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Posts posted by bannana

  1. It must be odd for the actors.  I read an interview with CG where she said she hoped that this wouldn't happen, it would be too creepy because she sees JM as a father figure.


    Of course they had no problem going there and beyond with Shictor.  Again, he had always treated Sharon as a daughter and then he was banging her.  EW!


    An acquaintance of my parents was probably in his late fifties or so when his son died.  So dad turned around and married DIL and raised his own grandchild  I guess it happens IRL.  However, we have watched Nick raise Cassie and I think they are just going it have it be Mariah who is hitting on Nick.

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  2. In regards to Sami, I think the real turning point with most people was when she was "Stan".  She actively crossed sides and joined Tony Dimera in his plans to hurt a lot of her family and friends.  The things she did to Bo, Billie, Phillip, Brady, etc is reason enough to hate her.  "Stan" was Sami at her absolute worst.


    As a sporadic viewer over the years, I would agree that in more recent years, the Stan episode is the worst that Sami did, because it was in fact just spiteful and mean.  I just don't see her actions now to be on that same level.   But I think no one has ever mentioned the Stan stuff since?

  3. Why oh why do they continue to do these stupid stories with Kevin committing crimes and getting caught.  So boring.  For a guy who is terrified of prison he sure makes some stupid decisions.  Like keeping the stolen id badge.


    It seems pretty clear that we are going to find out Stitch is just protecting someone else.  All this angst!


    I really don't like Nu-Billy; I think the actor is fine but he doesn't have Billy's charisma.  With BM in the role, Billy was a bit of a rascal, a charmer.  This guy cannot pull that off.

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  4. WTH, Nina. Are you an idiot? Don't answer that. Did she smile when she asked Nathan what was bothering him. And smiling more when she said she always knew when he was hurting? When my family members are sad and hurting, I don't smile from ear to ear. (Weird acting choice).

    When MS was on Y&R, there was a time period, when she was with Nick, that she completely changed her acting approach.  I guess it was to show that she was so in love with Nick, she was euphoric.  She was constantly smiling, and giggly and goofy and ridiculous.  I feel like she is doing the same thing here.  This is why I cannot believe Silas ever fell in love with her, if this is her persona with Silas and was before the coma.

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  5. Re Nina and Silas, they just are physically not a match.  I guess someone with arms as long as her husband's legs could technically be attractive to him, but I don't find it believable.  I though Silas and Sam were boring, but they did match.  Quite frankly, I think it would be difficult to find a good physical match for Nina.  Maybe Shawn?  Nina with Silas would have been like putting Alexis with Spinelli.


    I wonder why it is that Silas never noticed his wife was BSC.  Sure, she remembers him screwing around like it was yesterday, or last month, and that is her justification. But unless the coma caused the crazy, she would have been mentally unstable then too.

    • Love 2
  6. I have to say I thought Kayla was kind of ridiculous, being worried about poor Jen.  She should have been outraged by Abby's behaviour and she should have realized that Abby had violated her employee code of conduct.  I think people hate Sami so much that they don't see when her response is actually reasonable.  If we were watching a primetime show like Dallas, this would be what Sue-Ellen would have done.  If you have money and power, you use it.


    Kayla and everyone else should be figuring out how to mitigate any damage that will befall the hospital when this story comes out.  Jen should put her PR hat on and work on a strategy.  Instead they are running around saying "poor Abigail", she didn't know what she was doing when she accidentally fell on EJ's evil dick.

    For my part, I really liked Sami today and how well she played her hand.  Unfortunately it looks like idiot Will is going to mess things up for her.


    I thought it was kind of funny that Eve had to blackmail her sister to donate blood for her.

    • Love 6
  7. Talk about a lunch-bag letdown.  So as a teenager Stitch killed his father, accidentally, sort of, but confessed to doing it intentionally to save himself and his family from the torture of a trial (see Nikki Newman, for an example of torturing the viewer with a trial).   So fucking what!  I am pretty sure Billy accidentally on purpose "killed" Adam.  And Jack accidentally had someone die in his house so he not so accidentally had her thrown out with the trash.  Abby accidentally almost on purpose almost killed Tucker.  And Nikki accidentally or on purpose has killed quite a few people and I see more in her future.  Victor no so accidentally killed Walter Palin and I am sure others.


    I really don't like Ben, and don't like nu-Billy.  So I could care less about this, but I am so annoyed that I am still watching this show.  What a ridiculously weak secret to drag out of for so long.  

    • Love 9
  8. I wonder if Katie removes her dirty red ribbon when she does dishes, washes her hands, moisturizes her skin, does her makeup, goes potty, changes diapers....


    Why hasn't Ridge designed a ruby ring that is a red bow to replace it?  That would be sweet.  He's been too busy trying to stop Brooke's wedding or get Bill charged with attempted murder to notice her frayed and bacteria-ridden ribbon.  (Maybe she has a roll from the fabric story and she puts a new one on each day?)

    • Love 8
  9. I think that maybe Abigail inherited her mental health issues from her mother.  Jen is in PR, so she should have some skills in communication, dealing with confrontation/difficult situations, and persuading/manipulating people to get what you want.  Instead, Jen just stomps and flails about telling everyone, especially Eve, to "get out of my house".  I think Jen is saying that on a daily basis now.

  10. So I gather some of the country got to see today's episode? Can somebody elaborate on what happened with Kami?

    Kate has moved into the Dimera mansion because Dimera the corporation owns the mansion.  At first it looked like Sami was going to get into it with Kate, but then she just joined her for a martini.  Later Rafe shows up with a subpoena  and learns from Kate while Sami is out of the room that EJ screwed Abigail.  Rafe is taken aback.  Then he and Kate discuss their transgression and agree not to speak of it to anyone, but Sami overhears, of course.  And Kate looked fabulous in a blue long sweater and black skinny pants.

    • Love 2
  11. There is nothing that Sami could do to Abigail that I wouldn't cheer, short of murder.  And I had to think long and hard about making that exception......


    With everyone making excuses for Abigail's CHOICE to not only sleep with EJ, but to pursue him, it makes Sami's revenge seem even more appropriate.  Will this entitled little snipe ever be held accountable?

    I have long thought that Sami is an idiot, but I have never enjoyed her more than this week.  And by having everyone in town feel bad that poor Jennifer heard about this from Sami, and poor Abigail's name is being smeared by Sami, and big bad EJ, how could he have done this to Abigail (not Sami!), it makes me cheer Sami on even more!  


    Think about it, we could have had the dream sequence reaction come true, where Sami is wounded and destroyed by this betrayal, throwing herself on the furniture, and that's what we see, or we could have Godzilla Sami who is cutting a wide swath.  I prefer the latter.  I do think we will get some flashbacks down the road of when she found out and how she was devastated.  I hope so.  I hope we see scenes that we watched where we weren't sure that she knew, with the new perspective that she did know.


    As for Lucas, Adrienne, Will et al, a big fuck you to them.  Abby is no pure young thing, she's a predator pretending to be one.  I must say I liked her line where she at least acknowledged she had done both Carrie and Sami wrong by trying to steal their men.


    And in Poplar Bluff news, it turns out that Clyde is only Jordan's Stepfather so I guess we will find out that he raped her.  And Kate will definitely regret what she has set in motion.

    • Love 1
  12. Wish they would have had a visit from Rafe's late Mother, Allison to  take him to the afterlife. PC always had this ghost/angel aspect (in addition to the vampires) that I really liked. Considering she was on GH not that long ago, it would have been nice.


    All in all I think the death scene was handled well. (Gosh, I don't say THAT very often about this show these days!) Why they had to kill him in the first place I still don't get since there was no transplant. He was a legacy character from PC/GH. Thanks again, Ron*.(Why can't we have nice things??)


    * edited to add this should have been in a sarcasm font. We really need a nice sarcasm font.

    I agree that having his mother there guide him away would have been a nice touch.  I was also surprised that Lucy wasn't there, because I thought she felt very responsible for Rafe.


    While KA was terrible, at least she didn't really know Rafe very well, so her awkwardness and lack of real emotion actually worked okay from my perspective.  I thought ME was going to pull this off and there were a few moments where he did, but then there was the weird awkward stand/lean against the bed.  KM was good in the way she physically connected with ME, Molly and even Rafe (rubbing his hair).


    I think they gave Rafe a pretty good send off on GH, I actually was moved, and it felt very much like, this kid's life was wasted because of circumstances out of his control, and these people here tried to help but fell short, and they know it.  I honestly didn't expect this from this show of late.

    • Love 1
  13. Holy Shit!  Last I knew, Paul was practically dead and going to need some serious recovery time and here is waltzing around the PD and getting into fights with Christine--who, btw, should just be fucking grateful he is alive and still revelling in that news, but no, she has to moan about Nikki, and about the baby her dusty old womb will never carry.   Although at this point, this story is so ridiculous I have begun picturing Dylan in diapers with a giant binky.


    As for Nikki, she looks like hell, again!  MTS must be unwell for her to look this bad, but the wardrobe and hair people are doing her no favours.  We know she can look good, so what is up?

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