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Posts posted by MamaMax

  1. He was an adult no one could get a judgement against the family or their holdings at the time Kathie disappeared. He was drawing a salary and his family might have bailed him out but they would not be liable for a civil suit.  None of the shit was owed to him at the time she left. They only bought hm out of the family once Seymour died.

    How can you be sure? Therecould be PLENTY that the family kne. For crying out loud, they knew he was killing dogs, they knew he was abusing his wife and I am SURE they knew he was crazy and dangerous.


    It's also why I doubt Seymour or Doug no shit about Kathie's disappearance or helped him in covering it up. Did Seymour stop paying the PI when he showed his son was a lying lie who lies? Yes, but he seemed so distanced from the family at the time of her death I don't think they actively covered shit up. This is not to say that I don't think Doug and Seymour didn't believe he killed Kathie, I just think he was so estranged that other than hiring the PI they don't know anything.

    I think they would absolutely cover for him. Their pockets are so incredibly deep that ANYONE done wrong by a member of that family is going to find a way to sue the whole lot of them.  

    All they need is a hint that the family knew he was dangerous, that he hit Kathie, that he threatened ANYONE, and there it is: they all should have known, should have  done something, etc.

    • Love 2
  3. He admitted he was in Northern California around the time of the Berman murder and there are eyewitnesses to his presence (e.g. the guy who drove Durst from the airport to pick up his car). What the police could never prove was that he made the trip from Northern CA to L.A. to commit the murder. That's why the cadaver postcard is so crucial--it establishes that Durst was in L.A., knew Berman was dead, and tipped off the police. The defense can always use the excuse that Durst merely stumbled onto Berman's corpse and didn't want to get involved because of his suspicious past, but they're going to have a hard time explaining why Berman suddenly turned up dead just as the NYC DA's office was going to interview her since it was widely known that Berman lied on his behalf and misled the press back in '82 when Kathie disappeared.

    I would think they would also have a hard time explaining why, if Bobby just wanted to pop in and say hi to Susan, he flew into an airport 600 miles away and then drove 11 hours there and back.  

    • Love 1
  4. Interesting comparison/contrast between the Dargers and Browns or other polygamist families for that matter. Another difference which I noticed on the SW episode when the Dargers visited the Browns is that the Darger wives seem to be able to handle the reality of their situation in a more straightforward way. They talked about taking turns around each other holding hands or embracing Joe when they are all together, and they discussed working together in their home and kitchen, and though they all had different roles and interests in the family, they worked together on daily tasks it seems. With the Browns, well I'm sure their kitchen issues need no mention, and they say they function best when Kody shows affection to nobody when it's all of them together. They really can't handle the reality of their lifestyle/family setup being put in their face. I would say that the Darger way does seem to have its own  questionable nuances, such as the controlling dynamic and the robotic nature of the situation but I get the sense they don't have as much of the suppressed emotions and passive aggressive behavior going on. 


    And this is the problem I have with all the Polygamous families I have seen on TV, in books, etc…it only "works" when the women are  controlled.


    I don't know if there is any such thing as a "happy" polygamous family in North America. I think there are women who have been convinced by the men in control that they SHOULD be happy…maybe even convinced them that they ARE happy… but I seriously doubt that a group of people (the women) who are regularly told to fight against and deny their fundamental human emotions, can be happy and fulfilled people.


    I am willing to believe that, on the frontier, when men outnumbered women and women were pretty commonly widowed very young, there may have been a time when polygamy was a way to protect women and children. But this is 21st century America and I just do not think that anyone could be happy in a living arrangment that is so completely at odds with EVERYONE around them. I believe that's why they "need" The Compound. To be sure that women don't see what they can't have, and therefore control them more effectively. 


    When you put a polygamous woman out into greater society, I just really, really doubt she is going to be happy.

    • Love 4
  5. It occurs to me that the "adoption" reason is not true, but it's close. I think they needed Kody (for whatever reason) to have a LEGAL connection with Robyn's kids. As it was, he was their mom's boyfriend. There is no way to make a legal connection there, for the purpose of health benefits or anything.  He has a legal realtionship with all the other kids, he is their bio dad, name on their birth certs.  He doesn't need a legal relationship with any of their moms to be legally connected to the kids. But Robyn's kids are not connected to him in any way unless he is legally maried to their mom. 


    Now the WHY, I don't know. Taxes? Health benefits? College finacial aid?  He can now legally claim ALL the kids as his dependants maybe?

    • Love 1
  6. When Jill said she didn't cook while she was feeling sick in the 1st Trimester, that doesn't mean she never heated anything up or made a sandwich. She could have meant she didn't cook up anything complex like the dish she and Jana were making at the time.  Some people differentiate…they may say "I'm not cooking tonight" but that means they are baking up a frozen casserole and putting together a green salad, or heating up soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. That's usually what I mean.

    I am sure Jill fed Derrick…and I am also sure he was happy to help his newly pregnant wife by making some meals. He doesn't seem as entitled as Smuggar.

  7. Plus Jessa's the helpmeet and Ben's the headship, so if God layed it on Ben's heart to leave his dirty underwear all over the bedroom, what's Jessa going to do about it?


    Ugh, just threw up in my mouth a bit there. 

    I'm thinking that God would then lay it on Jessa's heart to have a lot of headaches. 

    • Love 7
  8. That's because Meri took over.  She's shown time and again that she's quite organized and is very good at packing.  She just had to give Kody a little time to run around in circles with his chest puffed out, talking about how difficult it all is.  I think she's the best when it comes to working with him, getting done what needs to be done, while allowing him to keep his "masculinity", as well as the impression that he's in charge
    Yes, I also noticed wth the whole car discussion, Kody was getting all crazy, flipping his hair and snapping at the wives to get it together…and then Meri and Christine were very calmly explaining why all the cars were needed.

    My husband would have just said "Babe? Why are we taking so many cars?" and I would say "Because Kid X has to work and is coming later and I am bringing a car to leave with Kid Y, since I need to bring hers back here to get it registered."  He: "Oh, got it."  The End.

    Wow, my post went quotes crazy...

  9. And no, Janelle does not work  ( i have seen no evidence she has sold even one house)



    Selling homes is not the only job in real estate…she could work for a company as a rental agent, or a contractor, or she could be doing the books for a real estate company, etc.


    Also, I thought it was obvious that Christine's mom was moving in to provide income so they can hang on to the house, I would bet she's contributing "rent" to them somehow. ALso, its possibel she is now also getting paid by TLC for regulaar appearnaces.

    • Love 1
  10. I think Christine's reaction to Ken's remark betrays her real fear: not that the authorities will come and take Kody (if she REALLY feared this, they would never have gone on national TV) but rather that Kody will up and leave her. This is a real possibility and she would be so screwed.   She knows she has no legal claim on him and he could walk away if he decided to.  Good luck collecting any child support, since he has biasically no income and a gazillion kids.


    I am sure Ken felt he HAD to say what he said to Kody, since he is LDS and they are so against polygamy…he may have felt pressured to at least say it in order to be able to spend time with Kody.  THere may have been reprecussions for him within the Chirsch for re-connecting with Kody. Can someone more familiar with LDS comment here? Would a person get some static from their Bishop if it was known they were hanging with polygamists?

    • Love 3
  11. IMO, Meri was nervous about the response that she would get from her sister-wives for good reason.  On some level, she knows its not fair that she has discretionary income to spend on going to school and Christine is over there probably barely making it through the week.  She is not contributing income, only spending money.  At least Robyn is TRYING to make some money.  (cough-pipedream-cough).

    • Love 2
  12. In present time, is Vanessa's hair all the way to her waist again?  It would have taken years to grow that long after being shaved.  My post-chemo cousin has taken three years to grow hair half that long.  I'm trying to get a grasp on the timeline. 

    Not to mention how long it took to write all those letters.

  13. . What was the doctor looking for exactly, when he checked over her wound? He had such a strange expression on his face.


    I also wondered this. I thought he was going to peel back the skin and reveal the weird skin that they found on the vampire, the one with all the Egyptian symbols!

    • Love 1
  14. Wow, Meri looks bigger than Christine or Janelle in that photo…wasn't she thin when the show started? This show wrecked her life, I think.  When she lost that job she loved and got thrust out there into the limelight where every one is hating on her and making fun of her….. she  looks so so unhappy and unhealthy!

    • Love 1
  15. I also needed to call B-S on Jackie calling in a script for Oxy. Wouldn't happen.  


    The bathroom sex was disgusting and I was just waiting for someone to walk in…they were right there on the sink!


    Question: why does Jackie get to stay in the big  3 bedrrom house when she doesn't have custody? Shouldn't Kevin get to live there with the girls?

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