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Posts posted by t7686

  1. Toby seems like a lot as someone mentioned. He’s having a rough time so he has to take everyone down with him apparently and he definitely seems like the type who doesn’t like to see people succeed if he’s not. I like him overall but if were Kate I’d start watching that plus I also agree that he’s always been jealous of her relationship with Kevin - jealous of the whole family really. As a twin myself, I can relate to what Kevin was saying. I thought he was being sweet this whole episode and I like that he stood up for Madison. Can he and Randall have a conversation though? It’s been forever. I loved Kate’s call with her mom and I loved Beth’s mom. This show nails Jamaican moms. That said, I don’t love Tess - she’s never happy is she? And poor Annie, she’s going to end up with Kevin’s insecurities. I’m so excited to see Nicky. This episode didn’t really make me tear up but the trailer for next week? 😭 Him standing at the airport with the 🎁 in hand.

    • Love 14
  2. I actually liked the baby storyline. Owen seemed so happy about it, it was cute. But eh on Gywn. 

    Poor dead lava victim Tim. I know way more about him dead than alive.


    Tommy is obsessed with her kids. I like the actress a lot but the way she’s playing it is... odd. 

    This show is ridiculous but I’m here for it. 

    • Love 2
  3. Glad I wasn’t the only one who was horrified by Cate’s pee (never thought I’d type those words). Good god woman, drink some water. Even Tyler could keep a straight face- she was seriously sending Queen  Mary I vibes over those pregnancy tests. 

    Poor Bentley on all accounts.

    • Love 11
  4. I think this week and last week were the best episodes so far of the season. The casting of Deja and Annie were ... amazing. The actress playing Deja got the younger version’s speech patterns so perfectly that I was trying to figure out if the older actress was dubbed. Plus they got Annie’s sunny & easy personality. Amazing! Especially considering there’s not a whole lot to work with in regards to Annie.


    I really like Jack and as someone who lost their dad early in life, I completely get the idolization of him. I thought Kevin’s dream was perfect and I like that they showed that Jack wasn’t that perfect on the first big three’s first day home either. I also like Madison a lot. She reminded me of Rebecca and I’m glad Kevin realized that. 

    As an aside, I always like when they show the realities of being a celebrity. Some shows overlook it (Nashville) so it’s cool when they do it here. I thought Kevin handled the fan well and Madison the paparazzi. I wonder if he lost that job. He’s a good actor, I hope he doesn’t drop it and run for office of something haha. 


    • Love 8
  5. Hmm I wonder why Buck being in therapy is what set Maddie off. Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Pretty good episode and I always love Vanessa Moreno on my screen, I think she’s a great actress.

    I bet that Maddie will be his mom - wouldn’t be crazy to age JLH up 2 years or so - though she’s never been particularly maternal with him) or their parents aren’t really their parents. I’m intrigued!

    • Love 3
  6. On 1/16/2021 at 12:08 AM, memememe76 said:

    Is locking up the black hair products actually a thing in real life?

    I thought the episode was fun. As this is their last season (I actually think this season is better than at least the last couple), I will miss those scenes where the entire cast is just making stoopid comments. 

    Yes, they still do it at the “superstore” in my town.

    I liked this episode lot. In a subtle and fun way they demonstrated some good points - a racial inequality is pointed out, people over compensate and then instead of equal rights, extra rights or different rights are given (separate pizza party), everyone freaks out and focuses on that instead of the original problem and nothing gets done when all was wanted was to be treated equally. 

    Clever stuff. Though I gotta say, I’m black and sour cream and onion is my favorite. Haha. 


    • Love 12
  7. It was an okay episode. I'm not finding it that funny or good any more tbh. I don't remember them being this sarcastic and mean to each other in the original series and I miss the more family scenes. Where's DJ? I think they need to flesh out why Becky doesn't to be with Emilio because her whiplash is confusing. lol Meh.

    • Love 7
  8. I didn’t hate it, I do feel the show might be unfortunately teetering on the edge of jumping the shark (no more people we thought were dead not be dead, show!). That said, I thought it was well acted and seemed to give Randall closure. Hopefully things will be better from here on out. I did like that the show didn’t just leave Randall’s bio parents as two drug addicts but as fleshed out people. Both had such potential and had very sad lives - I felt disconnected from Laurel’s story though while I sobbed at William’s way back when. I don’t see a lot of them in him tbh- but could see both of his grandparents’ personalities oddly. I hope we find out what happened to their money, house etc (I don’t need a whole episode haha) and the brothers can finally move on. The lake scene was weird but sorta worked? Had the whole musical realism / New Orleans thing going for it. Though I kept thinking is he in the lake naked with his mother? 

    • Love 4
  9. I’m a little disappointed in this episode, it was ok but sort of a frustrating one to use after such a long break. I feel for Kate and can relate 100% but it was weird of her to show up at that guy’s place of work like that. I think she should have mentioned the abortion- at least that would make it less creepy and random. She should have just written it all out in a letter and burned it instead. By confronting him she still gave him power. Toby seemed to be faking it a little, no? He just seemed slightly over her and her drama.


    Randall - can I just say how happy I am his mother isn’t alive? God would that have been an annoying storyline. I’m glad he’s going to get closure but his conversation with Kevin was sad and frustrating. Can they just say sorry already? I miss the siblings actually talking to each other/ the family dynamic. 

    • Love 16
  10. 1 hour ago, Daisy said:

    5: I .... don't think Owen was racist, and I honestly believe that this whole "this is actually higher in asian people" could have just been handled.... nicer? or something. Like if it had been Bailey who had missed it would the whole "well pft. racist!!!" overtones been thrown? No. like that whole thing just bugged me. it was a learning moment to be sure, and I am actually glad Owen wants to address that but it just kinda bugged me it went all "well you treat everyone the same way you threat white people. SO FIX YO SELF!" 

    6: does anyone on this show not know what social distancing is? like heck. even in our house we stay far apart. all these people are still up in their business. 

    Yeah, they went about it in an awkward way. I think they were TRYING to do a whole it's better to educate Owen on racial differences in various diagnoses so that he knows to be better for his patients in the future instead of tiptoeing around around him because they don't want to hurt his feelings or make him feel like an evil racist etc. thing. I appreciate the attempt but it just came off as super clunky. Also icky that they made Bailey explain it to him which negated the whole point because they regulated her to the "magical Negro" trope.  The whole storyline seemed like the writers were trying to make a good point but turned into a poorly executed attack and inauthentically prechy.


    George though? That was everything. The writing was great for those scenes and reminded me why he was my favorite character back in the day and is why I used to love this show! T.K. looks great and I loved that he mentioned his mom and Meredith got to tell him how much she meant to him. Closure 🙂 

    • Love 12


    I think they ended it nicely. Just right at the beginning of the part everyone knows. I’d love to see Mary I get similar treatment (seemed a little like they were setting it up) or something with Mary Queen of Scots, Lady Jane Grey & Mary I similarly to how they had Henry’s wife and sisters the focus here.


    Charlotte Hope did a good job of showing Catherine’s desperation and eventual acceptance though I didn’t like that she admitted that she “wasn’t a maiden” and the Maggie told on her - a little too far into the fiction side of historical fiction for me. 

    It’s sad that everyone ended up hating or at the very least apart from one another - did Margaret Tudor really grow to hate her brother and Catherine that much?


    • Love 4
  12. On 11/16/2020 at 4:34 AM, Bill1978 said:

    I'm not surprised they aren't tackling the Boleyns. The upside to this series is the focus on pre-Anne. Plus when this series finishes,, we can all just pull out our copy of The Other Boleyn Girl (if you are keen to keep following the Gregory view of history) OR rewatch the Tudors which helps cover all of these people you mentioned. As trashy as this series is (and the predecessor series), I have enjoyed learning (even if lots of it is fiction) about the Tudors era pre-Boleyn (I swear Hollywood only thinks Henry matters because of The Great Matter). I even enjoyed learning about The War of the Roses through the White Queen. I am honestly bored of Henry and his wives AND Elizabeth I. I would love a series covering Edward, Jane and Mary. And I personally think the Stuarts would make a great soap opera series.

    Agreed! I’ve always wanted a focus on Edward. But I think Mary I and Jane would be great too. 

    • Love 6
  13. 1 hour ago, AryasMum said:

    Baby Harriet was everything. I rewound a couple of times to see her reactions. She’s probably going to go back to April and talk about the naked not step-mom at daddy’s. 

    Agreed! And the look she gave was very April like, so cute. I haven’t watched the show in awhile and besides the ending... probably not the best one to come back on. Was everyone always that bad at acting? Is anyone friends anymore?? 

    • LOL 1
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  14. It was a ok episode if not a little boring. I hope Randall doesn’t have any other siblings if that’s what that teaser at the end was all about. Brothers and Sisters did that crap forever ago and it sunk the show. The Pearson kids are already ALOT and Randall already feels like an outsider, let’s not add a “real” maternal sibling too lol.


    I liked Kevin and Madison and the past scenes though.

    • Love 6
  15. I totally get Randall’s, “I just feel sad.” I hope he connects with his family again but I get the just wanting to pull away for a bit and just ... check out a little. I think he’s tired of thinking, caring etc. starting to like him again, I actually liked all three this episode and I liked seeing young William and Jack. Good stuff. I saw it coming and don’t really like that Laurel could be alive (I thought it was good writing to have something he just wouldn’t know about because that’s life unfortunately) but I’m willing to see where it goes. 

    • Love 17
  16. That was weird. 44 days of quarantine and that’s all they got re footage? They really played down the whole thing but maybe I’m just saying that with a NYC perspective. Either way I thought it would be more interesting to see what would happen if they had to stick it out longer/ no production but apparently not much lol. 

    Neither Brett or Olivia are great but he was so cold to her! Even checking his watch at the end. Damn. ChristinA forgot his birthday? She’s the worst. I love Bennet and Amelia, Amani and Woody but this season is boring and terrible. 

    • Love 8
  17. Super late to the party but just catching up on past seasons I missed. I don’t see Kate as dumb at all. She’s a woman trapped in an emotionally abusive relationship until the end of the “experiment.” It’s easy to judge from afar, I would have said the same thing a few years ago but having been in my own slightly similar relationship, I can totally see what he’s doing. Gaslighting her, making it all her fault, little jabs here and there to crush her self esteem then acting like he’s the sane, rational, loving one to everyone else. Isolating her from everyone... it’s sad and I feel for her. You see her completely change over the 7 weeks. 

    • Love 1
  18. I like it overall but Emma is way too weepy. For some reason she reminds me of season 5 Dr. Mike from Dr. Quinn when we need less domesticated season 5 her and bad ass season 1 Dr. Mike. WE GET IT you love your kid but Jesus be professional and shut up about it. It’s a shame too because Swank’s acting is fantastic. I don’t mind the family drama, I like that Matt is staying in the wheelchair at least for awhile, so many shows do stuff like that for shock value then move on the next episode. The secondary characters are a delight. I hate that it seems Matt will hook up with Melissa and Emma with Rom. I’m not here for a cheating storyline especially since I feel like since they all work for NASA they would be more professional and less like high school. Still overall good show and I say this as someone who hates space and space films etc usually. Looking forward to season 2.

    • Love 3
  19. Rewatching bits of it now. Charlie and Claudia are definitely my favorite. Ugggh I can’t decide who I hate more Bailey or Julia. Bailey’s just so patronizing/ the taking Owen away thing and Julia is incredibly selfish. The first seasons are fantastic, gets a little rough after Charlie’s cancer. I can’t seem to get through seasons 5 &6. What does everyone think about the custody episodes?

  20. I liked this a lot. The story is interesting and the   Characters are fun, complex and engaging. I’m glad it was renewed for season 2, though who knows when we’ll get it 😞 that said, this was the worst episode by far. Why didn’t Nora VR to him? Wouldn’t she realize he probably ran out of gigs? Or couldn’t he have just said he was running out of gigs? You can control elevators from heaven? He just casually killed someone? The list goes on. The twist with Ingrid uploading is an intriguing shift. I’m curious to see where this goes! I hope we get to see Nathan’s family more. They seem a little... off and I want to know mote. 

    • Love 5
  21. Yay! We got to see Mary & DJ. I wish they’d have them in it more. Can’t DJ get some heart to hearts with Dan? Darlene was my favorite in the original run but she’s getting worse and worse here. So Harris (who’s awful) should get $5k merely for existing (are there no other big box stores hiring in all of Landford?) and Mark who actually earned it should get nothing? Then attempting to steal from her grandmother because for some reason she deems her spawn is just entitled to it?  Plus why is Bev cartoon evil now? Ugh. Still love Dan, I hope this isn’t the last of Louise. That scene made me sadder than I expected.  

    • Love 21
  22. 10 hours ago, mommalib said:

    That argument had a reality to it and that's why I would be okay with Randall and Kevin not being involved with each other. They never had a good relationship to begin with. Randall should focus on getting his mind right and focusing on his wife and daughters. He should take a step back from his siblings and his mother. He was always the odd man out, it's Kevin and Kate that have the bond and if there is a side to be taken Kate will likely side with Kevin anyway. Kevin and Kate can band together to look after Rebecca.

    I don’t know. That enforces the narrative that Randall, the adopted, black brother should be the outsider. I agree that he needs to step back for a bit. But I don’t agree that he shouldn’t try to work it out with his siblings. Randall as the expendable one is a big part of the problem and I’d like to see that change. I’d also like his family to have more of role in the big story. Seems like baby Jack is the only important grandkid lately. Kate needs more of a role too. 

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