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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. And Diane can single handedly make Howard Lyman a partner?


    And can she make him a partner retroactively? I agree with the poster upthread who thinks that bringing on Howard is going to bite Florrick Agos on the ass. Does Cary know that Half-Dressed Howard is in the house? Poor Cary!


    I like Tascioni, but her characterization has degraded from "quirky but inspired" to "unprofessional and barely functional batshit person." It's lazy and heavy-handed to make the comic relief aspect this extreme. I find it cringe-worthy, especially from MacLachlan, who is making Perotti seem like a completely manipulative fake -- or, worse, like an incipient serial killer, with the sniffing, the distraction, and the weirdo, staring insistence. 


    If Alicia hadn't already sacrificed her relationship with her mother, her brother, and her son for this political career she doesn't even really want, I'd have found her struggles with religion both more interesting and more believable. As it is, I'm trying to remember a time when Alicia's principles were understandable, or even evident. Are the Kings in the process of transforming the titular Good Wife into exactly the thing that she hated in the first season?


    ETA: I'm also getting really tired of the repeated device where these professionals are completely surprised by things of which they should have at the very least a working knowledge. It used to annoy me when Eli, supposedly one of the best in the business, kept getting blindsided by things he should have seen coming; now Cary and Alicia keep acting like everything that occurs to them is a surprise. It's not entertaining, show; please quit it.

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  2. I agree about the scenes for Joe and Barry being sold almost entirely on the strength of the performers. Jesse L. Martin and Grant Gustin have a believable connection. The scenes for Barry and his dad aren't quite as strong, for me, but they're awfully close. (I say this as someone who never saw Everwood as anything but cheese. (Sorry.))


    2. When Star Labs was built, did they just say, you know what would make our particle accelerator look really cool? If it looked just like Cerebro over on X-men!


    So I'm not the only one who said "Welcome, Professor," when the particle accelerator chamber opened to admit Cisco and "Wheels" Wells?

    • Love 2
  3. I agree about the possibility of Will's wallet turning up later. I was pretty sure the guy was about to be bashed, mugged, and outed all in one go.


    I loved Deacon being like "Whatever, dude, you do you, but maybe get those ribs checked out."  And stop trying to get yourself killed.
    Deacon in friend mode is good people. I narrowly missed being brained by the falling anvil of Luke's behaviour, though. Yeesh, show, we get it: Deacon's a mensch, and Luke has a repertoire of dick moves longer than his set list.
    • Love 5
  4. I do wonder how the Mayor of Nashville has so much time on his hands and how he is so easily manipulated by a man who is clearly a bad guy.


    Secondly, Sadsack Teddy. Please. Eric Close has always been a little more cleancut than my usual type, but in every last damn thing I've seen him in he has ALWAYS been able to get it. He's the mayor, he doesn't need some sleazy record exec to help him find women.


    Right: In what mixed-up universe does Eric Close need help from Oliver "I'm Not A Douchebag, I Just Always Play One On TV" Hudson to meet women?


    I think Carmack could probably handle a more substantial story for Will than he's currently given. Sadly, I think the show is going to have him commit suicide, probably by crashing his car, or driving off a cliff, or in some other unbelievably self-dramatizing fashion. Don't let him play near the train tracks again!


    Layla. Just stop. Her characterization has been so all over the place that I don't know what to expect from her. She's been a fame obsessed All About Eve type, an innocent clueless bride, the Christian virgin, the woman scorned, the poor woebegone runner up and everything else. The show doesn't know what she's supposed to be and I don't care.


    Yep. This.


    Or signs them to Edgehill Records.


    Or possibly just sells them to Jeff outright.

    • Love 2
  5. I like Chaley Rose's voice a lot. She can stay, as far as I'm concerned. Except that Juliette looked like she was going to kick her in the shins as soon as she regains consciousness.

    I'm seriously hoping that Jeff Whoredom and Layla I-Don't-Care-What-Her-Name-Is poison each other like the snakes they are; Jeff's awful, but one-note and boring, and Oliver Hudson isn't nearly as charming as he thinks. I think the writers want to have it too many different ways with Layla: she's needy, she's evil, she's self-destructive, she's naive, she's misunderstood -- the only thing she's not is interesting. And frankly, either the character as written or the actress seems kind of dim.

    • Love 4
  6. Oh, the Taylor version of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof is terrible. There's maybe one scene I don't hate (Brick and Big Daddy's one honest conversation in the cellar). I don't understand why she wasn't given voice training to do something about her voice, or at least her breathing. I'm always appalled by how ridonkulously bad her voice is. How Taylor was ever taken seriously as an actress I can't even fathom.

  7. I was totally unspoiled for Palicki's appearance, so I loved the Bobbi reveal, even though she was kind of a deus ex Mockingbird. (What, too easy?) ... aaand of course she's Hunter's "she-devil" ex. Of course she is.


    Get away from me with your Brainwashed Simmons theories, you lot! (::ulp::)

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  8. I'm not sure that either of her dads fits the stereotype of musical-loving, fastidious, melodramatic attention-seeker as much as Annie herself does. Her need to attribute the way she is to her dads seemed to me to be a way to disclaim responsibility for her own choices. The dads were less mannered and twee than I had feared. I agree to a certain extent with the review (linked upthread) on NPR that pointed out it's unconventional for a sitcom to show its lead character, especially a woman, in a less than sympathetic light; but I'm not convinced yet that it's sustainable to have a lead character that determined to make absolutely everything about her, while at the same time refusing to acknowledge the effect of her own choices.

    I like Ken Marino well enough, and the Jake character seems to have a complementary craziness to Annie's. The younger versions of Annie and Jake seemed less determinedly obnoxious. I did laugh at the physical comedy -- Wilson's touch with it is deft, if that's really the word for someone who can throw herself so resoundingly into the nearest wall. I'm not sold on the friends yet - hers or his; in particular the bearded guy annoyed me a whole lot. JoBeth Williams made me howl.

    • Love 1
  9. The most recent episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. brought to mind, granted in a highly indirect way, how much I truly abhor Vincent Cassel. Useless! Horrible! Appalling! Ack. I have never seen him onscreen without wanting to punch someone -- him or myself, it hardly seems to matter. But someone. Don't even get me started on Black Swan. Maybe I should pummel Darren Aronofsky, just to be on the safe side.

  10. I'm not sure what makes one so evil and the other so good. I actually like the thought of Hydra not being bad exactly, just taking a different approach.


    HYDRA doesn't really care if lives, cities or populations are destroyed. I'd like to think that's a practical definition of evil. Goodness doesn't always equate to lack of development. I think it's far too easy to dismiss active evil as simply misunderstood. I'm not convinced that HYDRA's ultimate goal is anything near as lofty as benefiting the species as a whole or encouraging the development of humanity. I think Alexander Pierce (despite his claims of wanting to make civilization better) was just as power-hungry as Garrett, for reasons just as selfish.

    • Love 2
  11. I am certain that Marvel or ABC will start making HYDRA mugs or keychains or mousepads -- wait, are mousepads even still a thing? -- available before long.


    My favourite was the finishing move where she slammed evil May's head into the table. 



    That "Face, meet Table" leap looked terrifying -- like a flying curbstomp. I think Agent 33 should be Madame Dead now.

    • Love 2
  12. I loved May's approach to the laser grid. While Coulson's all "Why are there always laser grids?" and stretching his neck, ready to limber up, May just stomps on through. (My appreciation for this scene may in fact be influenced by my loathing for Vincent Cassel, and my utter conviction that the scene in Ocean's Twelve where Toulour disco-twists his way through a laser field is quite possibly the stupidest, most soulless bit of nonsense ever filmed. Ahem.)

    • Love 6
  13. I was tempted to add the nickname "I Wonder If Brian's Still In Town?" for Sonny, because who could blame him? But I don't think Sonny's that guy. Poor Sonny.


    Eve - Suddenly Southern.  Awesome.  I just call her AllAboutEve.


    Because isn't it all just All. About. Eve? All the damn time?

    • Love 1
  14. But, other than the fact that it runs counter to the rules of the genre, I don't know why Gordon and Barbara couldn't have the conversation you describe in your earlier post, Chicago Redshirt. It runs counter to the genre, of course, because it would stop the current "Barbara on the outside" plot cold, and that never happens, but still. Is it too much to hope for, just this once?

    • Love 2
  15. I agree with all of the above, but especially about the old school spy vibe; maybe it's just the doubling / mask plot,  or the "Infiltration flirtation! Excuse me while I practice spycraft while dancing the tango backwards and in heels" scenes, but this episode made me think of Mission: Impossible -- in a good way.

    • Love 1
  16. Gotham Employment Tip #21:  Do NOT work for Oswald Copplepot.  It won't turn out well for you in the end.


    As opposed to all the other employment opportunities in the greater Gotham area, which always turn out swell? Gotham Employment Tip #1 might be: Look elsewhere. (See also entry under Metropolis)

    • Love 2
  17. I couldn't resist coming back to post these:


    Abigail -- WHHHYYYY?; Selfie


    Adrienne -- Harpy-er Than Thou; Agony Auntie; And-Another-Thing Adrienne; Adrienmnesia


    Ben -- Wax On, Wax Ollie; Brows; Pron


    Brady -- Poor Dumb Brady; Box-of-Hair Black


    Cameron -- The One No One Remembers

    NuCameron -- Doctor StripperGram


    Chad -- Stupid Chad; EmoHair

    NuChad -- No-No; Stumpy; Wee Dimera Wannabe; Even Stupider Chad


    Daniel -- Doctor Tannery Leatherton; Dark Roast Dan; Pigpen; Doctor Everything


    EJ -- Elvis (Has Almost Left the Building)


    Eric -- Father Uncle Eric; Father Judgypants


    Eve -- Suddenly Southern; Don't Get Mad Get Eve


    Jennifer -- Beige


    John Black -- Jerkface; Serial Coma; Zzzzzz; Fishhook; Nostrils; the Human Sleeping Pill (or just Pill, for short)


    Jordan -- Who're You, Again?; Tammy Floo; Oh, That's Right: I Don't Care; Miss Fast-Forward Button 2014


    Julie -- Fooliette; Shrieky; Susan Screechforth Hayes; Cruise Control; The Pacific Princess; All This Time I Thought You Were Hope's Mother; Dragula; Whatever, Lady


    Kate -- Granny Get Your Gun; Caterina Borgia


    Kristen -- Please, Lord, Make Her Go Away


    Marlena -- Devil Woman; Madame Sinister; Judgment Face


    Nick -- Ick Fallon; Gabi's Aryan Controller


    Nicole -- Used To Have A Backbone; Sniffles


    Rafe -- Shut Up, Rafe!; Hey, Dummy!


    Roman -- Roman Column ('cause he's just standing there, kind of broken down); Commissioner Grampa Mumbleteeth; Mumbles


    Sonny -- Poor Sonny; Sonny Poppins


    Stefano -- Steffi; Oh, My GOD, Haven't You Died, Like, Six Times Already?


    Theresa -- Too Good For This Show; Nora Charles


    Will -- Won't; Weasel Face; Squinchy the Sweater-Vest; Judgy Junior

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