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  1. Usually I like the changes they make to the book because it makes watching the show more enjoyable, but I hated Jaime's rape of Cersei especially compared to how Jaime's attitude towards rape was portrayed in the books. I also didn't really like the fact that Margaery was cluless about who murdered Joffrey, because I liked the way it was in the books, where it was implied she was in on everything Olenna planned, and knew very well how she could manipulate Tommen better than Joffrey...I like the idea of them working as a team instead of Olenna being a step ahead of Margaery and instructing her what to do. I loved Podrick and Oberyn in this episode.
  2. Indeed! I have a feeling it's going to be a more equal game between the two of them now. Chilton's framing, and being shot by Miriam were both so unexpected. I grew to like Chilton a lot these past couple of episodes, so this really upset me, and so soon after Beverly too. But I'm not considering him dead until they show us his body. I don't dislike Alanna since she's someone who's known Hannibal for a lot longer than anyone else so it's natural for her to behave this way. I just want her to wake up and not be so stubborn about Hannibal's innocence though...I felt like shaking some sense into her! Again, it's not her fault since she doesn't know what the truth is, but it's frustrating to watch.
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