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Everything posted by JMO

  1. The article cited is just that, an article, with a personal point of view. Viewing statistics are another thing entirely. Of course, if the article is actually based on viewing statistics, then the only thing that has happened with CM between February and June 2017 has been the denouement of season 12. Might the Reid arc have actually increased viewership on Netflix? I know it to be true of an 'n' of 2, but those two young ladies, while significant to me, are not statistically significant (as Reid would say).
  2. Ugh. For both your daughter's sake and that of her cyber bully, I hope you have some success with the parents, Willowy. If not, it might be worth trying through the school. Most states have laws, although most schools have trouble knowing how to enforce them And, for the record, she's beautiful.
  3. It used to be that I, too, could say 'I'm a fan of the show'. But it doesn't keep my attention any longer, and some of the characters (looking at you, PG) have begun to grate, rather than intrigue or charm. Maybe I tire too easily, or maybe the characters and writing haven't kept up. Don't know. I just know that I'm a character-driven viewer now. The point was driven home to me during the prison arc. Reid was in each episode, but his scenes were separate from those of the team. I watched each episode through, but can only remember the Reid scenes. If the rest had engaged me, I'd remember the whole thing, as I do with the episodes of early seasons. That's not something deliberate or purposeful. It's a behavioral response to a stimulus. For me, the stimulus has degraded over time.
  4. Final installment of this post-ep to Red Light. Tried to stay relatively in canon, constricted by the cliffhanger. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12494822/4/Identity
  5. The less MGG, the more it's like 'death by a thousand cuts'. No thanks.
  6. Chapter 3 of Red Light post-ep, Identity, Morgan's POV. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12494822/3/Identity
  7. I think you might have confused him with someone else. Aaron Hotchner is a character in a TV show. His only interaction with television writers is that he depends on them to bring him to life.
  8. I haven't read anything that makes it seem likely Hotch will return, but I do think the writers have had plenty of time to come up with a proper tribute for the character.
  9. I would be even more succinct, and bring it down to two words: Spencer Reid. If MGG was bringing anyone other than Spencer Reid to life, I don't know that I would be watching. For me, Spencer is, and has been, the most intriguing and engaging character on television in forever.
  10. They are asking for that feedback in a form where no one else can see it. Hmm....
  11. Thanks, Riff---off to a good start!
  12. Wonder if they're telling their advertisers about their plans to diss what is arguably more than half their viewing demographic.
  13. I like this idea. I don't know if I can see the FBI getting on board with Reid being in charge until after they've had a chance to chastise him for crossing the border without notifying them, but I can see him having to step up right away, officially or unofficially, to help save the day. It would go a long way toward bringing him back. Considering how much JJ has stood beside him through his ordeal, I wouldn't mind seeing him have to do the same for her. (After pushing Will out of the way, of course.) However, at the moment, Reid is about to have breakfast with Morgan and his mother, somewhere. If one of our old team members is injured, I hope they'll remember to mention Morgan's concern about them, and the fact that he wished he'd been able to stay and help.
  14. As I think about the beginning of season 13, I wonder if the writing team has shot itself in the foot with that cliffhanger. EM has said they want Reid back with the team, and that she thinks his issues will be addressed in the first episode. With Morgan, and with Hotch before him, there was an off-screen period of presumed healing after their respective traumas. But, having ended season 12 with the other 157 team members' lives in jeopardy, they can't very well start season 13 six months later. So, unless they want to continue Reid in his own storyline apart from the team, I think they're going to have to bring him back right away, which will be too soon. I hope they realize that, and write to it.
  15. Beginning of a post-ep to 12X22, Red Light https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12494822/1/Identity
  16. Except for the comment that the team did 'fine' without Reid in the field, I think it's a fair, but limited, assessment of the season as a whole.
  17. I kind of like him and his drawl, and the sense that he is relatively unflappable. But I don't know what special skill he brings to the table. I did find it interesting that he and his wife are looking at the BAU as a more family-friendly assignment than the BAP, considering the marital woes of Hotch and Rossi.
  18. In the future, when I watch this arc, I will fast-forward through anything that does not take place in the prison. That way, I'll be able to think that the team is actively working Reid's case, meeting frustrations and impediments that are heightening the tension, week by week. I will be able to assume that some of the fast-forwarded scenes reflect his colleagues poring over materials related to his case. I will be able to convince myself that they are openly expressing their concern about him in every episode. I will be able to sympathize with his attorney's frustration at the team's inability to give her anything to bring to court. But, to accomplish this, I'm going to have to actively try to forget nearly everything that came before Green Light and Red Light. I appreciate what the writing team put together for 21 and 22. It was outstanding. But I am not inclined to cut a lot of slack on what came before. It wouldn't have been hard to actually write what I'm planning to imagine, and they had to totally dispense with logic not to do so. I don't want to hear Emily tell me, in the final episode, how they barely held it together. That's just lazy. I wanted to be shown it, episode by episode. I looked really hard for it. Except for JJ's breakdown at the prison, and Garcia's over-emoting, it wasn't there. I didn't care for Fast-Talking Fiona, but mostly because of how she earned her name. I don't know what anyone could have expected her to accomplish, if only the prosecution was investigating Reid's case. Maybe she should have hired a PI. It might have been an interesting additional angle. If anyone has the skills to actually put together an all-Reid version of the arc, please do so!
  19. Actually, she accepted the job, after it was left vacant, when its occupant went into witness protection. Unless we're positing that Emily is Mr. Scratch, she didn't take anything.
  20. Nothing 'shippy' about it. They may all know about the socks, but I was just tickled that, in the midst of the crisis, she would take the time to make sure she got them right. Unless that's how he has them in his drawer.....hmmm. Speaking of which, I don't remember the view we had of his sock drawer. Did we see the colorful socks? I only remember dark ones. That is the same suit he had on at his hearing. I remember, because I don't care for it, nor the plain white shirt.
  21. Not sure if this is what you are referencing, but, in the Sex, Birth, Death episode, Reid said he knew what it was like to be afraid of his mind. I took that to mean that he was afraid he could develop schizophrenia. I don't know that he's been worried becoming a serial killer. But he was thrown by his outburst in Red Light, following on his poisoning of the inmates a few weeks before. He found himself acting unlike the self he's always thought he was, and more like the men surrounding him. Scary stuff, for anyone.
  22. The best part about this is that it means JJ knew to bring them to him.
  23. Underway. Probably either one longer one, or several shorter ones.
  24. Not derailed at all, Droogie. One of the more interesting conversations we've had on here in a while, pulling apart what makes our (my) favorite character tick.
  25. I think there is an element of choice involved, and that is part of Reid's valor. Someone else might be capable of empathy, in that they own the full spectrum of emotion, but they don't choose to go there in a particular situation or with a particular person, because responding with anger is more satisfying and because it's a little frightening to think that it could have been you.
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