives for Mabel but I don't think she's the killer (or probably even involved in the murder). I do think Howard's black eye is suspicious but that seems like another red herring because I don't think they'd give us such an obvious clue so early. 


    I don't think Leonora Folger is Rose Cooper, because Rose Cooper wanted to get away and needed money. Leonora Folger has all of the money in the world. 

    Agreed. She is the hotel heiress. You'd have to really strain an explanation of her money belonging to her husband (because she's a woman) to make all that dialogue work with Leonara = Rose, unless she was outright lying. To me, that goes against the rules of fairplay too much.

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  21. There was some okay costuming for the extras but that flashback of Charles and his dad had to be some of the worst period piece work on a TV show.

    "You must ask permission to tell stories from now on."  😄 And when she was recording at the end, I saw a spark of the old Selena. I hope they figure out what to do with the character so she can have a personality. 

    It took me a second to recognize the guard... it clicked once I heard Gut Milk.

    Shirley MacLaine. Now that's some star power. Her attempts to eat that wedge of cheese got a real laugh.

    The painting business was simple but managed to be very exciting. I'm actually invested in them not getting caught.

    I love the bold colors they've been using to dress Mabel. It also works really nicely for fall.

    I do think Cara can pull of glamorous and enigmatic and naturally flirtatious so this role worked for her. But I was immediately suspicious of her wanting Mabel to be filmed doing something aggressive when she's a person of interest in a violent murder. I do like that they went for a kiss (even if there was little build up) rather than prolonging it into something that might have felt like queerbaiting. It's a shame to lose Oscar but I suppose he can always come back as a friend if there's an amicable breakup.

    I actually don't dislike Amy Schumer but she's so grating on this show. I don't know why comedy writers think the most annoying person you've ever met is a hilarious character to write into their scripts. 

    Interesting that the painting is a reproduction. From the way Leonara was talking to Charles about an artist needing to disappear, I thought maybe she was "Rose" but I don't think that's it because she wouldn't have been so broke she just glued the back of the painting.

    Well, at least someone is responsible for the bird now. I feel like Mrs. Gambolini is going to be important somehow. Excellent song for the credits.

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  22. I've been waiting for Halloween season.

    Michael Rapaport was spot on casting but I thought they went waaay over the top with the cursing. Like they were just having too much fun saying all the bad words on streaming. 

    YES. I love when characters know to ask for a lawyer. It's so contrived when they don't.

    Interesting that Bunny was stabbed 8 times. That explains all the blood on Mabel (though I don't remember the body looking that gory). Also, the police didn't clean up the blood???

    I'm not sure about the characterization of Mabel. Selena was very charismatic as a child actress. They need to let her be more fun as a deadpan snarker or else let her play more pathos (which she might not be capable of). The middle ground just makes the performance a little dull at times because she isn't really reacting that much to the deep trauma of finding Bunny stumbling towards her but she isn't getting to deliver the wisecracks like jokes.

    I'm okay with Cara Delevingne so far. It is a little weird that was the only DM she picked out but the character seems fine. She was best one on one with Selena... not sure about her general acting but she has a flirty energy that worked for the character. And I do like the way they're letting Mabel navigate the social media notoriety and negative attention. The Amy Schumer cameo was a lot more annoying. So far it doesn't work nearly as well as Sting last season. Amy is sometimes very consciously "acting" in a way that's awkward to watch and isn't comedic. Pairing her with Martin Short was too much similar energy, though it made Oliver feel more subtle. 

    Now Tina Fey... that was perfect. Especially with the Cinda clones.

    The whole Brazzos reboot was very "write what you know" but I enjoyed it.

    The bird with Bunny's voice is silly but I'm willing to see where it goes.

    The secret elevator was fun. 

    The bossa nova music choices worked perfectly.

    I don't find the show consistently hilarious. A lot of the jokes don't hit. But I tend to like the little asides and quick jabs they've done a good job of casting actors who can work those little moments. There's usually a first joke and it's the second or third reaction that I actually find funny. Jackie Hoffman was an exception. Incredible delivery of every line.

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    After their former nanny claimed that Wilde had rehomed the family dog, Gordon, to spend more time with Harry Styles at the beginning of their relationship, Los Angeles’ MaeDay Rescue pushed back on the allegations, calling Wilde “a responsible pet owner,” and giving an update on the pup.

    [...] the nanny also accused the Don’t Worry Darling director of giving away her dog, Gordon, weeks after meeting Styles and starting production on her film. “She came for a visit and said, ‘We have to find Gordon a new home,’ nonchalantly,” the nanny told The Daily Mail. “Jason doesn’t really care for animals and wanted him out of their home ASAP.” She went on to claim that she was the one who arranged for Gordon to be rehomed with his New York City dog walker (not to be confused with the L.A. dog walker, who supposedly wrote an anonymous Gawker post about their experience).

    Posting a few photos of the pup on Instagram, the official MaeDay account explained that Gordon was rescued in 2018 as a newborn puppy, and adopted by Wilde at 2 months old. (Wilde first confirmed the adoption in an Instagram post shared in December of 2018.) “After giving him much love and training and travel adventures, she realized that Gordy didn’t love the travel life and wasn’t happy around toddlers,” the caption read. “Gordy had formed a very strong bond with his dog walker and in Gordy’s best interest and after much consideration, he was rehomed to his Brooklyn dog walker.”

    The organization also wrote that Wilde called MaeDay Rescue to discuss the possibility of rehoming the lab mix before making a final decision, explaining that Wilde “rehomed Gordy out of compassion and love for him,” and that the dog was now “living his best life.”


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    In one of her final interviews, Littlefeather told The Chronicle that she took the stage at the Oscars because “I spoke my heart, not for me, myself, as an Indian woman but for we and us, for all Indian people … I had to speak the truth. Whether or not it was accepted, it had to be spoken on behalf of Native people.”

    But Littlefeather didn’t tell the truth that night. That’s because, according to her biological sisters, Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi, Littlefeather isn’t Native at all.

    “It’s a lie,” Orlandi told me in an exclusive interview. “My father was who he was. His family came from Mexico. And my dad was born in Oxnard.”

    “It is a fraud,”  Cruz agreed. “It’s disgusting to the heritage of the tribal people. And it’s just … insulting to my parents.”

    Littlefeather’s sisters both said in separate interviews that they have no known Native American/American Indian ancestry. They identified as “Spanish” on their father’s side and insisted their family had no claims to a tribal identity.

    “I mean, you’re not gonna be a Mexican American princess,” Orlandi said of her sister’s adoption of a fraudulent identity. “You’re gonna be an American Indian princess. It was more prestigious to be an American Indian than it was to be Hispanic in her mind.”


    Her claim to White Mountain Apache heritage, a federally recognized tribe in Arizona with official enrollment policies and a long history of isolation from Spanish colonialism, was especially curious. Littlefeather was born in Salinas, [...] under the name Maria Louise Cruz in 1946. Her parents were Manuel Ybarra Cruz and Gertrude Barnitz. My review of her father’s side of the family tree, where she claimed her Native heritage, found no documented ties between his extended family and any extant Native American nations in the United States.

    I did, however, find family records in Mexico going back to 1850. Marriage and baptismal records do not place the Cruz or Ybarra families near White Mountain Apache territory in Arizona — and they weren’t near Yaqui communities in Mexico, either. Instead, the Cruz line goes to a village that is now part of Mexico City. Mexican Catholic baptismal records and U.S. military registration cards from World War I and World War II of the Ybarra men (their grandmother’s brothers) place distant family in Pima/O’odham (formerly Papago) tribal territory in Sonora, Mexico. However, Brian Haley, a scholar of California and Sonoran tribes, told me that these are communities where tribal members would have been a distinct minority.

    [...] A review of five decades of media reports about Littlefeather showed that her claims of affiliation with the White Mountain Apache began after she was a student at San Jose State in the late 1960s and local Bay Area news outlets reported on her burgeoning modeling career. On Jan. 14, 1971, the Oakland Tribune published a photo of her and identified her as Sacheen Littlefeather. A few days later, KRON news filmed a short modeling video of her wearing Native-inspired outfits. And on March 28, 1971, the San Francisco Examiner featured a photo of her with Cheri Nordwall, an Ojibwe/Shoshone activist, where Littlefeather is described as “White Mountain Apache.” In the decades following, she also claimed to be of Yaqui descent. There is one federally recognized Pascua Yaqui tribe in Arizona, but she never claimed that tribe specifically.


    Both sisters insist that their primary goal in coming forward is to restore the truth about their parents, who they said were good, hard-working and caring people.

    They both insisted that Littlefeather assumed the life story of their father, who in no way resembled her characterization of a violent Apache alcoholic who terrorized them and their white mother.

    “My father was deaf and he had lost his hearing at 9 years old through meningitis,” Cruz said. “He was born into poverty. His father, George Cruz, was an alcoholic who was violent and used to beat him. And he was passed to foster homes and family. But my sister Sacheen took what happened to him.”

    In a separate interview, Orlandi agreed: “My father’s father, George, he was the alcoholic. My dad never drank. My dad never smoked. And you know, she also blasted him and said my father was mentally ill. My father was not mentally ill.”


    Could their family have some distant drop of Indigenous blood from hundreds of years ago? It’s possible; many people of Mexican descent do. But Indigenous identity is more complicated than that. A U.S. citizen of distant French descent does not get to claim French citizenship. And it would be absurd for that person to wear a beret on stage at the Oscars and speak on behalf of the nation of France. The White Mountain Apache is a very specific tribe with very specific rules of membership. Falsely claiming its heritage, using it to become a spokesperson and relying on dangerous tropes about an abusive Indian father to bolster that fable did real damage.

    Both Cruz and Orlandi learned of their big sister’s death via online news. Neither was invited to the funeral and did not know when it was taking place until a priest contacted them.

    When asked if she thought Littlefeather’s life or career would have been better if she had never claimed to be American Indian, Orlandi demurred. “Sacheen did not like herself. She didn’t like being Mexican. So, yes, it was better for her that way to play someone else.”


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