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Everything posted by tvguru94

  1. I'd be in favor. Best part of the episode was him asking Kristina about Putin and accusing her of rigging the election.
  2. Actually, I believe he said it was "literally like a chemistry bomb that just exploded." That would have been a short season.
  3. It's frustrating enough that the rose ceremony is not at the end of the episode, but then they tried to play it up like there was some sort of suspense. We all knew Lee would get the last rose, because of the "dramatic two-night event!" I'll be glad when the Lee/Kenny feud is off my tv. My favorite part was at the very end when Will used the phrase "crotchular region."
  4. I assume it was dictated by the producers to create more drama. Maybe I'm giving Rachel too much credit, but it doesn't seem like something she'd do on her own. What was with those giant hands Jonathan had? These guys have a weird idea of what women think is funny.
  5. Yes, in her conversation with Eric, he brought up love languages. I was surprised they left that in, since I'm not sure how widely known that book (The Five Love Languages) is outside of Christian circles. But the premise is that people feel loved in different ways. One person may need to hear "I love you," where someone else wants you to take out the garbage. Eric said his two are quality time and acts of service (gifts, words of affirmation and physical touch are the other three). Rachel said hers are quality time and physical touch. That helps explain why she liked Bryan grabbing her and eating her face, and why she didn't get rid of the tickle monster the first night.
  6. tvguru94

    U.K. TV

    Definitely worth checking out!
  7. tvguru94

    U.K. TV

    Love British TV! Just finished Detectorists on Acorn. I wasn't sure at first, but I ended up really liking it. Quirky characters and sweet and funny moments. Every episode is written and directed by Mackenzie Crook (The Office).
  8. I'm not Latino, but "fango" does seem to be a real word. http://www.spanishcentral.com/translate/fango
  9. The place is Vibiana in Downtown LA. It used to be a church and is now an event venue. I've been there for a wedding and it's much larger than it looked last night. A very cool space.
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