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Posts posted by iwasish

  1. small babies actually prefer bright colors.   you can tell by how they react when seeing them (once their little eyes learn now to focus).    But of course Kim is too moronic to know that and Kanye is too absent to give a damn.   


    And ewwwww at MILF.   But when your whole life is about being sexy, even motherhood has to be about that.   Because she has nothing else.   She clearly can't fall back on her brains.

    Even Khloe was embarrassed by Kim's stupid remarks.

    Her goal is to be a MILF?. She's married two months and that's what's on her mind? IMO, Kanye's continued absences from home must be bothering her. If it's true they have only been together some 10 or so days since getting married, she might be wondering if he has lost interest in her already. He lusted after her all these years, now he's had her, announced it to the world by knocking her up and singing about fucking her, could it be in spending time with her in Ireland he realized that in addition to the hole between her legs, there's an even bigger one between her ears?

    • Love 4
  2. Heh,  She and the other Kardashian girls are kinda screwed in comparison to their younger sibs, because while Bruce Jenner's DNA probably didn't bring any real intelligence into the genetic mix, he DID give those girls height.

    There isn't one member of the family who has more than average intelligence. In addition they have no intellectual curiosity, don't seem to read much more than 140 characters at a time, and seem happy being ignorant. Kris is shrewd and a manipulator, but not smart. Kim's living proof that beauty fades, dumb is forever.

    • Love 4
  3. Kim thinks as long as she is wearing designer clothes she looks good.   After all they are expensive designers.    So she doesn't notice her feet are bulging out of the shoes making her feet looking hideous or that a dress is all bunched up in the wrong places.   To her it is about who she is wearing, not how she is wearing it.

    Too bad none of those designers have the balls to tell her.. Honey these clothes are not meant for your figure, I'd prefer you not make my designs look like sausage casing.

    Kim couldn't wait to get to Paris to horn in on Kendall's moment. Of course it was under the guise of sisterly support. Which in my book is standing back and letting your sister shine.

    • Love 1
  4. IMO Kim doesn't ever dress for her body type anymore, if she ever really did. I find it hard to believe that designers want her to wear their clothing when it looks so god awful on her. It's never fitted to her properly, the blue Valentino she wore with her tits on display? It was all bunched up on top of her hips. And I don't think Valentino designs for well endowed women.

    She looked ridiculous standing with Kendall and the other models. That cheetah print skirt with the rubber breast plate top? Hideous. And does she only own one pair of shoes?

    I think in most cases she buys stuff off the rack and her "glam" squad does what they can to squeeze her into the outfits.

    I've seen clips of them sewing her into things, her wearing tops and skirts that aren't zipped all the way up etc. and the slicked straight hair combined with the half open mouth? UGH

  5. I read somewhere Mila Kunis saying her ideal weight is about 120. there is NO WAY Kim Kardashian weighs just 5 pounds more. That ass and those chunky thighs weigh at least 100 pounds on their own. Well, since her head is empty, maybe it's plausible. She seems to have no muscle tone to speak of.

    Khloe is a bruiser. She appears pretty fit.

    Kim had her body guard with her on the mud run. There's a brief moment when Khloe is roughing

    Kim up that it appears the body guard intervened. For all the talk of sisterly love, I think there is deep resentment between Khloe and Kim.

    The mud in the mud run really emphasized the size of Kim's ass and how it droops over the back of her legs when she doesn't wear her spanx.

    • Love 1
  6. GaT, I thought about Kim being so vain as to bring her hair/make-up team with her to the gym. But that doesn't explain why she's untoned for someone supposedly doing weights and cardio. And why she couldn't climb the stripper pole to save her life. It's like she had zero upper body strength.

    Upper body strength? She would have to be a body builder to haul those tits and ass up a stripper pole!

    I do think Khloe works out. I think it was an outlet for her during the divorce. How long she keeps it up, now that she's got a new BF ( who doesn't look like he works out much) I don't know.

    Kourtney is naturally the smallest of them. She did very well on the ribbon climbing.

    • Love 2
  7. I may need to go into the witness protection program after saying this, but I really admire what Kris did for Bruce's career after they married and she became his manager. It sounds like she made a lot of smart decisions financially and he's still doing pretty well on the speaking circuit. However, now that they are both VERY well off she needs to stop using his past as an excuse to restrict his access to things he enjoys. While they both worked together to get out of debt, it seems like she's the only one reaping the benefits now.

    I'll give Kris her due, IF everything she's said is true. I'm just skeptical about how just how dire Bruce's money woes were in relation to what Kris felt they should be. I think they lived a very nice lifestyle, not über wealthy, but very comfortable. It just wasn't enough for Kris. I remember them hawking all kinds of exercise videos all over every talk show when they first got together. They also made some money buying and selling real estate. But like you say, once she took control, she just kept Bruce on a stringent budget, yet treats herself and the girls to whatever luxury they want. How many pair of black uggs did she have? How many pair of sunglasses? Her clothing, the massages, the day spas at the fancy hotels, rotating new vehicles in the driveway. The extravagant Christmas gifts (Vespas for everyone?) The neverending supply of booze. And she begrudges Bruce a putting green? Or a new toy helicopter?

    To me that's not just control, there's an element of domination, almost a cruelty in her treatment of him.

    • Love 1
  8. Did Kim have a lift or boob job post-North?


    There's no way a 30-something year old woman who was fairly well-endowed to begin with and was just pregnant and breast-fed her daughter is able to go braless. The laws of gravity do not exclude Kim Kardashian.   So either she's wearing something to give her support or she had a lift/implants/something. 

     I think her tits are saggy. But thru the wonders of engineering and science she has some kind of hoist that heaves them up when needed. I've noticed that at times they are at her waist and other times more where they should be, but when you see the side boob which she's been flashing you can really notice that they are headed south. I can easily see her having them fixed, but I'd think she'd wait till after baby 2 arrives if she plans on another.

  9. I think Kris said in her book that when they met Bruce's career was on a downward spiral and he was in debt due to divorce settlements, child support, taxes, etc. She also said he did not know how to manage his own money. On top of that they had to financially take care of her 4 kids and one on the way. So they were not living large at that time. That is when Kris took over as his manager and started running things full time. She got him on the lecture circuit full time with better pay and started booking him television gigs, informercials, etc. Kris really started honing her hustle game.

    Well that's Kris's spin on things. She's not known for honesty. Not smart of her to give up the battle for a settlement with Rob Sr, to marry a guy with 4 kids and huge debts. It still doesn't explain why now that they are rolling in dough, Bruce has to beg for a TOY helicopter or anything he'd enjoy! when she's got a closet full of shit that has to be equal to a mortgage payment? Hustler or not, Kris is a controlling overbearing witch. I did hear Bruce say at the end of their beach talk that he would forgive her, but not live with her.

  10. ^Kris is a piece of work. She maintains strict control over her entire family. The only positive is that she is a true hustler who knows how to turn lemons into lemonade. Unfortunately it does not outweigh the negatives.

    True, but the stench of Kim's sex tape will linger, much like the smell of Blu's shit, it's embedded in the fabric of their whole empire. The folks in Vienna think Kim is a joke, pimped out for the night by her mother. That's why the comedian was there and why that interviewer asked those specific questions. That's why the guy in blackface was there. They were mocking her.

    • Love 1
  11. I think Kendall looks beautiful. I don't like Kim's dress, but she looks pretty good even though she looks out of place standing along side real models. This was not an actual modeling gig. This event was thrown by Vogue Paris for their foundation. This event is like the Met Gala. I believe Olivier tapped both Kim and Kendall to appear with him as apart of the "Balmain Army. Designers invite celebs/socialites to their fashion shows and events all the time to draw publicity. In fact a good amount of celebs were at the event. This was just an appearance they made as guests at a top fashion dinner(Vogue Paris Foundation gala). Kendall has 3 agencies that book her jobs and look out for her interests(as well as look out for their own interests). She'll be fine.

    If the designers are inviting Kim at least they could have her wear clothing that is properly fitted. It is their product she is advertising. But then fashion designers don't really know how to dress anything other than tall thin stick straight women.

    Kim looked out of place in leopard print and brown shoes when all the others were wearing their mutant ninja turtle breastplates.

    • Love 2
  12. Aint that the truth!

    Didn't you love Kris telling Kendall that she felt that she had everything figured out and wanted everyone to be on her bandwagon?

    And is it ever not funny when she lectures Kourtney on saving for college for the kids? As if education has ever been a priority.

    • Love 4
  13. ^The mud run event might have been real but Kim and Khloe's behavior was definitely fake (and for the cameras) for storyline purposes.

    It looked the other competitors were done and just hung around to watch them. I doubt the two of the ran the whole course.

    Kris stated she and Bruce owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes. How did they get that deep in debt with a couple years of marrying? She said she was expecting Kendall so it was very early in the marriage.

  14. What is that mess Kim is wearing? Why don't they alter her clothing to fit her fat ass, wide hips and huge tits? There are big ripples across the front of the skirt, her tits look squished, clearly she can't compete with Kendall in that kind of clothing, why bother trying to compete and look ridiculous?

    • Love 4
  15. This couple is very familiar. They had to have been on another show in the recent past.  If not as hosts, perhaps as homeowners or prospective buyers?


    I like most of what she does with the houses, but the big letter/numbers and sayings on the wall are a bit much.  


    I wonder if they have the homes inspected prior to purchase and then just act surprised when problems appear?

    • Love 2
  16. 'Disinterested' is a better word; but in just about everything.  Maybe that car was impractical as a family car but they have plenty of 'family cars' and he was trying to get her something she could enjoy just herself.  Like most things in this show, though, I doubt the car purchase was real; probably just a loaner to get a storyline.


    I just wonder what would get her to show some excitement. You have to wonder what happened to her in her life to make her this way.  Even if Mr. ToStandOn does go out and buys something for me that I have no interest in whatsoever, I still act happy & grateful about it because he took the time to think of me & was trying to make me happy.

    I think some of Kourtney's flat affect is personality, some is a push back against Kris's steamroller persona. I think her resentment of Kris runs very deep and extends to others in her life. She's mentioned that Kris has always tried to buy their affection, perhaps by refusing to show enthusiasim for material possessions, she felt she was not allowing Kris to control her. IMO a lot of the issues all the girls have stem from Kris. They just have manifested in different ways.

  17. ^That just means that Kourtney is doing what she is supposed to be doing as a loving mother.

    Maybe she should have had the DNA test to see if Kris was her real mom instead of Khloe? She's certainly the anti-Kris is most aspects of her life.

  18. The best thing about Kourtney is that she at least seems to really enjoy being a mother. I think we only catch a small or one sided glimpse of these people's real personalities since the show has become even more scripted in recent years. At this point they are all just playing roles like actors.

    She actually seems to put her children's needs at the top of the list. Yeah, she has nannies but she can afford them and I'll bet she changes as many if not more of their diapers than the nannies do. 

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