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Posts posted by MamaMax

  1. On 2/19/2024 at 11:19 AM, Bannon said:

    Yeah, I don't think Navarro's suicide was especially ambiguous; her ghostly appearance in full winter trooper apparel on the porch, month's later, is pretty blatant, and as you rightly note, highly romanticized. Really, really, dumb, and if the implication is that this is how this particular native culture treats the phenomena of suicide of young, physically healthy, people, I'm pretty skeptical.

    I went back and watched - Navarro is wearing black jeans and a hoodie in that scene, not her Trooper uniform.  

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  2. Ill bet that gift card was given to them by that last church that they "sang" at.


    those outfits on the little girls.  Good lord. the one on the left is wearing leggings under, why?? the skirt is plenty long enough. and if they cant have bare arms (insert eye roll here), why dotn they just have them wear little white cardis like little girls have for generations??? One white cardi can be worn over pretty much any dress and look cute 

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  3. On 5/27/2018 at 11:18 PM, doodlebug said:

    Let's design our ideal marathons.  How about one with memorable patients?   Or best of each of the original cast members?  Or best disaster episodes?  (Blizzard, Exodus, The Crossing...)   Hell's bells, a marathon starting with Be Still My Heart through the stabbing and its aftermath would be a welcome revisit to one of the most memorable story arcs in TV history.


    I want an  ER X The Sopranos!  Seriously I think they had everyone except Gandolfini 

    On 6/2/2018 at 1:19 PM, debraran said:

    I think, especially today that story line was not a good one the way they handled it, especially with Carter being so young. He didn't seem happy about it so I felt that set the tone. I don't think some of these episodes would be shot the same way today.

    I also feel Sam and Alex are a crazy mother/son pair. I'm just up to when he saw his Mom kill his father, but even before, taking him from place to place, school to school, moving in with Luka, then the wealthy patient, Gates if I remember correctly later.  Everyone says what a good mom she is but it seems like stability and common sense are not always prevalent. Lying to your son about his dad, changing jobs monthly or yearly just seems so over the top. I would rebel too, he is never in any safe place and sees so much turmoil and craziness and then it's "go to school, do your homework"  Maybe it gets better in later episodes but I doubt it. 

    Wasn't there some indication that she did this because she was afraid of/hiding from the BioDad? Wasn't he abusive from the get-go? 

    On 6/3/2018 at 10:21 AM, doodlebug said:


    White coats are germ catchers and the person wearing it ends up hauling a bunch of unnecessary stuff around in the pockets which is why I stopped wearing mine 30 years ago.  I have a white coat, tailored and everything, with my name on it because the hospital system where I work issues at least one to everyone.  I wore it once when required for a photo.  Otherwise, it's hanging on the door in my office, still in the plastic back it came in.  Who knows, maybe I'll wear it again someday.

    As a patient I have to say I like a doctor in a white coat. Maybe not in the actual procedure room, but I do think the presentation is important, I worked in a Heme/Onc office and one of the docs used to dress overly casual and sporty and I always felt it was sort of unprofessional. 


    On 12/18/2023 at 10:26 AM, GiandujaPie said:

    Just watched the 2 episodes in Season 14 before the writers strike, with the horrible hockey storyline. So we are to believe that suddenly all of the surgeons are really good at hockey and ice skating. And we are to believe that Neela's field hockey experience translates into ice hockey prowess? BS. This has to take the cake as the most ridiculous and unnecessary storyline ever. You can totally see how this show has gone downhill. 

    and the like, slo-mo montage of Morris et al skating out on the ice? My eyes about rolled out of my head. I said to my husband "this show REALLY has jumped the shark." 


    On 2/19/2024 at 11:19 AM, Cloud9Shopper said:

    Vaguely, yes. Season 2?

    In this case God knows what two people who are constantly sullen and miserable as Luka and Abby were like when they made their baby. Or better yet…Kem…

    I can buy that about Cleo for some reason. Especially with how fit and athletic she is. 

    The topics of discussion really do scrape the bottom of the barrel now that the show has been over for almost 15 years… 🤣

    Can totally imagine her as a dominatrix, throwing Benton all over the place LOL 


    I've been on a marathon rewatch from Season 1 straight thru, I'm on S15 E 4 now.  I watched in real time but had a baby in 2000 and I think that's when i stopped - so the late episodes are all new to me. 

    The one story line I hate the most? The Forrest Whittaker one. UGH


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  4. On 2/7/2024 at 12:41 PM, Affogato said:

    Considering the cost of cookies, bottled water would be really expensive. The cost is because of the cost of shipping. Water is heavy. Would ice snd snow be contaminated? probably.  And melting or distilling requires fuel. Boiling water would be expensive. The zombie virus could be the active agent in both cases, in the ice cores snd entering the water supply via mining. Of course other contaminants could be involved. 


    One of the things i noticed is that, all of their homes have tons of shelf stable food and dry goods stored all over the place. I cant imagine that many people would have the space to store bottled water, especially the working class people 

  5. On 1/22/2024 at 9:43 PM, Cotypubby said:

    Hmm, possibly the worst episode of SVU ever? 

    They weren’t content with Olivia just being a saint, now she has to be Magic Psychic Saint Martyr Olivia who can see a random person in a car for 5 seconds and immediately know they are a kidnapping victim.

    ”I should have pulled them over!”

    for…. what cause?

    She is SUCH a GIFTED detective that she can LITERALLY spot a trafficking victim from  100 yards away!  MMM HMM.

    IRT the doll/ where did it come from handwave: Did no one else get a vibe off the dad that he's not being 100% honest? 


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  6. 40 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

    Jill will claim that they left 1000 tracts and let 66 souls to Jesus. Soul winning on vacation that God/Plexus so graciously provided to his favorite person JillPM. 


    this is how that went:

    Jill to Catholic employee of resort:

    "do you know Jesus?"

    "uh, yeah?"

    "But  have you  ACCEPTED Him as your Lord and Saviour?"

    "uh, yeah?"


    I saw that Josie Bates had her 3rd baby.  Is she still in the cult? 


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  7. 16 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

    So for all of her alleged "Plexus Sisters", did none of them make this trip?  Seems she would want ALLLL of the pics of her upline/downline/PlexusBesties.  Since all of her pics, activities, etc were only her and DBD, it definitely highlights how she isn't nearly as highly regarded as she wants to believe (or maybe just aspires to be).  

    I think she knows she's not in the same league as most of the others in attendance.  I think Nashville was the first time she finally realized "Oh.... I see... um, okay..." with her Dollar Tree Hee Haw outfits and now at this event she was able to capture in her photos how "one of these couples is not like the others".  

    Considering how terrible her photography skills are, it speaks volumes that her pics are able to capture that.  

    but MAHHHHdesty, I guess.


    IRT to the trip - from what I've heard about MLMs, there is ALOT of pressure to go on these trips because they are a  MAJOR downline recruiting tool. I'll bet there's a fair amount of people there who don't wat to be, and/or cant afford to be.  Your upline wants you there so they can show off for THEIR upline.  Also, they want you there for the periodic refreshing of the brainwashing.  Those group events are very useful to the company to prevent people from waking up 

    Note that she made a point to do a LIVE call from her balcony to her team. so they could be inspired that if they just shill harder, they can go to the tropics next time! 

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  8. Eh, just because there's no lifeguard doesn't mean she couldn't swim, you're just swimming at your own risk. The pool was lit.  NBD as long as you're not alone. 

    IRT the beach - my friend's recent experience was that the surf could be very heavy and it was very windy on the beach at times  -- they were more comfortable at the pool. Also, they enjoyed the pool bar LOL

    However, its also very hot on the beach so if you aren't in a swimsuit and wont go in the water (JILL)   you would probably bake like a potato. 

    Also, 75% of the DR is Catholic. so they already have Jesus but apparently the wrong brand of Jesus.

    • Like 21
  9. 5 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Barceló Bávaro Palace

    ah the people i know stayed at the Melia Paradisus. Also listed as 5 stars. So prob similar. they said the food was so- so and the MAIN pool was drained and empty the majority of the time they were there!  They also had a "private jacuzzi" on their balcony which, in their  photos, looks like a bathtub.  They could barely fit into it together.

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    On 2/18/2024 at 10:48 AM, Lady Edith said:

    So I’m kind of confused, though I probably already know the answer to my question. Did anyone see what the cost was for this trip, not including airfare?  Their resort website says that a junior suite (lowest rank room) is around $300/night.  I’m imagining Plexus didn’t pay the whole stay (if at all) so this was an absolutely helluva expensive thing to do. Add in airfare for both of them and new outfits for both, I’m imagining this little sojourn cost the Rods around $2,000 or $3,000.  While the Stinkbus is about to wheeze its last and the kids are underfed, hollow-eyed and raggedy. Even if Plexus paid for room and board, it’s still a huge expense with airfare, new makeup/jewelry etc. and it’s one they should have passed on. 
    oh—I also found the list of excursions and costs. Nothing under $100/person.  

    Whats the name of the resort? People I know recently went to Punta cana, an all-inclusive that sounds similar and they got a "great deal" and the website looked great. They  were not impressed when they actually got there.  Ill bet Plexus got a fabulous deal for bulk numbers. The resorts there are huge and need to fill them rooms 

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  11. I felt like ERII wouldn't have abdicated in order to shorten Charles' reign as mush as possible LOL. He clearly was champing at the bit to be king, and just as obviously wasn't going to be any good at it.  Limit his time and hopefully he wont screw it up too badly before Wills gets into the driver's seat.   I feel like the Show was kinder than necessary to Charles. making him out as sort of hapless and clueless but mostly well-meaning. IMO, he was/is  more of a spoilt, selfish man-child.  I think he has limited empathy and has a bad case of "no idea how the real world works."  Diana famously wanted the boys to have a bit of "normal" and I  doubt Charles ever had that nor did he ever want it.  

    The parts about Harry being a problem and unable to  forgive Charles and Camilla was heavy handed foreshadowing of events to come in the "after the show" universe. 

    I was touched by the Goodbye to ERII and thought the last shot was very poignant. She was wearing a color that, as they puled up and back, she sort of melted into the building, becoming a part of it, and the light flooding in the moment of her leaving a lovely image.  

    I have no doubt the Royals will never produce her equal.  

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  12. OOF, the writers really let Mo al Fay have it this episode! 


    Did he really say all that hateful shit at a press conference?


    Also, where/with whom  did the "Diana was pregnant"  story originate?  How long had she and Dodi been seeing each other? The show left me with the impression it was just a few weeks... 


  13. On 12/18/2023 at 11:40 AM, RunningMarket said:

    This episode was a fan-fic CW teen drama. What an absolute waste. The less said about the aging up of Harry, the better.

    He looks more like Scut Farkus from a Christmas Story than realHarry. 


    Or, alternately, the Evil, Unmentioned Weasley sibling 

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  14. 5 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    Poor Kaylee. She has a baby, an intrusive, selfish mother-in-law, an overpriced vitamin drink to sell in an MLM scheme, and now a Facebook page to maintain. 

    What market could Kaylee have for Plexus? Everyone she's ever known has already been approached by BME to sell pink drink. This scheme could end up costing her money.

    Let's see if Nathan refuses to have a "family" Facebook page his MIL will monitor.

    If I understand it correctly, part of the scam is having a certain # of people in your down-line to "level up", so  huns  just sign people up and shift sales around from their customers. Even if Kaylee manages to convince one person to sign up as HER downline, it helps Mahmo out  

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  15. I 100% think that Mykylyty and Tony called Kody first bc they wanted to monetize the twins announcement. Only reason.

    "she was nursing" = we didn't use birth control but don't want to cop to being lazy/sloppy. I know a couple of people who claimed publicly that their BC failed when the truth was they weren't using any but didn't want to admit it. 





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  16. 15 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

    Didn’t he claim to be there to hang art?  That never happened.  I think he was jealous that Janelle had a nice place.

    He was all excited at first bc the new place met his standards.  But then as the time went by and she never said "So yeah, you can put your reading lamp there and your smoothie maker here..."  he got the picture.  She chose the place for HERSELF and not to please HIM and she (still) didn't want him back. So he shut down. If its not about him, he doesn't give a shit. 

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  17. For the love of god. A decent bday celebration is SO EASY. Birthday person picks their favorite type of take out. Get a cake at the market, which are readily available and usually delicious. Ice cream also there.  Swing by target for some really cute paper decorations. VIOLA. 

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  18. 13 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

    That part with Janelle in the car with Kody on her b-day bugged me too. She said she was bored sitting at home so why not just go out on the town with the narcissistic, selfish asshole that has abandoned her and her kids and hurt them tremendously!! Her decisions make no sense to me. How can all of that just be wiped away like nothing?? Because she doesn't want to sit home bored?? I don't get her way of thinking at all. 

    I am wondering (giving J the benefit of the doubt here) that that was an excuse.  I really wonder if she had been trying really hard not to piss K and R off in order to try and get her $$ back that she sunk into the house/property.   

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