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Though I didn't care for the movie overall, Ehrenreich was ok as Solo. But the voice totally took me out of the character. I'd prefer if LucasFilm would foot the bill for some acting lessons for Anthony Ingruber. Teach him to act and not just do an impression and get him onscreen already. Harrison Ford was majorly impressed by him in Age of Adaline. I'm also all for Sebastian Stan as Luke. Leia - no clue. Sure as shit not Billie Lourde. Maybe a newcomer.
Rosario did a great job in this episode in particular. She even managed some of animated Ahsoka's facial expressions when battling, and I might have squeed a bit. I too however thought, "Oh, man, please take off the cloak before you start fighting." I'm feeling a sort of way about that cloak like I did Cal Kestis' poncho. Regarding the question of the turtle people, I am pretty sure I noticed some straps over their shoulders more than once in this episode. It may have been folds in clothing, but I don't think so. I don't think their shells are part of their bodies. And as far as the babies having them too, well, I imagine they'd start them with little shells early in life so they can get used to them. Just a thought. I hadn't thought of that, but it's brilliant, and so very Leia.
I 100% agree that it's no-win for them. I'm in the pack that thinks it makes perfect sense that they show up in some way, even if in passing conversation/holos/etc. All of course having to work around the current age/RIP status of the original stars, both prequel and original trilogy. Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie, accompanied by 3PO and R2, were the heroes of the battles of Yavin and Endor. They brought the Empire down. All of these events happened within 11 years prior to the current Ahsoka/Mandoverse timelines. Leia is visible as a senator, and it makes sense that she would send 3PO. R2 wouldn't be there because he's off with Luke. Etc. So this worked for me. I've googled the crap out of the question as to whether Anthony Daniels was in the suit. I saw articles about him being in a mocap suit, but I've seen counters that he was in it for some animations. I've seen the interviews where he dreads donning the costume again. But I've seen nothing that proves he wasn't in it. That said, as soon as he showed up, I could tell something was off. You see too much of his neck for one thing. WAAAY too much. It made him look thick in that area. His posture was all wrong, too. So I'm 50/50 what I believe.
Frequent Rebels schemes involved Ezra donning disguises, including trooper armor. So I could see the 2nd being a strong possibility. But I'd love if it was him calling the purgills with a Force boost from Ahsoka. My impression was more along the lines of it'd been a decade since Ezra had a Lightsaber to train with, but had all that time to improve and strengthen his Force abilities. So he knew that he might be pretty rusty with the Lightsaber, whereas he was very confident in his Force usage. I personally loved seeing a new-era Force user use it so much in combat.
SW YouTubers point out that they did not poof away into green mist when killed, so they probably are actual living troopers. I heart this so hard. <3 SW YouTubers that are WAAAY geekier than even myself insist that Hayden acted that way at the specific direction of the director/Lucas (I don't recall if Lucas directed all the prequels). Supposedly one reason is to explain why Vader sounds and speaks the way he does. I don't know if the reason is true, but I totally believe his acting was not really his choice.
Coincidentally, Lars Mikkelsen plays a sociopathic blackmailer with an intelligence near or equal to Sherlock in the Benedict Cumberbatch series. Potential spoiler for SW:Visions
All I heard was "Mwowm." Even after I re-wound and turned the volume up. The only way I understood that's what he was saying was because I watch with subtitles. Am I the only one?
I'd like to think that George has been a whispering muse sitting on Filoni's shoulder since TCW closed shop. Mayhap George is so quietly unhappy with the sequel trilogy, that he's realizing how much gold there is in the EU/Legends in comparison. But it's not his anymore. And he can't just come out publicly and decree, "The sequels are not canon, but now EU/Legends is." In any case, I wouldn't let that spoil your enjoyment and investment in the EU/Legends. I only recently embraced it and it's made me feel so much better about all things that came after ROTJ. I love every bit of this. Particularly the bolded.
The viewing public at large would be just as incensed - if not moreso - if EVERYTHING was solved by use of The Force. Because theoretically, everything could be. That'd make for a pretty boring show/movie/comic/etc. She was a major player in Andor.
If you look again, Ahsoka had a collection of neatly arranged Jedi weapons and accessories. Sources even geekier than me said that face-covering helmets are standard Jedi training equipment. Think the mushroom helmets the (RIP) Younglings had when training with sabers on Coruscant. So it's not surprising that she'd have such a masked helmet on hand. Most if not all SW ships have some amount of deflector shields built-in. They can take a certain amount of damage before the deflectors lose power or are targeted and destroyed. It's a common trope of SW, Star Trek & other sci-fi media to have to re-route power from deflectors to weapons or light speed in a pinch.
"It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." - Obi-Wan Kenobi "Ditto." - Yoda The Force being in ALL living things goes all the way back to Lucas canon. But whether or how much one can wield its power depends on both a degree of innate ability, and much training. I think discussions could be served by dropping "Jedi" in some cases and inserting "Force sensitive." All Jedis are Force sensitive. But not all Force sensitives are Jedi. Sabine may possibly ("Probably." - Huyang) never become a Jedi. But with much work and training, she may be able to better access what Force resides within her.
Once I read somewhere that they were intended to look akin to wood carvings, I liked the animation style a LOT better. The movements/animation improved somewhat over time. I appreciate this so much, and am going to start using it. Thanks. And I totally agree. I get really, REALLY tired of things going awry because someone was a bubblehead. It's why I can't watch re-runs of I Love Lucy now that I'm an adult, whereas I loved it when I was a kid. It's boring, frustrating, and infuriating, and I'm just short of yelling, "DON'T DO IT!!!" at my TV screen.
I can see that kind of Empire loyalty, particularly if they had it better under the Empire than they do with the Republic. Like the doctor in Mandalorian Season 3. I'm a fan back to '77 and I am so Republic-loyal I won't even wear a t-shirt featuring Vader or stormtroopers. So I guess it makes sense to me. I'm only just kinda kidding. Kinda.