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Veronique Bette

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Everything posted by Veronique Bette

  1. Everyone in this family who was an adult when KUWTK first debuted in 2007 is fully responsible for their own choices and what they were willing to do (and fake) for fame and money. And that includes the hangers-on like Scott, whose own parents were still alive then. Kendall and Kylie were the only minors and later on when they became of age, they willingly chose the same soulless, mercenary path. I see no victims here except the current crop of little kids in this family who have never known any other life than this and have nothing to compare it to. So what am I blabbing about? Just this: If you dance with the devil (the clever, money savvy Ms. Kris Jenner), you earn your money and you pay the price. And only those people can ultimately decide if it was worth it. None of us innocent bystanders can really know.
  2. To joke about anyone's brutal murder would be sick even by SNL standards, but according to Kris, Nicole Simpson was her best friend. And yet she's proud of her daughter's monologue mocking this horror? Wow. Talk about soulless. WTH?
  3. I suspect that most all their displays of affection are public, their "passion" ignited by paparazzi cameras. Not saying that they aren't happy together, but most couples who are that hot for each other don't need or want public validation of their intimate moments. Behind closed doors he's probably snoozing and she's staring at herself in the mirror, Kardashian style.
  4. I think the OP was being sarcastic , tongue-in-cheek about the "natural photo" comment 'cause these clowns are obviously not natural in any sense of the word and are opportunistically basking in the photo op limelight of Kanye's listening party. Pathetic.
  5. While I don't see Kim and Kanye formally getting back together, I do think they will continue to wring every possible drop of social media attention they can get from their relationship, such as it is. That's the modus operandi for both of them, individually and as a couple. Exhibit A: Kim and the kids' widely photographed presence at Kanye's "listening party" kicked Kourtney and Travis B. off the lead story on the Daily Fail, at least for one day. And that's what it's always been about with this competitive family. Nothing else is real or important to them -- just media attention.
  6. Ah yes, Kourtney is (sigh) blissfully happy with Travis Barker. Of course she is. Because for once, she is the belle of the ball as far as the paparazzi are concerned. Even Kim cannot say that Kourtney is boring at this moment in time. Not while social media is breathlessly awaiting each "sexy"/romantic shot of her and Travis or the "is she or is she not pregnant, engaged, married?" updates. I'm sure Kim is gnashing her teeth to be sidelined for the moment. But never fear, Kim and Kris J. are at this very moment contracting to find a spectacularly suitable beau for Kim, who will completely overshadow Kourtney's Travis (and his long since rocker-star days). I personally can't wait to see who it will be. This family is so predictable and entertaining.
  7. Yep, same here, sis. But since SKIMS is only the underwear/loungewear category, it won't have to come to that. I presume the athletes can pack and wear their own underwear if they choose to. After all, who's checking? LOL. But just imagine if Kim or, worse yet Kanye (shudder), had been selected to design the official USA Olympics uniforms. The horror! As an American, I would have had to immediately seek political asylum in another country out of sheer embarrassment. (And no, please don't come for me, anyone, I'm just joking!) But also, kudos to mama Kris -- love her or hate her -- she is a marketing genius and has earned every dollar of agent commission from the millions she has secured for her no-talent offspring. The Olympics connection: that's major!
  8. Yikes, oh no, sorry for the misunderstanding; I was just responding to the quote and not to you at all. I just wish any of the Kardashian/Jenners could read my comments and know that not all of us in the public believe their BS, insult-our-intelligence stupidity. But then, they did not become billionaires relying on my cynical opinions, lol.
  9. Oh please. Kim never had one single doubt or misgiving about why she was marrying Kris H. She did it purposefully and out of jealousy because she had been temporarily eclipsed by Khloe's KUWTK-televised marriage to Lamar (then still known as an NBA star), and "nobody puts Kim in the corner." So she suffered through a courtship with Hapless Humphries until after her own televised (on unending repeat) spectacular, star-studded "Fairytale Wedding", during which she wore no less than three gorgeous Vera Wang wedding creations. Unfortunately for her, after the filming and the glamour shots with her famous guests at the reception, she found herself on honeymoon in Italy with her doofy but eager groom who had, unknown to him, already served his purpose. And so she unceremoniously (no pun) dumped him. It had nothing to do with his huge sneakers or his pets or her so-called claustrophobia. And in no way, would Mama Kris Jong-un (thanks Kanye) ever have allowed her prized heifer, Kim, to skip out on the Kardashian Wedding of the Year -- not that Kim had any such plan anyway. So yeah, this family pretty much invented revisionist history and if Kris H. snubbed Kim, it's because nobody likes being played, especially so publicly.
  10. If Kim was really using her social media and celebrity clout for social justice issues of all kinds, I would respect and commend her. It would be a welcome change from this mercenary and cynical family's usual cash grabs promoting fake diet teas, "waist trainers", lip kits, socks, etc. -- items that benefit nobody and nothing except their own wallets and bank accounts. But this is not what she's doing. Instead, she's promoting her own "sexy" image in her nearly naked baby bar "studying" shots. She's not serious about pursuing a law career, which would be by doing undergraduate and grueling law school work. She's not a joke; she's a travesty and an insult to the many struggling law school students who do all this work and finally graduate, but with massive, backbreaking student debt and often without even a promise of a job remotely commensurate with the debt load they are carrying. Her own father may have been a great, mediocre or lousy lawyer. I don't know. But at least he went to college and law school. I wonder what he would think of his daughter's faux fast track to legal stardom. Well, at least pimp mommy Kris is proud.
  11. Hey, Sis, go for it! You don't have to go overboard like the KarJenners, but sometimes Mother Nature could use a helping hand in that area if that's what you want, no matter what your ethnicity. Just sayin' 😏, LOL.
  12. Hmmm. The divorce announcement is not surprising, but I am surprised at how quietly (thus far) everything is being handled. No Kanye Twitter rants, no really ugly accusations from the Koven -- again, thus far. O.k., there have been some Kim-sympathetic leaks to social media, but I would have expected the Angelina/Brad or Amber Heard/Johnny Depp level of public messiness in this particular divorce. Since there are little kids involved, I just hope things continue this way.
  13. According to Kim (a recap): At 3 months of age, North was picking out her own wardrobe in a sophisticated neutral palette of black, beige and white. At 2 years of age, North was "accidentally" posting sexy bikini pictures of mommy Kim to the internet from mommy's phone. At 3 years of age, North was designing her own dresses and making fabric selections for her creations. Kim is like the fable of the boy who cried wolf: When you're always lying, no one will believe you when you're telling the truth. None of this is North's fault, so my congratulations to her if she has the interest and discipline to learn how to produce a beautiful oil painting.
  14. A Tik Tok lawyer? Jeez, what next? And when did Kim and Kanye officially "announce" their separation? Inquiring minds want to know, even if we're all just "speculating."
  15. Yes, and also Kim is absolutely relishing all the media attention from the divorce speculation, including what she is or isn't wearing on her ring finger. This is what she lives for.
  16. It would be obnoxious enough if Khloe really thought she was hot and was flaunting it. But what's even more sad and pathetic is that she knows she is not and never will be considered hot, attractive or sexy because she's always been taunted and targeted as being "Kong", "Big Foot" and the "ugly sister." That's why she relies on Photoshop, filters, and plastic surgery to post images that are as from from her real looks as a blowup sex doll. And also why she is willing to take crumbs from the table of any man she can pretend is hot for her. Hopefully she doesn't pass the desperation gene or modeled behavior to her little daughter.
  17. In Lionel's case, I think he was doing the smart thing by not coming out too strong against the relationship as that might have just made Sofia even more determined to be with Scott. Young people in that age group can be like that, lol. But I believe that Rinna is thrilled to have her daughter getting all this paparazzi attention. It's a pimp mama's dream come true. As for Scott, he's as pragmatic and cynical as ever. His only interest in this girl is to keep himself in the (gossip) headlines.
  18. This family is unbelievable; they can co-opt any issue, even Covid, for their own selfish purposes. So no, I don't believe that Kanye ever had Covid nor do I believe that Kim personally would ever change anyone's bed sheets, including her own. Kris and Kim would have exploited a family member with Covid into headlines and a storyline about themselves just as they did with Lamar's drug overdose. And as far as Kanye previously "talking" about having Covid, that was in that insane, rambling interview he had with Forbes magazine in July. If the Forbes editors had any journalistic integrity, they would never have published an interview like this with a clearly disturbed person.
  19. Maybe Kim dodged a bullet with Reggie if his marital issues are a messy home life with unfaithfulness and multiple side pieces. I'm not up to date with his life and career so I don't know, but unfortunately that's par for the course for so many male celebrities whatever their field. However, Kim did not dodge that bullet named Kanye when she married and had four innocent little kids with him. So let's just say I was forced at gunpoint to choose between the lesser of the two evils of Reggie or Kanye as my husband and father of my children (remember, this is at gunpoint!!!), I would not have chosen Kanye. Why? Because he's a freakin' scary guy and is getting scarier by the moment and I would never have wanted to subject my children to having him as a father. And yeah, you can divorce someone but you can't erase them from your life when you share children. Kim's children will have to deal with Kanye for a lifetime or as long as he lives. It's not that I think Kanye would ever physically harm his children. Not at all. In fact, I think he loves them and is at his best when he's around them. But he's unstable and bizarrely so. So how does this bode for these kids' future?
  20. Yep, Kim is the only married one, so if I were her sibling, I would most surely go to her for relationship advice...and then do the exact opposite of what she advised. All of her marriages have been disasters and her current husband is disturbingly bizarre, to put it in the kindest terms. So in those circumstances, if I were that desperately in need of relationship advice, I'd have more confidence in a Ouija board or tarot cards. Just sayin'
  21. Ok, I have no experience with celebrity relationships, only real life relationships. So I'll just throw this out there: If after 14 years and 3 kids, you are not a couple, you will never be a couple, no matter who your other partners may be. The best and most you can hope for is to be respectful, caring co-parents. That's what's most important. But if there are business dealings that can financially benefit one or both of you, go for it! But other than that, just keep it real.
  22. Kim, Kris & Co. really stepped into it when they entered into Kim's marriage/business arrangement with unstable Kanye. He's far more disturbed than they thought and they can't control him. Nobody can. Even their ironclad NDA's can't shut his mouth when he's this far gone. And what are they going to do? Sue him, an obviously severely mentally ill person? I doubt they'd want to deal with the fallout from that. Or would they call another 5150 on him? In the long run that didn't help because he just flatly refused to continue taking his prescribed psychotropic meds, so now he's back to square one with whatever his psychiatric problems are. And if we're allowed to speculate here, I would say that Kanye is exhibiting signs of delusions of grandeur, which can be a symptom of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. But on the other hand, as a controversial celebrity, he has many fans who validate his fashion sense and political views, so where is the much needed reality check in his life? How much is "stunting" and how much does he mistakenly believe?
  23. Nah, these two innocent little cuties -- having fun and laughing together as cousins -- are so genuine and sweet, with no artifice or competitiveness in them at all. In other words: they are nothing at all like their mommies and aunties (or grandma Kris). If only it could stay this way. "I like you hair." "Thank you."
  24. Warning, rant ahead: IMO Khloe is the sister who most needs to quit the show and retire from social media. Not for her sake but for the sake of her little daughter. Has Khloe ever heard of deja vu? I believe that she grew up feeling inferior to her more petite sisters. But it wasn't until KUWTK that Khloe had to deal with widespread and unbelievably cruel comments from social media and publications like the Daily Mail and TMZ. By then she was an adult but still obviously suffering from low self-esteem, or rather, NO self-esteem, which is why she has desperately chased after men who do not care for her and allows herself to be degraded by storylines concocted by Kris to try to fool viewers into thinking that she is desired by these men. And also why she seeks an elusive "beauty" through unnecessary cosmetic procedures. But is this what she wants for her daughter? To be compared unfavorably to her female cousins? To be exposed to harsh, unrelenting social media scrutiny and judgment? True is only a toddler and for the moment innocent and insulated from the cruelty that's out there waiting for her because everyone in the public has their own standards of beauty and cuteness. And they're entitled to those opinions and to express them. That's not the issue. The issue is that Khloe needs to protect her child's privacy and not exploit her, as all of the children in this family are exploited for attention for their parents. And for the record, I can see that True is taller and bigger than most little girls her age, but I see her as a cute, happy child who is getting love and affection from her mother and other family members. She just does not need to be part of the public domain. But ultimately that's up to her mommy, who, of all people, should know better.
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