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No, I don't think Cas knew what was going to happen. Plus there is no way on this earth that Cas would kill Dean. I think that was firmly established in these last two episodes. I also don't think Cas knows very much about the mark. He might have at one time but with the number of times he's been tortured, mindwiped, that info is probably gone. Not even Crowley knew what was going to happen or realized what would happen until Dean left the hamburger in the restaurant.
I enjoyed some of this episode and the bits I enjoyed the most was the angel stuff. I worry about Cas smashing that tablet because maybe there would be instructions on restoring grace. I think the first thing they need to do is flip the switch so the prophets can come back in play. Look around Mets office and see if Cas's grace is laying about. I want Cas to make a beeline to earth to find out what's what and help Sam to cope. Right now he believes Dean is dead. Aww the pain. It'll be even worse when he finds out Dean is a demon. I thought the Dean/Sam scenes were unsatisfying. I had hope for one Dean/Cas scene but that wasn't to be. It would have been satisfying if Cas had gutted Metatron but maybe there is a certain justice to seeing him shut up in jail for eternity. I had thought maybe Crowley would have died but no that wasn't the case. I don't really mind though since he is entertaining. I prefer his monologues far more that Metatrons. I think it'll be an exciting storyline for Jensen again with Dean being a demon. That is if they don't resolve it in the first couple of episodes next season like they did with Godstiel.
Well the writers mishandled the human story. They can use that as an excuse regarding the deus ex machine problems but they still had Cas separated from the brothers anyway. And instead of the handy fix from Cas they had a handy fix from Gadriel, so what was accomplished. I know what you're staying though regarding Cas powers. I just wish they were skilled enough to work it out. If they make him human again, keep him separated and on his own, with only a limited amount of episodes, then I will be pissed. Not really excited for the finale after some things I read but I guess I'll have to hold judgement until after it airs. One things for sure. This will be a long, long summer hiatus.
God the more I hear the less enthused I'm becoming. I thought that Cas would end up dying or possessed in the finale but reading the interview has made me change my mind. I guess we'll find out tomorrow. I wanted some kind of acknowledgement from Cas & Dean but I'm now convinced that won't happen.
Oh, I agree. There was so much potential there. I was so looking forward to the angel storyline and we got more MOTW episodes. Some of the angels we did see were intriguing but most were so poorly used and killed off almost immediately. There was no care in writing amazing angel characters that we had in the past. And some of the actors they hired were laughably bad. I've always taken an exception to the route the writers took with the angels in making them so unsympathetic except for the odd one and Castiel of course. But that's the decision that was made and we have to live with it. We know that Misha has signed a multi-year contract so he'll be back but as what or who? Will he be possessed by either Gadriel or Metatron or will Cas come back as a human? I think the show has been hinting strongly at that being the case. I know a lot of people liked human Cas but I want him to remain an angel. That's what he was created as and I don't agree that you should be able to change your species. Ideally I like Cas to remain on earth as an angel, not be banned from heaven but for him to choose the Winchesters and earth. I also like to see God come back and sort the unruly mess upstairs, getting the angels back on track to loving and helping humanity.
Further up it was asked if there was always this level of excitement before a final. I can remember people being so excited for the Season 7 finale with Dean & Cas being sent to Purgatory. On websites I visited there was lots of excitement and speculation all summer on whether Cas was normal as opposed to insane, on where he disappeared to, on the creepy red eyes, what Sam would be doing etc. Unfortunately reality was much different. The much loved Purgatory plot equalled only about 15 mins. total and Sam didn't look for Dean and so on. I think I remember Jim Michaels being surprised that it was so popular with fans. As far as 823 I think there was mixed emotions. A lot of people didn't like the season. Some liked the first half and not the second and others the reverse. Many thought that Dean was relegated to being a nursemaid with the trials being stolen out from underneath him where others were delighted with what was happened. As a Cas fan I was just praying that Cas would survive. Of course that final scene of the angels falling was spectacular. Unfortunately the writers squandered what could been great episodes with the angels on earth. There is a lot of excitement again and even if we get a great finale, I wonder if these particular writers have the talent to pull off a great season. I've been disappointed twice before.
Supernatural Bitterness & Unpopular Opinions: You All Suck
starrysuki replied to mstaken's topic in Supernatural
I agree with some expressed but not all. - I adore Castiel and he's my favourite character but didn't care too much for Human Cas though I could adjust I guess. - I dislike Sam - I also disliked the character Kevin Tran though I adore the actor. - Didn't like Benny and thought he was overrated. But I have a hate on for all vampires whether on tv or in the movies so there's that - I didn't really care for the brothers much when I started watching in 05 and dropped the series. It was the picture of Castiel with his shadow wings in 401 that dragged me back. - I disliked the domestic Dean storyline, didn't mind Lisa so much but disliked Ben. - I adore Rufus more than Bobby and wish he had been in more episodes. - I like Sleepy Hollow a lot more than Supernatural -
Supernatural DVDs, Books and Other Merchandise
starrysuki replied to mstaken's topic in Supernatural
I've got Season 1-8 on bluray and will probably pick up S9 when it's out even though I'm less than happy with the season. I don't have any of the novels nor do I have any interest in them. I have the coffeetable sized book that they released a year or two ago. I have a couple of Castiel themed mugs and a sweatshirt with his handprint on the shoulder. Other than picking up S9 when out that'll be it for me as far as picking up anything else. -
That was hugh and I hope Dean can finally get past Cas actions regarding the Purgatory souls and Godstiel. That scene with the two of them just warmed my heart. It's too bad it was cut short by Gadriel's arrival. For a moment there is almost looked like Cas was going to cry when Dean said he believed him. Great acting from the two of them. I'm excited but I also dread the finale. One more week than the long hiatus till the fall.
No I don't think you're reading anything into it at all. A lot of people have noticed. There have been lots of instants especially last season when I thought they might be going there. This year not so much because Dean & Cas have been separated for most of the season. Even casual fans were noticing things between them. I wonder if something will happen in the finale. I do hope they go there because it would be good for the both of them.
Yeah, it is good to be Canadian. So glad Misha will be back for Season 10. Lets prays that they utilize him well or at least better than they have in these last three seasons.
Oh my God, that speculation would be more that interesting. I can totally see Cas doing that. I thought for awhile that they were setting Cas up as a Jesus figure. It would break my heart though. In the next episode there is a betrayer in their midst a call back to Judas. It could also apply to Gadreel especially if he ends up betraying Metatron. In fact Gadreel may have been playing a Judas all his life, with his actions in the garden and then his betrayal of the Winchesters. These next two episodes should be quite interesting.
But still the problem remains. The soul of anyone who dies in the future need to go somewhere. No I wouldn't like to see the gates closed. I rather like angels. They just need a firm hand.
I don't think Dean hates angels as much as he views them as dicks. Demons he hates. I don't think closing the gates is a good thing. Poor Kevin has been stuck in the veil with heaven closed. The souls need to go somewhere. Plus I think a good majority of the angels are okay. It's just some of the leaders we've met have been total douches. Angels can be a force for good. As Cas said to Naomi , angels are suppose to help humanity. I think somehow their purpose was changed when God left and the archangels took over. They hired people like Naomi to brainwash any angel that got out of line. Poor Cas has been prodded and probed many times. They need someone to help guide them to become forces of good again.
I believe Jimmy is long gone. Yes, he would have to give his consent but I could see Cas fully expecting to die housing Metatron, as a sacrifice in order to get the angels home. Metatron mentioned that his grace was burning him out. Maybe since Cas believes he's going to die anyway he might as well take out Metatron at the same time. So I think Cas would say yes.