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  1. For some reason I feel like this is a set up by Jaqen for Arya to kill the waif. She seems to annoy him with her "Arya can't be a Faceless Man bs."
  2. I wanted MJ to knock it off. If he didn't want to tell you, it's his business.
  3. That would make my life. MY LIFE
  4. I'm still convinced that Natalie is somehow involved with the terrorist side of things. Because why else would they have focused on her saying she is better than Alex multiple times. I don't really buy the agent lady all of a sudden being willing to believe Alex. It was just too much of a 180. Shelby's parents are assholes. Why would you fake your death and do that to your kid, all while getting her to finance your afterlife lifestyle?
  5. I get confused as to how he is 28. I thought he said he spent 5 yrs each in two different military branches and he's been a personal trainer for a few years in addition. But it looks like he graduated high school in 2005, so it would be legit.
  6. Kathryn reminds me of Aviva formerly of NY. I can't quite pinpoint why,
  7. Well, we now know the name Eleanor gave. I don't know if I am surprised or not.
  8. I agree with this. I don't think Cynthia and Kenya actually want to be fighting. I think they both know they have to play by production rules though. I'm over Cynthia's boohooing already though and it hasn't even happened.
  9. Why did no one make ribs? That would have fit the parameters and been messy. I agree with a previous poster, if they all screwed it up, the challenge was not laid out to them well. I think whoever made the side dishes essentially had unspoken immunity, since the meat dishes were really the only ones truly criticized. There was some minor critiques on the sides, but nothing like the meat critiques.
  10. I thought, after last season, that Nene was done. Didn't she make some comments about how she was never going back to the Housewives shows? I knew she couldn't resist the limelight, but seeing her back now reinforces my dislike of her.
  11. I kind of wondered if Eleanor didn't write down Max's name. Max is a guy's name typically so it will cause them to spin their wheels a bit at the island, she's someone Eleanor would like to see get taken down since she has (essentially) taken over E's role AND it keeps both the pirates she has feelings about out of direct harm.
  12. The call Cynthia made to Kenya... It felt like there was some sort of unspoken conversation going on. I was wondering if Kim hadn't told Kenya the meeting was happening or if Kim had told her it was rescheduled but Kenya didn't want to put it on blast (which would be unusual, but it could happen). Or if Cynthia and Kenya knew she wasn't going to be there and the call was just for show or something. Boy, Kim has annoyed someone in production though. The shot of her closing the door and snarking about Kenya and producing hours of tv. Normally 1st season HoWives don't get exposed so much on their snark levels. (That gets saved for season 2 ;) )
  13. This felt a lot more like a series finale than a storyline wrap up. He should have been holding a boom box up over his head
  14. Oh, and what did the Captain say was the tip total by the end of the season? $150K or was it more? I'd take 6 weeks of hard work in beautiful settings for a $15K+ tip on top of my pay.
  15. My theory is that maybe they weren't clued in to the story line and thought it might have actually gone down. Then they would have actually been surprised in a "really? that happened under our noses?" sort of way.
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