19 -
40 Excellent-
The Peacock was great. It was the only one that looked like it could be real. Like, someone might actually have a deformity like that, and a circus would take them in and give them the "Peacock" schtick.
A lot of great makeups this week (Jordan, Scott, Nora, and Evan all could have won), but I was shocked Ben didn't get the boot. His was the worst by a huge margin.
Kevon was last in Round 1, and went all the way up to first after his win in Round 2. If they were weighted anywhere near the same (like 20/30), he would have been slightly above the middle after two rounds. I bet it was something like 5 / 20 / 75
Am I on crazy pills or does Stevie consistently get super lenient judging? When he goblins came out, I laughed due to the fact that they all had green faces and unpainted necks/shoulders/chests/arms/legs. It looked horrible, but the judges were so positive.
Get it together people. Tim Burton characters have black and white striped pants. But seriously, not one of those characters felt Burtonesque.
I agree that not nearly enough time is spent on the finale tattoos. But most of the show is filler. The tweets are filler. Sausage is filler. The promos for other shows are filler. Dave talking about America voting and hashtag this and hashtag that is filler (and completely pointless). Cutting it down to 2 is filler. The judges pretending to deliberate live when they surely picked the winner before the show is filler. Even the segments where they talk to the contestants are filler because they're the same thing every season: person A saying that person B sucks, person B responds that actually A is the one who sucks, they bicker for 30 seconds and then Dave interrupts and says it's time to move on. They literally did the same thing FIVE times: 1) Eric vs Cleen vs Jason all arguing about who is better 2) Mark vs everyone arguing about who is better 3) The 2 fat brothers arguing about who is better 4) Emily vs Tyesha arguing about who is better 5) Aaron vs Kris arguing about who is better Oh, and one that was a little different 1) Emily vs Josh arguing about who was bitchier
Too cramped? There's about 10 minutes of actual content! They have to fill up the rest with Sausage pretending to do a tattoo that is already done, pointless bickering, and showing sneak previews for Inkmaster Holidays and Ink Psychiatrist and People Building Furniture brought to you by the makers of Inkmaster. I think Jason is the first "Ink Master" that many viewers wouldn't even want to get a tattooo from. Dude was 1-4 in head-to-head matchups. Cleen totally blew it.
Ellie was thinking "Oh crap, Carver knows/suspects that Tom was involved. I have to protect what's left of my family."
An even bigger mistake is the whole "Tom is lost" subplot. When he was found, he said that the reason he wandered out of town in search of the hitchhiker was to "help solve the case". He already knew the solution to the case. Are we to believe that Tom actually hatched a plan to go missing for a couple days "to find a suspect" just to throw people off his scent?
So all the actual suspects and people looked into were misdirection. And all of the actual police work was pointless because Joe just ended up turning himself in by turning the phone on. And the writer's didn't need to come up with a motive because it was just an accident. And Joe suddenly became a pedophile despite there being no prior indication of that. And I wasted 10 hours.
Even if the guy's tattoo idea was entirely mechanical and not "biomechanical", she still should have done it. The discrepancy would have been the producers' fault, not hers.
Why was there an angler fish (also described as a "sea monster") in a forest?
It's really bad. Between the guy who was there because he took a makeup class and liked it, the guy who just does stuff for fun in his basement, and the girl who had never made a mold before, it's rough.
The shield's attachment to the arm is messed up. You'd expect the entire forearm -hand to elbow- to be protected, and centered in the middle of the shield. But, in the tattoo, the straps are on the far right end of the shield (not the middle), so it looks like too small, and goofy. This is fairly nitpicky. I like the tattoo as a whole.
The order makes absolutely no difference. It's a 1/6 chance regardless. Imagine it being only two cards. Would you say the first person has a 1/2 chance and the second person has a 1/1 chance so it's totally unfair for the second person? No, because your second 1/1 probability is already assuming the first person drew a blank.