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Posts posted by MamaMax

  1. At the risk of sounding like a know it all - I thought the part about Rebeca seeing HERSELF in Warren was obvious. She's attempting to assuage her own guilt by making everyone see that SHE WAS NOT A BAD KID! I mean, THAT WARREN ISN'T A BAD KID.  Its just not that compelling to me, because she is failing to see the obvious differences b/w the 2 situations.  It may have worked better if she just put a line  in the book that Warren was someone whose life was derailed by the worst thing he ever did...and that, although he got an appropriate punishment, it doesn't necessarily define him as a person.  But the hugging and defending him? The choosing him over Reena? That's a no for me. 

    • Like 2
  2. In the shower photos on FB, there's a video of the girls giving out slices of cake - who is it wearing a very long, white dress that has a back cut out and she's wearing a white tee short under it???  First of all it looks like a second wedding, mother of the bride, or pageant GOWN... and its a teen girl at a daytime, casual event, and wearing a mahdesty tee under? Good grief! 

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    1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

    I have one question looking at this photo.  Does Jonathan always have a boner when he is taking pics at the Barnado?  I can think of no other reason for the lap pillow.

    I do think the fundie boys do this to hide their boners but also just any kind of bulge that might form from sitting down.  They wouldnt want to be immahdest by having like, normal body parts. 

    • LOL 10
  4. On 5/8/2024 at 2:19 AM, Gemma Violet said:

    Tons of celebrities do Cameos.  It's an easy way to make a few bucks and takes very little time.

    I mean, essentially its just a video autograph. 567110eople used to send letters to their fave celebs asking for autographed headshots, Same kind of thing 

    • Mind Blown 1
  5. On 4/9/2024 at 11:12 AM, DMK said:

    I actually liked Eliot Sumner as Freddie. The thing I didn’t buy is that Tom had such a hard time schlepping Freddie’s dead body around. Freddie just didn’t look very heavy.

    But-  pardon the expression- it was dead weight. Even a sleeping toddler gets really hard to carry after a while 

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  6. 13 hours ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

    They did it because they wanted to be "right" and feel like they knew better then all the "dupes." I think a lot of conspiracy theories feed on the fact that people like feeling like they have "inside knowledge" others don't have. They like feeling "in the know."

    Honestly, as abhorrent and crazy as I find most conspiracy theories, the psychological and social roots and influences behind them are fascinating to me.

    I don't have as hard a time understanding why people might believe Jones as I do what would motivate them to actively harass the families of victims.  One thing to wear your tin foil hat a home - another to go out in the word and confront people face to face. 

    • Like 7
  7. I thought there couldn't be anyone else on the planet as reprehensible as Alex Jones.  Then, his lawyer came on screen. 

    Also, I wanted to vomit when he was using the press at his trials as an opportunity to do his sales pitch. 


    I understand that school shootings are SO horrific that some people would like to believe that they aren't real.  What I can NOT understand is how anyone can be so devoid of any kind of human empathy that he could say and do the things that Alex Jones and his minions did. It might be as scary as the shootings.

    Jones did it for money. What did his minions get out of it? That's nightmarish to think about.  

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  8. This was the first episode that I felt got close to living up to the book. The acting was much better and it was really affecting 

  9. On 3/28/2024 at 12:07 PM, Abmis said:

    If Jill had been able to produce another blessing poor Nessa would have been out of the crib whether she liked it or not. 

    I hope Jill realizes that it's time to hand the crib down to one of her grandchildren and isn't still hoping to have another baby. I think that ship has sailed. 

    She probably didn't know the appropriate age to transition to a bed bc every other time, the baby got kicked out so the new blessing could take up residence. 

    17 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

    Hope Jill bought hers at a discount 

    Because $13 is a lot for an unemployed family 

    Hey now! Her hunky hubby is employed! He photocopies for Jesauce! 

    • LOL 14
  10. lol There are FOUR lamps in that closet. What the actual fuck Jill. 

    14 hours ago, satrunrose said:

    I'm so confused.

    1- This crew literally goes on missions to convert Catholics and yet they name their kid after a song from a movie where all of the heroes are Catholic. 

    2- If you want a name from the Sound of Music, you've got Maria, Liesl, Louisa, Brigitta, Marta, or Gretel (I would totally name a hypothetical daughter Liesl or Marta). Heck, you could even do Ilsa (the Baroness) if you wanted to be subversive. 

    3- There are 0 references to God in the song Edelweiss except for the word "bless" but it's kind of implying that the singer is asking the flower for a blessing, so isn't that kind of sacrilegious? 


    "small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to greet me"

    Its everything their cult values in a girl child. 

    • Sad 12
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  11. 53 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    That is some seriously messed up six degrees of separation...or in this case, like 1 1/2 - 2 degrees.

    Just trying to think of cute nicknames for Edelweiss...Ed?  Eddie (that's kind of cute).  Edey?  Weissy?  But I imagine if you're going to give a child that kind of name, it's going to be used loud and proud by her parents at every opportunity.

    Isn't it pronounced A-dell-vies? (In German, W sounds like V)  So maybe Addy with a hard A - or Della? 

    • Like 7
  12. My daughter and I were howling through this whole series. We watched it all the way through to see if it would redeem itself, and to find out why so many people seemingly liked it: Nope and who knows? 

    The worst part (aside from the giant plot holes) was the amount of scenery chewed by the detective. THE OVERACTING! THE SHOUTING AND EMOTING!  We were so annoyed we started rooting for this character to fall off a building.

    The whole thing was a hot mess. Also- did anyone catch what tainted  drugs the detective was supposed to be on?  I swear they said that the "bad" meds were antibiotics which made little sense to me.



  13. On 3/18/2024 at 8:07 PM, Meow Mix said:

    Boy, her latest screed is really something.  I work outside the home because there aren't pennies from heaven raining down.  I need to work if I want to eat and have a roof over my head.  Of course, I'm an evil single woman (no kids and no blue hair) so I'm sure I don't count in Jill's eyes.  And her little dig at pharmaceuticals is rich when she is drinking an entire chemistry set with that pink stuff.  

    chemicals carefully scientifically developed and tested by experts and regulated by the FDA = BAD

    chemicals shilled by a pyramid scheme Hun = GOOD 

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