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Posts posted by CruiseDiva

  1. On 7/28/2018 at 8:42 PM, doodlebug said:

    The buyers also inevitably want full sized kitchen appliances, a regular bathtub and a full staircase to the loft rather than a ladder.  Then they complain about the lack of space for furniture.  Not to mention, they all claim that they want the house to haul around on wheels while they see the country as if it was the same as any other RV.

    The tiny houses are just not that interesting, there are not enough variations to make watching someone shop for one interesting, IMO.

    Has anyone actually seen a tiny house rolling down the Interstate? I seriously doubt that buyers of those tiny houses haul them all over the country. Heck, they'd need a big ass truck to move them. If they really want to tour the country they should buy an RV.

    • Love 11
  2. My home was built in 1987 and we've lived in it since Jan 1988. The master bathroom has a humongous tub, which in the 80's was called a "garden" tub. I'm having it removed and putting a big shower with a bench seat in its place. The old walk-in shower will be converted to a closet for linens, bathrobes, etc. There's still a tub in the other bathroom.

    Some of my neighbors have already gotten rid of the garden tubs that we seldom used and are now "dated." LOL!

    • Love 2
  3. My next-door neighbor has an "invisible" fence to keep her cats in the yard. The cats wear collars with some sort of sensor on them. Not totally sure how it works, but it keeps the cats in the yard (there is also a six-foot privacy fence surrounding her yard/pool). The invisible fence isn't cruel. Cruel would be letting pets run all over the neighborhood and possibly be hit by a car. Several of our neighbors have lost pets in the street.

    • Love 4
  4. On 6/17/2018 at 10:25 AM, A.Ham said:

    This. She still totally grosses me out. You mean to tell me she couldn't find any other option more suitable than the married best friend and co-band mate of your hookup? Soooo skeevy. I start to think every time she pops up on screen that's she has a very punchable face--the only other character that has made me feel like that was Maddie in her brattiest days. 

    My opinion of Ms Purple Hair is that she's a slut. Run, guys, RUN!

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, twinks said:

    This made no sense at all. That house didn't have anything on their wish list. Talk about a gut job! It looked as though they were totally rebuilding the house. They would have to end up way over budget of $900k.

    Well, the wife probably didn't see it very well with those furry false eyelashes.

    • Love 11
  6. Our subdivision is mostly brick houses in traditional styles (Georgian, Federal), but there is one section that has a lot of 'different' homes--mostly with vinyl siding. A friend who lives closer to that area calls them Jimmy Carter houses because they were built of cheaper materials when he was president and mortgage interest rates were 18%. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    I agree. In her shoes, I'd have rented a reasonably nice but inexpensive one-bedroom for a year and saved/paid down my loans as I got to know the city. I think that's good advice for anyone who is moving to a new city - if you don't know it, take the time to get to know it so you can establish your rhythms, favorite neighborhoods, etc. I would never just up and buy a place in a city I didn't know at all. I mean, I imagine a nurse anesthetist can work anywhere - what if she ends up hating Dallas?

    Renting a nice townhouse, condo or apartment would have made more sense. One thing not mentioned was the HOA on the over budget townhouse she bought. Plus, she had very little in the way of furniture.

    I had to laugh when she talked about her friends from Augusta, GA visiting her because "it's only a two hour flight from Atlanta." True, but it's a two hour drive from Augusta to the airport in Atlanta or a very expensive fare if you fly from Augusta. I know this because I live near Augusta.

    • Love 10
  8. I wanted to smack that Nashville wife in the face with the "help wanted" section of the local newspaper. She kept saying they "needed" rental income to help with the mortgage because she didn't have a job and then talked about building a rental unit in the back yard of that one house. How stupid was that?

    • Love 8
  9. @FRIENDPERIDOT, in addition to what mojito explained, there are a lot of places in Texas and Louisiana where people buy lots on lakes or near the coast and have "fishing camps." Some are pretty bare bones and almost shacks, others are really nice with the amenities you'd expect in a vacation home. The buyers on the Flip 'n Move shows often say they look forward to moving their newly purchased houses to their land, so that's a pre-defined market for the flippers. A lot of people attending those auctions already have vacant property just waiting for a house, sometimes a retirement home on a lake or a first home in the country.

    Maybe you have to be from the South to understand? LOL!

  10. 2 hours ago, MaKaM said:

    And here we have it again. The idiot on right now calls an obvious contemporary style duplex "craftsman-ish". At least the wife called him on it. 

    I hate it when buyers can't tell the difference in house styles, but it's even worse when real estate agents do it. It just shows how unprofessional they are. 

    • Love 5
  11. 1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

    I must be in the minority the California couple kitchen renovation. I thought it was an epic fail. Nothing matched. The floors were ugly. The upper and lowers with the counter weren’t very pretty. The backsplash behind the stove was ugly and staggered which made no sense and the color was so wrong. Painting some of them blue made matters worse. They didn’t even put the blue on every tile. I didn’t like the copper sink either. The patina will just look like ruse over the years. That’s not a look I would want. I did appreciate they worked with the bathroom style already there without doing the famous “gut job”. The backyard was nice and very Californian. I liked the couple though. They seemed very nice with no drama. 

    I agree. I thought the entire kitchen looked like crap.

    • Love 3
  12. When snooty husband stuck his nose in the air about the "dirty" oven I noticed that the oven wasn't actually dirty--the racks were simply discolored. They get that way if you leave them in place when you run the "self cleaning" function  of your oven. I know that from first hand experience.

    • Love 8
  13. 4 hours ago, laredhead said:

    Their expectations on the cost to turn the garage into a MIL suite were a bit unreasonable. 

    I thought it was way unreasonable. They in actuality want to build a "tiny house" at the end of their driveway. In addition to bringing the garage structure up to building code standards, I wonder if there are any city building code restrictions for adding what is essentially a second (detached) house on their lot.

    IMO, it was really dumb on their part to think converting that garage to living space would be easy or inexpensive. When they mentioned that there was already power in the garage I knew their expectations were unrealistic.

    • Love 5
  14. 17 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    We renovated our master bathroom last year. It had a monster, jetted tub (yuck!) and a small shower that I called the coffin. We had the tub removed and a large walk-in shower put into the space left by the coffin/tub. We love it but we also have another bathroom with a tub on the same floor. We use that for our grandsons. I do recognize the need for a tub in the house but it never once bothered me to bathe our children or anyone else’s in our master bathroom when we finally got one. Who the hell cares if you have to bathe your kid in your bathtub? If you bathe him in another bathroom, that’s one more tub to clean. No thanks. 

    I want to do exactly that with our master bathroom--replace the "garden" tub with a big shower and replace the original shower with a big linen closet (the linen closet in our house simply isn't big enough). I just have to convince my husband. He doesn't use that bathroom--it's only the two of us and he claimed the "guest" bath as his own some years ago--it has a tub so the house will still have one.

    • Love 1
  15. One of our neighbors paid $407,000 for their house ten years ago. WAY too much for that house--the previous owner overpriced it because he'd been transferred and was going to turn it over to a relocation service in a week or so. He expected to get about $350,000, but got lucky when idiots new to the area paid his asking price. Then the market tanked big time and they were under water on the house. Well, they actually sold it for $409,000 last month. It sold on the first day. IMHO, the new owners also paid more than it's worth, but I guess it must have appraised for that.

  16. 38 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    And the dumbest thing to me, is having a backsplash, that has lots of grout, which if you actually prepare food near it, will get stained.  I'm always wiping tomato or chocolate stains off.

    DH hates tile backsplashes with grout so we had the same granite on the countertops installed from the top of the counter to the bottom of the cabinets. Very easy to wipe clean. And it looks great.

    • Love 4
  17. 3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    My best friend lives in Denver and apparently it's pretty common for there to be bedrooms in the basement. 

    I knew they were going to go over. There was too much going on inside that house for them not to. The front looked much better when they finished (and they were acting like that was a huge landscaping job, but it looked like a weekend project to me - there wasn't a ton of space out there for them to mess with). I LOVED the pantry they ended up with though.

    I would hate bedrooms in the basement. All three of those houses were kinda dumpy and I suspected the house they bought was a money pit. If that was all they could find in their "preferred" neighborhood, I'm surprised that they didn't look elsewhere.

    They did end up with a nice pantry, but that front yard wasn't even finished. The area between the sidewalk and street wasn't sodded. It looked like they took out whatever might have been there and just raked the dirt.

    • Love 2
  18. 1 hour ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

    Found it. Oh my gosh — that’s just stupid! Great porch for a huge log cabin in the woods, not a MCM!

    I remember thinking that if they'd painted the wood porch it wouldn't have looked so much like it was just stuck on to the front of the house. I hate it when they leave bare looking wood on the houses they fix up. It looks like they ran out of money so they just stopped working.

    • Love 4
  19. 2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    I just started watching FU (love that abbreviation but it always startles me) recently so I'm catching up on the reruns.

    It seems that JoJo seldom does window treatments. Gotta have all that natural light, ya know!

    I live in the deep south and we have to have blinds, shades, or curtains that close to keep the sun out, especially on west facing windows in the summer. The sun not only heats up the house interior, it fades fabric furniture, carpeting, and even wood floors. The solution to a dark room is to turn on a lamp. Don't get me started on privacy...we have a neighbor who's a one man "neighborhood watch" with binoculars.

    • Love 5
  20. In the most recent show Joanna and her assistant were looking over different tiles to pick one for the fireplace. I was put off by Joanna rejecting one because it wasn't her design style. She actually said that. I wanted to shout to her, "It's not your house!" I really don't see this Behind the Design show lasting long. It's like watching a rerun.

    • Love 4
  21. 20 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Really?  I got the impression that she was amused by him and thought his behavior was entertaining.   That's why I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. 

    I think Jo treats Chimp like a naughty little boy and he just eats that up. She's his "mommy" figure.

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