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Posts posted by iwasish

  1. Just seeing the beginning of this episode; how ironic that while Kim & Kortney are sitting around a kitchen table talking, they are talking about racism. Then all this shit happens in Vienna. 


    Why does Kim say, while talking to Kortney & Kloe about the Vienna Ball, that they invite one person to host the ball each year, as if she is being invited to be the host? 

    She received an invite, it said "pay to the order of Pimp Momager" followed by 6 figures.  And wouldn't the host of the ball actually be at the ball and maybe greeting the President instead of on the equivalent  of  E! News, being  the butt (pun intended) of some snarky humor?


    And the sitting around the table discussing racism prior to attending the ball?  Obviously a poor attempt at foreshadowing. All it needed was some ominous music, probably something by Kanye would have been fitting. Or a fleeting glimpse of North's hand or foot.

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  2. Like I always say, just because it's made by a famous designer doesn't mean it isn't butt ugly.

    What is that she's wearing a "tartan plaid hybrid kilt/sarong" and a DUI monitor on her ankle?  I'm sure it's gonna fly off the racks at all the big department stores.


    And I think she has had work done on her lips at least, maybe just temporary but they are definitely fuller than usual.

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  3. Kimmy was such a pathetic "competitor" at that mud run. She seemed to be jogging at a super slow pace, and with a bodyguard FFS? I wanted Khloe to throw her fat ass on the ground.

    Saw a selfie Kimmy posted yesterday Ina public restroom. Yep, the jokes just write themselves.

    Was she on the sink?

    Was there an actual mud run?  I'm not sure because I literally couldn't take my eyes off the asses on those two.  WTF? 


    When Kim said she weighed 125 was she talking about just her ass?  I know she's short but she's seriously packing back there.  Between her ass and her jugs, I would think those suckers would clock in at 125 alone.


    The helicopter/helipad thing was so fake but I just can't hate on Scott.  Damn it.  He's entertaining. 

    Loved him testing Bruce's reflexes and getting under Kris's skin. For that alone I'll love him eternally. I also think Kourtney loves Scott precisely because he isn't what her mother wants for her.

  4. I have such a difficult time watching Kortney.  She just seems so fake to me. Her monotone voice grates on me.  Also drives me nuts the way she calls everyone 'Doll'.  I kind of felt bad for Scott when he was trying to get some emotion out of her by buying her a new car, wanted some excitement about the new  house, etc.  I would go nuts over a house like that; I would be jumping up  & down with giddiness...not sit there and complain about a fake rat infestation.

    I don't see Kourtney as fake, just kind of disinterested in some of the trivial stuff that Kim, Khloe and Kris are caught up with. I thought she was so cute at the new house out talking to the worker wearing her hat and her Birkenstocks. And I love when she is out as a passenger in the car with Kim or Khloe and they are yammering about some nonsense and  there's a pause, and Kourtney says in her nasally voice " Umm Yeah". l  I think by nature she is a more serious person. I get that Scott wanted to surprise her with something, but like a lot of men, he decides to buy her what HE thinks she wants (which in reality is something HE would like to be surprised with) He knew she would comment on the car being impractical for the kids.

    • Love 5

    Me too - Had to read it a couple of times to make sure I was reading correctly!


    I actually 'Laughed Out Loud' at the music that played when Kim was reading "her" blog.  So dramatic!


    The only way I will ever believe the airplane incident happened is if the airlines releases a statement confirming the situation and that the pilot had to intervene. At this point, I would not believe any passenger that comes forward claiming to witness what happened.  It would not surprise me at all to find the Klan paying someone a good amount of money to claim they saw the whole thing.

    I won't even believe it then. Kim sat there stuffing a banana in her mouth totally nonplussed while Kris was telling the story. She only got into it when she recounted she talked about the woman saying "and she made a sex video with a BLACK guy"   and how the woman's husband had to "sit on her' and tell her to "shut her mouth"  and the pilot had to come out and the captain had to come and say they were going to call LAPD. Just so much Bullshit. You'd think she'd rustle up a tear or two for her daughter's future.. but it was all about her and "black guys". I think she and her mother may well have overheard someone in  First class talking to another passenger or to her husband and giving them some background on Kim, but I don't believe anyone was screaming and yelling.. uh huh never happened.

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  6. I'm old enough to remember his glory days in the Olympics - and watching him win the gold - it saddens me to see him now.  He's become a joke, and he let it happen.

    I'd hoped his separation from Kris meant he reclaimed his balls and was off the show. Sadly, he's in it deeper than ever.


    It was good to see him so much friendlier with Scott though. I think Scott is missing his father and may seek out Bruce as a kind of replacement.

  7. Kim gets off a 12 hr flight after being "racially "

    assaulted and getting no sleep, with a full face of make up. OK

    Loved Kourtneys deadpan comment to Kim's blog

    " I got chills "

    North was totally zipped into the carrier when they arrived home, no head seen, no feet. I can't believe a baby that age would fit into the seat with the cover zipped up.

  8. He was no longer an athlete, but he had a very successful aviation business. I doubt he was hurting. It may not have been the money or lavish lifestyle that Kris had with Rob Sr or that she desired, but I think they would have been comfortable. I'm betting Kris dumped all his toys for an influx of cash and also once she had the 2 younger girls, Bruce was essentially a stay at home dad. She decided he didn't NEED all that stuff . He was a pussy for handing his balls over, but Kris steamrolled right over him.

    I don't believe 1/10 of what comes out of Kris's mouth. The lies... They roll off her tongue. Kim and Khloe also lie. Kourt is the most honest, but then she also reveals the least.

    • Love 4
  9. Kris is no one to talk about having expensive stuff. How many pair of sunglasses were stolen in Vienna? And she still has lots more.

    Why did Bruce have to sell his plane and other toys because Kris had 4 kids? She should have been getting plenty of child support from Rob Sr. Right from the start of that marriage it was all about Kris and her kids. Bruce was an asshole for not running when he could.


  10.  I think Kim was busting that her kid isn't getting the screen time and it bugs her to read all the postings about how cute Mason and P are, so she had to toss in that line about Mason taking North in the slide just to make sure that viewers know that she has a kid too. I'm betting she gets North on the show eventually. love that Mason is so dismissive of Kim and Kris.

  11. Lamar's jewelry was stolen? Did she ask him if he took it? They lie about everything and I am skeptical of anything they say or do.

    The fun run? I bet they ran just a few of the obstacles AFTER everyone else ran the course. You could see all those that finished the race way up ahead.

  12. I love when Kourtney includes Kris in discussions because she hilariously just points how much she wants NOTHING to be like Kris in her life. It makes me smile. Bruce and Scott made me smile too. I'm glad that Bruce seems to enjoy Scott's company now. The mud-run stuff was so stupid. I just.. Whatever. Also, why is it okay for North to be seen on Instagram but not on the show? I thought Kayne was all about "controlling" how the pictures of his child would be seen. I guess Kim's instagram is her control but I thought he was more along the lines of only wanting North to be professionally shot for high end magazines and other high end stuff. I thought he didn't want her all over social media. Whatever.

    Kris is hysterical. Kourtney has two kids to put thru college? First, since when does Kris give a shit about education? And lecturing Kourt on castrating Scott? Patting herself on the back for saving Bruce from financial ruin by selling his possessions? I loved her remark about "we had 4 kids and 1 on the way" What about Bruce's other 4 kids? I cannot stand this bitch.

    It seems the demand for poor little Towel in high end photo shoots? Not so much.

    • Love 3
  13. He's certainly not the first person to compare being stalked by the pappz to rape, but why does he think people want to hear his random thoughts during a concert? Especially twenty minutes of it, they paid to hear music, not his opinion.

    If he had any common sense, he would realize that his behavior around the paparazzi, flipping out, ranting and raving, is WHY they want to get pics of him. And his "girl" and her awesome great fantastic creative family are a huge part of the paparazzi problem. They have helped make paparazzi photos so lucrative a business. Christ, they are in bed with them. I really don't see how he can just overlook that whole aspect of the Kardashian brand, and throw in with them. Imo, under all his ranting.... He is as big a famewhore as Kim. I see no other explanation.

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  14. Kim clearly had no idea of the history of the Vienna Opera and was there for a paycheck. I saw this episode several times (I have no life) and IMO the interviewer and the comedian were in on the joke. The interviewer asked just the right questions leading up to the "Niggers in Vienna" statement. I suspect they intended to put the dumb bell on the spot. I salute them. I wish more interviewers would ask the obvious questions instead of fawning over them. I'd love some one to investigate her claims of being verbally assaulted on that flight and expose them as the liars they are.

    • Love 3
  15. Why Roger, who seems like a pretty nice guy, even wastes his time with Jenni, I have no idea. She is dumb, uninteresting, unable to express any emotion, either physically ( that face!)or verbally and self absorbed. I know her mother has soon kind of mental/emotional problems and is in an institution and her dad seems weird. She definitely has baggage , but doesn't want to face it. Or doesn't want to talk about it for free. I doubt she'd really be upset if Roger left.

    • Love 2
  16. Hehe, I'm not saying she looks perfect, but I feel like this is a step in a better direction. First - it's COLOR! The monochromatic look she's been going for is boring and so not versatile. Second, her makeup and hair are more understated (for her). Had she gone in jeans with the same hair, makeup and even a sexy top, she'd have looked closer to appropriate without losing her Kim-ness. She just tries too hard these days. Calm down girl! Jennifer Lopez is a good example of being able to fashionably adapt to her environments while staying true to her style.

    What has come of my life that I have written this much about Kim Kardashian's clothing choices?

    Let's not get our hopes up. She's known for one step,fashion forward, two steps fashion fail. Once Kanye returns, she'll be back to ill fitting exhibitionist clothing.

  17. It's hard to tell where Bruce is with this, he was with Rob when he was in Paris and the only reported article about Rob being happy was with Bruce/Mason and Scott while everyone else was gone to Versace or somewhere. Brody has tried to bring him to Malibu, I can see Bruce trying the same. But if Rob doesn't want the help and distances himself, doesn't want their help,  there's not much Bruce can do.


    I think Bruce would try more for Rob and be on his side and not have it be a production/show.

    Maybe Bruce thinks distance from the family is what Rob needs. I've never had the impression that Rob loved the spotlight or sought out fame. Not that he doesn't enjoy the perks, just that unlike Kim and Kris he isn't caught up in the trappings of wealth, designer this and expensive that, having a huge closet of stuff that they spend hours admiring and organizing.

    I'd read that Rob was overseeing construction on Khloes house in LA.

    IMO he needs to take time, travel, see the world as a regular person, not in fancy resorts and spas. Places where he gets a true view of real life. And I don't mean an afternoon in a woman's shelter like Khloe, with cameras in tow. I think he is more sensitive than the rest of the family. I hope it isn't a drug issue. Just that he is having trouble finding his own path in life.

    • Love 3
  18. Looks like she's removed her extensions also. Her hair is nowhere near as full as it was. Kris J dresses the same way, wearing an evening dress and stripper heels to watch Kendall horseback ride. That dress Kim is wearing looks cheap, and poorly styled, a flash of her snatch was a gust of wind away, something I think she was hoping would happen. I wonder if she wore that outfit to counter the outfit from a couple weeks ago, the one that clearly exposed her spanx?

  19. When Rita Ora dumped him and basically denied that they were ever really a couple, Rob went off the deep end. I recall him wailing on the show or reading a list of his twitters and he said something about her letting him get her pregnant. I wonder if she lost a baby or terminated a pregnancy.

    I don't think Rob has ever been very stable emotionally. Look at his behavior with Adrienne Ballou. The tattoos, the controlling behavior, then when she left, his crying and the constant texting. He is very immature. And Kris has no idea how to help him. I'm surprised Bruce seems so uninterested. But maybe they had a falling out.

  20. Yup. That whole exchange when shes like "Look Manson, I'll move you closer to the table..also, I need a favor can you help me with North at the wedding?" Manson looked like he wanted to stop having to talk to her but she wouldn't leave him alone.  I want a Manson and Scott spin off show. 

    Mason had a Valentines day balloon, so this was back near then. North was 8/9 months old. And Kim is talking about wanting her to walk down the aisle? The kid is barely allowed to see daylight, and from the recent pics of her, she's nowhere close to walking. I guess they jettisoned the horse and carriage and I doubt Mason and P were in the wedding party. 

    The look she was giving P while P was shoveling the soup (was that Matza Balls in there?) in her mouth was one of disgust at the mess.

    I did like Mason  sticking up for his sister when she refused to say Kiki.

    It's clear Kim has no rapport with children.

    • Love 1
  21. I think it's fine if you don't like his music or rap, but I don't think it's necessary to insult those who do like it. Musical taste is personal. 


    The song was played extensively on Top 40 stations. I can't speak to why some may have heard it and others haven't. But, a song doesn't sell four million+ copies and make it to the Billboard top 10 without help from pop/Top 40 radio. Many people changed the title to "NiNJas" in Paris to make it more palatable and easier to sing along. 


    I am a reformed Kanye fan and he gives plenty to snark on without having to reduce his extensive musical accomplishments. 

    The sad thing is whatever accomplishments he had are being overshadowed by his recent behavior and marriage to and association with the family of someone whose whole life and beliefs and reason for getting up in the morning is the antithesis of what he allegedly believes in. And I'm sorry but if someone writes song,  and releases it to the listening public to make a profit, then anyone is free to sing that song, repeating the lyrics as written and tough titties if others feel offended because they aren't  of the same race as the song writer.  He's certainly not making life easier for his daughter. Will she be allowed to sing song as written or does she have to censor herself since she's only half black?

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