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Everything posted by CPP83

  1. I honestly have no idea who that is. Is that the name of one of the young actresses?
  2. I almost did a double take at Wyatt too before I vaguely remembered that he's actually on the show. I still have no idea what crucially important purpose he's supposed to serve that they just had to cast a brand new face around town. This show desperately need to start dropping some dead weight already. They can start with Sonny and Carly. Molly has needed to put a sock in it now for ages. Maybe if her own father wasn't Ric with his revolting past, or her Uncle Sonny who is guilty of all the things, not just some things on this show, but ALL THE THINGS. She should have learned a long time ago that she lives in the grand central station for the seedy underbelly of social pariahs. The girl needs a hobby or a project. She is in college now right? Does she have a job? Jake's reaction to Jason should be everyone's reaction to Jason all the time.
  3. I saw Danny acting like Danny, but I wouldn't say he was acting like a typical child his age. Danny is a soap character that is played by a kid who basically doesn't care about anything outside of dogs. There are plenty of five year old kids who would have reacted with suspicion, fear, concern, confusion, or just not cared at all, among other reactions. Danny reacted the way he did to Jason because the show wanted him to react that way. Nothing about the scene screamed all that "real" or "genuine" to me, it was a way to push a story line, and it isn't one I find interesting or well written. I have stated my opinions about this issue previously so I don't want to appear as if I am merely repeating myself. I also don't have anything else new to add that I haven't already said anyway, so I am going to agree to disagree about this particular scene or what it was or wasn't meant to infer.
  4. My issue is that Will isn't just Sonny's husband. It's annoying, imo, to see everyone practically acting as if the best thing for Will is to be around Sonny, over anyone else, 24/7. He was perfectly fine living with his grandma, Sonny wasn't losing access to him. But the first real conversation that Sonny had with Will where Will was receptive to him, Sonny grabbed and kissed him and then wanted him to move in with him. What's the big rush? It was just very pushy and possessive to me. Sonny could slow down and really show that he cares about what is best for Will, maybe he remembers and maybe he doesn't, but Will is a complete person regardless if he remembers their "great love". He will still have Sami, Lucas, Kate, Marlena, Roman, John, Eric, Brady, Belle, Gabby, their little girl, and on and on, heh, he has a full family, Sonny isn't his only family by a stretch but that's the impression one might get with Sonny's over the top controlling behavior. Personally I would have liked seeing Will spend more time with Lucas right now as he struggles to recover. Bryan always had easy chemistry with Chandler and they made a very nice father/son pairing. I think they both would produce some very impressive scenes if they actually got to see one another. Instead Will is getting shuttered up in the mansion while Lucas is wherever. I really hope that happens fairly quickly, heh, if Sonny can "get over" Paul so fast, then Paul deserves to do the same. My main hope is that they find him a friend, a buddy, someone he can go to, talk to, hang out with, since Will isn't exactly available. But Paul could use a real friend right now. Isn't he? It's quite the skill. And it doesn't take a lot of face pulling on his part or acting as if he's in actual physical pain.
  5. I was more so thinking along the lines of the show keeping score between Jason and Drew in regards to the kids. Jake had his moment with Drew, rejecting Jason as you said. But then Drew gets Oscar as his biological son that he gets to share "moments" with, and now Jason had had his own "moment" with Danny and we have yet to see what will happen when he eventually remembers Jake is his as well. Danny's dog obsession though...I guess right now he loves dogs in the same way his dad likes motorcycles. Really? Oh ffs. If I could get it in writing that were this to happen, one of the little trigger happy hell spawn will end up "accidentally" shooting their Uncle Sonny in the back/chest/spinal column/brain steam/jugular vein, I would be all for this. All for it.
  6. The main reason I took issue with the scene between Jason and Danny is the same reason why I often take issue with any and all scenes that revolve around Jason: it's all about Jason. That's what I saw in the whole set up. Jason got called "Other Daddy" by a kid who knows him from pictures, who thought he was merely "Mommy's friend" five seconds earlier, and then the kid prompts the sniffling robot to give him a hug to top it all off. That scene, that moment, was all about portraying Jason as the long-suffering father, imho, and he is anything but. Yes, he lost five years, and it was his own damn fault, his family and friends then got a replacement Jason that "claimed" his life, again because it was his own damn fault, and now he's so distraught realizing all that's he lost, because as always it was his own damn fault. All I saw in that scene was an obvious attempt from the writers to, yet again, paint Jason as the one to feel sympathy and empathy for. Honestly the whole entire sequence got an eye-roll from me. If Danny had hopped up after the revelation and asked to go play, ready to get away from all the weepy adults acting funny in a way he couldn't understand , now that would have worked for me. Watching Danny give Jason the cold shoulder would have been rightly fitting considering A.J. If this show ever wants me to feel a smidgen bit sorry for Jason Morgan having a rough time with his children, for whatever reason, then they'll have to figure out someway to rewind and reverse what he willingly did to his own brother. Frank sounds like such a standup guy...and ah, no surprise he'd get the "teacher's pet" label over everyone else. If only having that permission actually seemed to help the black hole that is Franco out at all.
  7. Isn't that what all the hip cats are doing nowadays on the show? Maybe it's all he can do or else he'll just start ranting and raving and saying bad words before he just starts sobbing and questioning his life choices. Also there is a very good chance he forgot the line.
  8. I could tell that the little guy is...limited, let's say. I think the only kid actor, male or female, left on the show that I would actually label as an "actor" and not just some random kid they snatched off the street and threw money at their parents, would be the little boy who plays Jake. But that aside, I still got the impression that they wanted one of Jason's sons to "react" to him like that because it adds to the plot. Danny acted more along the lines of a child greeting his father who'd been away on a business trip, and of course it tore Drew's heart out of his chest to watch the child he'd raised for so long suddenly turn to his biological father and cling to him like a drowning victim, it was just a way to drum up more dhrama. Imho, there is no valid reason for any of his children to suddenly want a "snuggle from Daddy" right out of the gate, considering JaDrew is the only Daddy (I choose to be generous considering the situation of Jake's childhood littered with paternal musical chairs) the boys have had for any extended period of time, especially Danny. Frankly all the kids should take one look at Jason and run screaming from the room because they think he's a ghost come back from the dead to haunt them.
  9. Did the show decide that since Drew has Oscar now (such a prize that one...) Jason could just show up and Danny would immediately be all in for Daddy Jason who looks like the pictures in Grandma's house, so bring it in and give me a hug man who I only know from photos because suddenly you are what's been missing in my very short life. Daddy Drew who? Mr. Mumbles over there? I always knew he wasn't my real dad anyway, Uncle Sonny told me so! That's the vibe that I got from their scenes, anyway. I can tell the show wants me, very much, to care about Drew's struggle and Jason's man-pain and Sam's need to buy stock in Kleenex but I don't. Maybe if they had bothered to actually put some time and effort into explaining all this nonsense with Drew being Jason's twin and Jason being held by some Russians, ,maybe, and to top it all off they made Sonny and Carly right about EVERYTHING and that will always just get a big fat "hell no" from me. I am not sure what they are doing with Julian now, I always knew he'd be ruined in favor of Sonny as all such characters have been scarified at the holy mini alter of the moobster that is Sonny. But I just have to say this, whatever Julian has done, and half of it I don't know because I tuned out a long while back, and even still, unless he somehow was guilty of shooting an unarmed A.J. in the chest during a moment of total cowardliness and soulless, unforgivable selfishness, and then got a pass for it because he managed to rescue some rich girl from a boat bomb? Nah, show, Sonny is still the first mob moron that should be rotting in prison right now. He should not be strutting around PC still like a proud peacock, he should be shunned, despised, and rotten vegetation would be thrown at him at every turn. How many times can a character be responsible for firing a bullet into someone, either nearly killing them if not out rightly killing them, and get let off the hook for it? Wait, don't answer that. So they gave T.J. a grandma but that young, talented, kid who played the actual character is apparently nowhere to be seen. Great. Makes total sense. Detective Driftwood still answers the door half naked, some things never change I guess. I guess by the stocking hung over the fireplace? Maxie actually remembers she has a kid already. I guess that's a step in the right direction towards mothering her eventually/maybe/highly doubtful.
  10. It was such a soapy moment, to breakdown in public over a broken heart, but I was happy to see that John was clearly aware that his son was hurting and he followed him. It was a beautiful scene I thought, Christopher nailed the emotions, the look on his face as he began to cry, it really got to me. I truly think that this kid has a special talent when it comes to portraying his character. I didn't see Christopher fighting hard to cry and be in the moment, I saw Paul breaking down into the loving arms of his father. I think Drake and Christopher have a great bond, despite how they made Paul John''s son, it's scenes like today's that make me glad they have scenes together. Sonny is really acting, imho, like a self-centered horror. The way he basically snatched Will away and now gets to hoard him now in the mansion, because that's healthy for an amnesia victim to be sequestered...and yet everyone is "for it" and thinks that it's a fantastic idea. Even Paul had to try and cheer them on, it was disgusting. I was so touched by Christopher's scenes, he really brought it I felt. The way he played Paul with Will, and then Sonny, and finally John, it was all pitch perfect, especially his breakdown with John. I was hoping to see Paul finally stop trying to be so stoic and understanding and forgiving and actually get to express his true feelings and pain, and frankly he has no one better in his life right now that is totally on his side than John, so I thought it was a the perfect choice for Paul to literally have his father's shoulder to cry on, because he desperately needed that release. Emmy reel worthy, imo. I can't agree more. Sonny's behavior of late is so obtuse and selfish, and everyone is just giving him a pass. Sonny has apparently monopolized Salam's pity market, because Will has to come back to him because they are meant to be together, and he won't have it any other way. He might as well slap a brand on Will's butt the second he's through the mansion doors just to seal the deal and claim him like a mule. Sonny is showing such a lack of compassion towards Paul, who did nothing wrong in any of this to deserve to be dumped certainly, it's so tasteless and downright cruel. However, I was glad to see that Will is trying to extend himself towards Paul, despite everything else that is going on. It was nice to hear that he feels freer around Paul than he does the others, because he doesn't feel like Paul wants anything from the "old Will" that he can't give. I could definitely see a bond of trust forming between them in time, as Paul gets over Sonny and Will learns more about himself and what he actually wants now. His old memories back or a new beginning with far greater possibilities? It was totally understandable why Paul had to turn his offer of friendship down, for now at least, but I hope that won't last for long. Personally I would love to see Paul begin to recover and realize that Sonny's happiness shouldn't take precedence over his own or Will's for that matter. That it's okay if they hang out or talk, or even if they explore an even deeper connection, whatever that may mean. Paul has to realize it's not his, or anyone else's, job to cater to Sonny and ensure that his life is so called perfect. He and Will both have just as much a right to a happy, fulfilled life, as anyone.
  11. How generous of the writers to finally allow Sam and Drew to acknowledge the obvious fact that they are not, in face, legally man and wife. Next time they'll realize that they will have to refile their 1040. Now when are they going to drop the other shoe about Sam and Jason not really being divorced for the same reason she and Drew aren't hitched, and that Scout is Jason's child legally as well? I won't hold my breath. These writers seem determined to drag this nonsense on forever and ever. So Julian is going to own a bar now? Because...Mac is still in a closet somewhere? I will forever believe that all they had to do was make Julian a doctor, not a damn mobster, and this character could have taken off. He still could have been Alexis' old flame, Sam's dad, and been a productive member of society. Finn and Anna were better today, I think, what little of them I saw. I think Michael and Fiona play good friends, but I wouldn't put them together romantically. To me they seem more like siblings, with all the bickering and teasing and taunting. Andre is one of the better male actors on the show (I'm being generous with my definition of "better" here) so I see why they're shipping him off, it always happens. The closest thing these writers come to doing actual medical research on real life diseases probably doesn't extend far beyond asking Siri if "Alzheimer's" is spelled with one or two "z"s. I used to have hope for Jordan once upon a time. Franco's crisis of conscious is coming a few serial kills and rapes too late for me to even try to be bothered. Kiki showed up merely to give him a pep talk? This sounded like a good idea to someone?
  12. Preach it. I really don't understand why the show seems to ignore that habit and they haven't encouraged him to do it less, and be more aware of his facial expressions in general. There's nothing wrong with having a little quirk, but it can really prove distracting and annoying when the scene calls for more nuance and subtlety. His reaction after kissing Freddie yesterday was really jarring, imho. It just didn't fit. He was almost crying and laughing all at the same time while smirking, a three-peat of sorts. And then it appeared he triggered Freddie to start laughing as they struggled to get through the scene and I was totally taken out of the moment. I didn't see a couple reigniting their forever love bond, it looked like two dudes cutting up and I half expected to hear someone yell "cut!" so they could retake the scene and get it right. I think that's why I was far more encouraged during his scenes with Christopher, because it seemed that Will wasn't as jittery. There was no nervous laugh or giggle after he kissed Chris, though he did paw at him awkwardly. But he kept in character better that time. My hope is that if Chandler can spend more time around Christopher perhaps then some things will rub off on him and he'll grow and improve more.
  13. I thin that the writers, being such craftsmen of original genius and whimsy that they are... (crickets) the idea is that Oscar is craving/longing for Drew to be his Papa, however Drew already has his "real kid", aka Scout, and Oscar is just the little accident that Drew never got to parent or care about so their relationship is really just about DNA at this point, blah blah, hog wash, tears, and teenage angst and dhrama because reasons. Doesn't it just sound so damn exciting... Sam and Jason actually spoke to and at one another, it was like a Christmas miracle. I still don't care though. Jason lost all favour with me when he and Liz banged on the sky bridge and produced another unwanted, unneeded, hell spawn. Speaking of hell spawns...Nina. Why? Why is she still hanging around? I mean really, it boggles. And who is that guy with her? I am lost in a world of not caring and being horrified that they brought on someone else to play attracted to Nina because SHE'S STILL HERE! And how nice of her to turn to doing holiday crafts instead of stealing babies. Trading one hobby for another, I am surprised they didn't slip in a line that she learned how to while locked in crazy-town jail. I see that they are trying to do something with Anna and Finn and I am...perplexed honestly. Those two just don't go together for me and from the looks of it Michael and Fiona know that as well. Poor dears, just trying to collect those paychecks still. The one good thing about today I can say is that Carly and Sonny were absent.
  14. Let me pull up a chair to this table. I have never seen anything from Freddie that impresses me personally. To me he's always just been average, on a good day, and I would much rather have other, better, actors in focus than all this love that the show lavishes on Sonny. I find both the character and actor overrated by quite a bit. Are you reading my mind? heh. I thought the exact same thing throughout their scenes today. I thought Chandler giggled after the kiss because it's been a long time since he and Freddie had to kiss each other. Also, that kid always seems to be in a permanent state of either smirking or laughing most of the time anyway. Overall, in my eyes, the kiss just wasn't sexy or romantic, it just seemed like the actors almost had a laughing fit and quickly had to get back into character and play it off like this "spark" had just happened. Sonny was so pushy, I agree, a bully really, just pressing Will to give in to what he wanted and even the kiss was just an extension of that. That he was going to make Will see the light and come back to him, and Will wasn't exactly going to get away from the situation unless he finally relented, which is what ultimately happened. And really? Will moving into the mansion is necessary why? Why not offer to help him get his own place? Or maybe look for a job? Why not do more to show Will that regardless if he regains his memory that he can and will still have a life, and he will be settled regardless of what happens in the future. This, all the way. I was not pleased when they decided to make Will and Sonny a "forever" couple without much, if any, contest way back in the day, and I do not wish to see that happen again. It's boring and predictable, to me, and also isn't very engaging. Will is young, attractive, and actually lacks quite a bit of experience overall as you mentioned. Why can't he just have some human experiences on his own, sans Sonny? It's not as if someone's biological clock is ticking in this scenario, so why the rush? Personally I would like to see the show bring on another actor or two to play romantic foils, not just for Will but Paul as well. There is a lot that could be done with this threesome that expands on their social circles, on their love lives, and on their connections with one another. It'd just be nice to see some real effort and vision put in to this, instead of the same old same of Will playing hard to get, Paul being the jilted ex, and Sonny as the leading man who gets his guy in the end, blah blah.
  15. I could not agree with you more. It was downright loathsome to see how causally and nonchalantly he told Sonny about Paul's kiss with Will, and then of course he made it seem like Will and Paul practically had a hot, steamy make-out session (if only) with wild abandon. Brady lit the fuse to that piece of dynamite and then sat back and enjoyed the show, watching Sonny viciously lash out at Paul. And then his halfhearted so called "apology" to Paul afterwards was just pathetic, imo. Paul should have turned on his heels and walked out, telling Brady to do his own dirty detective work next time. Brady has always been one of those characters for me that the less I see/hear of him the better, regardless of who has played him over the years. To me he's just always been grossly spoiled and catered to, always getting away with so much with so few consequences for his awful actions, and his ego is the size of Victor's retirement fund.
  16. Considering the budget, or lack thereof, for the show at this point there's a good possibility they were squatting in some unsuspecting person's flat. I agree that Oscar really does act like a real teen, but man it's boring as hell. The kid seems like he would light up like a Christmas tree if someone just tossed him a bag of Cheetos and handed him a remote controller to an Xbox console. Heck, at this point that might actually prove slightly interesting with everything else going on. Jason and Drew spent time together and I swear, if mumbling lines and staring blue steel at something justttt past the camera were Olympic sports, Steve and Billy would both get honorable mentions because the lackluster, half-heated, that check better clear this week, attitudes were on high, imo. Not that I blame them frankly, I think they keep bringing up how improbable/impossible this memory swap/Jason should die and be replaced by his unknown twin story-line because the actors are still confounded, baffled, and probably angry that this is the best the writers could come up with. It makes Ron's miraculous mask fix-all ploy seem genius. This show needs less useless bodies with stupid names, show, not more. Stop giving people kids and babies and magical fetuses that people keep lying and say that they want. Cut it out. This show needs to be mowed down by half, at least. Michael needs a baby like he needs to get back with Kiki. The actress who plays Nelle is quite...different. Carly and Sonny trying to act morally superior to anyone is so beyond belief that the whole restaurant should have died from hysterical laughing fits.
  17. I can only speak for myself here, but I really enjoyed cocky/smug Paul, heh, Christopher just played that role so well. And personally I don't think that is a bad thing, in the right amounts for the right reasons. I thought that it made for a lot of good, hot, chemistry in his scenes with the others, such as Will (Guy), Derek, and even Sonny, when Freddie wasn't flinching. I agree that Paul was putting on a brave front at times, but I do believe that he also has enough going for him that he could be cocky and confident, but not in a way to offend but just as a way to show that he isn't what they've now turned him into, imo, which is such a softie and frankly at times boring. I think the show dialed back on that side of Paul because they wanted to make him more appealing to fans who were angry over his sleeping with Will and breaking up his relationship with Sonny, etc. I don't think that was necessary, not to this extent anyway. Making him a bit more humble was fine, but this guy who merely just takes so much abuse with a sad puppy dog look, as he did today, isn't working for me. That's what I meant by having the "old" Paul back really, having back a guy who knew what he was worth and what, and who, he could get because he was good enough to. If that confidence returned I think Paul would be all the better for it, and it would again call on Christopher's full range which I think is one of the best on the show.
  18. Today's scenes with Marlena/Sami,Will/John, I thought, were spectacular. I know they were all playing their characters, but during the goodbyes I really saw the actors emerge while engaging with each other, something I have always loved to see when you have such a long history and these people truly get close and connected. Chandler really was on the verge of a breakdown when he hugged Alison, I have always been on the fence about Will as a whole since he stopped being that cute baby and had all those varying "growth spurts" over the years, but the way Chandler and Alison get along, I find it very enjoyable and believable. It was all good stuff for Sami, from start to finish today, ending with her at Lucas' bedside. Bryan is so skilled at playing a recovering addict, I always feel like he deserves kudos for that. Brady really crossed a huge line in regards to Paul. Paul merely opened up to his brother, someone he should be able to trust, to be able to be honest with and not have it blow up in his face because Brady's fragile ego just had to get in a cheap jab against his cousin. Paul is just a really standup guy to me. He had every right to go off on both Brady and Sonny, Brady for his betrayal and then Sonny for acting as if Paul was preying on Will like some evil villain trying to woe and seduce his "fair lady maiden" in a fairy-tale. Paul should have told them both to go to hell and walked out. But of course, as usual, he just let them get away with their b.s. It's times like today when I wish the Paul of old, who was a little more cocky and self assured, would come back into play. Paul should not have to keep acting like a peace maker and pushover and readily available punishing bag just because those around him behave poorly. I was happy to see though that he told Sonny off a little bit. But Brady got off way too easy, Paul even gave him the file on Eve after all of thar. Sonny is really going downhill fast, imho. How dare he show up to Will's safe space, the only one he has so far, and basically brand him on the spot as "his husband" and tell him that he "wants him back" as if that is somehow going to just fix everything, and Will won't care he has no memories or that he actually is just now able to find true freedom in being himself, after being forced for two years to hide and keep quiet. Sonny is acting like a overly possessive, overbearing, selfish punk and if it sends Will running into the arms of Paul, he'll only have himself to blame.
  19. So Emily now has a namesake, good. Not that I cared much for the character towards the end, or the middle, of her life but it's a nice nod to history and the passing on of a Q name will always get a thumbs up from me. Can they rename Oscar A.J. then? Maybe I might be able to overlook everything else. I haven't seen the new Cameron so I was curious about that, thanks. Frankly if they had SOARed him the usual way, that kid should be 25 by now. So Nelle's womb is currently ticking and that's just no good. Why this crap again? Is Ron still lurking around somewhere? Good grief. And of course Carly is going to lose her giblets over this. Sonny, shut your stupid face. I would have been just fine with Britt smirking in his face the whole time while he tried to intimidate her. Her Daddy is bloody Faison, you really think you, little mobster man,, could scare her?
  20. Today really magnified the fact that Paul has no real friends to turn to when he's in crisis. Brady is his brother, and I was pleased to see him take a few minutes to let Paul vent and offered him support and love, but at the same time he is also the cousin to Paul's now former fiance. John is his dad, but also Will's step-grandfather and connected in numerous ways to the Horton and Brady famines. Belle is his sister but again, she is just as close to all the other players and really wouldn't be the best person to have a unbiased opinion about things. Even Gabby is out because of her ties to Will and Sonny, and the baby girl they all share. I am merely guessing here, but all things considered I could definitely see a bar in Paul's near future which leads to a night of drowning his sorrows and getting stinking drunk and if he were to run into a equally fed up and emotionally drained Will, sick of all the drama of trying to become the "real Will" everyone else is desperate for him to be, I could see some mutually agreed upon mattress tag going down pretty soon thereafter. To which I would say: yes please, and make it a double. For some reason Ron is really having everyone fumble the heck out of their "hey, Will, guess what crappy thing you did that totally makes you just like your mother!" moments to get the kid to warm up to Sami. Everything he's heard has either made it seem like he's a selfish a-hole or he's a deranged almost murderer, good job family. How about we work on not convincing the kid that his former self was a total psycho? Sami and Lucas had fantastic scenes. Again, Alison's chemistry with Bryan is really obvious and beautiful, even though their characters' have such volatile history. Watching them, I really can see how these are two people who have spent over two decades working on the same show, building a rich bond that shows through on such a deep, genuine level. Good stuff. Victor's sharp quips will always amuse me. I just wish John wasn't looking so frail and unsteady. He is almost always sitting down now in his scenes. Sonny is being quite annoying. As if he's on a mission to make Will his again like a throphy hunter of sorts. Cool your jets there, buckaroo. Will is a human being, not a wayward mustang you need to tame.
  21. Okay, quick question about Liz's offspring - is Cameron at least pushing double digits in age yet? Is he anywhere near close to hitting any milestone of puberty in the near future? I still can't get over how they aged Morgan and then Kristina and Molly, and now even Josselyn, and yet Cameron has been left in first grade for over a decade. They really wasted a lot of births during the early 2000s that should rightly be the teens/young adults of today with actual family in PC that's been on canvas for longer than two weeks. But alas, instead there's Oscar who is Drew's son because...reasons and plot. Man, I know they are trying to show that Drew is basically losing out on everything right now, but the man didn't have to get saddled with the added baggage of having a teen son who seems to have the same intelligence level of a piece of Spam rolled in hair. The look on that baby's face playing Scout (Seriously? I thought it was a nickname for some odd reason since I wasn't around when she was conceived/born) staring up at Billy was pretty epic I thought. And he took it in stride with the line "you look as lost as I am". Something tells me that had very little to do with Drew and a lot to do with Miller. I am not against certain people getting redeemed on soaps, and one of GH's biggest story-lines involved a rapist and his rape victim falling madly in love and having kids. However, Franco is just the wrong sort of character, or should I say he has such poor characterization that I have no desire to see him redeemed. I have yet to see anything positive come from the SERIAL KILLER despite whomever has played him. I disliked him from day one when James had the role, and Roger just...no. Franco has always been a heavy "no" for me and nothing that has been done to him so far makes him appealing imo. Just the way he tried to be so smug to Sam, a woman he raped, by bringing up her husband who attacked him because of the rape...I just can't with any of that. Nope. Never have and never will like him.
  22. I am hard pressed to envision something more terrifying. Michael is basically the male Liz at this point, apparently he can't just be single and alone, he keeps being paired with loser after loser and each one somehow comes with baby baggage. Just let him adopt a baby on his own and focus on being the kind of father A.J. should have been to him and maybe he might turn out to be a fairly decent human being in the end. It says a lot that Nelle makes Kiki look like a far better significant other.
  23. Today left me with some "Why?" questions. Such as "why" is Michael being given another potential baby that he never meant to conceive with some girl who seems like a walking, talking Styrofoam cutout of a human being but with less personality? Why is Franco still being painted (see what I did there?) as someone who should be in a relationship with another person who isn't his CO? Also, why is Liz still being labeled as a woman with so lack of options for love that Franco is the best she can do right now? I have never really cared for Liz all these years but come on, being single isn't all that bad, show, it won't actually kill anyone. Why is Jason still so terrible at holding a gun? Why does Sonny continue to pretend like he knows how to use a gun? He had a limp noodle wrist while holding it, like he was ready to fling it away and make a run for it at the first sign of danger. Why is the Oscar kid a thing? I am truly confounded by this development. The actor, bless his little heart, is trying but it's bad, it's very bad.
  24. I will give props to Sonny for being honest with Paul about the fact that his love for him doesn't match up with the love he has for Will. It's nice to see them cutting off that whole long, tedious bit of coming to that conclusion after months and months of wasted energy and time. Paul's heartbreak was very raw, but I liked how he didn't go over the top with rage or hurt, he just sat and looked like his whole world was ending. I will give both Chris and Freddie kudos for those scenes, Paul and Sonny acted like adults with each other. Will, on the other hand, was a sassy little minx, heh, and I liked it. The way he really didn't want to break up that lip lock with Paul was very understandable. He was being very curt and aloof with Sonny, I saw his "Sami Brady" side emerging. The Eric and Sami scenes were adorable. Greg and Alison have such special chemistry I think. They really give off vibes of being brother and sister. Alison seemed to be having almost too much fun with him, heh, and Greg kept trying to keep a straight face at her antics. The rest of the show happened but I didn't care about any of it.
  25. To keep from repeating myself, I'll just agree to disagree. I feel like this current coven of writers are using this Russian/clinics angle much like Ron used to fall back on those damn masks that somehow could transform anyone into another person despite height or weight differences, age differences, even sex differences. And so far, imho, they are proving just as proficient at it as he was...the stupid burns like acid.
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