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Posts posted by Blergh

  1. @Debranran,

    I'm a bit confused by your latest post. When you said you loved Miss MacGregor's back story and how ' it affected her with her daughter', I take it you mean how Miss MacGregor's real life back story affected how she portrayed Harriet as she related with her character's daughter Nellie- insasmuch as Miss MacGregor hahad no children despite having had two brief marriages. Yes, I agree that it was interesting to have found out that Harriet herself had had 'a small mercantile' when she'd met Nels who'd been [naturally]'smitten with' her but her having the enterprise 'helped make the marriage happen'. Nellie (and Harriet) were REALLY lucky Nellie got Percival who insisted on himself and Nellie running the hotel as a team instead of bossing Nellie and taking advantage of legally owning the hotel entirely in his own name upon the marriage!

  2. FWIW, I always thought Mr. Wenner was a self-important bore but then thumbed through his bio and concluded he was a self-justifying creep who didn't care who he hurt via his decisions or excesses- including his own family!

    Yeah, way back when he founded the magazine, he was a visionary but he sure seemed insist on resting on his own laurels ASAP while   having everyone else worship him-and IMO that magazine hasn't attempted any kind objectivity or balance in decades!

    • Like 6
  3. 6 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    Agreed. One of my favourite lines.  

    I always liked seeing the other side of Harriet as well. The backstory with the Reverend who came because she was complaining about Reverend Alden's relationship was really interesting and wish we got more. 

    Booze was flowing on the set faster than water. Super shocked that none of the kids didn't drink while they were working.

    I think the kids (especially MG and AA) had had it drilled in their heads that they had to be letter-perfect re their lines from Day One and they didn't think they could pull that off if they were on the sauce. However, considering how MG would later admit a lengthy substance abuse battle, it's possible that she may have started drinking offcamera by the time the show wrapped.

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  4. 16 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I think Jack Lord is so very hawt. He may not be classically handsome, but I love his combination of craggy and chiseled looks.


    To each one's own re considering others' hotness but before one gets too enthralled, take a look at his bio which revealed that he saw his only child a single time in infancy before he split from his first wife and he wasn't the easiest performer to work with.

    At least he was generous to charities and had it set up that his fortune would go to them after his widow's death.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Fool to cry said:

    Third scenario is detective gets a call in the middle of the night from friend's frantic wife who calls you by your first name which you rarely go by at work. You immediately recognize her voice despite having just woken up and not seen her in years and ask her what's wrong. She tells you her husband has either been arrested or missing or in a coma and she didn't know what else to do. You fly out there immediately to investigate, taking some vacation days early. Maybe your partner tags along.

    This somewhat harkens back to the classic Perry Mason who seemed to always be vacationing or on the verge of going on a vacation to Lake Tahoe when someone would reach him and beg his help! I sometimes wondered why Della didn't urge him to try going anywhere besides Tahoe to keep others from reaching him! 

    • LOL 6
  6. One of the more unsung performers of the show IMO had to be Richard Bull (1924-2014) who played Harriet's tamer half Nels.  He was married to Barbara Collentine (1924-2022) but they had no children of their own. However, it seems he valued Jonathan Gilbert and, especially in the last years, appeared to relate to him as a father! Interestingly, AA and MG both have said that he was the one most like his character offstage- usually kind but with a limit to his patience!  I think it was telling that he admitted telling Miss MacGregor that she could do what she wanted but not tell HIM how to act which I respect because he'd had a very lengthy and steady career before and after LHOTP.

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  7. 8 hours ago, debraran said:

    I didn't realize (or forgot) she struggled with alcohol. I'm glad she found the right thing to help her with it.

    I wish others on the set did too.



    I wonder if Miss MacGregor might have been the co-star Charlotte Stewart begged to keep secret their being in recovery from alcoholism from ML due to not wanting him to attempt to make them a laughingstock  on the set for  being in said recovery?

    I thought that was one of the worst examples of his offcamera shadowside (and ironic since he played CI as a zealous teetotaler ).

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, BetterButter said:

    I have no idea what said 'serious allegations' may be re Mr. Brand much less whether he's innocent or guilty in this particular case/s.

    However, can anyone recall him respecting others' boundaries instead of attempting to overwhelm them under the guise of being supposedly witty and clever?

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  9. Of course, while I agree that Carol and Susan were idiotically unfair (and mean) to Ross re how they related to him as Ben's father, it needs to be said that Ross himself behaved somewhat idiotically by being so incredibly passive about his son's fate and welfare re these two.

    Imagine if Ross had been Rose who found out that she'd just  conceived a child with Carl who'd having an adulterous affair with someone else (regardless of gender so I'm terming the co-adulterer Sandy) and Rose's reaction Carl's insistence raising the child fulltime with Sandy because Sandy was infertile- and Rose's reaction to put up virtually zero resistance to Carl and Sandy's edicts then just spending virtually all her time with her pals and a research animal before virtually dropping out altogether  of that child's  life within a couple years , would anyone think Rose was anywhere close to being a good mother- to say nothing of being unidiotic?! I don't think so!

    Well, IMO, the above applies to Ross as a father and and idiot!

    This was but one reason I  started to loathe the show and after even Phoebe (the last likable regular) got turned into a solipsistic pod person, I gave up the show entirely and will NEVER watch another second of it as long as I live!

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  10. Interesting that Mr. Dolenz used a good amount of vintage footage of his original family for this- including his father George Michael Dolenz, Sr. who he died suddenly when his son was seventeen. I wonder why he didn't include any footage of himself or his family after c. 1970.

  11. On 9/13/2023 at 9:49 PM, Vermicious Knid said:

    I don't usually say this but. .HOORAY FOR MISS GRIFFIN both for attempting to try to spare those poor kids from her criminal DNA linked kin and for calling out the others for trying to get Mr. Masterston off the hookeroo because. .. it seems they feel obligates since he acted with them on a show decades ago that's long since been cancelled.

    As for Mr. Kutcher's and Miss Kunis's . ..project! Good that they got nailed by the SEC but I can't believe anyone would put down REAL monies to pay for a copy of a copy of a copy that somehow was supposed to produce something to eventually reap actual monies back to the original funders . And, to each one's own but, as for subject matter, I wouldn't watch that for all the Monopoly Money in Fort Knox much less PAY for any of it!

    • Like 6
  12. On 9/12/2023 at 4:56 AM, debraran said:

    Yes some names are better changed.lol  Katherine and Karen both loved the stage and  that bonded them initially.

    I loved her character, Harriet, and wished Michael did more where she wasn't so mean but showed her good side but she did have those. She also never hesitated to help when someone was in need and stuck up for women and was a strong force for that time. Karen had some chances to shine but she poured way too much coffee and probably felt envious at times of Katherine's meatier scripts.

    My older sister rarely watches but when someone brought it up at lunch, she was like "I will never forget the "Make her a widow!!" episode. I laughed so hard. " That is one of my favs too.

    I agree!

     I guess this is a good a time as any to speculate about whether Miss MacGregor would have had as long a career (much less nabbed the role of Harriet) had she kept her original name of. .Dorlee Deane McGregor!

    It should be noted that, before LHOTP, she went back and forth using  her nickname of Scottie along with her acquired first name of Katherine for the billing. However, I kind of think it's worth noting that squeezing in that 'a' in the 'Mc' part of her surname not only vocalized the vowel but also implied a more Scottish background instead of a Scots-Irish (or Northern Irish) one which is the usual regional derivations for that surname.  I don't know whether she did that deliberately. However, it's interesting that even though she became a Hindu long before LHOTP, she doesn't appear to have considered changing her name to reflect her newer faith the way Barbara Hershey (born Barbara Herzstein) did for a time in the 1970's when she went by Barbara Seagull.

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  13. All my teachers taught until the bell rang- then would scold if any student was late.

    I recall one teacher who kept saying to the tardies that only those with notes from other teachers wouldn't be punished for tardiness. Anyway, after repeating this refrain, the last student came in and smirked that he 'HAD a note' which got the class to go 'OOOOOOOOOH!!' and the teacher to cancel that exemption from that point on . Yeah, I could tell he hated being shown up in front of the other students!

    • Like 3
  14. 50 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

    Not a single on of the letters of support for Masterson make me think better of him, but they do make me question the integrity and morals of the writers. It is fine if they want to stand by their shitty friend, but he should not get off lightly for ruining people's lives just because he's famous with famous friends. 

    The amazing irony of all the letterbombing is that it's wound up  seemed having  gotten a significant portion of the media (online and conventional) as well as the public to take a good hard look as to what their actual roles were behind the scenes! IOW, to say that this wound up backfiring on them (especially Mr. Kutcher and Miss Kunis) is an understatement!

    'Buzzard of a feather. .. ' and 'Lay With Dogs/Awaken With Fleas' seem quite apt here (apologies in advance to all  actual buzzards, dogs and fleas).

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  15. Speaking of characters considered hated . .or at least a significant number of the public wondering why they kept said character around.  Let's go back to classic Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952-1966) who had the alleged comic relief character of Wally Plumstead (Skip Young (1930-1993)- born Ronald Bix Plumstead) hanging around as  Dave and Rick's mooching and lazy fellow frat member with a rather annoying laugh . .for eight years! Yes, even though both David (1936-2011) and Rick (1940-1985) aged past having any need for maintaining ties to their college frat house, somehow even after they each got married and had jobs & apartments away from the frat house, they kept hanging around and specifically letting themselves get caught up in his constant mishaps (with Harriet passively letting Wally stuff his face at her house the whole time)- and all of them had long since pegged him as being  sneak, and a sponge yet didn't tell him to buzz off! Even more amazingly was that he had a steady girlfriend Ginger (Charlene Salerno [1938-1986]) who herself constantly complained of his cheapness and mooching- and even openly called him 'Fatso' -yet never seemed to permanently dump him!  And that's not even considering that performer was in his mid 30's and yet somehow was supposed to be the contemporary of not just the Nelson Bros but even Rick's then-wife Kris Harmon Nelson (1945-2018) who started on the show when she was still seventeen!

    Of course, all the above characters weren't as idiotic as Wally's never-depicted parents who seemed to have had no problems throwing their monies down a rathole to keep paying his tuition and frat house fees  at least eight years- despite him never even seeming to attempt to look for work(or study)  much less graduate ! All I can think of is that they were REALLY desperate to get him out of their house but they thought dumping him in the frat house made a better excuse for their Christmas letters than just dumping him out on his ear.

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  16. 9 hours ago, Superclam said:

    I don't agree with everything ML did, but he got this one right. 

    I agree  re Miss Grassle performing under her actual birth name instead of the other one.

    I know it was her call and choice but, 60's/70's notwithstanding, I don't see why Hersha Parady would have  thought her new stage name was much if any improvement over her birth name of Betty Sandoff.  At least the name change wasn't regressive  like the late Ann Sothern (1909-2001) who'd been born Harriette Lake!

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  17. With all these revelations re how downright disturbingly toxic it appears to have been  behind the scenes of  That 70's Show being in the news after the Masterston conviction and his cronies' kudos, I have to say that the few times I ever attempted to see it, it always rubbed me the wrong way- as though  I was stuck at a party/function with the most snotty,  meanspirited and jaded of my high school peers and I was relieved to change the channel to get out of there! Seriously, it seemed like quasi- Happy Days update but with a needless and  relentless nasty tone!

    IOW, that the regulars turn out to have treated extras and guest performers  churlishly (to say the least) seems to jibe with  said  tone (and, not unlike their characters, they seemed to have needed more direct supervision  on set to say nothing of immediate consequences for actions  instead of being treated as though they could do no wrong [which almost always gets used as a license TO do wrong].

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  18. 13 minutes ago, Sarahsmile416 said:


    All the above claims about Mr. Kutcher and Miss Kunis have got me worried about their own kids' safety! I wish I was joking but it's scary to think that these so-called adults didn't repudiate and disavow Mr. Masterson and rally around the victims he was convicted of raping instead of openly supporting him. I pray somehow those kids have got at least one person in their extended families who will prioritize protecting them!

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  19. 14 hours ago, Laura Holt said:

    Sounds like the world of comedy has always had a toxicity to some degree or another.  The Dick Van Dyke Show, as one example, had Alan Brady being a terrible boss, demanding and unreasonable - and this was a less than subtle nod to comedians like Jackie Gleason and Milton Berle who were said to be horrible to work for.

    I recall how Annie Lennox spelled out that the reason she had a bored expression during an interview  when coming back from commercial on the Late Show with David Letterman was that she had seen him refuse to so much as acknowledge anyone else during the break including those he'd acted chummy with oncamera and she decided that she didn't want to participate in the charade of faking he was all that.

    I also heard that Johnny Carson was rather aloof to many of the guests offcamera as well.

    BTW, the late Carl Reiner who played Alan Brady and had created The Dick Van Dyke Show had earlier worked for and performed with the legendary Sid Caesar on Your Show of Shows (1950-1955)and both would later admit that Alan Brady wasn't a much of an exaggeration of Mr. Caesar himself (who not only was quite demanding but somewhat intimidating since he was  also quite physically strong to the point that he himself once punched a horse unconscious  after the animal had gotten skittish to Mr. Caesar's wife  which would be the inspiration of that scene in their colleague Mel Brooks's  Blazing Saddles [1974]).

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  20. The River Jordan's main course starts with the outflow of the Sea of Galilee at 705 feet (215 meters) BELOW sea level- the lowest  elevation of any freshwater lake in the world before discharging into the Dead Sea at 1410 feet(430 meters) below sea level- the lowest elevation of any saltwater lake and of any exposed surface on Earth!

    Yes, in addition to its Biblical, historic, strategic and ecological importance, the River Jordan not only has the lowest elevation of any river in the world but also is the only river with its entire main course hundreds of feet  (and meters) below sea level!

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  21. 22 minutes ago, Notabug said:

    I believe the daughter is around 9 years old currently.  I agree, having her convicted rapist father in prison for the foreseeable future is not the worst part of this for the kid.  If she doesn't understand what he did just yet, someday, she will.

    IMO, one of the most infuriating things about the entire letterbombing of that judge was how almost to a person, everyone trying to get Mr. Masterson off the hook used (and I mean used) his young daughter as a human poster- but I'll bet none of them ever said to him ' how could you  put your own daughter through this by doing such horrible things to innocent women?'

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  22. 1 hour ago, supposebly said:

    Maybe she also would like to grow up with a father that's not a rapist. I stopped reading eventually, so I can't remember how old his daughter is at the moment, but do these people really not think further than their own perspective?

    Nailed it! They sure seemed to have the mindset of ' I think he was nice to me and my loved ones and I couldn't care less that he raped other women so let him totally off the hook because why should you care about  anyone besides me and my loved ones!'

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