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Posts posted by MamaMax

  1. 2 hours ago, Absolom said:

    I think Christine has also moved on from AUB/Mormon beliefs.  I don't think she has any concern about depending on a man for much of anything after learning she could depend on Kody for nothing.

    For sure. She’s had her eyes opened. I think  Meri can’t let go of the faith at least in part due to a “sunken cost” idea. She’s spent her entire adult life dedicated to the lifestyle and to admit it’s bull shit would make it all meaningless which may be just too much for her to handle. 

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  2. On 2/21/2022 at 10:19 AM, JayDub1987 said:

    To me, the most telling part of this episode was near the end when Christine gleefully announced that she was "dating herself." She has herself, and her children who she quite obviously adores. No, I'm not saying that Christine hasn't made some bad decisions in the past (kidney failure fiasco), but that doesn't mean that she hasn't learned from them and become an advocate for her children and herself. 

    Every other adult on that stage seems to think that being in a marriage, even a dead, loveless, bitter marriage, is the key to happiness. Christine realized that she doesn't need a "husband" to be happy. If and when Janelle and Meri realize that, they'll be better off for it. 

    Kody and Robyn saying "I hope she finds someone." Holy hell, people. After 20-plus years with Cody, she'd probably rather take care of herself (in more ways than one). 

    I know plenty of happy, successful, fulfilled single people who are my age (34) and older. There's a woman who sells real estate in the same office that I work in who is 41, has never been married, and has never been in a long-term romantic relationship. She is truly one of the happiest people I've ever had the pleasure of being around. Conversely, there's a guy in my office who is 39, who openly talks about how much him and his wife hate each other, but they're both scared to be 40 and single. 

    Christine has decided to take control of her own happiness and I LOVE it. She's 49 years old. The life expectancy for females in Utah is around 80 years old. That means that she has somewhere around 11,315 days left to live, and she's done letting Kody and his pecker-shaped nose dictate how happy she is for those days. 

    I don't think you can discount their religious belief that you need to be sealed to a man to go to the afterlife/ heaven/planet/whatever.  AN eternity in outer darkness is the alternative if I have my facts together, As an aside, without speculating on her sexuality, I don't think Janelle gives a shit about intimacy with Kody. I've had that impression since their "anniversary trip" (camping) WAYYYYY back. I think she pretty much said she doesn't care?  I think she wanted kids and that plus her faith = Kody seemed like a good idea. Once she had her kids I think she was done with the "romantic' part of the relationship. 

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  3. On 8/14/2022 at 7:37 PM, xwordfanatik said:

    I've never watched a LuLaNo live, but then again, I don't do Facebook anymore.

    With a name like Lizzy, she should be Meri's assistant, seems to me!  I can't believe anyone is still buying those polyester nightmares, or Plexass either!  Jeez Christine, just get a job already.

    while i get your disgust, i would also say -- as  what? does she even have a HS diploma? who wants to hire a 50ish woman w no work experience and no education + the baggage of being kind of "high profile" in a bad way?  I would say she might be a great nanny/babysitter, but I wouldn't want my kid to be potentially around paparazzi and that BS. 

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  4. On 7/8/2022 at 3:31 PM, GeeGolly said:

    Jessa has a house video up. I haven't watched it yet.

    So its a perfectly lovely house.  Its probably nicer than most lower-to-middle class people will ever have. That said, its aesthetically boring and impersonal.  100% could've been a flip if not for the family photos.  Maybe I'm a snob, I don't know, but I want to say "Do you have any taste of your own? Do you like a color? A style of art or architecture?  Give me SOMETHING unique, that isn't just "grey-and-popular-on-pinterest-today." 

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  5. 21 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    It does feel odd for their third son with the whole Rick to DeRick to FreDeRick.  But, I am not one who feels the need to have a story behind names like so many of the Duggars.  I'm more like Joe and Kendra who appear to name their kids whatever feels right.  And if you do feel the need to have a family name or story attached to it, that's what a middle name is for.  Then your child can decide later on in life to embrace the story or ignore it outside of official documents.  

    I say all of this as someone raised in a Catholic household who somehow was spared from getting bogged down in Catholic naming traditions.  I really don't know why my great-grandparents after immigrating to America decided to give their kids whatever name they fancied, but they did and that got passed down to my grandfather and then mother. Seriously, my Polish great-grandparents gave their children some decidedly not Polish first names like Victoria and Louis as well as your usual suspects of Anne and Joseph. I was born on the Feast Day for St. John Vianney and by all right should have been named Joan or Jean or any other femininized versions.  But, my parents had already decided against that.  

    I actually think Victoria is and was a pretty common Polish name (Wiktoria)



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  6. 1 minute ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    But they think....it's  no worse than a cold and I don't have a cold so what's the big deal.

    yeah, thats crazy denial.  Old people die from flu all the time. My coworker just got covid again - fully vaxxed, in their 50s. High fever, feeling awful.  Def could carry off someones sick Nana

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  7. 835899N

    On 5/7/2022 at 12:39 PM, Avaleigh said:

    I'm not 100% sure how to interpret where the wife was coming from in this scene. 

    The husband though was putting his foot down when he reminded her of something she would already be well aware of--that he's the family’s priesthood holder and as such what he says goes. Sure, she gets to weigh in but he's the ultimate decision maker. It shows how there's a power imbalance in the marriage and since women aren't allowed to be priesthood holders, this imbalance of power will always exist in their marriage.

    Interestingly, Black men were not allowed to become priesthood holders in the LDS church until 1978. Another fact about the history of the church that is extremely disturbing. When Sam Lafferty makes the comment about Bill's skin (the Gil Birmingham character) and how he's a descendant of the "Lamanites" there's definitely some racism at play in that scene. He goes on to use the phrase "a white and delightsome [people]" in a very deliberate way as opposed to the more modern "pure and delightsome". To me the racist undertones in that scene were very apparent. This show isn't pulling any punches when it comes to LDS history and theology. 

    No they are not! did you catch Mother Pyre saying that Jews need Jesus or else they'll go to the terrestrial kingdom? Call back to the Mormons who were baptizing Jews posthumously, including Holocaust victims.

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  8. 14 hours ago, awaken said:

    Oh noooooo, sorry to say it, but Jill’s blonde looks so wrong, and Amy looks terrible. 

    showers aren’t just for getting stuff. Celebrating the new baby and the parent about to give birth is very meaningful, regardless what number baby it is. 

    14 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

    I would imagine the little clothes would be pretty ratty after all these years and use by 2 little boys and the car seat would have expired. 

    I was my mother’s 5th girl and a shower was thrown for her. It’s nice to celebrate each baby and for it to have some nice new things. I’m sure no one was obligated to bring gifts, but they probably all did. 

    I think this is why some of us disagree/ think its tacky. In my experience, the whole POINT of a "shower" is that the guests are EXPECTED to give a gift. The tradition came as a result of (back in the day) when you got married or had your first child, you needed a ton of stuff that you couldn't afford to buy all at once.  For a wedding the expectation was that you were setting up a new household.  My MIL used to shake her head at our "modern" showers- they were in her opinion, way too extravagant in their hosting and gift giving. She said when she got married, a china place setting was a WEDDING gift, not a shower gift -- a shower gift was like a few kitchen towels or a couple of cookie sheets,  So the "tacky" comes nor from "I don't want to celebrate your second wedding" or "your new baby isn't special" but "WHY are you asking me to buy you shit you already have?"  This is also why my mom wouldn't "host" my shower because she was taught that was tacky, to ask for gifts for your own kid. So she gave $$ to my bridesmaids so they could "host" it LOL. 

    In these days of SM it seems that everyone is trying to out-PInterest everyone else and that every celebration is curated for the 'gram.  To me, its like EH. I'm still gonna buy you a baby gift, cuz I love them babies... but I could do without all the hoopla LOL> 

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  9. 5 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    For those who haven't read up on it: Jeffs' Utah convictions (Accomplice to Rape) were overturned because, according to the Utah SC, the jury should have been instructed to find him Guilty only if they determined that Jeffs intended for the sex between the bride and groom to be nonconsensual.

    None of this affects Jeffs' two Texas convictions for Sexual Assault of a Child, for which he won't be eligible for Parole until 2038 at the earliest.

    And it's only become weirder since. Last I heard, he ordered from prison that all FLDS marriages except his are now invalid, all of the brides are now his brides, and the women can only be impregnated by Jeffs' hand-picked "Seed Bearers" who (while wearing hoods and nothing else) have sex with the women. Their now-former husbands are required to watch.

    Did he watch Handmaids Tale from prison and get ideas????? 

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  10. 3 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

    Labcorp will do a Gestational Diabetes test, as a walk-in, for $25.

    They get boutique "sonograms" too.  

    Legit pre-natal care is rarely on the to-do list of anybody in this family.  

    well, jill and derrick did seem quite "shook up" after her last delivery and I doubt ANY practitioner would recommend a non-hospital VBAC after 2 sections.  i also assume they have some sort of insurance now since they seem to be actually living in the word, unlike boob and michelle who live in their little fantasy land. and who are too irresponsible/cheap  to actually provide for the eleventy kids they had.

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  11. 4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    It’s just another symbol of how childish she is.    I do not understand how someone gets to be her age and is still so  childish. It’s not as if she has never been exposed to the basic life difficulties that cause growth of maturity.  She was married at 17 and her parents  moved out of state.  She had a miscarriage in her early 20s and another in her 40s.    Worked alongside her husband  in places open to the public. Dealt with financial difficulties.  Was the wife of a state representative.  She’s has 19 kids, some with health issues, childhood injuries, one in the NICU, etc.  She’s the guardian for Tyler due to his mom’s drug use. She’s been on a reality show.  Her son has been convicted of a terrible crime.  Yet there’s no maturity growth at all.    

    according to an ex-member of Quiverfull who I follow on SM, the childish, sweet, soft-spoken,  innocent schtick is highly prized and cultivated in the cult. Its an act, but she's been doing it so long now, she thinks its real. 

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  12. IMO, reality shows set a lot of stuff up, but peoples personalities and character generally emerge at some point.  Kate Gosselin jumps to mind.  I don't think the Kardashians are a fair comparison bc they actually RUN the show.  They are more sophisticated and I would guess have WAY more editorial control.


    It doesn't surprise me at all that Josh is who he is. He was spawned into a misogynistic cult  with twisted views of sex and sexuality and  which commodifies children.  Its probably more surprising that the Duggar boys aren't all just like him.

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  13. anna cant and wont get a job, because that's how her cult is designed. the cult deliberately under-educates girls, marries them young and keeps them pregnant so that they can never leave, even if they were to "wake up" and want to. a page taken right out of the FDLS book.  JB will now have to provide for anna and the M&Ms bc he has to pretend that's what they do (or else other girls/women might realize what a vulnerable spot they're in before they have eleventy kids and MIGHT be able to slip away). but i wouldnt be surprised if he does it very grudgingly and is super cheap (even cheaper than he was w his own kids) and they are all treated like 2nd class citizens in private. in public, he will be soaking up the accolades about being the unselfish provider. 

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  14. 15 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    I get your point, but I’m just not convinced that Jed! (and other family members) doesn’t buy into the conspiracy/persecution narratives. By not denouncing Josh and his behaviors, he leaves that open to interpretation.

    I think the level to which they have all been gas-lit by JimBob can not be overestimated. I doubt a single Duggar, besides Jim Bob,  has any accurate sense of what REALLY went on with Josh.  I would include all the kids AND Michelle in that. 

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  15. 16 hours ago, galaxygirl76 said:

    Hard working? That family wouldn't recognize working hard if it walked up to them and slapped them in the face. 

    To them, grifting is the same as work

    16 hours ago, lascuba said:

    Hey, it's not like any Duggar has ever used an alarm clock. Give him some credit for breaking family tradition!


    4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

     He also helped sweep up cracker crumbs. Shouldn't we give that an honorable mention as well? 🙄

    This reads like one of JRod's tall tales. 

    It's telling that the best they could say about him is that he gets out of bed and sometimes helps clean up.  

    The other "Fan Fic"  letters that the women wrote are transparent lies. Except I don't think they made up the lies - JOSH told them the lies and they are so gullible they believe it. 

    As for Anna, she is 100% in denial bc her entire world is built upon lies  told to her by the people who are supposed to love her.  I can totally see her going to her grave telling herself that Joshua is a martyr and was falsely accused as part of the devils machinations. If she ever DOES process the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a complete mental breakdown.


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  16. On 5/8/2022 at 2:40 PM, beckie said:

    Josh has been "away" for a while now. I wonder what they are telling his kids? I hope they aren't telling them that he'll be back soon.

    "He's working a prison ministry"


    On 5/8/2022 at 7:21 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

    But I imagine he didn't interact with his younger sisters who were likely doing household chores like laundry, cleaning, and cooking. He probably hung with whatever howlers were hanging around, pretty much ignoring the girls. 

    Let's hope!

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