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Jaded Sapphire

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  1. I have nothing constructive to add to this thread other than that I am the seventh person to watch (and love!) Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles. I adored it so much I made my SO watch it this year, so count him as number eight. Speaking of, where is Lena Headey's emmy?
  2. So Arya, who crumpled faster...The Night King or Gendry?
  3. As was briefly mentioned earlier in this thread, not only do I think the Steve ending doesn't work but I think Tony deserved better. As much as there was talk about him not being worthy (Nick Fury in Iron Man 2) and him not being willing to sacrifice (Steve in Avengers) all of his movies include him putting himself in danger to save people and most of them include Tony specifically putting his own life on the line to save people: Iron Man 1 - he almost died Avengers 1 - he almost died Avengers 2 - he volunteered to destroy the floating city (with Thor) knowing he could die "This could be a one-way trip" Avengers Infinity War - Tells Spidey that "This is a one-way ticket" so again expecting to die and almost did against Thanos Avengers Endgame - Actually dies to save the world So not only is him sacrificing 'old' from a storytelling point of view, he doesn't get to live with and raise his daughter with Pepper and retire. That is something he's been hoping to do since Avengers 2 (Maybe I'll do like Clint and get a farm with Pepper). After everything he's been through he gets only 5 years of peace. 5 years! It may be an unpopular opinion but I think he was robbed.
  4. This line prompted a bit of a thought exercise at my place. If Theon hadn't betrayed Rob, he likely would have died at the Red Wedding but also Theon wouldn't have taken over Winterfell forcing Bran to flee north....and become the 3 Eyed Raven.
  5. For reasons that are already articulated better here, I'm pretty upset about Tony's death. I also didn't enjoy the 'fat Thor' thing because of how it played his genuine grief for laughs. I don't really trust them to write Thor better in future movies and never really cared for the Guardians. Since Thor and Tony were my favorite characters, I think this will be my last MCU movie.
  6. Seriously! I yelled at my screen when she asked that dumb question. Speaking of, my SO and I have this habit of yelling 'Dead' at the screen whenever characters really hit us in the feels, especially on a show like this where it's possible for them to die. For instance: Theon hugs Sansa - "Dead" Grey Worm kisses Missandei - "Super Dead" Brienne gets knighted - "Sir Dead of House Deadington"
  7. And as for the past, he has to actively seek it out. He didn't know about Rhaegar and Lyanna's marriage until he went looking for it even though he knew about them being Jon's parents.
  8. He wasn't describing the Golden Company, he was describing his own men. Sometime in either Season 6 or 7 it was mentioned that Euron cut out all of the tongues of the men on his ships. It seemed to be a myth but apparently it's true of the men on his main ship anyway (lest he was just joking). There is an argument that she could have simply kept them prisoner, if for no other reason then as strategic assets when two of her allies had been captured. But at the absolute minimum, she definitely should not have burned them alive with her dragon as the form of execution. As many have said here and like Jon, Tyrion, Jorah, and Barristan told Dany, the optics alone of burning non-combatants with dragons is terrible for the supposedly non-mad daughter of the Mad King.
  9. You would support Dany and her violent executions wouldn't you Drogo. But seriously, I'm not entirely sure she considered it at all. When Tyrion suggested something similar (putting them in prison) she immediately said that she'd already given them their options and she wasn't going back on her word about killing them. Tyrion (and ultimately Sam's) point was that it wasn't in any way necessary. Especially such a violent, prolonged, and painful death.
  10. This. All of this. Lest we forget: her feeding a man to her two dragons and "They can live in my new world or die in their old one" were several seasons ago.
  11. I really hate the way they've written Tyrion lately. I think the only thing that could save this were if Cersei isn't pregnant at all - she just used the idea of it to play Tyrion and Jaime.
  12. I've been thinking about that line a bunch since Season 2 resets a bunch of stuff and there's a big deal about Ramse being dead originally. I think the line works on 2 levels. If Ramse had died when he was 'supposed' to, his last act would have been to help Cole save Cassie, hence being a good friend. It also works with what the timeline is changed to where his last act is to help Cole save the world by taking Titan.
  13. Doing my own re-watch now. I'm still curious about how the timeline changed from season 1 to season 2 and how the loop resets. Anyway, I didn't realize that Olivia described herself as "a thing in a box" all the way back in season 1! And that Jennifer said "Climb the steps, ring the bell" too! And that Jones said she'd "take my last breath here (at the machine)." ETA - I've been commenting as I watched, hence the disjointed additions. All this takes place in episode 11 - Shonin
  14. Thanks much justmehere, both articles are a great read. The ending I choose is Terry's by the way but I can see how it might not be the same for everyone else.
  15. Cassie recognizing her was the resolution to that story - it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it gag.
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