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Posts posted by sigmaforce86

  1. I still feel bad making fun of a miscarriage because it is truly hard on women.  But at the same time Lauren just makes it so insufferably dramatic I can't drum up any pity for her at all.  And it's gone to far now.  Again it's hard because you never want to say "get over it" but I think we could reasonably say find ways to deal with it and stop milking it.  She got so much screen time out of this last season when it made sense to cover it as part of the show but what is the point now - so she can have more talking heads with her now trademark dramatic pauses?  Did lunch snack two pieces of fruit each with the Mom's and the reveal of Asa's box really do anything for her because if she really is still as torn up as she appears on-screen she probably needs a few professional sessions and we all know she's not going to get that.  I still suspect any of her angst that isn't put on for the camera comes from being raised to believe if you breed you're successful so the loss means you've failed.  I'd love to see her let go of that calm whispery Michelle like demeanor, give a few good screams, throw a couple vases against the wall and just let it all out once and for all.

    Loved that John & Abbie actually had the glass items they made that they could show off; that looked like fun and puts a nice story behind the souvenirs.  Poor Grandma Mary though; it's harder to watch when you know what's coming.  

    • Love 12
  2. It's spreading onto all the news sites, nothing get's attention like a juicy bad news story.   I think especially since it's the last season this will have no effect at all on Supernatural at all.  But if he want's to sink his career chances for the future this is a great way to do it.  Walker is only in development, if they decide that JP is too much of a liability they can re-cast in a heartbeat.  If I were Ginny I'd be laying down some rules that included regular therapy for him (or a new therapist if he's already going), some counseling as a couple and a good long look at whether AA or a similar program is needed.  It's not just child actors, plenty adult actors have gone way off the rails when their main claim to fame ends, he doesn't need to be yet another one.


    • Love 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Crs97 said:

    Nicky is hilarious (though seeing his face at the hockey game broke my heart), and I love knowing that he ends up at Rebecca’s bedside.  Kevin does have the strangest relationships.

    Starting to really see Griffin Dunne as Emmy material - the way he looked at the beer the guy in front of him was holding, he didn't actually lick his lips but at the same time he made all the right facial expressions that you could see he was internally licking his lips.  It was so well done.  And he switches so easily from that to snarky joke comment to Uncle Nicky with the cool Dad/Brother story.  He's really doing a great job

    5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

    I also loved Rebecca's smackdown of the Three Stooges in the kitchen.  Richly deserved, although, really, only Kate and Kevin were being bitches; Randall was basically pleasant throughout that.

    Present-day Randall, though?  Still so horrid.  "I appreciate your concern, Beth.  I'm fine," with that unbelievably condescending smile?

    Beth should have pulled Randall up short for that comment - I appreciate your concern is something you say to your constituents or another politician, it's a platitude phrase it's not a let's have a deep intimate conversation phrase that a husband or wife should use with their significant other.  Beth should have told him that straight out.

    My guess on the Rebecca/Miguel thing; they start to get close soon after the timeline in this episode, they feel guilt as though it's cheating on her husband and his best friend or both family's give them grief for it (or a combo of both) so they back off and Miguel moves away.  That's how the 10 years later we reconnected and married thing came about.  

    Kevin really does need a new movie role to keep him busy, this moonlighting job as amateur counselor and chief fixer of all others with issues is not good for him or for the people he's trying to "fix" when it means he's hovering over them all the damn time.

    • Love 19
  4. 2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Given that Fundies discourage marrieds and singles from mixing, the Howlers' sentiments about not having much longer to hang out and do trips together isn't inaccurate. I have a feeling Jason is already courting and that's why they kept harping on him. 

    It's interesting Abbie was honest about the frustration she experienced as an "older" single while Jana talked in circles. I wonder what's really going on. I find it hard to believe a halfway decent guy hasn't come around in the last ten years. 

    I haven't heard the married/singles thing before - anyone have links or background on it.  Always amazed when I find out another "rule" they go by.  And they're always man made rules, they justify them by the bible but so much of it is a twisted, narrow reading of a few passages.  I feel like Michelle was also talking in circles trying to explain the background of the skirts and dresses thing, laying more of the decision on herself without really calling attention to Gothard or too much of the fundie expectations.

    JD and Abbie continue to be a great couple.  Trying to decide if it's their personalities, especially Abbie bringing out some of the fun in JD that he was holding back before or if it has to do with their ages where they're just more mature which gives them a better perspective on marriage.  Or a combination of both.   

    I do wish they'd leave Jana alone about the men and marriage thing.  It feels like a double standard, JD said he was a bachelor till the rapture and everyone went "OK", Jana shows no interest in courting that we know of and people can't stop hounding her about it.  But good for her if there really were potential courtships that she rejected or didn't let them go further then getting to know the person and refusing to make any "official" courting decisions, at least it shows she's practical and won't settle for the first guy to show her interest <cough>Jill<cough>.

    Jeremy was making me so nervous climbing down that hill with Felicity strapped to him; I'm sure people go hiking with kids all the time but the clumsy part of me was cringing.

    • Love 11
  5. 1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

    In fact Michonne, if you can figure out how the Whisperers are capable of leading the herd toward you, you should be able to lead the herd away from you.

    The thing is they already know how to do this.  They've done it before; the biggest horde was, I think, the quarry walkers they were luring away from Alexandria.  They've used loudspeakers on trucks, they've used guns and firecrackers.  They know this can be done and they know how to do it.  It was, to me, the biggest inconsistency in the episode; I get that the first couple of hordes came unexpectedly but I don't understand why they didn't form a plan to have a group ready to lure future waves away.  Cannon is once they get moving in a certain direction they'll just keep going until distracted but nobody seemed to even think they should try that even when it's worked for them before.

    Knowing how the Whisperers story goes from the comics even though we know there are going to be differences since the show has deviated from the comics in big and small ways all it leaves me with is a sense of boredom that there is still a certain amount of story to tell BUT.......... this Whisperers War and Silence the Whisperers thing is, like some of the other plots over the years, being dragged out beyond what they need to actually tell that story just so they can cover a certain amount of episodes.  As much as crazy Carol is interesting there's a little too much soap opera angst going on with multiple characters that they're wasting time trying to cover at the expense of actually moving the plot forward.

    • Love 8
  6. 22 hours ago, fishcakes said:

    I missed the majority of the episode - everything from just after Rob's comment that Noura is the last person who should be a blindfold challenge caller to the losing teams arrival at tribal.  I could go back and watch on demand but my only real question is how in the world did big mouth Noura manage to keep quiet about what really goes on at idol island. 

    So you missed her Great Lie about how she knew what the challenge was but was only allowed to tell them if they let her pick her role? It was quite the spectacle. She thought she fooled them, which was  crazy because they were openly skeptical and questioning her and poking holes in it immediately at which point she was like, "IT'S TOO LATE I'M THE CALLER NO MORE TALKING!" Kellee's face was particularly priceless because she knew that Noura had dug herself into such a big hole that she would never be able to reveal what really happened at idol island, so that made Kellee's secret safe too. Then her tribe benched her at the challenge, which was was hilarious.

    I watched it On Demand yesterday, totally worth it.  Seeing her dig herself into that half thought out lie with her tribe mates making increasingly confused WTF faces.  To me the best part was the practice session:  "Walk toward me".  "Don't say that, you'll be behind us",  "Oh, OK let's start again...Walk toward me",  "No you'll be behind us",   "I don't get it".  They figured out pretty quick to not let her be the caller.  Rob is a blowhard but he's perceptive and he was certainly right about her living in Nouraland.

    • LOL 2
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  7. I'm on the fence about the Sandra/Elaine thing - Sandra sounded like she was making a serious observation at tribal but she's a seasoned player, there's no way she doesn't know that people pretend to know or not know the plans all the time.  A good player doesn't spill everything at tribal; more than one vote has been sunk by a tribe member doing just that which starts all the whispering and last minute vote switching.  I think maybe Sandra was going for sarcasm or a  sideways comment on how Elaine plays dumb and it just didn't come out right.

    Question about Survivor rules - Once Chelsea was voted out and got the "bring me your torch" was she allowed to pull the idol out of her bag and give it to Dean?  They always get to make a few comments to the tribe before the torch snuff but how much can they interact?

    I missed the majority of the episode - everything from just after Rob's comment that Noura is the last person who should be a blindfold challenge caller to the losing teams arrival at tribal.  I could go back and watch on demand but my only real question is how in the world did big mouth Noura manage to keep quiet about what really goes on at idol island.  

    I do laugh at Sandra and Rob sitting each person down at their "camp" and doing things like sharing food.  I just picture the most recent person leaving on the boat after getting all the Rob/Sandra wisdom they can then those two turn to each other and say "So, steak or lobster?  Where's our ride back to the hotel, tell Jeff we'll meet him for dinner as soon as we change clothes".   I know they're not really even trying to pretend those two are camping out on the beach and eating half portions of rice like the competitors but I still find it a little funny.

    • Love 10
  8. 7 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    I couldn't believe what I heard. Jessa said that she is very affectionate; more than Ben is comfortable with.  This from the emotionless woman who was very hands off with her buddy group, treated her fiancé like a stranger and refused to have her “first kiss” in front of an audience.  I am going to give her the benefit of doubt and say, perhaps she changed after having kids. SEX

    Fixed it for you :-)

    Josiah and Lauren continue to be both annoying and dull at the same time.  Well, mostly Lauren actually but I did like how Josiah tried (and failed) to cop a popeye man's man attitude with that arm flex.

    Joe & Kendra are the cute couple that seem settled in and very comfortable with each other.  John and Abbie though - that's a revelation, not only do they seem truly in love he seems to have totally come out of his shell.  I don't think I've seen him smile the entire time he's been on the show as many times as he smiled and laughed last night. 

    Glaring absence of Anna and Josh.  Not that we'd want to see them, certainly not on a date night but with the Grandkids all at the house it seems obvious they had a little date night too.  I feel for Anna though, I know we snark on how she stayed with him and that's on her and she can do little things on the show if she's filmed alone..................But the others got to go back to the TTH, hang out, talk about their dates and even if the awards were goofy everyone else get's to play along and even laugh about them a bit and she has to hide in the shadows just because of her husband.  

    Going by Jessa's intro "This season on Counting On"  there are things I actually want to see even if it's just curiosity like how do Jinger and Jer settle into LA (even if it's a bit fictionalized just watching between the lines for some of the reality underneath).  But there are several things I'm not sure I want to watch and even wonder that they filmed them.  Although this is JB we're talking about so we shouldn't be surprised but he really let them film at Mary's funeral? Those shots of some of the kids breaking down, that's low even for him.  And they're obviously going to focus on the pregnancies but I'm wondering how much of Joy's they'll cover and how much Joy and especially Austin let them cover.  

    • Love 16
  9. 1 hour ago, BellyLaughter said:

    All this episode did for me was confirm my belief that the concept of The Whisperers is horseshit....

    Summed up the whole thing perfectly in one single sentence!  

    We get it - there's a group run by a psychopath (again) who hates our main group of "heroes" (again) and threatens their way of life (again) and that group and our "hero" group will be going to war (again).   But........oh, hey, twist, this psychopath isn't an in your face dictator with a secret walker head tank wall or a big bad bat.   This group will sneak up on you and then get you so it's much more suspenseful for we the viewers which means we should then be incredibly interested in watching said group, how they formed and how their leaders work.  Except outside of the comics that run at a different pace it's a mistake to (again) have episode after episode of character development for these people.  Our ability to care about them is limited, we know in the long run the end is going to be: Good guys win Whisperers are walker feed.  So the only suspense is when they deviate the deaths from the comics and who in Alexandria, Hilltop etc might also be killed along the way.  But (no spoilers here) there's already soooo much to get through just following the basic comics story line for the Whisperers, stretching it out into full episodes like this to tell the viewers what comes down to Alpha met Beta, Alpha trained Lydia, Alpha lied about Lydia being alive pretty much guarantees only that I also played a logic game while watching.

    I will give them full points on that first death though - lady in car - they went all out on that one especially with the face eating part.

    Going to bitch about one more thing - somebody needs to look at the CGI budget or change how they do things.  The deer last week was really bad but the long shot of Alpha standing on those rocks and Carol on the cliff above wasn't much better especially the scale of people size to landscape size.  Maybe the sfx budget goes more to things like the walker kills but these recent computer generated effects have been pretty bad.

    • Love 7
  10. 8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Yep, so now FULLY believing that Eric has one of Maggie's brother's organs and that Patricia specifically sought him out for closure, or whatever

    Grace and David, can you PLEASE stop oozing chemistry so I don't fall madly in love with Katherine/Eddie? Please and thank you. God, that bar scene was awesome and I HATE that I liked it. 

    Ooh I didn't think of that - I was going with "brother she never knew she had" either older brother that Mom up for adoption or product of Dad's affair.  But I couldn't quite make the ages fit for the adoption idea and she's a little too cozy with him for him to be from husbands cheating.  I like the organ donor idea better, that really fits.

    Yes to Grace and David - they are incredible together which makes me want Katherine to take him back which makes me hate to see Katherine take him back with all the past betrayal from the early years drinking to the current years cheating.  But then they're so good like that bar scene you mentioned and I want them together anyway.  They really nailed the casting on that one.

    Is it wrong that I want PJ to be John's kid?  I think we're supposed to think he's on the wrong track, that he's really the friends kid and the abandoning them thing that John had guilt about was just not supporting them or keeping in touch during a tough time.  But it would be so interesting if it was John after all.  Also isn't PJ 18 or near it?  I wonder why John didn't leave the money to him if he's legal adult or to him as a trust until he turned 18 since he has to be close to it?  John couldn't know Barbara would turn down the money but it seems like it would have been better and easier to leave all or half of it to him directly.

    • Love 6
  11. They gave Wilson cancer..........again!   I really loved that plot though, I don't think I've laughed so much at an episode from a "serious" show like this in awhile.  Park/Lee had the best facial expressions.

    Loved the whole episode, the guest stars, how Claire handled her case, the focus on Claire's day in general.  The only thing that distracted me was Claire being a little too open in discussing the case with her Mother, she should know when she's straying into protected info territory.

    • Love 6
  12. So Saddiq has PTSD but he can't/won't share with anybody because....reasons.   Well TBH I'm not sure he wants to hear Eugene's long way around ten dollar word explanation for it and what he should do about it but otherwise what possible excuse could there be for not saying hey guys can't get the imaging of seeing all my friends slaughtered out of my head.  Seems a pretty normal reaction.

    I liked the training sequence but there was a certain balance in the walker herd during the fire that should have showed them the difference between lining up and fighting when you've planned and organized for it and when it sneaks up on you while you have other things to deal with and don't have all your weapons and fancy shields handy.

    There's a part of me that wonders what would have happened if Carol had yelled out to Alpha or if there had been someone a little less pissed off on the cliff and they did it "Hey, forest fire is out, we handled it, you're safe and so are we but watch out for stray embers".  Sort of like I know I'm on your side but there was an emergency and we saved your ass and ours.  I know the answer is really nothing would have happened because Alpha isn't logical that way and her response to seeing the fire (question how did they NOT see the satellite or the fire) would have been it's natural and if we or they burn that's just how it is.

    Didn't hate or love the episode, it's just set up for the season to come, pretty much each character got a sort of "this is where I am mentally and/or physically" shout out.

    • Useful 1
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  13. About her student loans still being an issue and the pricey therapist - She may have gone to school late in life (think Carol's Second Act but a bit younger), I got the impression she spent her younger years climbing then settled down.  They did seem to cover that by her saying she didn't finish the seven summits because she had kids.   And the therapist may be part of her schooling and loans, in some programs having the student go to therapy is just encouraged in others it's mandated.  Based on the buildings in the background of The Angel Zachariah  Dr. Boggs office I thought it was part of the university so she was just continuing her school therapy sessions.  Might be right, might be my way of spinning a plot hole.

    I didn't find it as scary as I thought it would be.  Maybe it was over hyped with all the "watch with the lights on" "it'll give you nightmares" reviews before it aired but the sounds in her home were just suspenseful not super scary and the initial appearance of "George" was certainly creepy but once he started to talk like a polite english lord he went down about 50 notches on the scare meter.  I'd say the most interesting part was Micheal Emerson and the other characters are fine they all did well but it didn't grab me enough for a first episode.  Still shows need to find their feet and I will definitely give it a few more before deciding for sure if it's worth sticking with for a whole season and possibly beyond.

    • Love 3
  14. 6 hours ago, UnknownK said:

    Makes you wonder how the wife and sister live like nothing bad happened while the son is a basket case, makes me think the whole family except the son was in on the murders.

    I'll probably give the sister a pass on being in on it, she was supposed to be 5 when Dad was caught.  But Mom's a different story - I guess this is the arcing story line for the season but it's a good one (to me at least).  Seems clear there was a body and that Dad hid or got rid of it but the easy answer, he did it to make Malcolm think it had never been there, doesn't seem to be the full story.  Dad went down for 23 murders and he seems to enjoy his crazy serial killer status.........so what makes that body different?  Why would Dad not only hide it but continue to deny it even exists so many years later, was it someone special, someone Dad and Mom both knew, did Mom help Dad that one time or other times?  

    So far I like the show, I like the people and how they interact and I like the murder stories they've gone with so far.  And even though the ME is a little too obvious in her love for Malcolm it's in a fun way so even she works.  Definitely will keep watching for the season and hoping they can keep up the momentum.

    • Love 14
  15. I agree that Lauren needs counseling.  At minimum she needs somewhere to act "real", cry, scream, just let go of whatever she's feeling and holding in around that first pregnancy.  That said I would honestly rather put up with her cakes and her baby in heaven mentions every five minutes and her little sister status for the current pregnancy over her getting ANY therapy or counseling that is Gothard based or through the church or ministry if there is any chance at all that said counseling would blame her in any way for losing the baby.  That whole "If you are suffering it's because you are outside god's will and need to reflect on your sins" crap.

    As much as it annoys me and as much as there's still a small part of me that wonders if she does it for attention and followers not because it's really truly how she feels.........I'd rather she annoy me or go on with the mentions and attention seeking than hear that she was berated and made even more crazy by being told she "let" the miscarriage happen due to pissing god off for some unknown sin that she can't make up for.

    • Love 14
  16. Finally saw the episode.  Coming at it from an AHS newbie perspective I have no previous seasons or this actor was better as so and so perspective.  I don't know if that skews me to like it more or less.

    I did like it though, not loved it, somewhere in the middle.  Somewhere around the level of "Not fascinated and enthralled but not bored or finding that time was dragging".   If it keeps up like this I'd probably call it an escapist show good enough to watch for the one season it will be on but probably happy it isn't a multi-season show..........although even then I don't know how they're going to maintain for 10 episodes, that seems long.

    The clothes and styles were spot on and I liked the music which, so far, they're tying nicely using songs with lyrics that really fit each scene.  I have a feeling some of that music may also be trying to give us a clue but that might be reading too much into it.   My first thought on the "villain", besides Mr Jingles is that it's Margaret.  Again newbie here so whether AHS screws around with time and doesn't show things as a linear story I don't know but.......If linear than obviously Mr Jingles didn't cut the kids ear off (the one they hit with the van) and he's not the person in the car that turned the headlights on and scared Montana.  Because (again if linear) he hadn't escaped when all that happened.   I think Margaret is the obvious choice.....survivor of massacre grows up crazy and twisted and becomes the killer she escaped.... but that's almost to obvious and easy so it's probably a red herring.

    • Love 3
  17. On 9/13/2019 at 11:04 AM, BitterApple said:

    Lauren is determined to be a martyr in all areas of her life.

    Oh Yes - I am not so breathlessly anticipating her very special episode where she breathlessly and oh so seriously describes in whispers, pauses and a pathos of self-suffering her every negative labor moment from the first wince and twinge through cramps, contractions and active labor.   I expect she's spending her downtime actively studying a thesaurus to find all the sympathy evoking language she can to describe what will amount a normal labor and delivery before the post-birth interviews.  

    • LOL 11
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  18. 19 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    I am so tired of the bump cradling. We get it, you're pregnant! 

    The headline even said Lauren "Cradles" her baby bump....I wonder if People even realizes the joke there, that's ALL we've seen her do.  Either she thinks that's the pose she has to make for every picture, she doesn't let go of the bump even when the camera isn't on her or (and this is my pick) she thinks she needs to hold and accentuate it to draw as much attention as she can to it and make sure all around her know "I'm Pregnant, Me, Me, Me".

    I think it's interesting too that they cover the miscarriage at the end of the story and show the picture with the baby #2 sign. but the opening sentences call her "First time Mom to be".  I'm sure someone at People made the call to write it that way and I bet it upset Josiah and totally pissed off Lauren that they didn't go all the way and acknowledge both her as a second time Mom to be and that they named the baby Asa.  

    • Love 10
  19. I don't think Jinger's hair is looking healthy in recent pictures, maybe it's coming off the dye job or maybe the dye job dried out her hair but I think it just looked much better in a healthy, thick, bouncy sort of way before and now it looks flatter and tired.

    Does anyone know if Jeremy's school has special a dress code?  I notice in some of the class pictures that were posted the instructor had on a suit and from the backs and sides of the nearby students they looked like they had suit jackets on too.  Far cry from the khaki's and flip-flops and your basic university - Was wondering if it was just a specific class or maybe they had a church activity that day or could it be expected that the students wear suits at all times?
    I think Jeremy expects to graduate and use his past and current media exposure as well as the charisma, charm and smarts that he (vainly) thinks he posseses to get hired at a mega church as their golden boy and leverage that into some Billy Graham sort of empire.  I just don't seem him being satisfied with being the pastor of a basic rural or suburban church, one neighborhood, one flock, basic career - I think he wants the whole pie.

    18 hours ago, Lunera said:


    Is this a thing? I've never prepped fruit or veggies until I was ready to eat them. 

    I didn't used to until I found tricks like; I love those mini cucumbers they sell 5-6 to a pack but the went bad quickly until I figured out they lasted a week or more if I just wrapped a paper towel section around each then put them in a baggie (as long as they're not stored touching each other).  I think this is one of those ever present questions like toilet seat up or down, shower at night or morning, is a hot dog a sandwich....there'll always be people who say of course I do and people who say who does that. 

    On 8/5/2019 at 3:39 AM, Jeeves said:

    They lived in Laredo, not El Paso. Laredo is 600 miles from El Paso (yes, Texas is big).

    Big!  A little off topic but I drove from Colorado Springs to Shamrock, TX (about 100 miles east of Amarillo) once.  Nearly two days and about 450 miles.  Between New Mexico and Texas panhandle I sometimes thought it would never end.  Don't get me wrong the country is beautiful but it doesn't change much and there are long, long (long) stretches with a lot of brown land, very little grass and no cities, towns, villages of any kind.  But it gave new meaning to the phrase "I can see for miles and miles"!

    • Love 7
  20. I was going to say that Abbie could have been surprised to be pregnant because Celiac can mess with your cycles.  But then I remembered; Abbie isn't Celiac is she? I imagine being a nurse she would have looked into an official diagnosis if she thought she had a problem but isn't Lauren the "official" celiac sufferer and Abbie is gluten free because she just felt better when she eliminated it?   If so I guess that theory is out, not that Abbie couldn't be irregular for many other reasons; it's not an uncommon problem.

    I love that Instgram photo though - it is a totally normal everyday photo of a woman wearing a normal summer outfit.  In Duggar land those shoulders and that neckline are defrauding and JB would drop in a faint if he saw any of his unmarried girls and even a few of the married (ie the ones he still controls) in that outfit.  That JD doesn't seem to care and that Abbie is comfortable wearing it says a lot and is great progress.

    • Love 18
  21. On 8/2/2019 at 1:33 PM, Churchhoney said:

    If you have as many kids as Jill and David, and you teach them all to live by grifting -- and you're part of a community where there are a whole lot of huge families also being taught to live on grifting -- at some point there will just not be enough suckers to provide all the grifted gains. 

    But of course, J and D don't care any more than JB and M do about what happens to their kids after they themselves bump off. So I suppose you couldn't make this argument stick with them....😒 

    I read Lot's of Kids and Live by Grifting and I suddenly thought...........Can you imagine if they introduced the Duggars to the Alaskan Bush People?  Like some sort of crazy "survival" cross over?  Ben gets bush somersault and tree climbing lessons from Bear while Jessa and Joy hang out picking berries and soup weeds with Bird and Rain.    Part 1 on Discovery followed by Part 2 on TLC where they bring the family back to the Duggar compound and try to put prairie dresses on Bird while Noah invents a new watering system for Jana's garden made from JB approved buy used and save the difference radiator hoses and pvc pipe that Matt shipped in from his local dump.  I would actually pay to see this!

    • LOL 4
  22. Still interesting week after week - I think Danny is right about the brotherhood being behind the taking of Anthony & Cleopatra, to me the biggest clue is that Lexi, Danny & Shaw were left alive on that island.  That would be a rookie move from Farouk's team, there's no way they wouldn't have known Danny & his team were still on the island and no way they wouldn't have at least checked the cave to see if Shaw's buddy had left them alive or not.  That makes the Brotherhood being the culprits more likely.   Also hoping Larroquette is a red herring since the show has already been renewed.........I'd prefer he not be the big bad because I'd like to see him again next season.

    Also boys and girls what did we learn from the clues found in tonight's episode?  Buttons for the men!  No pretentious cuff links on your everyday suit shirts.  Save those for the tuxedo's....... buttons were invented for a reason

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