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Everything posted by JMO

  1. Amen to all of this. There's no one and nothing to root for right now, and there doesn't seem to be anything better on the horizon. Can't think of a time, on any soap, that I couldn't find something redeeming. Except for yesterday, when I really enjoyed whatever played as background music for Drew and Carly. Didn't enjoy the pairing, just the music.
  2. Exactly. Olivia is pretty distracted right now, maybe she can hire Carly to sub. Or maybe Carly can go back to GH---wasn't the original version a physical therapist there? But since we're getting drama from Carly over it, I fear the show may be planning to put her into a more lowly position, to garner sympathy. It makes me miss Jackie Zeman all over again, because there's a big hole here, where Bobby should be.
  3. Yay, a Kevin sighting! Right before he leaves for Chechnya. I wish we'd seen more than five minutes of fallout after the death of his brother, and maybe a little pointed interaction with Esme. Who knows, he might even have been able to bring a little salvation to the Willow story, as the young woman should be heavily conflicted right about now. But I guess I'll take what I can get. Which seems to be a new storyline for Ned, and I'm here for it. I'm intrigued about his upcoming interaction with Nina, and hope that intrigue lasts past Monday. Not remotely confident about that, alas. Also not remotely interested in anything Carly, Drew, Josslyn, Dex, Michael or Sonny. It's a shame when characters have become so unrelatable that what might otherwise be high drama is just FF material. Lastly, regarding the Maxie makeup issue. I think it extends way beyond Maxie. I watched my first soap over 50 years ago, and it hasn't been until this year's GH that I've really noticed the makeup. Maybe that means the makeup is intrusive, or maybe it means the storylines aren't engaging enough for me not to be paying attention to the superficial notes. Either way, it's so distracting that, for me, it's become a problem.
  4. Maybe I'm dreaming, but I thought there was a scene where Elizabeth actually called her grandmother to tell her the news about becoming head nurse.
  5. Good call on the Eddie Mayne reveal! It would be nice if we got some flashbacks to his first run on GH. Ned, Lois and Brenda were always fun to watch. It was good to hear Alexis expressing interest in being back in the courtroom. I hope there will be a little drama around whether she can be readmitted to the bar, and not just a fast track meant solely to make her available to defend Cody. Having a major character work as a reporter is not a bad idea, but it didn't suit Alexis. I think it could make a good profession for one of the younger characters, though. It would give them plenty of opportunity to interact with a wide variety of people, maybe get in a little danger now and then. Maybe Kristina? Maybe even Cam, when he comes back.
  6. They might want to rethink having scenes with Trina standing behind those cafe tables. Poor thing disappears, as they are nearly over her head.
  7. Today, Real Andrews made the whole 'who's-Trina's-daddy' storyline worthwhile. It's hard enough to turn in that kind of performance as a contract player, but to do it as a recurring character is remarkable. Kudos to him. It's been quite a while since we've seen a genuinely emotional situation met with genuine emotion.
  8. Agreed. I've always enjoyed Ingo, but even if the actor cannot return, the show is badly in need of the character at the moment. He is probably uniquely positioned to salvage the character of Joss, and maybe even Carly, if they can be salvaged at all. So, unless the mother-daughter duo are destined to ride off into the sunset, I hope we will see Jax on screen as soon as the strike permits.
  9. So many things I don't understand..... Like so many others, I don't understand why so many characters have decided that the way to handle the SEC accusations is to figure out the identity of the whistleblower. To what end, exactly? At least Ned remembers that the guilty parties are Drew and Carly, and that they are actually guilty. While I enjoyed the Lucy/Maxie exchange, did it really come out of nowhere, and lead to nowhere, or was I asleep? Since they're talking about school systems, which are specific to locations, I can't help but wonder if Maxie is moving away from Port Charles. I could not follow the exchange Anna had with the WSB last week. Didn't hear her resign as an agent, though she said she had done so. At the end of the the scene, I thought that "blink-or-you'll-miss-it" story was done, but they alluded to it several times today. Does anyone else understand better than I do? Feel like I'm having a bad week, when GH is over my head.
  10. Can't help but wonder how much Jane Elliot contributes to Tracy's dialogue. It's so much better than the rest that it can't be from the same writers. I wouldn't mind a full episode narrated by Tracy.
  11. The several recent mentions of Cam leave me hopeful for a return in the near future, even if I also hope he stays far away from Joss.
  12. Maybe she can go look for Kevin.
  13. I love the friendship between Robert and Anna more than I like any of the romances on the show, or even all of them combined. I don't need glitz and glam. I need deep, meaningful, mutual and perpetual.
  14. I guess ‘sweeps’ is over. Thank heaven for Tracy.
  15. I saw the comments to NLG's post on Twitter, and could only conclude that the responders weren't thinking any harder than Haley was on the day of the accident. There is no making of a sober choice after one has been drinking and drugging. The tweeters want to fault her for getting into the car, but her rational mind wasn't in control at that point. Nor was it in control over her complaining about her blouse or giving the emergency personnel a hard time. The choice-making ALWAYS takes place at the point of taking the drink or the drug. If you are not reliable to stop, don't start, or Uber both to and fro, or tell your friends up front that they should take your keys after one drink.
  16. I hope so many things—that there’s something more interesting than a ‘switch-the-DNA’ storyline coming for Trina, et.al.; that the show will fully embrace its very talented and experienced vets and give them deep, sustained storylines instead of the occasional scene, or even the occasional full day; that we might see the young adults struggle with their identities and their careers, and not the mob; that somebody on the show would remember how to have fun (that doesn’t involve alcohol), or that we could enjoy a celebration without a crisis; that we could have stories with momentum and continuity. Back in the day, if a show was falling down on the job, there were plenty of others to watch. Now, not so much. So, instead, I hope.
  17. Jackie Zeman had so many powerful scenes. One of my favorites is in this episode. As a result of an abusive relationship, Bobbie cannot have any more children. She and her beloved husband Jake plan a surrogate---until he asks Bobbie to swallow her pride and raise the child he fathered with Lucy Coe, who has already told Bobbie that they will be enemies for life. The key segment starts at 39:40. But if you start earlier, you'll get baby Robin and young Anna, Felicia and Frisco.
  18. I was surprised at how hard this hit me today, considering I have no relationship with JZ and Bobbie is a fictional character. But I realized that Bobbie came from an era of soap opera that was designed to help us explore the who, why and how of humans, some of whom were just like us, and some of whom were very different. Soaps gave us both a mirror and a window, and these characters, through the actors that inhabited them, granted us a deep exploration of their lives, their feelings, their motivations, and their regrets, which helped us examine our own. The characters became the mutual friends that connected us to the actors, and today we've lost a mutual friend. I'm so sorry. Lost my mom in her early 70s, also to cancer, twenty years ago. There are still some days I want to call her to share something she would have enjoyed.
  19. I found them on YouTube. Just go there and search General Hospital and the year you’re looking for. There are story-focused videos and full episode videos for some years.
  20. Very sad to learn of JZ’s death, and my condolences to her family. Her daughters lost their mother far too soon. Forty-five years with GH should merit a full tribute episode. Given the writers strike, they could fill the entire thing with flashbacks to honor the actress and her character, and then give Bobbie a proper sendoff when full production resumes.
  21. Just stopping in to say that Felicia's blouse was gorgeous, and proof that a woman in her 60s can be fashionable without being stodgy.
  22. Not a business person here, which will be obvious in a minute. But....is it expected that those who are in business will not discuss any of it with anyone? Around the dinner table, out with friends? If they're not supposed to talk about it, then everyone in this case is guilty. But if they, and the people they're talking to are just not supposed to trade on what they heard, it seems like only Carly should be in trouble. If Drew IS supposed to be in trouble, then why not Michael? Carly's his mother, it would only be natural to think she'd gotten her information from her son. CW was masterful in looking like she was trying not to be physically ill while swallowing her pride with Carly in that scene. Poor Ned. He's sidelined most of the time, and when he does get some screen time, he's sucker punched. Maybe things are going better in Salem.
  23. So many questions. Why, after an enjoyable split second flashback to Robert and Laura from the first IP storyline, wasn't Mr. Scorpio at her side again in Greenland, instead of the far-too-chatty-for-the-circumstance Curtis? Why have we been given not a single scene of Kevin worrying about his wife? Why would the WSB think it a good idea to bomb an island with a lethal pathogen? Irradiate it, guys. How did Drew and Holly not notice Victor getting up and running away? Why did they put Anna through that tortuously cheesy scene with Valentin? Why did they put US through it? Why have they ruined one of my favorite characters? Why did they tease us by mentioning Frisco? Why bring up the weather machine if not to create unusual weather? Even the characters know it sometimes snows in May in upstate NY. I really do miss good storytelling.
  24. Interesting observations on the one-note-ness of Carly. Can't help but wonder if part of the problem is her lack of a real storyline to chew on. She's always in clunker stories without good acting partners. Her most interesting interactions of late, to my eye, have been with Ava, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of them. MW has a way of bringing out the best, because she is always at her own best. For me, the best version of Carly was when she was with Jax. There was a lightness there that we don't ever get to see anymore. Having Drew as a current romantic partner is doing nothing to help that. To my mind, the main problem with the acting on the show is that the stories, continuity and connections are so bad. It's remarkable when a story about the threat of a global pandemic, while actually being in one, is the most intriguing current option. Just an aside, re: enlarged lymph nodes pressing on organs----that's actually a thing, although much more likely with lymphoma than with leukemia. We have lymph nodes everywhere.
  25. For the briefest of moments, I thought we might actually get a glimpse of Frisco. But, alas...
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