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Posts posted by movingtargetgal

  1. 10 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:
    4 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Here goes Meg again with her misguided rant about Fauci and the efficacy of masks. Someone needs to sit her down and explain to her why masks were initially discouraged. 

    Seriously! There are things that can be difficult to follow, especially if you have a full-time job that's not political and other things going on in your life. The mask issue is not one of them. Almost everyone I know understood that at first there were concerns about the people who need the masks most not being able to obtain them. Once that was no longer a concern, the advice changed.

    I am so tired of the Princess of Arizona lying about this issue.  At the start of the quarantine, there was an extreme shortage of PPEs for hospital staff and first responders.  There were people buying up PPEs (and toilet paper) and were hoarding them.  That is when medical experts pleaded with the public to stop this so our medical staff and first responders could be protected.  We were advised to stay in quarantine and wear a reusable cloth  masks when we had to go out in public.  People then began sewing their own masks for themselves, their neighbors and their communities.  The medical experts never said that masks were not effective.  It was the fact that hospital workers and first responders were at high risk and if they got sick, there would be no one left to care for the people who became ill after the initial outbreak of the virus.  

    I know you all know this but Meghan and some members of her tribe do not seem to get it, or worse, they don't care and are spreading lies to gain votes for their team.  Either way Meghan needs to be fired from The View for spreading such dangerous misinformation.

    • Love 16
  2. 7 minutes ago, lusinia said:

    Ooh, Meghan just has to interject that, "No one is worried about The Lincoln Project.  No one" and gives a derisive chuckle, because, of course, Steve Schmidt is one of it's founders.  I would love it if someone would ask her why, if no one is worried about them, is a conservative super PAC, running ads on tv (in D.C,) against them (which I just happened to read about yesterday).  

    Meghan hates Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace because, in her mind, they are responsible for her father losing the 2008 presidential campaign.  Poor Princess Meghan of Arizona never got to live and work in the White House. 


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  3. Did anyone catch Hannah on WWHL?  I thought she looked great and seemed extremely happy.   She will be about nine months pregnant if she participates in the reunion.  It should be great.  Hannah will be near her due date.  She will also be free to tell Sandy what she really thinks about her and her stupid tablescapes.  Hannah will not have two f*cks to give.  

    • Love 21
  4. 1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

    And what about prison staff?   They move back and forth between the “enclosed system” and their homes.

    Prison staff and their families also need to grocery shop and do errands within their communities.  An outbreak in a prison puts an entire community at risk.

    2 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

    Am I a bad person if I wish Martin Sckreli gets hit with the coronavirus?

    If you are, so am I.  

    • Love 9
  5. 16 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    This reminded me of the Quickfire in Hung's season in which the visual of the food was key. He was stuck with items only from the cereal aisle of the grocery and made a cracked out Smurf Village. I wanted any one of the chefs to just freaking GO FOR IT like that. They all seem so tentative with what they are putting out. 

    This is my favorite Quickfire Challenge ever.  Hung realized that he was limited by his aisle in the grocery store and decided to do something fun.  That Smurf Village was epic.  

    • Love 12
  6. 7 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I can't see Randall expecting Rebecca to move halfway across the country for this trial if Rebecca and Miguel had moved to Philly last year.  He would have looked to see if she could be part of the trial while still staying at home.  Because, you know, he cannot lose her.  Rebecca spending nine months in St. Louis would be him losing her.  He is still pissed that she dared to move to be near Kate and Kevin.  I really hope that the confrontation next week is Kate laying in to Randall instead of Kevin.  Kate and Baby Jack are the ones who stand to lose the most if Rebecca goes to St. Louis.  Randall was able to have Rebecca through the first years of both of his daughters.  Years from now he and his girls can reminisce about Grandma because she was there for them.  He is denying Kate and Jack the same thing.  

    Randall always needed to have "mommy" to himself.  He loved the fact that his siblings were living across the country.  When baby Jack was born and Rebecca moved to LA to help Kate caring for a special needs baby, Randall was pissed and JEALOUS.  The fact that mommy would also be living near Kevin instead of him sent Randall over the edge of reason.  

    Randall keeps throwing it in Rebecca's face that HE took care of her when Jack died.  The fact is that Randall was being self-serving.  In his mind, being mommy's helper gave him an edge up on his siblings.  He was the "good" son.  I think Rebecca was really strong after losing everything, including Jack in the fire.  Randall attended college nearby so he could help is mother was because HE needed to be needed.


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  7. I believe Joy's son-in-law is a Physician's Assistant in NYC and is working on the front lines in this pandemic.  Because of this, I think Joy's daughter's fear for her mother and husband is understandable.  Her husband is a healthcare professional and needs to be there to help his patients.  On the other hand, she does not want her mother risking her health for a talk show.  Joy is doing the right thing for herself and her daughter. 

    • Useful 5
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  8. 1 hour ago, heysmilinstrange said:

    I haven't watched today's episode yet, but to Meghan's credit, she was giving Elisabeth some real WTF looks yesterday. I didn't know she had it in her. Good to know even she has her limits.

    EH's answer to the Corona virus was Prayer and Purell!  Meghan, the other co-hosts, and 99% of the viewers gave her a WTF look.  When she started on her P&P solution, I had to keep rewinding my DVR because I could not believe what she was saying.  EH belongs on the Jim Baker Show, where she can spew her nonsense, not The View.

    • LOL 1
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  9. 8 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

    I'm just going to assume at least half of them have deformed micro-dicks and missing testicles a la Weinstein, to make myself feel better.

    I agree.  I hope they all have a permanent case of shingles on their deformed micro-dicks.

    MVFROSTSMYPIE, cursing misogynistic manpigs with a shingles on the dick spell will NEVER get old for me. 😎

    • LOL 8
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  10. 12 minutes ago, lusinia said:

     It seems like it was the oral sex in the Oval Office that Meghan had the problem with.  She said Clinton "desecrated" the Oval Office.  Almost as if it had it taken place somewhere "appropriate" she would have been okay with it.

    Where else is the POTUS going to have an affair.  He/She can not exactly sneak down to the local no tell motel.  


    • LOL 17
  11. 4 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    Diane, I know you're a mob lawyer, but it doesn't seem to be in your client's interest to pretend that both of his families are equally "notorious." 

    Not that Michael, who JUST escaped a mob hit, should even have to wonder what name to choose. "Hmmm, most of the kids in this family have been kidnapped or shot because of their connection to Sonny. Anyhoo, I guess I'll go ahead and pick the name that puts a giant red arrow over my son's head!"

    Michael is an idiot for going by and giving his son the name Corinthos.  I hope the awesome judge from Michael's sentencing for Claudia's murder is the judge in Wiley's custody case.


    • Love 5
  12. 10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I wouldn't mind if Nelle succeeded in kidnapping Wylie for a few years. Everyone could bond over missing and he'd be safe from the Corinthoses for a while.

    I have been thinking the same thing.  I would love for Nelle to win this round.  I am so tired of the Corinthi hypocrisy.  I really want to see Michael lose both his son and ELQ.  To have Nelle be responsible for him losing everything would be icing on the cake.   

    • Love 13
  13. Boston, I have thought a lot about this family too.  The stepfather, mother and the four oldest children were dealing with a huge amount of grief.  The children were acting out for understandable reasons but the parents did not have the tools to help them.  Then you add a new baby and a mum with postpartum depression.  It is no wonder why things spiraled out of control.  I love the way Jo was able to help this family.  They were good people.  I would love to see an update for this family.   

    • Love 2
  14. 7 hours ago, ShuFace88 said:

    I'm surprised the candidates who come on the show don't have a better prepared answer to Bill's question about Trump not leaving. He asks it every show. I would say something along the lines of "Once John Roberts administers the oath of office, the Secret Service and US Marshalls now work for me. They don't take too kindly to unauthorized people in the Oval Office".

    I would imagine that any passwords and secret codes Trump has will automatically transfer to the New President as soon as Roberts administer the oath of office.  The military would be under the authority of their new Commander and Chief.  If Trump refuses to leave the White House, I think his Secret Service detail will gladly carry his obnoxious ass off the property.  

    • Love 7
  15. 5 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    But charters are not really his livelihood anymore apparently.  When asked (rudely) by Ashton when his last charter was Lee said it was a year ago and not a full season.  

    I think the reason Lee has not been doing many charters lately is because his son died.  He may be sticking close to home to be with his wife and family.  Asshit knows this and still could not help himself from cruelly challenging Lee on this issue.   

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