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Posts posted by t7686

  1. 14 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

    I liked that Jackie (finally) addressed her concerns with Neville like an adult rather than a lunatic, and everything worked out. I also got some laughs out of Becky flirting with the doctor and then stalking his social media. It was also nice to see Ben sitting with the family and supporting Mark without getting into a bitchfest with Darlene. What a revelation!

    But yet again, I hated the way Darlene handled the situation with Mark. This woman is incapable of anything other than rash decisions when it comes to her kids. She went straight to yanking him out of his school without even attempting another solution. At the very least she could have looked at his syllabus to get a handle on his workload. And why not set up a meeting with his teachers and/or guidance counselor to discuss his options? Maybe he can change his class schedule or get after-school help. I'm not minimizing the seriousness of him turning to drugs to deal with his stress, but this school is a big opportunity for Mark, and Darlene should at least get a fuller understanding of the problem before choosing the nuclear option.

    Agreed. He's going to grow to think that at the first sign of trouble - bail. She could at least attempt to work with guidance counselors etc.  Given his family's history I can see where the addition would come from but simply switching school might not be the end to it. Darlene should keep an eye on him but we know she won't because she's' an awful mother. 


    I thought the things the doctor was into (history and HP) was sweet. The Connors are a odd mix of stuck-up and desperate. 


    Also, what did the actress who plays poor Mary do to the producers/writers etc.? I get that Michael Fishman seems to want to be more off screen but isn't Jayden Rey a series regular? It's like they wanted credit for being diverse without actually using any of the diverse characters at all. I for one could use more DJ's family for a bit and less of Darlene's. 

    • Love 7
  2. 4 hours ago, Jillybean said:

    The OG 9-1-1 did, this season, with the ransomware/blackout and it was like enough already. Frankly two episodes was more than enough for this ridiculous ice storm scenario. And I really don't need to see more of the banter between Julie Benz and Rob Lowe, unless they do something interesting with their storyline.


    Ooh right! It did. Completely blocked it out because it was needlessly drawn out too. These silly shows. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Maverick said:

     Yeah, the kid being under was a stretch to say the least.  But I assume the cold could preserve the body long enough for it to be resuscitated.   Probably not the most outlandish thing this show has done.

     Was anyone else expecting Julie Benz to to take a shovel to Owen's head?  Or least pull a gun on him?  I still think she's going to be involved in this coyote plot somehow.   Unless she's here to be Owen's GF this season.

     I kinda feel like they're leading to a "joy of birth / agony of death trope" where one of the team dies just as Judd and Grace's baby is born.  Nut I don't think they'd do it with TK.  It cuts Carlos off from the rest of the cast and creates way too much angst for Owen.   And the other two paramedics, given they lost Tim and Tommy's husband last season.   

    I like TK actually but while I agree with you, I’m thinking they might kill him off to make Owen come back and then jump a few months. I hope they don’t, but I could see it.

  4. What a strange little show. I don’t know why I keep watching shows like this - 4400, Lost, V, Fallings Skies etc. and they ALWAYS turn a really cool original premise into a convoluted mess by the end. Maybe these shows should just be one really good season and leave it at that. That said, I thought the aging up of Cal was a cool twist and amazing casting. I like Grace and Ben together so I’m sad to see that seemingly end plus it just means more SHOUTING & ANGST from the Stones so… that’s fun. Also what’s the point of the callings if it only warned Michaela about Grace’s murder right before it happened?

    As a side note I only started watching the show again a season or two ago after falling off in the middle of season one because I’m a fan of Matt Long. But not sure if I’m a fan enough for a stupid love triangle. Ugh. Poor guy always gets cast in one season and done shows or as the love interest that gets dumped (Private Practice). Sigh. 

    • Love 2
  5. 13 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

    No surprise there but thanks for the research! It looks like this was in 2018, so I'm guessing Jade limited her research to talking to Brianna and youtube.  

    His degree is from a school in Grenada, West Indies in the Caribbean.  🤨Just sayin'.  

    Nothing wrong with a medical degree from the West Indies. BUT I do think Jade’s doctor is horrible separate from that. Who sends a patient home in that condition on a mattress in the back of a van? She did do it to herself (Brianna’s butt looks horrible so good luck with that Jade) but I actually teared up. Between manipulation from likely her parents and MTV, a callous doctor and a useles boyfriend, this poor girl was left in pain for hours. Brianna surprisingly was the only helpful person there. But overall it felt like everyone there was there for selfish reasons and no one seemed to really be there sincerely for Jade, does she have any real friends/family or just hanger-ons? Yikes even D list celebrity seems lonely. 

    • Love 9
  6. Well I wasn’t expecting that! Poor Toby but I’m definitely intrigued. From the looks of it I think Madison and Kevin are together by this 5 year mark. Or I think Kevin is getting married to the British dude’s sister in this future timeline and Kate’s renewing vows or something. Either way, good episode. 

    edited to add: I also think it could be that the Brit guy is Madison’s brother. Her mom did have a British accent. It would be soapy but I could see it. Lol I just want those crazy kids to get together. She gets and accepts Kevin in a way that most don't and I think he does love her but needs time. They were rushing it for the babies but I think they will find their way to each other by that future 5 year mark. 

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  7. 6 hours ago, cardigirl said:

    I've enjoyed many of the episodes this season, but watching this last couple of episodes I was struck by the woodeness of expression from the young girls playing Tommy's daughters. They're frightening. At first I thought it was just the delivery of a line or two, but every single line is delivered without much emotion. Not sure what's up there. 

    Sorry, maybe it's just me, but surely they could find some kids a bit more lively to play those roles? /bitchsession. 

    I thought the show really came into it's own this season, even with the grandstanding that Owen tends to do. The episode with Grace and Judd was a fantastic hour of television, and last week's episode was well-done too. Looking forward to another season. Hope they get their station back. 

    Yeeees! And I say this as a twin, those girls are creepy as fuck. They seem almost… happy their dad died? Sorry to the young actresses but I hope they get recast over the break. 

    • Love 7
  8. I hope Darlene and Ben stay broken up for good. It had run its course and they both honestly brought out the worst in each other. Goodness, I can’t believe Darlene was one of my favorites in the original run. She’s insufferable now. Was she always self centered ?! I liked the rest though, as always, I think they’re jumping the gun on the restaurant as the novelty will wear off customer wise.

    I like that Dan and Louise got engaged but surprised they didn’t mention Roseanne at all. The kids aren’t conflicted at all? (Did we ever see how DJ handled his mom’s death… or anything at all?) I like that Gina’s back and hope they focus more on that branch of the family for a bit and less on Darlene’s.

    • Love 15
  9. I was team Sophie way back in the beginning but I really like Madison now and I hope they end up getting married. I think it’s cool to show Kevin not getting the Jack Pearson marriage and that it’s still ok. He can be Miguel and be just as happy. Plus after all this build up, showing Madison click with his family and not going through with it? Ugh. Plus, wasn’t Sophie Kate’s best friend too? Not cool to do it again, Kevin. 

    as an aside, I think it’s funny that Randall called Toby Tobias. I think it’s just to show affection.

    • Love 16
  10. The acting by Gina Torres was amazing. I honestly wasn’t that invested in her or her family before but I sobbed during this entire episode. Finding a loved one like that is one of by biggest fears. 

    • Love 13
  11. 5 hours ago, Giuseppe said:

    So...what about Michael Fishman? Is DJ coming back? Kinda sad he's not considered part of the core cast.

    Right? It’s weird, I’m wondering if his absence is partly because his son died and half because he was directing. Either way, I think his character (and Mary) are way underutilized.  I could honestly do with less Darlene for a bit and more of him. Either way, I hope he is signed on for the next season too.

    • Love 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, SuzWhat said:

    I realize Kodouche and Janelle are not knocking boots constantly but that was very shitty and disrespectful of him to refer to their “raging romance” with such disdain.  On camera. Needless to say, what he did to Ysabel and Christine was abusive. Narcissistic fuck. 

    True. He’s an ass all around but at least he was somewhat kind to Janelle. What a prick


    • Love 12
  13. I loved it. I thought both actors did a fantastic job and the writing was wonderful. It really came off and was filmed like a play. I liked the larger picture that both boys represent and the fact that it raised some uncomfortable feelings and questions. Should Kevin also feel “lucky” and “grateful” that he was born? No, no one expects him to, it just is. So why the same for Randall? I am glad that Randall apologized too and I hope going forward he gives Kevin more words of affirmation because he needs that and I hope Kevin keeps telling Randall like it is because he needs to be told he’s not perfect. They’re a good pair, the two brothers and I hope they now will realize that. 

    • Love 23
  14. I love how this was considered a “crazy” shift when over on 911-Alamo they literally had lava. Lol I’ve been in and out the last few seasons with this show, why is Casey so... boring and lonely now? Nice nod to the head injury from season 2 but not sure where it’s going, are they going to blame his pissy mood on that a la Grey’s Anatomy? I like him with Slyvie and don’t get why he seems to be holding out for the actress who played his ex wife to come back, it’s unfair to Jesse Spencer. Somewhat funny episode, I agree with the poster up thread about that but also a little boring - not that I need lava, that was ridiculous - but I miss when the show was more character driven and less just plot. Casey’s sister last episode reminded me of his complicated and interesting background. I miss that stuff. 

    • Love 3
  15. They got funny again. This last season was getting progressively better compared to the last few seasons and this finale was perfect. I laughed out loud a few times and Jonah and Amy found chemistry again and actually made me tear up a little. They all did, I loved the ending and what happened to all the characters. I’d never thought of it before but city council is perfect for Jonah as is a kid named Carter. Good stuff. You’ll be missed superstore. 

    • Love 16
  16. The writing on this show is terrible. Becky was a straight A student and very smart, Darlene is suppose to be too. One of them would have read Walden or at the very least not be acting like reading of any kind is the worst thing ever 🙄I hate all of them lol. I do think Neville is good to Jackie though. Where’s DJ?

    • Love 11
  17. I love Nicky. Both actors are spot on and deserve all the awards. This was a fantastic episode and hit all the right notes. Him talking to the babies and giving them old John Grisham books? 😢😢😭 plus Kevin was so happy to see him ( I see so much of Jack in Kevin  and I think both give a little of what they’ve lost to each other. It’s an adorable bond.) I do hope Nicky had something for Hailey though and I hope a some point he bonds a little with Kate and Randall too. I love Kevin having something that’s just his but I think he should get to know Jack’s other kids too. 

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