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Posts posted by movingtargetgal

  1. 2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:
    On 8/29/2019 at 8:13 PM, movingtargetgal said:

    Megan has literally thrown herself on her father's grave, had someone take a picture of this and posted the picture on line.  All righty then, I guess she has won the who is grieving daddy the most contest in the Mccain family.  I know people visit the graves of their loved ones but to post it on Instagram as a way to gain publicity is beyond sick.  Meghan is so disrespectful of her family (who are also grieving) and of her father's memory.  I have a feeling Jack Daniels may have factored into this visit to her father's grave.

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    You know she produced the hell out of that photo op.  What shirt would look best with my hair this way while I sprawl across this grave?  Who actually is the real Meghan?  She seems like she has carefully cultivated this Conservative Gun Toting Millennial Barbie (I know I just called her Scowling Barbie, Mattel, do NOT get any ideas) identity and I am just not sure it is authentic.  I have a strong feeling that the bitchy part of her identity is real.   I also agree that she is most likely not close to Mother McCain.

    I don't think Meghan is smart enough to pull it off on her own.  She has her husband and has hired a really good PR team.  I think they have been choreographing Meghan's every move.  Her husband is really riding her John Mccain's daughter coattails.  I would bet good money that he is the author of most of her little blue cards.  I believe/hope the team can only do so much before Meghan implodes.  Meghan is too emotional, entitled, uneducated and nasty to carry out their "game plan" for the five hours a week that she is on live tv.  

    • Love 11
  2. I LOVE Anna Devane but I have not missed her this summer.  Since the whole Peter/Heinrich is my son storyline, the character has become a shadow of her former self.  I also hate her being paired with Finn, they have no chemistry.  I hope when she does come back, she is Anna Fucking Devane again. 

    • Love 6
  3. 1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

    Colin on pills was hilarious. He’s a treasure.

    He was so sweet when he was talking to his mom.  I don't care how old you are, nothing makes you feel better than talking to your mom (or in my case grandma) when you are sick or hurt.  Colin's parents are such lovely people.  I am disappointed that they will not be visiting Colin this season. 

    The female guests were gross.  They were their 40's and 50's and behaved worse then frat boys.  By this time in their lives they should have learned the difference between getting tipsy and getting so wasted you don't realize or care that you pissed yourself.  In other words you can drink, get silly and have a good laugh with friends, or you get shitfaced, fight with your friends and wake up embarrassed and hung over.  

    • Love 16
  4. 3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Megan has literally thrown herself on her father's grave, had someone take a picture of this and posted the picture on line.  All righty then, I guess she has won the who is grieving daddy the most contest in the Mccain family.  I know people visit the graves of their loved ones but to post it on Instagram as a way to gain publicity is beyond sick.  Meghan is so disrespectful of her family (who are also grieving) and of her father's memory.  I have a feeling Jack Daniels may have factored into this visit to her father's grave.

    • Love 13
  5. 2 hours ago, bencr said:

    In Kathryn's defense, she really is stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, she's in a nasty custody battle with Thomas, and Thomas has wealth and power on his side, as well as a completely unscrupulous nature. On the other hand, if Kathryn walks away from the show in order to make sure she doesn't publicly say or do anything that might help Thomas, she gives up the income and celebrity her job provides.

    So she does what I think most of us would do ... she tries to straddle the line between being on the show and not revealing anything that could be damaging to her custody case. Given the nature of reality TV, that would be difficult for anyone, and Kathryn is young and not that shrewd. 

    Edited 2 hours ago by bencr

    Katherine needs the income from this show to pay for her custody battle.  Thomas has socia, political connections and is wealthy.  He can afford the best lawyers and has hired private investigators to follow Katherine.  Thomas is going scorched earth on her.  She has been very guarded because of this.  All of this is very stressful on it's own.  During the filming of this season and reunion, Katherine was also caring for her terminally mother.  With all the pressure in her life, I think Katherine has handled herself really well.  I was amazed at how calm she was in dealing with Ashley and Eliza this season.  The old Katherine would have been screaming at them. She has issues but she is working on herself and is growing. 

    • Love 19
  6. 2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    Scott with his too tight suits and awful hair. Poor thing. 

    I would love it if Ava decided to give Scott a makeover.  She could take him to her hairdresser and bring him to NYC to buy him some suits that fit.  

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  7. I just rewatched the June in the galley making oj while watching the pan on the stove smoking.  If she was unsure if Ana wanted the pan to be removed from the burner before the ship caught fire, June could have used the radio ask Ana.  However, she probably would have had her radio off as she was paging Ana. 

    • LOL 6
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  8. 17 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:
    21 hours ago, TheView said:

    She should have her seat at The View replaced with a throne. 

    I would rather her chair have a trap door under it.

    2 hours ago, TheView said:
    17 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

    With piranhas? 

    1 hour ago, Haleth said:


    1 hour ago, Cementhead said:

    And angry squirrels. 

    You all have a dark side. 😉 

    May I suggest the Arizona Bark Scorpion.  

    • LOL 10
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  9. Captain Lee is a much better leader than Sandy.  He would not have put up with Jack and Travis.  Lee would give Jack one warning about his "work avoidance issues" then would have sent his ass home.  Travis' drunken behavior was an embarrassment to the boat.  If that were not enough Travis struck Ana.  I think Captain Lee would be really tempted to physically remove Travis' sorry ass from his boat.  

    • Love 17
  10. 1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:
    2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:
    2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    Sam doesn’t want her kids around Julian because he held Danny’s bone marrow hostage? 

    The way Sam treats Julian, he didn’t have much choice. She’s such an asshole to Julian. I hate her hypocrisy.

    Read more  

    Yeah, she seems to forget the reason he "held his bone marrow hostage" was because Sonny was GOING TO KILL HIM had he banked it for Danny.  So Sam is fine that her pal Sonny was going to put a bullet in Julian, but not that he didn't want to die.  OK, Mumbles.

    Julian NEVER threatened to withhold his bone marrow from Danny.  He correctly pointed out to Sonny that freezing his bone marrow was an experimental procedure and it may not be viable if Danny were to need it in the future.  Julian told Sonny that if he were to die and Danny had a recurrence of cancer, the boy could die and Sonny would be to blame.  But in Sam's mind Julian should have agreed to be murdered by Sonny. 

    • Love 4
  11. We called it as soon as the Shilo/Drew connection was made, Shilo kidnapped Drew in Afghanistan.  We knew Victor and Helena Cassidine were involved in the Jason/Drew memory mapping experiments.

    My prediction is that Cassandra Pierce is a relative or clone of Helena.  Helena's evil was too great to expend in one lifetime so she funded the memory mapping experiments to ensure she would live on to commit heinous acts for lifetimes to come.  Helena's body may have died but her spirit and memories have been implanted into Cassandra.

    • LOL 2
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  12. 1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

    Douglas to Thomas:  "Steffy and Liam are nice unlike you.  I told Liam Phoebe is Beth."  I'm loving Douglass.  I liked the Steffy, Douglas, Ridge scene to.

    41 minutes ago, nkotb said:

    Douglas got to tell his dad that he's a creep & that Douglas is far better than anyone could have expected (in so many words). Finally!

    I loved Douglas' phone call to his father.  In an age appropriate way the little boy told Thomas that he was a piece of shit and he could go fuck himself.  

    Today's episode was full of Friday afternoon cliffhanger soapy goodness!  

    • Love 16
  13. 2 hours ago, JustDucky said:

    I can see Taylor popping up with her Personal Opinion that Hope isn't mentally sound enough to be a mother to Beth and that it's in the Baby's Best Interests to blah blah blah...  (Urgh, somebody on the writing staff is taking notes, aren't they?)

    Yep, that is Taylor's MO.  I really hate the way she uses her psychiatric training to manipulate vulnerable people.  There a few things more dangerous than a batshit crazy psychiatrist with a personal agenda. 

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  14. Taylor should be around for the Phoebe is Beth reveal.  She did not know about the baby switch, but she did buy a baby from Reese for .$250,000.  That would be child trafficking and it is a crime.  Taylor is crazy but she knew it was against the law.  Taylor needs to be held accountable for her actions.  She can share a cell with Zoe and Flo.

    Did Steffy know that her mother bought Phoebe/Beth from Reese and for how much?   

    • Love 12
  15. I am really going to miss Billy Miller's Drew.  I really hope they do not kill or write off the character.  I know they are fictional characters, but I don't want Monica to lose yet another loved one or for Scout to lose such a great dad.  I don't want Jason to have any part of raising Scout.  The PC mob has enough children to ruin for life or to be killed.  I hope Drew leaves for a few months and takes Scout with him.  This would give TPTB time to recast the role.  

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  16. Joy did seem a little tired today.  I think she was up late watching the debate coverage.  That is what I was doing last night.  I needed two extra cups of coffee to get myself going this morning. :) 

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  17. Mauricio U was representing the seller in this real estate transaction.  The US Dept of Justice also had a claim on some of the proceeds from the sale of the property.  Mauricio U secretly partnered with the buyer to buy the property.  He received higher offers but did not tell the seller OR the DOJ!  He is in big trouble.  At the very least he could lose his real estate license.  He defrauded  his client and the US Government.  He could be facing jail time.  On WWHL last night Kyle seemed really scared and she should be.  What if Kyle signed any paperwork on this deal.  She could also be in trouble.  

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