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Posts posted by iwasish

  1. To the extent that I care about anyone in this circus (as in, NO ONE), I feel for Kendall. The girl has managed to launch what appears to be a legitimate modeling career. You know, a job. With paychecks that don't come from E! It won't last forever. Let her live and enjoy it.


    If I were Kendall, I'd have flicked big sister off her arm and squashed her like the annoying little blood sucker that she is.


    P.S. Whoever told Kimmie that that look worked for her lied.

    Probably Kanye.

  2. I disagree. They are all adults now.  I can't see Kourtney or Khole doing that or Scott or Rob.  In addition, he will always have his relationship with Kendall and Kylie.  As well as his 2 older children from his first marriage.  And whatever relationship Bruce did not have with Brody and Brandon, it was on him, not Kris.  Just like it wasn't her responsibility to look after Bruce's mother.  Bruce has been portrayed as this helpless victim of the horrible wicked Kris Jenner.  Sorry, he is a grown man who has been known to have his own demons.

    I don't see that. Kylie and Kendall are his kids, so yes there's a bond, for the others that bond is thru Kris, her four kids will stay attached to her. Not to say they will ignore Bruce, but he'll be an after thought. And I don't feel sorry for him, he made his bed, he sleeps in it. I did think Kris made things difficult with his bio kids, BUT he allowed it, so it's on him.

    Bruce does play the victim. He acts like he doesn't care, doesn't need a fuss made over him, but when it isn't, he pouts and sulks. Bruce has reaped what he sowed with his kids. And Kris well she has to live with her daughters calling her a whore and a pig and other such endearments.

  3. Kris should be keeping her great love for Lamar between herself and her diary. No need to announce it to Khloe.

    And really Kris, do you truly think Lamar gives a shit about any of you Kardashians? That would be a big old NO!!!

    I always thought he was an overgrown baby and a user.

    That whole Khloe, Lamar, Rob set up was weird to me. They were newlyweds and he's playing video games with Rob for hours while Mommy Khloe makes him tea and supplies him with infinite amounts of candy. And she had to practically beg him to fuck her. How sad. But at least they never had a kid. And my money is on Lamar having been snipped and keeping Khloe in the dark about it.

    • Love 3
  4. French Onion (tm lizzy07), posted a loving, tasteful pic of Khloe's giant (I think fake) ass.

    French Montana Posts Picture of Khloe Kardashian's Butt, Shares his Girlfriend's Assets with the World

    Man, I knew there had been rumors she got butt injections, but I really noticed how ginormous it'd gotten on last night's show. No way is that natural! She lost all that weight, yet her ass got larger?

    I know the disrespectful way these girls talk to their mom is nothing new, but seriously, WHO talks to their parent that way?! WHY would you let your kids speak to you that way?!

    Disrespectful sure, but then so is Kris's behavior. Inappropriate with Brody, in Scott's business, all over Lamar and Kanye. She has no boundaries. But for Khloe to be comfortable enough to say it ON CAMERA and Kris to not only not react but leave it in, shows just how dysfunctional they are.

    Didn't Chris Brown's new GF dump him after he tweeted a pic of her ass in a thong? I hope she stays away from him. IMO it is so disrespectful! it's a warning sign of a guy who thinks of you as a possession. Same with Kanye and his rapping about impregnating Kim's mouth, fucking her on a sink, getting fucked by someone else. If Khloe's smart or at least smarter than Kim, she'll dump this guy. Before he knocks her up. I see that coming soon.

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  5. I agree with the assessment that Brody may have residual resentment toward his dad. Bruce decided to finally be a dad to the rest of his bio kids? Now that they're adults and some of the hardest parts are over? Well, great for you, but if I were one of those neglected children, I would have a hard time forgetting the past. You can forgive and make a concerted effort to overcome your resentment, but there may be triggers that resurface some of the pain. Especially when that very person's behavior directly impacted how you shaped your views of the world! Bruce can let Brody know he'd like to hear from him more often and Brody can decide how to proceed. But, Brody owes Bruce nothing. 


    Is Brandon for real? He seems so zen and down to earth. He's often the voice of reason or a mediator. I want to like him (there are few people to like on this show!), but I'm afraid I'll find out he's secretly a misogynistic kitten-killer.

    He's all zen and stuff, but I sense he has lots of the same resentments towards Bruce that Brody does. I think he just tries to put it behind him, he's also older and had more of a bond with Bruce prior to being cast aside. Brody never had that bond. Brandon now is trying to be intermediary which is wrong of Bruce to ask of him. It could cause a rift between the brothers. Bruce should deal directly with Brody on matters that involve his relationship with Brody and leave Brandon out of it.. And Kylie.

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  6. I do agree that Brody has an abrasive sort of personality and one can see that he is still very resentful towards his father as well as the Kardashians. I do find him really annoying at times.

    However Bruce needs to understand that he was never a real father to any of his 4 older children. So he will never have a totally fatherly relationship with them because it is almost impossible to create those type of strong bonds after the children have become adults (especially adults in their 30's). Bruce can create bonds of friendship and a new type of "fatherly" relationship with his 4 older children. But he needs to give up his fantasy of being father's know best with his older children because he was simply never there for them.

    The problem I have with Bruce is that he always tries to play the victim. Bruce always tries to blame his exes for how bad of a father he was to his older children. However no one made him not be there for his 4 older children when he was off playing father to the Kardashian siblings. Bruce made a choice to not be involved in his older children's lives and it is no ones fault but his own. I get sick of seeing him whine about how his children don't want him around or how he is feeling lonely, etc. He needs to let his all of his children have space and let them come to him to create a relationship. The guilt tripping and whining will only continue to push them away.

    You are spot on. I get Brody's prickly personality though, and it bugs the hell out of me when Kim continues to play the one big happy family crap like she did with the announcement of Kris and Bruce separating. Suddenly she wants them all on the same page publicly, but when Brody asked her what page were they supposed to be on, she didn't answer. Why should Brody and Brandon have to toe the party line if they feel otherwise? Kim even said they were never part of the original meeting. And her insistence that they automatically fall in line with whatever she wants, which seems to be the crux of her upcoming discussion with Bruce about him "talking to Brody". Clearly there are many issues down deep with them. Bruce has to accept whatever the consequences of his actions are. Being sorry and regretful doesn't mean you get a pass, it means you work harder to show that the sorrow and regret are genuine.

  7. Brody may have had his day as a famewhore and child of privilege, but over the last several years I haven't heard anything negative about him. No DUIs no domestic assaults, no sex tapes, no baby mommy's. He seems clean cut and relatively sober, as opposed to many others his generation. He works as a DJ, seems to have a modest house, treats his dog well.

    He may well be using this show as a stepping stone, but I find him way less shallow than any of the Kardashians.

    And Bruce, well, in the end, the step kids he raised and tossed his bio kids aside for will stay loyal to Kris and should she remarry or take a lover, Bruce will slowly be phased out, I think he already knows that. It probably is a big reason he sought out his sons again.

    If I heard the discussion correctly, when the girls were discussing the wedding, Kim was asked who was walking her down the aisle. I didn't hear Bruce's name mentioned. I'm sure by wedding 4, he'll be a distant after thought .

    • Love 2
  8. I think that if Khloe spent all that time lying to her family about Lamar, then she really shouldn't be pissed that they seem to really like him. I don't want to have to stick up for Kris, but at this point in the show (that we know of) she really doesn't know that Lamar cheated on Khloe all this time because Khloe didn't let her know. If Khloe didn't want her family loving Lamar, then she shouldn't have covered for his ass all this time. I bet if they all knew he was cheating & had a drug problem, there wouldn't be giant pictures of him on the wall.

    She knew then and the pics were still there. She was sobbing about her poor daughter going thru so much. She was always pissed at Scott for not going on vacations, but Lamar always got a pass. Because he's a big basketball player and she was getting court side tickets and trading on his name. There were rumors for a long time. Plenty of rumors and red flags. Kris has her spies in every aspect of her kids lives. Every dollar they spend I'll bet is channeled thru Kris's office. Khloe may have hid it but they're too far up each other's asses not to know something was up. I say that they are staying on Lamar's good side, afraid that since he's a loose cannon, he may spill the beans on the fakery of the show. It might get spun as the ravings of a drug addict, but I'll believe him over Kris any day. I can also see Kris talking to him behind Khloes back EVEN after knowing what went on. After all Kris has it all figured out!!! And wants everyone else to get on her bandwagon. She'd sell her kids out " in their best interests " without blinking an eye.

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  9. I think Khloe has a brain hidden in there. She has a decent sense of humor, and looks like a mensa member next to Kim the slack jawed yokel. Seriously, that woman looks and acts too stupid to understand how to tie a shoe or flush a toilet.

    In comparison to Kim, HoneyBooboo is Mensa material. Khloe married a man after knowing him 30 days. And was surprised when she found out that he wasn't all he appeared to be.

    But as far as Kim is concerned, the image of her sitting there eating a banana (insert joke here) as she almost giddily recounts being accosted in first class for having a mixed race daughter and a sex tape with a BLACK guy, proves just how disconnected she is to the world. A normal person, realizing perhaps for the first time the difficulties her daughter might face in life, might be oh maybe a tad upset. Not our Kimmy.

    And not a rant heard from dear old daddy? Doesn't he live for shit like that? His precious princess and daughter abused and abased? And nary a word. Like I said.. Never happened.

  10. If it's true that Kris still talks to Lamar & that she keeps his picture up & it's not a just for the show storyline, then I actually feel sorry for Khloe. That would feel like a slap to me & I'd feel like my ex-spouse was being chosen over my well-being. Just when I can't think Kris can get grosser I'm proven wrong.

    Christ, if that whole thing is just for a story line then this family is worse than fucked up. I don't expect Kris to cut Lamar's head out of every picture there is of him, but those big ass portraits she's got hanging? Yeah they need to go.. now. I would have loved to have had Khole's comment on them be followed by the crash of glass as she smashed one of them. According to Khloe at least half of her marriage was spent lying and covering up. How much time did Kris spend with Lamar? Did he go on any of the vacations? When did she develop this deep love for him? Khloe and Rob need to distance themselves from her. A long distance.

  11. I feel like Bruce has apologized to him though. At this point, he needs to either accept the apology and proceed like an adult, or not accept it, and make it clear to Bruce that the relationship is too broken to be repaired.


    What Brody does is childish--making plans then not showing up, passive aggressively saying everything is fine, making excuse after excuse, then mumbling about hurt feelings. It's annoying.

    I agree that it's childish.. But speaking as someone who has had a similar situation in their life, complete with sibs who sometimes seem all too willing to forgive and forget, it isn't always that easy, even if you want to put things aside. Bruce seems to have that well I said I was sorry and now I'm trying to do better so what's the problem? But I can see Brody wondering.. does he only want me now because he's unhappy with Kris and feels like odd man out there? Would he be so anxious to hang with Brody if he and Kris were still tight? If he hooked up with another woman with kids and got involved in their lives, would he lose contact again with B&B because it's "too complicated"? Perhaps it gives Brody some satisfaction to make Bruce work a bit at the relationship, something he should have done many years ago. I'll bet Bruce knew early on that if Kris had to choose between her kids and him... So long Bruce. She's made that clear many times.

    I just feel for Brody, I don't see him as a grown man around Bruce, I see him as a little kid who feels shoved aside, not good enough, not worth the effort. I'm sure part of him wants to move ahead, but those scars run deep. I think Brandon wants to tell Bruce, but in someway he's so grateful to have Bruce back that he is afraid to push back and I also think the bond between brothers is very strong and he tries to play peacemaker and not take either side.

    • Love 4
  12. Anyone have any idea what Brody is doing, with his "10,000 things going on" or whatever crap he spewed last night? He bugs me.


    I'm sure he keeps busy. Brandon says he is the same way with him so I don't know if Bruce should take it personally. But I do understand if it is some kind of subliminal behavior in retaliation to Bruce's abandonment of him as a child. Brandon seems less affected by it, or more willing to overlook it. Maybe he wants a relationship badly enough that he is willing to put aside whatever bad feelings/resentments towards Bruce he has in order to do so. Brody still seems to feel that old hurt and when Bruce pressures him or seems to criticize him, he pushes back by cutting Bruce off. I know they are trying to rebuild their relationship, but Bruce seems to think that all those childhood hurts are easily forgotten. I don't think they can be and I think it stings Brody when he sees how much time and effort Bruce put into the girls and his devotion to Kris's kids and he sees it not as a grown man but as that kid who was waiting for a Happy Birthday phone call that never came. It would bug me to hear Oh well, that's water under the bridge, lets just move on.

    • Love 2
  13. I think what Kourtney says about an infants style was actually pretty spot on.  You can get tons of adorable outfits for your baby and then for some reason when you put some of them on him or her, it's just not...them.  It doesn't work.   But Kim and her whole "North doesn't like pink!" talk was ridiculous.  You and Kanye don't like pink and you don't dress her in pink, and that's why it looks strange to you.  It has nothing to do with her not liking pink. 


    I can't wait for North to go shopping with her mom when she's about 4 years old and ask for a hot pink shirt with minnie mouse or Cinderella plastered all over the front. 

    Good point, but Kim declared before North was even born that she wanted only neutrals. She was never going to dress her in prints or bright colors.

    Loved the hooded sweater Penelope was wearing. I love too that Kourtney doesn't have her kids all dressed to kill all the time. Most of Mason's clothing looks like its off the rack.. stretch pants and plain shirts. nice and comfy and who cares if it gets dirty?

  14. Why in the world would anyone believe a word Lamar says about anything? I just assumed it was him or one of his friends.

    I thought it was bizarre when Khloe cried because she wasn't responsible enough to keep track of her druggie cheating husband's jewelry. Huh?

    Also Khloe in those high waisted daisy dukes-- yikes.

    Really. If she'd only read these forums 4 years ago, we could have saved her so much heartache. I wonder if his baby momma is enjoying this.

    Kris disgusts me. Even if she has "so much love" for Lamar, her priority should be her daughter, not some washed up basketball druggie. Take his pictures down off the wall at least as a sign of solidarity with her. Loved Khloe for telling her that Lamar was available for dating and fucking. When Khloe said that Lamar had been saying publicly that he speaks to Bruce daily and Kris frequently.. Kris was awfully quiet. I doubt Bruce speaks to him...but Kris? Not so sure she doesn't have the occasional chat with him.

  15. I was thinking it was Rob who took the jewelry to get it back to Lam -- since they're so tight, the 'thief' knew exactly where to find it and Rob probably knew Kris would try to convince Khloe to keep the jewelry. But the above story makes sense (the drug guys).


    Oh and the latest episode really highlighted how messed up the relationship has left Khloe. She really shouldn't be dating that French Onion guy. Too soon.

    I briefly thought Rob also, but not that he stole it. Just that he gave it to Lamar.

    I do think its odd that drug dealers would be selective and only take Lamar's stuff and that they didn't leave a mess.

    The first thing I do when I've been robbed is have the family and friends  traipse around  looking and touching things.. makes it much easier for the cops. 

     I would think that Khloe's security camera records whoever is punching the code at the door. She did tell the officer they would send the security tapes.  

    I just find it weird that its all revealed just AFTER Lamar leaves the country AND the house is sold. 250K of jewelry and he just leaves it there, knowing Khloe is moving out? That's not normal.  Depending on the exact dates of him leaving and her discovering the theft, I wouldn't be shocked if it was Lamar himself who took it. Or dear old dad. Or Jaime or one of his other hangers on ... or one of hers.

  16. I don't really feel sympathy for Khloe, but to some extent I understand. I've known people who hid the problems in a relationship and denied anything was wrong until everything hit the fan.  It happens. Sometimes you want to keep hoping things will change. It happens quite often.

    I felt sorry for her. But then again, she now chooses to air her dirty laundry on TV, apparently miffed that Lamar is putting his spin on things. Isn't that what this whole show does? Put the Kardashian spin on everything? If he cheated and she covered up for him, his bad and her bad. I say the marriage was rotten from the start. Who renews their vows at one year unless there have been issues?

    Why didn't she have 100's of thousands of dollars of jewelry in a safety deposit box? Certainly Lamar's stuff should be locked up or she should have had it delivered to him. Especially when the house was empty a lot of the time and UP for sale?

    I bet we never hear the outcome, no one will be arrested or charges. My theory? It was the lady from first class who screamed racial epithets at Kim. Good luck finding her.

    • Love 1
  17. Who gives a shit about Lamar's jewelry? I'm sure they have insurance. And she should have taken his stuff and put it in a safety deposit box or delivered it to his manager.

    Probably was robbed by one of her drunk hangers on at one of her parties.

    And Kris is a real piece of work. Still has Lamar's photos on the wall and feels bad for him. But I'll bet there's not one pic of Kris H on her wall. But plenty of Kim in her wedding gown... Alone.

    Like Khloe said Lamar's available, if Kris wants to fuck him or date him.

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  18. I think Corey has decent insurance, I resounded like they were just waiting for a definitive diagnosis before approving the power wheelchair. In the previews, it appears she does have one.

    Kail is a miserable bitch. It's okay for Isaac to call Javi dad, but not okay for Isaac to call Vee, mom (which it doesn't appear he does). And how is Isaac visiting his father supposed to be a benefit to Kail? I cannot stand her.

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  19. Can we talk about Reggie Bush getting married this weekend, and Brody and his girlfriend attended? Please? Also in my opinon Reggie went out and found another Kim just one not as obsessed with themselves as Kim.


    Some men have a "type". All the women they date resemble each other. I don't know if Reggie is hung up on Kim and is using this woman as a replacement or if he is merely attracted to that physical type.

    He seems happy. I don't think he and Kim would have lasted even if they married. He has no interest in the kind of life she wants.

    I think there are already cracks in her marriage to Kanye. The selling of the house is a sign. They can't agree on how to design a house, no sign of compromise. And she is clinging even tighter to her mom. They may stay married for a while, but I don't see it as a marriage.

    Reggie's wife looks happier than Kim did at either of her fairy tales.

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