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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. Even though Jeff is a big fat jerk and I know that his primacy concern with Will is not losing such a huge money maker, I feel like a teeny tiny part of Jeff doesn't want Will outed because he knows it would be terrible for Will on a personal level. Look, I said TEENY TINY.


    I lost so much sympathy for Will when he decided that Jeff's non-relationship with Layla was cutting into her time for her beardly duties. Ucch. They're both giant economy-size bags of dicks.


    I know Rayna's relationship choices are as stupid as they are short-sighted, but does this show seriously expect me to feel sympathy for Luke? Because no way does that happen.


    Oh, Gunnar! Just sing pretty songs. I don't know why Gunnar's non-paternity story had to be both so short-lived and so predictable. It's like they doubled down on the dumb. (Or maybe the writers just admitted to themselves it wasn't working, and bailed. Kind of like Rayna...)

    • Love 3
  2. It seems like he might have enhanced strength (or maybe Coulson is just easy to beat up)


    Ha-haa! [/Nelson Muntz]


    Judging by the gory smears that were all that was left behind of his victims in one of Crazy Cal's earlier appearances, I was prepared to believe that his strength is beyond human norms -- it seemed, if not precisely on the Hulk's level, more than one scalpel-wielding psycho doc ought to be able to manage on his own, no matter how wrong they get his daughter's name.

    • Love 3
  3. Holly Hunter. I'm sure she's a lovely person, and I don't even think she's a bad actress, but I just can't get past her voice and the way she speaks. It is so distracting in every film of hers that it takes me completely out of the story. For this reason, the only film I can stand her in is The Piano.


    Which was awful for other reasons. Jane Campion still owes me my money back for that one. (Not that I found the character's accent, or rather "accent," offered much improvement to Hunter's vocal stylings.)


    I think Jolie's performance in Changeling was decent, and I've heard good things (I think) about her portrayal of Marianne Pearl, though I haven't seen the latter for myself. Oh, and I found her oddly compelling in Playing By Heart.

  4. Won't wore a big, surprisingly genuine-looking smile when he and Ari G. surprised "Daddy Sonny" (which, ehh, not feelin' it, as far as nicknames go) today. I think the baby playing Ari is legitimately fond of Freddie Smith, judging by the way she put her arms around his neck and hung onto him. I truly don't care about Won't anymore, and I care very little about the state of his marriage, but Ari & Sonny? OMGSOCUTE. Sneaze-who now?


    The most interesting part of the episode other than that was Pop-Up Victor and Kate possibly maybe cooking up some mischief for Even Stupider Chad. (Poor, clue-starved Adrienne...)


    Also: I could listen to Pop-Up Victor calling Shut Up! Rafe "You poor slob!" all damn day.

    • Love 2
  5. Here's a hint... stop trying to push people to like the characters you want them to like. Maybe just write the damn story and let them come to their own conclusion.


    Dande, you radical, you!


    Are we still seeing Nicole-Eric as endgame? I seriously hope that doesn't happen. I think she'd be a fool to go back to him. I think there's too much anger and blame on both sides for them to salvage their relationship now. Then again, Sami and Elvis got married, so what do I know? (I'm assuming you refer to Arianne Zuker, above. I confess at first I thought of Arianna Grace, and thought "That's one teeny-tiny soldier-cop, to fit in a baby girl's toy purse!" Hee.)

    • Love 2
  6. Before Eric's return to Salem, some members of the TWoP forum were wishing that Mark Lawson might be cast as Eric, chiefly for his resemblance to Original Recipe Eric, Jensen Ackles. If he had been, that might have meant a reunion for Lawson and Melissa Archer. (Somehow then a history between Eric and Serena wouldn't have been quite so hard to imagine...) 

    • Love 2
  7. ~Have yourself a merry little Christmas~


    Fuck you, song!


    It might be a perfect choice, since it's actually not at all a happy song. It's about maybe being happy at some vague point in the future, but not in the present. (Beats me how an ironic song whose theme is essentially "Man, Christmas is going to suck this year!" ever became so popular.) [/hoilday rant mode]

    • Love 3
  8. I'm just not feeling Serena yet. ... I mean, yeah, Eric gets to smile and not look like he's had one too many spicy burritos for lunch, but I'm still not seeing any spark.


    Pretty sure that for Eric, that is spark. (Any day that Father Judgypants doesn't look like he just downed a smoothie made from kale, bad clams, and fibreglass is a good day.)

    • Love 3
  9. Triiiiipp! Aw, man.


    I can't decide if I'm excited about Skye's being a canon character or not. I'm glad the planning has been there from the beginning, but now the character seems to be more tied down. Or something; it's not entirely a rational response. I agree her plugging Ward was about six different kinds of badass. May would be proud. Hell, Mama May probably wouldn't quibble with it!


    Speaking of irrational responses, I find myself oddly disappointed that Crazy Cal didn't get to pull Whitehall's spine out through his nose. Find a new dream, doc!

    • Love 6
  10. Oh and then pull the 'Well, if you hadn't embarrassed me by arresting me, I wouldn't have come back!' reasoning for wrong-doing. Praise Odin that the drag queen enforcer didn't buy a second of that. "You're blaming us for you breaking the law?!"


    Right? This whole abortive storyline is just too ridiculous -- and considering this is a show that thought it was a good idea to have Marlena take Victor's advice about playing a (porno) video in church, I think that's saying something. It's not like Cher and Rocco actually cared about whether the law was broken, either. They just wanted their money. And yet it's all wrapped up nice and tidy in a week; maybe a couple of days as Days reckons these things (which I can never keep straight).


    Not that I think Sonny would get a pass for cheating, but the show hasn't made the case that Won't is so busy (BECAUSE HOLLYWOOD) that he couldn't send a quick text, or brief voicemail to say "I love you, you big Jackson-doofus" (I mean, Twitter exists and even "ILU" is a thing in the world) and, God knows, Guy Wilson doesn't really distinguish between "torn" and "ticked." 


    So, yeah -- I'm pretending Sonny's married to Old Will, and that Narita is just the airport Sonny flew out of leaving Japan. Lalalala.


    Oh, and hotel dude is probably how the Sneaselington Post gets the story, too; just slower and with more stupid.

    • Love 2
  11. Sonny has no reason to go to Paul for money, as has been pointed out, and many reasons not to go to him; whatever happened to "He's only in town for an operation"? What happened to "He's not in my life, just in Salem"? I happen to know that "Narita" is not Japanese for "contrivance," but the writers might as well have named this character "Contrivance Jones," for all that Sonny's behaviour is currently reflecting his established character.


    This story makes about as much sense as Mel going back to the same casino once they made her as a card-counter. I mean, really: everything I know about Vegas I learned from Ocean's Eleven, but even I know you don't set foot in a joint once they're onto your card counting. Especially not wearing a wig that Kristen would have rejected as too campy for one of her sexcapades.

    • Love 7
  12. It's so nice to have Melissa Archer back on screen.  I'm looking forward to her and GV together.


    I didn't always like what One Life To Live did with the Natalie character, but I always found Archer appealing. Is it possible that Vaughn might wake out of his perpetual torpor? He seemed pretty engaged when Father Uncle Eric spied Serena walking in the Brady Pub. The idea of casting someone with whom Vaughn has noticeable chemistry is freaking me out a little bit.


    The Sonny/Paul storyline might have worked better if Sonny weren't already married -- or weren't still a newlywed. As it is, I have trouble with Adrienne's assumption that Paul's effect on Sonny must be so devastating that he's now in emotional danger.  (For Paul to assume that he's the one that got away is one thing; for Adrienne to think so too is just a little bizarre.) Uh, I think that getting married is pretty much the definition of "moved on." Adrienne either believes that her son's marriage is not that much of a barrier to cheating, or Sonny's just too vulnerable to live. I wish Justin were around. (I still like the way Evans and Smith play their mother-son scenes, mostly.) And it's clear that Sonny needs to tell Will about Paul sooner rather than later. It won't happen that way, of course.


    I think I'm finding Christopher Sean more convincing when Paul's "pretending" to be into the ladies than when he's with Sonny. I dunno -- Paul's kind of whiny. (I freely admit that in the scenes where Sonny talked to Paul about falling in love with Will, I pictured (Old)Will and not Won't. I'm not sorry.)
    • Love 6
  13. I'd believe BOllie had unacknowledged feelings for Even Stupider Chad, too, except that I'm sure the writers don't know how to spell "sublimating."


    I'm no longer invested enough in Sonny's marriage to Whatshisface to care all that much whether Sonny violates his vows or Paul gets outed in the SneaselBlog, or Adrienne is proven right. Wait -- scratch that last one. If ever Adrienne were proven right, I'd be shocked. That's not going to change. But this conflict, like so many others on the show, has been cobbled out of nothing real, too quickly and too remote from the characters' nature and history. ("Oh, Will hasn't been answering his phone for a whole week! Other people are asking me how he's doing! Woe is me.")


    Oy gevalt.

    • Love 2
  14. Chad is being written as manipulative of Jordan for no other reason than to up his Dimera cred; the writers want him to be "bad" and "dangerous" in order to recreate him as an anti-hero/plot contriver in the way of his predecessors in the family. I think we could keep track of Dimera Demerit Points every time Chad does something motivelessly shady. And anytime he gives the new Sex Couch a workout. Double points for hiding a gun or smashing glassware in the fireplace, of course.

    • Love 3
  15. I thought I was the only one who finds Oliver Hudson looking more and more like Steven Weber. It's like they've formed some sort of Smarmy Dude Collective ("We are the Uurggh; we will add your oleaginous distinctiveness to our collective.")

    • Love 5
  16. I agree with KR Vermont that the Z and G parts of ZAG behaved unprofessionally in front of Agent Noel. It seems pretty fundamental to me (and I know nothing about the music industry) that you don't waste someone's time when he's come to hear you perform; you don't air your group dysfunction in front of someone who's about to offer you an opportunity, and (Gunnar) you don't decide you're not serious enough about your career to tour after Mr. Agent Man offers you a touring gig. Also, don't decide without notice to the others that you're (a) unilaterally refusing the touring opportunity or (b) quitting the band immediately before a gig.


    Poor Avery; he's the only one not dumber than a ZAG of hammers. (... Sorry.)

    • Love 4
  17. The girl who plays Zoe isn't the best actress, but she's been given the role of shallowly written plot device to play over and over again.  I think she's gorgeous and has a great voice.  I'm hoping Zoe is off to LA and not going to show up again with her Scarlett Hate-On because that is just another plot device.


    I agree; Zoe's interactions with everybody else seem calculated for maximum tears and minimum development. For what's it's worth, I thought that Gunnar was being naive (because ... he's Gunnar) about maybe getting back to the way things were with Zoe, but I don't think he was actually manipulating the situation (to keep her in the band only if she agreed to get back together with him, for example). I think Zoe's "new life" could implode pretty quickly. Unless I missed something, Zoe doesn't have friends or family in LA, and without an agent or prospects or experience as a solo artist or a support system, she could just turn back to Nashville once LA fails to fall instantly at her feet. Getting canned from her backup gig and then bailing on her last show in Nashville can't do her reputation much good.


    I actually feel bad for Will, because I think Mr. Bourbon Stout Guy was attractive to him because of the intimacy and openness he represented, rather than as just some random hookup, whether Will is prepared to admit it or not. I think this might actually mark the beginning of Will's inching out of the closet, but I've been wrong about the plot of this show before.  Also, I agree that Avery and Gunnar were kind of making goo-goo eyes at each other during their song. (More Future Ex Drama?)


    I disagree that Rayna's professionalism carried her through that holiday travesty with Luke; I think it looked abundantly, awkwardly clear even when the cameras were rolling, that Rayna would rather have been elsewhere. Besides, how can they be taping a Christmas show in November or December? Isn't it standard in the industry to get holiday tv specials in the can by July? At this point, I'm not sure in Luke and Rayna even like each other. Will and Layla seem to be getting along better and I'm sure they have more in common than Rayna and Luke (including that whole liking-to-sleep-with-dudes thing.)

    • Love 2
  18. Luke and Rayna's "X-mas Special" (good Lord, everything about this couple makes me want to barf) was the fakest fake that ever faked in the history of fakery! A gruesomely charmless version of "Baby, It's Fake In Here." They don't even harmonize well. They're icky. Please make them stop.


    Avery and Juliet are kind of cute, even if Juliette's kind of lost her mind.


    Still don't care about Jeff and Layla, even though he acted almost like a person.


    Bye, Zoey!

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